Professor Longbottom

Chapter 39. Professor Longbottom

As the feast approached its end, Dumbledore stood up slowly and took position before the podium, offering the curious students a grandfatherly smile. He clapped his hands to get everyone's attention, and when he was sure that they were looking at him, he began.

"Now that you are fed and watered, I'd like to announce something." He said jovially, running his twinkling eyes over the students. "I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts the Inter School Team Competition will be held."

A dramatic silence ensued, and then excited murmurs filled the Great Hall as students started chattering with each other.

"It's a grand competition based on the ancient Triwizard Tournament. Now to grasp the need for Inter School Team Competition, you must first understand its predecessor.

"The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest European schools of wizardry: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. A champion was selected to represent each school, and the three champions then competed in three magical tasks to bring glory to their school."

The entire hall was suddenly silent as they listened to his every word with painstaking attention.

"But unlike the Triwizard Tournament, the Inter School Team Competition won't pit school against school. No, it's unanimously decided that in this wonderful era of peace, a symbolic competition to signify our unity and integrity will be far more appreciated than some petty event to boost school rivalries. In this, students from different schools, from different backgrounds and ethnicities, will band together to achieve something far greater than themselves.

"Three teams, each team consisting of three students from the three schools, will participate in three dangerous magical tasks to win the competition.

"The contestants will be selected by an ancient magical artefact which will be enchanted to pick up the name of the best students. It'll take place on Halloween. Further information will be provided once the other two schools arrive. And while there is no age limit, the participants will be more than likely older students. I hope you'll give them your full-hearted support.

"As for the prize, the winning team will be given 3000 galleons, 1000 galleons each, and their names will go down in history as the first champions of the Inter School Team Competition."

There was an aura of anticipation at all four tables. Many were already proclaiming their participation. The Weasley twins were particularly excited, conversing with one another exuberantly.

"The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in October and remaining with us for the greater part of this year. I know that you will all extend every courtesy to our foreign guests while they are with us. Oh and I almost forgot to mention, the Inter-house Quidditch Cup is cancelled this year because of this tournament. And now, it is late, and I know how important it is to you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning. Bedtime! Chop chop!" He finished, ignoring the angry protests from the quidditch players with a big carefree smile.

At the Gryffindor table, Harry hummed thoughtfully, pondering how beneficial it would be to take part in this massive event. It was a great stage to finally start showing some of his abilities and wow the entire world. Everyone already knew Red Grim, but hardly anyone gave much thought to Harry Potter. It was too good an opportunity to miss, and he did promise his aunt Proserpina that he would think about it.

"So, you're going to participate, aren't you?" Iris asked, giving him a knowing look while tugging at her red curl.

He nodded assuredly. "Yup. Don't you want to? Three people from Hogwarts will be selected. You too have the opportunity to participate and show off. And it will be kinda fun to compete against you."

"Nope, I'm not interested. I'd rather not waste my time on it." She declined quickly, pulling up her unbound hair in a ponytail.

Harry shrugged. "Okay."

Astoria, who was sitting beside him and listening to their conversation, asked curiously. "But didn't the Headmaster say that the magical artefact will only select the best of the students?"


"There are older and more powerful students than you at the school, Harry. You're just in your third year, after all." She stated frankly with a bland look.

Harry had to suppress an amused snort. More powerful students than him? Heh, he doubted that. It was a logical conclusion on her part. But it was based on the observation that he was just a prodigious thirteen years old boy. He wasn't only that though. He was more, far greater than little Astoria was aware of.

With his powers and high levels, he was absolutely sure that he could one-shot anyone, even the great Dumbledore. Hardly any wizard out there would be able to make him sweat, bar the female Voldemort. Other than her, only divine beings would be able to bother him. He had already risen above what humanity could throw at him.

The problem here wouldn't be the lack of power but the excess of it. Even though he wanted to show his strength in the upcoming tournament, he would still need to hold back a lot, or else the entire event would become boring and redundant.

"Have faith, Tori. Have some faith in your future husband. He is far stronger than you think." He grinned, patting her head.

She gave a noncommittal shrug and smirked as they stood up and moved towards the double doors. "Then I'll be cheering for you."

