Near Death Experience

I ran down the street, grasping either hysterically or from lack of oxygen. It becomes unbearable hot and it seemed that with a few more seconds of this chase I'd lose consciousnesos


"Ahhh" I barely managed to tum the corner when the car sped past, living a cloud of dust behind it an knocking over a garbage can. As it turned back, the rear gate of the pickup swung open and a deer carcass fell out onto the street.

"Ah!" The neck of the animal was broken. A long tongue fell out, and a few fat worms flipped out onto the pavement, then slowly crawling back into the deer's mouth. The smell of organic rot filled the air again. The deer's stagnant blood soaked the road.

"What an abominable creature!" I was sure now that whoever was in that pickup wanted to kill me. That I could be one of these carcasses...


The pickup drovr past me and then immediately turned back. I ran around the corner, into the courtyard, hoping to get away.

My heart pounded in my throat. I stumbled at every step, coming to an intersection, hoping to see someone who can help, who could save me...But all saw was the fence that separated the street from the forest.

No one was around, and my pounding heart beat was the living proof that this was not a dream.


The car cam e to a stop behind me, and just idled there, as if expecting further actions. I clung to the fence, without taking my eyes off the car, who's growling grew stronger, as if preparing to run me over.

'if he wanted to crush me, he would have done that already, right?' I tried to comfort myself.'


"Ahhh!" Instead of staying here, waiting for possible death, I rather take my chances in the forest. I turned around towards the fence. But I faced, yet, another problem. 'it's to high. I cannot climb it!'

I looked back at the car with the roaring engine. My fear reached its climax , feeling me up with a burst of determination. And a crazy idea brew up in my head. 'i don't have a choice.'

The headlights shone directly in my face, and I couldn't see the driver. Gathering all the courage that I am capable of, I ran straight towards the car. This obviously caught the driver by surprise, hell, I even caught me by surprise.

The driver abruptly switched gears, but I had already jumped onto his hood, then onto the roof. The car lurched forward, tossing me off the roof and onto the bed of the truck.

The front tires of the pickup had gone off the road and Into a shallow muddy ditch.

"Ahhh! Time to go!" Noticing the short window of opportunity, I tumbled out of the gate into the street and ran, not stopping until I got to school.

Candy and Derek stood at the entrance, casually chatting about something. I ran up to them, grabbing Derek by the hand and hanging on it, losing the last of my strength.

"What's wrong with you?" Candy quickly came up to me.

"A car...was chasing me..." Derek tapped my back gently. "Just breathe."

"They were chasing me!" Derek looked more confused. "Who, the dogs?" I frowned and pulled back. "A car... wanted...well I don't know what they wanted. To kill me, I guess. He chased me all over the neighborhood." I breathed heavily. It feels like my lungs are on fire.

"Who?" Derek's face became serious, insightful. He looked at me, looking for something in the expression of my face.

"I don't know. I couldn't see who was driving." Derek nodded and helped me sit down on a bench. "Now, tell me what happened."

"It all started..." I described in vivid detail, my encounter with the wolf, trying to convey all the shock and horror. Candy listened with genuine interest, while Derek was clearly skeptical. At some point he interrupted.

"It's all clear: you are replacing memories because of the shock. Tell me about the car." I wanted to punch Derek for us mistrust, but I understood that it sounds crazy. I continued to describe the chase.

"Di you remember the car?" Derek asked again.

"I nodded. "More or less."

Candy smiled. "You're lucky you came out in one piece."

"Yess..." I agreed with her.

"You look terrible." I looked at myself only now, I realized that my clothes were torn and my hands were all scratched up. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

I got into an empty classroom. Candy took out her makeup bag and helped wipe the dirt and grime from my face. "If you'd like, I can put some makeup on for you..."

"Yes, please."

"What makeup would you like?" I don't have much idea about makeup so I told her to what she wants.

"It looked a bit luxurious for school , but I couldn't resist. All the guys will just fall at your feet, wherever you go with this makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. "You have real talent, Candy!"

She blushed at this. "Thank you. Now we need to get you into new clothes. I always keep a change of clothes in my s hool locker, who knows when one may need them.

I choosed one and wire it. "What do you think about this? Or is it too chick for school?"

"Nothing is too chick. And you look really great! You've got great taste."

The day's classes began. I noticed that many were again whispering and looking at me. 'This is either Candy or...Or do they know about the chase?!' I quickly got rid of tbsy though. 'Nah, there's no way. They would be questioning me about it like crazy about it now if they already kne



The car's engine roared behind me, a menacing symphony of metal and fury. I clung to the fence, my knuckles turning white as I braced for whatever came next. Sweat dripped down my brow, mingling with the dirt and grime that coated my skin.

As the headlights bore down on me, I felt a surge of panic grip my chest. My mind raced with thoughts of escape, but every path seemed blocked by the looming threat of the unknown. I was trapped, like a cornered animal, with nowhere left to run.

But then, in the midst of my fear and desperation, a spark of defiance flickered to life within me. I refused to go down without a fight. I refused to let fear dictate my fate.

With a burst of adrenaline-fueled courage, I made a split-second decision. I turned and ran straight towards the oncoming car, my heart pounding in my ears as I braced for impact. The headlights blinded me, casting eerie shadows against the night, but I didn't falter.

As I reached the car, I leaped onto the hood with all the strength I could muster. My hands scrabbled for purchase on the slick surface, my muscles straining with the effort. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, suspended in a silent tableau of chaos and defiance.

Then, with a lurch, the car lurched forward, sending me sprawling onto the roof. I clung on for dear life, the wind whipping through my hair as the world blurred around me. The driver cursed and swerved, trying desperately to shake me loose, but I held on with grim determination.

Suddenly, the car veered off the road with a sickening crunch, crashing through the underbrush and into a shallow muddy ditch. I was thrown from the roof, my body tumbling through the air like a ragdoll. Pain exploded in my side as I hit the ground, but I gritted my teeth and pushed through it.

With a groan, I staggered to my feet and stumbled out of the ditch, my heart pounding in my chest. The car lay overturned behind me, its twisted metal carcass a grim testament to the violence of our encounter. But I didn't stop to look back. I had to keep moving, to put as much distance between me and that nightmare as possible.

As I ran, my thoughts raced a mile a minute, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Who were those people in the car? What did they want with me? And why had they been chasing me in the first place?

But the answers eluded me, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand. All I knew for certain was that I had to keep running, to keep fighting, until I found a way to escape this nightmare once and for all.

And so, with one last glance over my shoulder, I plunged into the darkness of the forest, leaving the wreckage of the car far behind me.