
The second year of Yuta's academy is almost over and yearly exams will start soon. Today Yuta went to the class teacher's office and told his teacher, Mamoru Ikeda, that he wants to apply for early graduation this year.

Mamoru was not too surprised with it as Yuta is the top student in the class, in Mamoru's opinion Yuta is only lacking in the shurikenjutsu a little, but every other score of his is the top one.

In taijutsu Yuta winning most of the sparring's against the other skilled in taijutsu students, in the theory Yuta gets perfect scores all the time, in ninjutsu classes Yuta already demonstrated a good mastery over 3 basic academy ninjutsu.

So overall the idea of early graduation of Yuta is not that surprising after all. As Yuta was an orphan, the confirmation for early graduation from parents is not needed for him, and Yuta can decide on this matter for himself. Mamoru assigned the early graduation exam for Yuta on the date that normal yearly exams will be held in a few days.

After that Yuta met with Itachi in the academy park. After they greeted each other, Itachi said, "My father asked Hokage for making changes in the teams arrangement and Hokage agreed to it. After graduation we will be in the same team."

"How did you convince your father to do it?" Yuta asked curiously.

'It's been only a few years after Uchiha clan was relocated to the outskirts of the village, and relationships between the village and the Uchiha clan are dropping gradually. For Fugaku to do something like going to Hiruzen and asking him for a favor is a big deal.'

"After THAT thing a few months ago" Itachi replied, "Father started to pay more attention to me, and when I told him about you and asked him if it's possible to arrange a team for me, he just agreed to try to ask Hokage about it."

'By THAT thing he is probably hinting about Orochimaru's defection prophecy. Good, now our team with Itachi is set, as for the third team member – I don't really care who it will be.'

'It's bad that I don't remember much about the original Itachi's team and Jonin-sensei. I watched the Naruto series in my previous life a very long time ago, then I re-watched it pretty recently before my reincarnation, but at that time I used to skip all the filler arcs, and I skipped the young Itachi's arc to.'

'All I can remember is that Itachi had a normal team, and after a year or two he applied for the Chunin exams and went through it with flying colors without a team, going solo.'

'Is his team all ended up dead or just disbanded? There is no point to think about it I suppose.'

"I see" Yuta replied, "What about our Jonin-sensei and the third team member?"

"I don't know about the Jonin-sensei" Itachi said, "But our third team member will be Hikari, the girl from my class that graduating early to. She is a talented civilian orphan like you, but she's specializes in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, while you are specializing in Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu. I believe our team will be quite strong."

'Who the damn is Hikari? I heard something about another talented kid in Itachi's class, but this rumors was always outshined by Itachi's greatness, and I didn't payed too much attention to this Hikari girl.'

'Hmm… Graduation after just one year of the academy is quite rare event, I should've remembered something like that from the series… And from the looks of it even Itachi is interested in her. But I don't remember anyone like Hikari who graduates early along with Itachi.'

'Well, doesn't' matter, this shinobi world is already shown itself much bigger and more complex than I remember. It's fine if there will be some extra side characters here and there I suppose.'

"That's good." Yuta said, "I can't wait to leave the academy, it's been like a decade for me…"

"You are exaggerating it, Yuta" Itachi said smiling, "It's been only two years for you."

"Yea, you are right" Yuta replied with a hard sigh in his heart.


At the same time in the Hiruzen's office.

Hiruzen are peacefully doing his paperwork.

The door is suddenly slammed open and Danzo is barged in, walking to the Hiruzen's desk in hasty manner. There is an expression of the extreme dissatisfaction on Danzo's face.

"Hiruzen! Are you going mad?!" Danzo yelled at Hiruzen.

Hiruzen looked up with annoyed face and sigh, "Danzo, what's the matter? You shouldn't barge in to the Hokage office like that!"

Danzo after hearing that becomes even more dissatisfied and enraged.

"You forbid me from recruiting these kids from the top classes and I agreed to that!" Danzo yelled, "But now you handed those two, that is the most talented ones, and to whom!? To the Uchihas!?" It seems impossible, but Danzo become even more enraged.

