46. Extermination (2)

The work at the Fourth Wall was quiet so, I ended up trying to satiate my curiosity and gather the answers for my questions.

"Say, Sir Ivan. You were there during the time of investigating the Third Wall, right?" I asked as I leaned my forearms against the railing of the Fourth Wall as he stood beside me.

"Why are you suddenly asking about the third wall?" He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I heard about it from Sir Adler and have been wondering if there really was something strong enough to break these walls." I brushed my palm against the thick stone and then looked at him.

"If there really is then, don't you think the history might repeat itself and another wall would break as well?"

"Don't say that!" He snapped, glaring down at me and I kept a calm face.

Ivan sighed running his hand through his deep green hair and his blue eyes stared off into the space for a moment.