One Final Check-Up Before the Team Assignment

[AN: Sorry for the delay, this is the delayed chapter, there will be another one later today.]


Today is the day of team assignments. Yuta stands in front of the mirror in his apartment, checking his appearance before going to meet his new team. 

Yuta's biological age is 7 and a half years, but he looks more like a 9-10 years old, probably due to two years of intense physical training. 

'Well, growing up fast is normal for shinobi who trains a lot, just remembering the appearance of Itachi from the anime when he kills his own clan, and he was 13 back then but looked grown up already. And even now he looks my age or even a bit older.' 

Yuta tights up his headband on his forehead as he looks in the mirror. He has short black hair, blue eyes, average looking face that everyone would forget after they stop looking at it, his height is 1.35m (4ft and 5 inches). Yuta' wearing standard Konoha shinobi attire, that is the sandals, black pants with pouches on thighs, black shirt with sleeves and green shinobi vest on top. 

'That will do for now. I want to add the mesh armor for better protection, but that thing is expensive, and I already spent all my savings for the Fuinjutsu materials. They will not send us on outside missions for some time anyway, as we will go on D-rank missions first, I can buy mesh armor from the pay from it I suppose.' 

As Yuta checked his appearance, he started thinking about things that he managed to learn and master so far. 

'Well, I grown a lot during this years, but my biggest problem is clear now, and this the physical energy and overall physical strength of my body. After two years of intensive physical training, it's only on the low-Chunin level and my progress is slowing down.' 

'With just the training I estimate that it will take at least 5 more years or so for me to barely reach the Jonin level of physical capabilities. And not talking about Kage-level, even Elite-Jonin level might be out of reach with just physical training alone for me.' 

'Well, it's not like there are no solutions to this in the world, but to be able to get to those will require for me to be powerful enough at the first place.' 

'And to become powerful enough I should focus on everything that is my spiritual energy and time travel is good for, like Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu and avoiding close combat at all costs, that's the strategy. And I will continue my physical training outside the time-loop to shorten the gap between me and physically strong shinobi.' 

'As for my spiritual energy, it grown a lot, and now it's on high-Chunin level, bringing my overall chakra reserve to mid-Chunin level. And now I'm sure that my spiritual energy growth is boosted by my Time Control ability, and that means that if it grown so much just with training alone, it should grow a lot with good amount of battles later on.' 

'My sensory technique progressed a little, now it covers 150m (about 492.13 ft) while active, and I also can vaguely sense chakra passively on 20m radius.' 

'I used to create a shadow clone every day for the past few months to produce more sealing tags for me at home, while I'm in the academy or training. Now I have close to a thousand explosive tags, that is my tramp card, and some amount of other type seals like privacy seals, concealment seals that can hide the user, storage scrolls, and chakra suppression seals.' 

'Well, concealment seals and chakra suppression seals are not perfect, as I don't have enough learning materials on advanced fuinjutsu yet. ' 

'Concealment seals are just upgraded versions of privacy seals, but it hides the user's visuals and scent instead, but it does not hide the chakra. Chakra suppression seals do just that, suppress chakra, but they are weak, they will not be able hold on for long against high-Chunin level shinobi, and Jonins will be able to break free from it instantly.' 

'But it's still a good option for making traps with it or to win a fight with just one tap on the enemy, if it's used against Chunin or weaker targets.' 

'As for my jutsus, I mastered the basic academy jutsus to a high level. There is also Hell Viewing Genjutsu that is not very useful for me, as my advanced Genjutsu style that I learned from Itachi is much better anyway.' 

'With this advanced Genjutsu style I can alter a one sense of the target or multiple targets if the illusion is the same for all of them. But the weakness of this jutsu is that I need to come close to my targets, the closer I am the easier to transfer my chakra in to the target and control the Genjutsu. The maximum range is only 10m.' 

'This aspect can be fixed with sound genjutsu, but Itachi didn't find anything on the sound Genjutsu in his clan yet, so the idea of using sound as Genjutsu medium is have to wait for a little longer.' 