Neville and Hermione joined them. The latter shot an exasperated look at him, guessing that her friend was wanting to take part in the Inter School Team Competition.

"I hope you didn't ignore the 'will participate in three dangerous magical tasks to win the competition' part. This can get quite messy and deadly." She reasoned, hoping to stop him from committing to this path. They already had new subjects to learn, she didn't think he would have enough time to focus on the additional complicated subjects and this competition.

"Don't worry, Hermione. I'll do my research before jumping into it."

"Drop it. He'll do what he wants. There's no use wasting your breath convincing him otherwise. I know that from experience." Iris rolled her eyes, the group steering out of the Great Hall, and soon being joined by their Slytherin friends.

"I'm going to participate." Daphne announced proudly.

Hermione let out an exasperated groan. She hadn't expected her to take part in this tomfoolery.

"Good. I'm thinking of participating too." Harry smiled excitedly, grasping Daphne's hand and giving it an eager squeeze.

She returned his smile. "Brilliant. It'll be nice to compete against you and see how much I've progressed."

The group strolled slowly through the hallway and talked among themselves before stopping at an intersection from where they would need to part and go to their respective houses.

"Harry, do you have a minute?" Daphne asked, gesturing to him to follow her some distance away from their friends.

He nodded, ignoring their curious gazes, and stopped before her, giving her a questioning look.

"Can we meet tonight to train in the Dungeon?" She queried in a whisper.

"Nope." Harry immediately answered. "Not tonight."

"May I ask why?"

"Well, tonight will be mine and Iris' first time. So, I'll be quite busy." He smirked as a blush crept up her neck.

"Ugh, fine. Can't you join me after you are done with your business? You can't possibly be thinking of doing it throughout the night." She grumbled, ignoring the urge to curse and stamp her foot childishly.

"For your information, while I can do it all night, my sister can't, so no, we won't be doing it throughout the night. But that doesn't mean I can simply leave the bed once we're done. It is her first time. There's going to be lots of cuddling and kissing afterwards and I'll feel like an arsehole if I don't stay with her till the morning."

"Fine." She sighed and they moved back towards their expectant-looking friends.

"What was that?" Astoria asked suspiciously.

"None of your business, Tori. Now give me a hug so I can go back to my dorm and sleep." Daphne snapped at her younger sister.

"Gee, I've never been threatened to give a hug. Do you want to cry, Daph? Did Harry reject you or something?" Astoria quipped amusedly, embracing her briefly, not noticing her flinch.

"As if I'm moron enough to do that. I'll be incredibly stupid to say no if Daphne ever proposes to me." Harry smirked, making the blonde blush.

"Hey! You said I was going to be your future wife." whined Astoria.

"Don't worry, Tori. You can still be my wife. That means I'll just have two wives then."

"Woohoo! Harry is finally starting a Harem as is expected of our great Hogwarts Prodigy. Applicants can provide their names to me, his Harem manager, and the first member." Tracey cried jubilantly, latching onto his arm, her sarcasm almost hidden beneath the veneer of happiness.

"I'm too tired to suffer your ramblings. Come, I need my beauty sleep to seduce Harry." Daphne replied sardonically, yanking her away.

"Goodnight." Tracey waved as they parted.

Bidding the two girls goodnight, the Gryffindors hurried towards their dorm.

"Good luck, mate. You'll need it if you really build a Harem." Neville laughed, giving him a thumbs up.

"Boys." Hermione rolled her eyes at their antics while Astoria was strangely silent the entire way, sporting a deep thoughtful look.


Iris silently tip-toed towards the door, her dorm mates were already fast asleep in various states of undress. Quietly opening the door, she climbed down the stairs and neatly folded the Marauders Map. Pocketing it, she approached the big velvet sofa that lay against the left wall.

Harry shimmered into view as she neared, and he stored the Invisibility Cloak in his Inventory before opening his arms invitingly, a large eager smile etched over his face.

She slammed into him, her hands closing around his back and they teleported in front of the Room of Requirement. Instead of trying to open the hidden room, Harry pressed her hard against the wall and kissed her soundly.

