Time Loop Ended, First Day Of The Academy Incoming (Again)

After a year in the time loop Yuta finally completed his plan on learning all the useful stuff in the library and now he decided to concentrate on the mastering the 3 basic jutsu, to be able to use it fast and without the hand seals.

Everyday classes repeating itself over and over again, but they are is of no concern to Yuta, he just pretends that he pays attention and just continues to develop his special fuinjutsu style during it to pass time.

All his free time during the day he spends by practicing jutsu, starting with Kawarimi as the most useful one for combat. When Yuta runs out of chakra, he just starts to meditate or continue his development of the fuinjutsu style.

Whenever his soul energy is restored, he immediately time travel further in to the past.

As days and months passes, after 2 months of practice Yuta finally had some progress.

'Finally! I finally made it. It was hard to mold the chakra right way without the help of hand seals. I managed to replicate the chakra molding that happens when I use Tiger, the first hand seal out of five that used in Kawarimi jutsu.'

'I still do it much slower than with the help of the hand seal though. But now that I get a hang of it, I feel like mastering other seals as well will be easier. I definitely will not need two whole years to master the chakra molding process according to the 12 basic hand seals, that's for sure.'

'The biggest difficulty will be to get used to make jutsus by molding chakra myself, and do it at least as fast as with hand seals, and later I will be able to shorten the time further the more I use it.'

After that initial progress, Yuta continues to mastering the jutsu for using it without the hand seals.

After another month of practice Yuta managed to master the second hand seal in Kawarimi jutsu, and in another month he mastered all five of them.

While at it, Yuta decided to continue mastering the chakra molding process for all 12 basic hand seals, and it taken him another two months.

After that Yuta concentrated on mastering the jutsus without hand seals. At first it took him around a minute to perform the Kawarimi without hand seals, and he still made mistakes in it so jutsu failing most of the time.

After another 2 months of practice he managed perform Kawarimi as fast as with hand seals without failing it at all.

'Well, that was hard. I can't even imagine the Tobirama Senju skills, he used to perform the Water Dragon Bullet jutsu that normally requires 44 damn hand seals with just one hand seal. The level of mastery that is required for that is unimaginable!'

After that it only took Yuta another 2 months to master the Henge and Bunshin the same way.

'Now that I can perform all the basic jutsu without the hand seals, I want to try to master Kawarimi to be able to switch places with something like kunai, I have the idea to combine Kawarimi and Henge in some way for a long time now.'

'I think it is possible to use Kawarimi to switch places with the thrown kunai and use Henge fast enough to transform myself in to kunai. Something like that, if mastered, definitely can surprise even Chunins in battle. When enemy avoids or deflects the kunai (me), I can cancel the transformation in the most advantageous moment and strike the enemy when he is not waiting for it.'

'It not even half as good as Hiraishin jutsu, but on my current level with something like that and some luck I definitely can kill even Chunin.'

'Well, sensors can sense the chakra spike and raise their guard, but anyway, in low-level combat against Genin and low-level Chunin it still can work even against sensors. And in combat with high level Chunins or even Jonins I will die no matter what, I need something more advanced than basic jutsus anyway to deal with them.'

'The problem with this combination is the small time that the Kawarimi will mask the kunai as me before it dispels. If I want to disguise myself as thrown kunai more than just for a split second then I need to add the Bunshin jutsu in to the mix to cover for me.'

'Using the all three jutsus at the same time will be difficult, doesn't matter if they just basic ones.'

With those thoughts Yuta started to practice his jutsu combination. After another two months he finally managed to perform it well enough to consider it ready for combat, but it's only the Kawarimi plus Henge, Yuta wants to add Bunshin in to the mix so he can try to fool his opponents for more than just a split second.

And after another two months he finally managed to master the combination in a good level.

'Damn that is somewhat depressing actually! It took me slightly over a year of subjective time to just mastering three basic jutsu and forming a combination with them… I really hope it took so long only because it the first time I'm doing something like that!'

'If in the future I will need to spend decades in the time loop to master S-rank jutsu I might just kill myself out of frustration! I'm not an emotionless machine, I can't spend decades like that, constantly training while trying my best to ignore the outside world that repeating itself over and over again. I might just snap at some point and go crazy!'

'Well, its fine for now, I'm not too mentally exhausted yet and can go on with it for some more time.'