"Calm down!" Hiruzen said raising his voice and emanating the pressure that is matched with his title. And that was enough to make Danzo calm down a little.

"Now listen." Hiruzen continued in a normal tone, "I didn't handed anybody to anyone!"

"You think I'm a fool, Hiruzen?" Danzo continue complaining in a more calm tone than before, "You have agreed to Fugaku's request and arranged the team for Itachi Uchiha including two most talented civilian kids in the last two years for his team! It's the same as to hand them over to the Uchiha!"

Hiruzen sigh once again, looking more and more tired of the Danzo's nonsense.

"Danzo, it's not like that. You know that the relationships between the village and the Uchiha clan are deteriorating. It was the first request of the Uchiha for a long time now, and it's not a big of a deal.

Those two civilian kids are not going anywhere and they are still belongs to the village. And allowing Uchiha to create bonds with a talented shinobi outside of the Uchiha clan is a good thing."

"You are going too soft, Hiruzen!" Danzo said, still not agreeing with Hiruzen's reasons, "Did you forget what Tobirama-sensei taught us? Uchiha can't be trusted! You shouldn't agree with them on such important matter as arranging teams!"

"You are exaggerating the matter" Hiruzen said tiredly, "My decision is final, I'm not going to change it only because of your worries."

"You will regret this!" Danzo said with resent, turns around and starts leaving, "But it will be too late then." Danzo said his last words before leaving the office.

After Danzo left the office, Hiruzen sighed once more, thinking about how tired he is with all this stuff, and returns to his paperwork.

After a few days, when yearly exams are ended, Yuta came at the class where his early graduation exam will start. There are around a dozen people in the class that will participate in the early graduation exam this year.

'Hikari should be among them, well it doesn't matter, no point to look for her, I will meet her later anyway.'

The first part of the exam is a theory one, it was much harder than Yuta's yearly exam in his class, but still a very easy one for him, after he studied all the materials that was in the library.

After the theory exam, Yuta went to the arranged training grounds where a couple of academy teachers are supervising the exam. Mamoru, the Yuta's class teacher is also there, and ready to test Yuta's capabilities.

"Class A-2 student Yuta came for the exam" Yuta reported when he arrived in front of the teachers.

"Student Yuta" Mamoru said looking a Yuta, "Demonstrate the three basic jutsu."

As Yuta heard that, he performed the Henge jutsu, transforming in to the perfect copy of Mamoru, without using any hand seals.

"No hand seals…" Someone among the teachers spoke greatly surprised, others look surprised as well.

After that Yuta canceled Henge jutsu and returned to his usual appearance. Right after that a ten clones of Yuta appeared alongside him.

"Ten clones, and also with no hand seals…" Teachers whispering among themselves.

Then clones of Yuta disappeared, and Yuta grabbed a kunai from his pouch and thrown it to the side. When kunai pierced the ground in a dozen meters from Yuta, kunai disappeared and Yuta appeared on its place, while in the original place Yuta puffed with smoke, and only kunai can be seen there on the ground.

"All three jutsu without hand seals… And switching places with such small object as kunai…" Teachers whispered among themselves.

After that Yuta returned to his original place, picked a kunai and returned it to his pouch.

"Khem…" Mamoru coughed after a small pause, "Student Yuta, you are successfully completed the exam and your early graduation is approved. From this day you are officially a Genin!"

Mamoru gives Yuta a leaf headband and a green shinobi vest.

"Genin Yuta, come tomorrow at the academy for teams announcement." Mamoru said.

"Yes" Yuta replied and leaves.

Yuta comes home, sits on his bed, looking at the Konoha headband in his hand.

'Finally a Genin huh… There will be a Jonin-sensei test, but with Itachi in the team there shouldn't be any problems.'

'A year and a half at the orphanage, then 8 years of subjective time at the academy and here I am, finally ready for my new shinobi life to start!'



[AN: Hikari is an original character by the way. The team Itachi is already rearranged so why not change it all the way, right? Jonin sensei will also be different from the series, I'm sure that no one will miss Yuki Minazuki, who is the original Jonin sensei of Itachi's team 2, he is the one who held Itachi from the Chunin exams for the whole 2 years.

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