Mrs. Hill's antique shop

As soon as I had finished talking, Candy approached. Their eyes met and for some time, they did not look away, as if each of them do not dare to say helo first.

"Hi, Luke." She greeted stiffly.

"Yes, hello. Ok, I gotta go. See you later."

Luke left in a hurry, and Candy kept looking at his retreating back. As soon as he was out of sight, she turned to me. "What were you talking about?"

"He just asked me about my first day at school." I said, deciding to hide the date.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, why?"

"I don't really mind if you guys have something going on... it's just me and Luke...."

"Were a thing?!"

"Yes. Not for very long, and it was stupid. So don't pay any attention to me. Shall we?"

Candy strongly pulled at my arm. I had no choice but to obey and follow.

On the way home, an antique shop caught my attention. Once in Baltimore, I was in a similar place to this one. I remembered the feeling of time frozen in the air...Candy noticed my look.

"This is Mrs. Hill's antique shop. Some consider her crazy, but to me, she's just an ordinary woman, frozen in time. Do you want to go in?"

"Yes. Let's!"

The bell chimed, announcing our arrival. An old woman, apparently Mrs. Hill, stood on a ladder, trying to reach a book from the shelf.

"Mrs. Hill, you'll fall! Get down from there!"

Startled by the sudden noise, she turned around, almost losing her balance.

"Candy, baby! It's been a long time since you last visited."


Mrs. Hill climbed down the ladder and, out of breath, wrapped candy in a warm hug. "It's, OK. I get it. The important thing is that you came."

As a child, antiques awaken my imagination. I like to imagine the story hidden there, within each of them. But the things here were different...they make me feel... nervous. Every item gives me chills.

"I haven't seen you here before." Mrs. Hill turned to me.

"My parent and I just moved to Saintfour a couple of days ago."

"Is that so? That's so nice! We very rarely have new people coming here. Baby will be glad to meet you too. Baby. Come here!"

"A dog ran out of the hallway. At first she waved her tail, glad to see her master calling her, but then she turned to me.


"What is it with you."

"Gr! Grrrr..."

The dog's eyes were bloodshot, and her mouth foamed with anger. She slowly approached me, exuding nothing but pure hatred.

"What is it with her." Candy asked, panicking.

"Baby! Stop it!"

Candy and I backed away, trying to keep our distance from the dog. Her paws tightened, she crouched low, intending to pounce. I froze in fear.


The dog jumped."


Candy and I recoiled in horror.

Grabbing at a broom, I struck the dog in the face. For a few seconds, she was disoriented, and her nose started to bleed.

I hit her again, and then again... until finally the dog ran away with it's tail between its leg.

"Well, that was something." Candy said in relief.

"Mrs. Hill was frozen, holding her chests in dismay.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, but baby...What is it with her? She never behaves like that. Are you alright, girls?"

I tried my best to keep calm. But my stomach was all inside-out from fear. I could still see the dog's bloodshot eyes—reddened, insane, glazed with rage and at the same time still oddly conscious for an animal.

"That's peculiar...the clock has stopped as well."

Mrs. Hill pointed to the antique clock on the shelf, standing out among other things, mostly antiquarian junk.

The second hand ticked back and forth, as if something was holding it in place.

"Be careful, girls: the animal and the time are always aware of impending trouble."

Candy frowned. "You just have to train your dog! Where did you get it from? She wasn't here before."

"She appeared out of nowhere yesterday. I know how cold the night could get here in Saintfour. Wait...Where did you get that from, Candy?

Something in her voice alarmed me. I looked towards my friend with concern. Candy was holding a doll.

"It fell on me when your dog nearly ate us alive."

"Hmm... Would you like to buy it from me?" Mrs Hill asked with a sly smile.

"What do I need it for?"

"It is not a coincidence that the doll landed in your arms. It chose you."

Candy rolled her eyes and smiled. "What do you say, Sarah?"

"Do you like it yourself?"

"I don't even know. I had one just like this when I was a kid...But now I don't need such things, really. Maybe if it were a gift."

"You can take it for free, I don't mind." Mrs. Hill offered.

"No, thanks."

"Well, as you wish. Sarah, maybe you'll like a dream catcher?"

"I don't know if I need one really..."

"There are different kinds, but I keep only the strongest in my shop. These are the charms of shamans that lived here hundreds of years ago. The shamans made them to attract visions, be they pleasant dreams or nightmares. With the help of a dream catcher you can see images on trapped spirits in your dream. Fighting in a dream will make your spirit stronger and allow you to penetrate into the depths of your own consciousness. I see a sensitive nature in you. This charm will open your third eye. It is not necessary to always carry it with you, all you need is to have to one in your possession. pick one, darling."

I looked through all dream catchers and absentmindedly picked one.

"You've made a wise choice, Sarah! Very soon I'm quite sure you will be convinced with it's power! Stop by anytime, I'm always happy to have company.