Iris groaned, sandwiched between him and the hard cold wall. But that didn't stop her from kissing him back. A jolt of electricity shook her as he defeated her tongue in the battle of domination. She submitted readily and let him suck the tip of her tongue. Shivering, she clamped her hips around his leg and let him map the inside of her mouth.

She groaned in disappointment when he pulled away. And as she tried to jump back onto him, he slammed her back against the wall and buried his face in her neck. She cried wantonly, her voice echoing in the hallway as his kiss burned her from within. When he stepped back, he left a bruise behind as a gift, a love bite on the side of her neck.

"Stay here. I need to open the door." He ordered and quickly paced before the hidden room.

The large doors were shoved open by an impatient Iris as she tugged him towards the big canopied bed that he had wished for. That was the only furniture in the giant bright blue-painted room.

They both climbed into the bed and the silky white translucent curtain fell down on all sides from the canopy, hiding them inside.

As Iris took off her t-shirt, her wonderful round breasts swaying free, Harry did his duty. "I'm obliged to ask this according to mum. Are you sure you want to do this?"

She rolled her eyes and slipped out of her cotton shorts and unsubstantial knickers. Picking the two up, she threw them at his face and grinned, "What do you think?"

He chuckled, taking a deep sniff from her wet underwear before placing them down at his side. "I think you need a good fuck."

"Then give it to me, brother. Take me. No more foreplay. No more distractions. No more restrictions on what we can do. Just shove it inside your sister's awaiting pussy. You always wanted it, didn't you? Now's your lucky chance. Come and get it." She encouraged in a hoarse voice as she laid down on her back and parted her legs. She spread her folds with her fingers and offered him the view of her wet pink virgin pussy.

Harry licked his lips and hurriedly took off his clothes before grabbing his cock and taking a position between her legs. Iris bent her knees to make more than enough space.

Two sets of lustful green eyes met and he slowly led his throbbing erection down towards her dripping nether lips.

He saw her flinch as the head rubbed over her vulva before nudging her scorching hole.

Iris gripped the bedsheet at her sides as his bulbous crown eased into her. Closing her eyes, she bit her lip as he gently moved further into her, stretching her tight insides and shaping it with his pulsating length. His cock was incredibly hard and warm as her hot silky inner muscles accommodated him.

She hissed suddenly as his shaft broke past her barrier, her hymen, momentarily causing a flare of pain, but it vanished abruptly as soon as it came when he placed his open palm over her groin.

Pleasure erupted like suppressed water from a fountain, and she was no longer allowed to think about the pain as her mind clouded with bliss. She writhed and squirmed and arched her back, locking her legs behind him and pulling him until he was bottomed out and joined with her to the deepest.

She panted loudly, her back arched in the air and her hands on her tits, roughly twisting her nipples.

Slumping down as the intensity petered out, she raised her arms and gave him a begging look. He smiled with so much love that affirmed her place as his dearest in her mind. He propped his elbows on her sides and leaned down for a kiss.

Iris wrapped her arms around his neck and met his mouth with hers. Their lips rolled over one another and their tongues met in a frenzy of lascivious action. She gasped as he began moving between her legs.

He slowly pulled back his hips only to push it back inside.

She couldn't concentrate on the kiss anymore as her pussy was bombarded with strange overwhelming pleasure. Harry buried his face in her neck and sucked on her soft milky white skin while carefully moving his pelvis back and forth to not hurt her.

"You can move faster, brother." She whispered, lost in dreamy ecstasy as his cock buried and unburied into her core. She had her hands closed around his head, her fingers playing with his lustrous black hair when he picked up the pace.

She moaned his name as pressure began amassing again at her centre. Her legs were thrown up in the air as he pistoned into her with long languid thrusts.

As the pressure reached its crescendo, she screamed the name that was constantly on her lips "HARRY!" and tumbled over the edge and sank into blissful nothingness.

She trembled violently and squirted all over his hips, her entire body shaking from the gigantic orgasm that hit her like a truck.

A few thrusts later, Harry too came, shoving his cock as deep as he could to colour her womb white and fill it to the brim.

Pulling out his sticky semi-hard cock, he fell down beside her and opened his arms in loving invitation. Iris pressed into him instantly and squashed her face against his chest, breathing in his scent and bathing herself in his warmth.