With jutsus mastered, Yuta now switched his focus on finishing the developing of his own fuinjutsu style.

Yuta worked for a long time on it already. If Yuta wanted he was able to inscribe seals a long time ago by following the instructions of the scrolls in the library and copying the existing seals and the fuinjutsu style that is used to inscribe them in the first place.

But after going through a lot of fuinjutsu scrolls Yuta realized one thing – if he wanted to become a good fuinjutsu expert, he needs to develop his own style with it. He needs to develop his own 'language' and set of rules that he will be using while designing and inscribing his own seals with it.

If he just mastered and copied existing seals, he will develop bad habits and maybe never becomes the true master of fuinjutsu in the future.

And because of that, Yuta spent a whole lot of time and efforts already and still is not finished.

Yuta wanted for his own style of fuinjutsu to be good enough to cover the important points that every fuinjutsu style does, and this is: first thing is the good design of 'language' and rules that used to inscribe seals; second thing is the complexity that protects the seals from being hacked by other seal masters.

That is something the normal fuinjutsu master from the shinobi world would do.

But Yuta is anyone but the normal fuinjutsu master from the shinobi world. Yuta wanted to implement his skills with programming from the previous life in to his fuinjutsu style.

And up until now he spent time trying to find a workable way to do such a thing.

Yuta wanted to make his fuinjutsu style to be something that no other fuinjutsu master ever done before – Yuta wanted for his style to be efficient, open, easy to understand, expand, improve and develop it even further!

Normally such a fit would be seeing by fuinjutsu masters as a stupidest thing ever. Why are you wanted for your style to be simple and easy to understand? If it's easy to understand, then other masters will hack it in an instant, don't they?

And for fixing the main issue with his idea, Yuta designing something special for his fuinjutsu, what in his previous world was called the encryption.

Yuta's whole idea is to develop a mechanism for his fuinjutsu that will be able to 'encrypt' his seals to make them unreadable by anyone, Yuta's included, but make them still able to work after the 'encryption'. This way Yuta's seals will look like a complete enigma, no one will be able to not only hack them, but even find a single thing in them that makes sense.

Something like that is not done by any fuinjutsu master so far. And that is understandable, after all, none of them are programmers from the modern world of data and internet.

For a long time this idea was just that – the idea, but recently Yuta started to make some progress with it, he finally managed to find a doable way to make everything work.

Now Yuta only needs some time to finalize his design and fix all the minor problems that are popping up with it.

And with that, Yuta's trial and error method in the last effort of finalizing and completing his fuinjutsu style is begun.

It took him another 4 months to complete it.

At this point Yuta already spent two and a half years inside the time loop, and his last time travels was already reached the point in time when academy started.

'This part of my training is finally over. My new fuinjutsu style is not perfect yet, but it is working, I already tested it by making some explosive tags and it works just fine. And making my new style perfect is something that will need the constant practice during the years and getting experience by working with seals of other fuinjutsu masters.'

'My spiritual energy is grown a lot during this two and a half years of subjective time, and now I can travel 90 days back in time and my chakra reserve is 50% greater than it was before the time travel started, just thanks to my spiritual energy for the most part. At this point in time I didn't even start the right physical training yet, up to this point I only done the running exercise, so my physical energy now is quite low.'

'Now is the final part of my training starts – the physical training! For the next two years I will only do the physical training, that was the plan. And if I learn some new techniques that needs mastering, I will master them inside time loop.'

'This way I can maximize all the advantage I can get.'

'Well, I already traveled back in time to the right point, and tomorrow is starts my 'first' day at the academy!'


[AN: Well, it's not much of the academy left, we almost there, I hope so.

As more and more people is upset in comments with MC not training more intense in his first year before academy, I want say something about it. MC had his reasons to not to, and it not only his assumption that he may harm himself, there also the environment of the orphanage is not a good place for intense shinobi training at all, also MC is a person with feelings and making decisions, he is not emotionless machine that will train 24/7 with 100% efficiency. This will not even be that important anyway, I feel like people is upset for nothing.

Some extra chapters ahead of schedule release on webnovel on my patreon /SycoreNovels 

Any support will be appreciated!

Big thanks to Mr Genos for supporting me on patreon! More extra chapters for patreon is comming soon.]