The Grind Inside the Time-Loop Is Started.

'The recent fight with Itachi makes me realize one important thing – the physical strength and speed is very important. If the opponent is stronger and faster than me, then I can't do anything to him with my taijutsu, shurikenjutsu or in direct combat with weapons.'

'And if the gap in speed between me and the enemy is too big, I will have troubles to hit him with ninjutsu either.'

'Looks like I need to take my physical training more seriously, maybe even return back in time to the starting point and start over with focusing on the physical training outside of the time loop.'

'And for other training, like ninjutsu and studying and stuff – I can create the time loop and complete it all inside the time loop.'

'I have to take this world more seriously from now on! I don't have either the talent or strong bloodline like Itachi has, and if I want to become as strong as him I need to take all the advantages I can get, I have to utilize to the fullest my Time control ability that allows me to travel back in time with my knowledge and skills and spiritual energy intact.'

'And even then, becoming as strong as Itachi is simply not enough! Among the top powerhouses in this world, Itachi will become one of the strongest, but not even close to the strongest ones like Madara with Ten-tails, or Otsutsuki clan members!'

'If I don't want for my goals that I made when I reincarnated to become just a joke, I have to step up my game. I can time travel but I still don't thinking like I can, I have to change my mind to always consider getting any advantage I can get with time travel!'

'Like the hell, I don't even know if I will be able to become the strongest in this world even with full utilize of time travel, and in circumstances like that I still allow myself to just live like that with half-hearted idle day-to-day training and studying routine? It's just unacceptable!'

'It's decided then! First things first, I will create the time loop. In this time loop I will go through the rest of the library, complete the developing of my fuinjutsu skills to the maximum point I can get with that amount of materials that I found in the library.'

'I will master the 3 basic jutsu to the fullest and try to develop something new or some combinations with that. I will practice my sensory technique during the time loop, as well as practice meditations to see how much further it can push my spiritual energy.'

'After I will be done with the time loop, my spiritual energy will be stronger than now, and it will be easier to travel further in to the past. I want to travel to the point I entered the academy, and when I do that, I will start the training focused on my physical body, I will train my body to the maximum extent I can for the whole 2 years I will spend in the academy before graduating along with Itachi.'

'I can go even further in to the past, back to the orphanage time, but I decide to not to. I was only 4 back then, and already trained my body a little, I don't want to increase that training too much, it can be harmful to such young body, so I will start the focused physical training only from the point of the academy start.'

'This decision is not having anything to do with how annoying my time at the orphanage was, definitely not, I just don't want to cause any harm to my young body, that's all!'

'Well, currently my chakra reserve is similar to the Genins reserves that I sensed a couple times in the past, I wonder how much bigger it will be when I'm done with this plan of mine.'

'Anyway, let's start already with my plan. This will be my second time travel. I can't believe that for the whole 3 years I'm in this world already, I only used my time travel once, and even then it was just to test things…'

With those thoughts Yuta activates time travel to go back to the maximus time he can, with the target destination time on 16:30pm, the time of day he usually at the library.

With that the world around Yuta is blurred and Yuta felt a little dizzy and disoriented for a second. When disorientation ends, Yuta found himself sitting in the library, as intended.

'It worked just fine! Hm… the felling of emptiness is so intense and unpleasant, I already forgot about that aspect of depleting my soul energy… Well, there is nothing I can do, I have to get used to it, I can't stop time traveling just because it's feels bad, can I?' 

After the successful time travel Yuta started to work according to his plan. Firstly Yuta wanted to complete his study in the library and go through everything in there that he is not read yet.

Just like that the days of Yuta studying continues. One day when Yuta goes through the corridors of the academy, he saw Itachi, Yuta said hi to him as per usual, but he forgot that Itachi don't remember him in this timeline… Yuta traveled back past the point of his first meeting with Itachi…

'Well, even with his reply on my greetings before he left - that was embarrassing… The way Itachi looked at me, it feels bad and wrong…'

'Huh… this time travel thing might become even harder than I thought… Trying to speak to someone, who even if not friend, but at least is your acquaintance, and getting cold look of a stranger in return, this feels so wrong!'

'Sigh. I need to calm down! I knew what I'm doing when I decided to use time travel! There is no other way around it, I just have to endure that feelings. When I'm done with my plan, I will reestablish my relationships with Itachi, but for now it's better to just ignore him.'

'To think about it, when I will go to the point in the past when academy started, Hideto and Shingo will forget me as well… Will I be able to reestablish those relationships as well? Or the better question, do I even have to do that?'

'Maybe it will be better to never become friends with anyone ever again? That way I will never get this bad feeling even if I travel back in time. I don't know about it, I'm not ready to make this decision yet.'

'Even if in my past life I was not very talkative person and didn't have many friends, I still had some people around. It's not the best thing to isolate myself from everyone just because of time travel. Those times that I spend in the company of Hideto, Shingo and Itachi are not that bad.'

After that encounter with Itachi, that given Yuta a cold shower and a reality check, Yuta continued his study.

Yuta cut his physical training and other things completely, this days he only spend one hour on meditation and one hour on practicing sensory technique, all other time he devotes to the study.

At the classes, that is not surprisingly Yuta already had before and know everything about them, he just pretend to listen and continue to work on his fuinjutsu skill in his mind.

'And there is another problem with time travel – all my written stuff about fuinjutsu that I wrote in this time is gone now. I will have to keep everything in my mind without using notebooks for it, there is no way around it I suppose.'

When 30 days after the last time travel is passed, Yuta feels that his soul energy is fully restored. With that, Yuta activated his time travel again to go to the maximum range he can – 42 days this time. Yuta decided to not just create the time loop on some specific month or something, instead he decided to just travel maximum distance every time on cooldown of his ability.

This way Yuta can eventually go to the desired point of academy start and stay there, and when he will be done with his training inside the loop, he will be already at the point in time where he can start his focused physical training.

The time travel went just fine this time to, and Yuta continued his study, going through the history topics, geography, mathematics, medicine and poisons and everything Yuta consider useful.

With Yuta studying continues, he traveled back a few more times, and at this point when he finally done with the library stuff, he spent overall around a year of his subjective time, and during it he traveled back to the point, when its 10 months after academy started.

'Well, that thing is finally over, I will never step in to the academy library ever again! That was mentally exhausting. But that is definitely something that needed to be done. Now I know the history and geography of this world well. And there is also a lot of medical, anatomy and poisons knowledge that will be useful later.'

'There is a good thing to it also! I used to spend all my money to eat some good food every time before the next time travel. So that was like a little celebration for a few days every month, and that was good times.'

'Now my time travel can get me to 50 days back, my spiritual energy seems growing, and it even compensate to some degree my lower physical energy as I traveled more than half a year back and my physical energy is lower now. But my overall chakra reserve is around the same amount as before, around the normal Genin level.'

'Now that my study is over, I will concentrate on mastering the 3 basic jutsu next!'



[AN: There will be a few more chapters with training and finally graduation after that. At least I hope so, I expected this orphanage-academy arc to end quickly and go in to action but it's not that easy it seems. MC will confront Itachi for the second time in the second timeline in the chapter 21, until then it's just training and plans, I hope you will not hate me too much for it.

Sorry but there will be no more mentions in 'thanks for the power stones' thing, the list with names are clears itself more frequently than I publish chapters now. Thanks for the power stones!

Some extra chapters ahead of schedule release on webnovel on my patreon /SycoreNovels 

Any support will be appreciated!]