
She seems to be frightened of something. She closed her eyes, nervously folding her hands, and with a sharp movement, grabbed a notebook and started flipping through it. Her behavior was a bit scary. I have that very feeling that I am checking in on a very sick person.

As soon as Miss Baker was focused on the notebook, Derek rejoined the conversation: "I hope sam ran away from home. I don't know...but his dad is looking for him."

"Derek's dad is the sheriff here." Candy added.

"Wow, great."

"Depends on how you wanna look at it."

The conversation drifted to a close. I looked out the window, abandoning my attempts to focus on the task. It was overcast—i have never seen any other weather on Saintfour.

Through the fog, it was just possible to see the crooked branches of the trees, shifting around In the wind. They knocked a bit at the window and scratched against the glass, as if they were, long creepy thin arms, sending a chill down my spine.

To rid myself of the thought, I closed my eyes and shook my head, and when I looked out the window again, they branches no longer seem quiet ominous.

'Everythind about this place makes me shiver...'

"As you have already finished the assignment, can you read ud your answers? As I promised, you go first." Miss Baker said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Candy and I exchanged glances, rapidly pursuing through the textbook looking for the answers.

"Sarah, please come to the front of the class."

I looked at Candy hopefully, but she only shook her head sympathetically.

"Luck newbie."

I stalled at the black board, not knowing what to say, if anything. Miss Baker scrutinized me from head to toe while I just stood, blushing. The class had already began to snicker, again.

Miss Baker's face twisted, again. She was tapping her pen against the desk with clear irritation,and her eyes—full of contempt and something else that frightened me—made my knees shake.

Finally, I said: "I really don't know."

Miss Baker's stare gave me a chill. "Do you imagine, Sarah, that if you've got a pretty face, you don't need a brain? Well, I suppose you're right, for some professions."

Now, everyone is laughing out loud. The bell rang. I hurriedly sat down, avoiding any eyes contact. At last, the class was over.


(Present day)



We fell silent at once when we heated the floorboards creaking under someone's feet.

Bobby summoned courage and asked shakily: "who's there?"

"Hush!" I scolded him.

Everyone froze, watching a high shadow appear in the window, and then pass by. The footsteps continued slowly, stopping at the door.

The seconds bled into far too long. Unable to wait, I jumped of the couch and opened the door.

I saw a man I've not seen for a while now. My heart was beating somewhere up in my throat. I wanted to scream, even though I recognize Derek in the shadows.

There was nothing really to be afraid of. But the fear at my core almost made me scream out...I quickly pulled myself together , not showing that I am scared.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Derek asked angrily.

"Isn't it obvious?" Bobby replied with the same tone.

"No, it's really not. Do you not understand that you're breaking the law?"

"What are you talking about." Candy asked, confused.

"This house is my property, and I didn't invite you."

I laughed. "This house belongs to all of us!"

"Does it? You all left—and you haven't been here for how long? Eleven years? Twelve? This house is mine now."

"You talk as if you're accusing us of something."

"I am. I understand why you left. But whatever happened, you shouldn't have given up everything. Expecially after what happened." Derek sat on the sofa, took out a pack of cigarettes and nervously lit one. "Anyone want one?"

I wanted to reject but I have a thought that It might seem a little rude so I took one. "Thanks." Derek held out a cigarette and lit a match, casting light on our faces.

'He got old. I wonder if he's thinking the same thing about me now...'

"So what are you doing here now?"

"We don't really know."

I looked out the window. The peeped out from behind the clouds, its light reflected on the surface of the lake. "The rain's all done I think. We can head home if we want."

Everyone was silent, continuing to sit in their places. 'And gets this place holds us in place. It doesn't want to let us go'

No one seared to break the silence., so continued my story...


I agreed with Candy to meet after school, and go home together. While I was waiting for her at the entrance of the school, someone called out to me: "Hey new girl."

I turned and saw Luke. "Hi."

"How was your first day of school?"

"It was awful." I said remembering a pretty bad experience in class with at soured face teacher.

"Why? What happened?"

"I was called up to the boar, and then I just fell silent and couldn't do anything. I felt ridiculous.

"Don't worry, It'll take a couple of days, and everyone will forget about you."

"Well, that sounds grand."

"Haha. I'm sorry, I mean, they'll forget that you are new. But I will definitely not forget about you. I wanted to ask... Let's go somewhere...say, a picnic in the forest? I will like to know you better. It is rare to meet someone interested here in Saintfour—no offence to the rest of course.

'i need some friends...and I feel calm around him. It'd be foolish to refuse...'

"Yes, of course. That will be great."

"Really? Awesome! Then I'll pick you up at five o clock?"
