Advanced Genjutsu Practice, Academy Grind Coming to an End

[AN: Sorry for the delay, I'm dealing with some stuff irl right now, so chapters might be posted with some delays, but I will still try my best to post 7 chapters per week. There will be another chapter in a few hours for today.]


After Yuta returned after the long training session to the day he previously asked Itachi for the Shadow Clone jutsu, he came to the academy training grounds and met with Itachi.

Yuta repeated that same thing and after Itachi explained the jutsu and demonstrated it, Itachi now looking expectantly at Yuta, waiting to see how good his first attempt will go.

And Yuta easily created a shadow clone without skipping the hand seals for it.

Itachi looking satisfied at Yuta's performance as if he expected nothing less than that.

"Good" Itachi said calmly, "Try to master it and reduce the chakra wastage in the future."

"Yea, thanks" Yuta replied dispelling the clone, "Can you teach me something more advanced in genjutsu? I have mastered the Hell Viewing jutsu long time ago."

"Sure" Itachi replied, "But as you may know, the Uchiha primarily rely on the Sharingan to cast genjutsu, for now I only know that genjutsu technique that I already taught to you, also I'm practicing my own genjutsu right now, but it's less of a technique and more like an art.

I'm transferring my chakra through the air to subtly influence the chakra of my target and then influence target senses in the way I need to.

I can teach you this technique, but you should know that this method of transferring chakra through air is not that good, it is easy to sense it. After I awaken my Sharingan I will replace that part of the technique with the ability of the Sharingan as medium to cast genjutsu with visual contact.

For you that will not be possible and this part of the technique will be your weakness."

"Yes, I know that" Yuta said with thoughtful expression, "I'm actually thought about this problem before, Itachi, do you think I can use something like sound as my medium to cast genjutsu?" Yuta asked looking at Itachi expectantly.

'While I had an idea about using sound for genjutsu before, I'm actually don't know where to start with this. I hope Itachi can help me with it.'

"Using sound to cast genjutsu? That might work. Maybe I can find something in the clan library about it later." Itachi said deep in thoughts.

'Well, in the series Itachi was able to do it, maybe Uchiha clan have something like that in their archives already.'

After that Itachi proceeded to teach Yuta his genjutsu. After a few hours Itachi left and Yuta started to think about this genjutsu art of Itachi.

'This will be much harder to master than just some jutsu. It's like creating your own jutsu on the fly, there is no hand seals, no special ways to mold chakra, it's just as simple as getting the chakra of your opponent influenced by your own in a special manner depended on which senses I want to influence.'

'Then after I managed to do that, I have to weave an illusion that will influence the senses of the target, and manually control the genjutsu all the way. No wonder Itachi was the top genjutsu master in the series, he is using such hard and advanced technique in such young age already.'

'The Hell Viewing genjutsu not even close in complexity with this technique, they don't even on the same scales! The Hell Viewing jutsu is a full and complete jutsu where you go through the hand seals, and that's it, after that you only need to maintain it, all the work is done by specially molded chakra with the help of the hand seals.'

'But in this technique everything is need to be done manually and on the fly.'

'Well, with this high complexity I doubt I can influence more than one sense of the target any time soon. I need to practice with it.'

'Damned, I didn't want to spend any extra time at the academy anymore, but there is no other choice there, right? If I postpone this genjutsu practice I don't know when I will be able to do it.'

'I will need to wait three months before graduation, then I will need to spend at least a month after that to 'explore' the future, and only after that I will be able to start the time-loop outside the academy for practicing.'

'That is just too long, I don't know when I will need this genjutsu mastered, so there is no other choice. But this is the last time I'm creating the time-loop during the academy, that's for sure!'

With those thoughts Yuta started practicing the new genjutsu technique. He created the shadow clone and used it as practice target. Yuta concentrated to master the genjutsu that influenced vision first.

After remembering his first fight with Itachi, when Itachi influenced his vision to hide his presence and to create a decoy, Yuta decided to master something similar first.

'Even the slight alteration of the enemy's vision can be fatal. If I can slightly alter the enemy's vision of something, for example, my thrown kunai, then enemy might not be able to deflect it at all!'

'Well, enemy can hear it coming, but it will require a very good sense of hearing to spot the difference in the position of the flying kunai between visual and hearing senses. And even with that enemy will need to choose which sense to trust.'

'And the same thing can be done for the ninjutsu as well.'

With that Yuta continues his genjutsu training and another six months passes in the time-loop. At this point Yuta memorized already all the tiny details that is happening during this month, that he repeats over and over for who knows how long.

At this point Yuta can recite every single dialogue of almost everyone in the academy and the way between the academy and his home. Yuta declared in his heart that no matter what happens, he will not prolong his academy days for even a single day longer than it will takes to graduate.

'This training is finally over, huh… It will be full 8 years of my subjective time in the academy in just another 3 months that I will be graduating.'

'Normally shinobi spends 6 years in the academy, and as far as I saw, around 95% of them don't even training hard enough. Can't they put much stricter requirements for students to make them train? Most of them just do the bare minimum and waste their six years at the academy.'

'Clan kids is trained in their clans and their situation is slightly better, but not that much. Only a small percentage of academy students are actually training properly for the upcoming shinobi life.'

'As for my genjutsu training, I don't think I can improve much right now if I continue practicing. My chakra control and spiritual energy is utilized efficiently for genjutsu now, and to further improve it I will need to grow stronger in general.'

'After practicing it for so long, I managed to replicate the same tricks that Itachi used against me and much more. In addition I also can influence the sense of hearing, but only one sense at a time. To influence two senses it will need to double the effort, and my chakra control and my spiritual energy, that is primarily utilized for genjutsu, is needed to grow for me to be able to accomplish that.'

'So for now I can subtly alter the vision or hearing of the target, and I think this has a lot of potential.'

'As I practiced all this time with my own shadow clone, I also got a lot of experience of resisting the genjutsu. Right now I'm sure that Itachi will not be able to influence my senses like before, I will spot and dispel his genjutsu right away. At least until he gets the Sharingan of course.'

'Damn, the Sharingan is such a cheat when it comes to genjutsu! I wish I had one for myself, everything would be so much easier!'

'Well, I'm sure I will have some opportunities to acquire the Sharingan for myself, maybe even in the legitimate way, like Kakashi did.'

'The problem is that I'm not an Uchiha, so I will not be able to deactivate the Sharingan, it will always be in the activated state and will continuously drain my chakra… Who knows, maybe there is other complications as well.'

'It would be such a great thing to possess the Sharingan though! With my specialization on spiritual energy, that is the foundation of the Yin release, and genjutsu is the direct application of it, possessing the Sharingan can boost my capabilities with genjutsu so much.'

'Just transplant it in the future will not be a big problem, the problem is that I will not be able to fully control it like an Uchiha.'

'Hm… Like an Uchiha… If I remember correctly, there was a person in the series that developed the jutsu that allows the user to steal and assimilate other's shinobi bloodlines… That thing is called the Chimera jutsu if I'm not wrong.'

'Well, in the series that technique was very flawed, but if something like that is possible, maybe perfecting that technique or creating a new one like that should be possible as well…'

With those thoughts Yuta returned to the point in time when he started his genjutsu practice and resumed his normal daily routine with intensive physical training. There is only three months left before the end of the academy's second year and the time when Yuta will apply for early graduation.

But even if it's only three months left, for Yuta it was the same for the multiple years already…



[AN: Art is an Genjutsu!

5 extra chapters in advance on my patreon /SycoreNovels

Any support will be appreciated!]