'The other two useful jutsu that I learned from Itachi is Shunshin, that is very useful for escaping the dangerous situations and moving long distances, well for now I can only move for 50m with it. The other jutsu is the Shadow Clone jutsu of course.' 

'It's so much flexibility in this jutsu! I can have a clone to draw the seals for me, I can use the clone as substitute for seals, as jutsu is copying my stash of seals, I can create clone and send him to suicide attack with all of my explosive tags without actually wasting them, and it will only cost me some chakra, isn't that great?' 

'I drawn some temporary storage seals on my forearms and chest for the quick access of items without the need to grab and unroll the sealing scrolls. I have some kunais on forearms and the most of my explosive tags in my chest seal, that is for my shadow clone suicide attack to use.' 

'The rest of my stuff is inside the thigh pouches or vest pockets, and some sealing scrolls in the vest pockets with some stash of things like ration bars, more kunais and ninja vires and a couple of seals that stores a large amount of water, who knows when I will be in need for those and why not prepare it if I can, right?' 

'Well, enough of that, it's time to go.' 

With that thought Yuta comes out and goes to the academy. 



A few days before at the Hiruzen's office. 

The door was opened and an ANBU member with a mask came in to the office. He quickly went ahead to the Hiruzen's desk, kneeled on one knee and spoke. 

"Lord Hokage, you have summoned me?" 

"Yes Owl" Hiruzen replied looking up from his paperwork, "I have a new assignment for you, please stand up and remove your mask, Koichi Tashiro." 

As Koichi stands up and removes his mask his appearance can be seen. He is a man in his late twenties, average height, with short and spiky black hair, dark brown eyes and a scar on his left cheek. Koichi has an overall cold and serious demeanor. 

"For your new assignment" Hiruzen continued, "you will officially leave ANBU, but you will continue your duty as an ANBU member in secret. 

I want you to take the role of a Jonin-sensei for a fresh Genin squad." 

As Hiruzen said that, Koichi looked puzzled. 

"I'll follow the orders, but can I ask some questions?" Koichi coldly said, he clearly didn't like his new assignment. 

"Sure" Hiruzen replied shortly. 

"What is so special about this Genin squad, so it requires an ANBU to watch over them? And why I was chosen for this job?" 

"You see" Hiruzen start speaking after a short sigh, "There is Uchiha Itachi in this squad, you should know about him." 

"Yes" Koichi said, "I know about Itachi, the son of Fugaku, the Uchiha clan leader, and Itachi is the most talented kid in the recent years." 

"Yes" Hiruzen said, "And the other two kids are the Hikari and Yuta, the talented civilian orphans that also graduated early. But what you didn't know is that Fugaku asked me for this team composition himself. 

And while I have my reasons for agreeing with that, I still have to keep an eye on this team, as I don't know what is Fugaku up to." 

"I understand now, Lord Hokage, is there anything else that I should know?" Koichi said calmly, accepting his new assignment more willingly now. 

"Yes, your job is to keep an eye on the team and report anything unusual to me, but this is not all that is there to it." Hiruzen continued looking seriously at Koichi, "This is the opportunity to improve the relationships between the Uchiha and the village, it will benefit the village if Itachi develops bonds outside the clan, this will tie him to the village and make him more loyal to the village. 

There is one more thing for you to look for, Koichi, I chose you not only because I can trust you, I chose you also because of your proficiency in Fuinjutsu. You see, Yuta has managed to become proficient in Fuinjutsu just on the academy library materials alone, and he developed his own Fuinjutsu style at that, I want you to subtly gauge his Fuinjutsu capabilities and help him to improve it. 

With the death of Minato and Kushina a few years ago, the village is lost its most capable Fuinjutsu masters. There is a chance that with Yuta's talent in fuinjutsu he can close that gap in five years or so. And it's also will be your job to tie him to the village and ensure his loyalty." 

"If there are no more questions" Hiruzen said in a calmer tone, "Then you are dismissed." 

"Yes, I will do my best, Lord Hokage." Koichi said before leaving. 

"I hope your best will be enough…" Hiruzen mumbled after Koichi left and returned to his paperwork. 


[AN: 5 extra chapters in advance on my patreon /SycoreNovels

Any support will be appreciated!]