Eamon, a struggling everyman, finds himself thrust into a mysterious world along with a system. Upon arrival, he discovers there is people designated as lords, each bestowed with unique powers by an enigmatic system. Eamon, initially devoid of any special abilities, steals the necromancer talent and the lordship from a lord.
As Eamon rises to power, he navigates treacherous politics, forging alliances and battling rivals in his quest for dominance.
The starting is excellent. Smart protagonist and good world building so far I'm just waiting to see what it'll become. Hope the author will continue to publicate chapters
I read this novel to improve my english and it turns out that I'm a fan of necromancy ahah. Congrats Monsieur H I don't see more of your novel here, so I will hope that this one do well so I will be able to read of your creation. Everyone enjoy !
You can take my 5 star, just for doing what I’ve wanted to see in this novel ever since I opened the about section and adding a main characters illustration for the giant rat
Un super livre, j'ai passé de bons moments à lire ces chapitre et j'ai hate de découvrir les nouveaux !! Au plaisir de vous lire à nouveau. PS le MC est super intéressant
Immersive and spellbinding, lord of Necromancy make it feels like I'm transported in the story. The intricate plot and well-developed characters make it impossible to put down, especially the decisiveness of Eamon. A true hidden gem
Excellent novel of necromancy, very well written. The MC is pragmatic and the development is really good. Can't wait to read the next chapters [img=update]
thanks mate I really enjoyed your story. My first comment did not post so I just wanted to show support and maybe help your statistic, don't stop and keep working !