The next morning, all the friends were seated together at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. Daphne and Tracey were there too, as they talked about yesterday's announcement.

But soon that topic was abandoned to discuss their first joint class of that day, which was Defence Against the Dark Arts. And as expected, they were very excited to see how their new teacher would conduct the class and teach the subject. Professor Lockhart had been a massive disappointment last year, but they were pretty sure that she wouldn't be a dud like him.

Even Neville was eager to see how his mum would do. Although that eagerness was overshadowed by nervousness. He hoped everything would be alright.

As they walked into the classroom and took front seats, they received kind smiles from their new teacher. And since no one else was present at the moment, she was allowed to show partiality and spit at professionalism.

Hermione and Neville sat together with Harry and Iris taking seats behind them. Daphne and Tracey opted to settle in the other column where the Slytherins were meant to sit.

"Good morning, aunty." Harry cheered, receiving an amused grin in return. Hermione looked like she was going to have a heart attack at his informal tone while Neville just let out an exasperated sigh.

"Good morning, dear. How are you?" She smiled, ignoring their reactions.

"I'm happy now since you are here." He responded with a cheeky smile, earning a chuckle.

She stood up from her chair and walked around her desk. Stopping before them, she fondly ran her fingers through his hair. "I see. I'm glad to hear that, dear."

"Be formal and strict, Mrs. Longbottom, or the students will eat you alive." Neville rebuked mildly, his concern for her making him snippy. She was a kind and lovely woman with a hint of mischief. He didn't think she should have agreed to this job.

Why couldn't she just remain at the manor and have tea parties with Harry's and Daphne's mums? They, the Longbottoms, were already rich beyond measure. There was no need for her to work and come into this cesspool.

Was he being overprotective? Yes, he was. But as a son of a single mother, he thought it was his duty to protect her.

Alice's eyes gleamed as she patted her son's head and placed a loud kiss on his cheek.

"Mum!" Neville blushed and wiped his face with his sleeve, ignoring Harry's and Tracey's sniggering.

"Mrs. Longbottom, am I? Next time you use that formal title, I'll kiss you in front of the entire class and pull you into my lap. It's mum for you, love." She smirked, walking back to her desk and standing there.

"You can't expect me to call you mum in class!" He protested.

"I can easily expect that. You should call me mum even in class. But since you are so shy and cute, I'll go easy on you and allow you to call me professor." She laughed at his flustered face.

Before Neville could embarrass himself more, students began trickling into the classroom.

And with that, she adopted a calm look, her smile dimming until it was difficult to discern if it was even a smile anymore.

She was wearing a modest ankle-length green dress with a black robe over it, and her long black hair was tied into an immaculate bun.

She honestly looked like a teacher with whom the students, at least the male half, would love to spend detention, Harry thought with an amused grin, catching many of his peers giving her an appreciative glance. While her dress covered up everything and barely showed a hint of cleavage, her assets were still extraordinary and eye-catching, even when properly hidden.

The boys were definitely going to love this subject. Last year, the girls had eye candy in the form of Lockhart. This was the year for the boys to have that privilege.

"I'm Alice Longbottom, your new DADA professor." She introduced herself with a polite smile, not too friendly but neither cold like Snape.

"I hope to see you all advance quickly in this subject under my careful guidance. I checked your syllabus of last year and was quite horrified, to say the least. But remain assured that my classes won't be anything like Professor Lockhart's. We are not here to enact stupid plays and solve useless quizzes. No, we are here to learn how to fight and defend ourselves from the users of Dark Arts."

Everyone was hyped up by her speech and were on the edge of their seats. Her words excited them and sparked a fire within their hearts. After all, who didn't want to wave their wands and summon lightning and thunder and feel like Merlin?

"Dark Arts is a very broad term under which the uses of hundreds of different types of magic are frowned upon. It ranges from charms and curses to potions and transfiguration and many other obscure magics. The definition of Dark Arts will keep on getting more complicated and detailed each consecutive year. But for now, just think of it as any magic whose creation and usage is to just hurt and kill others." She explained clearly. "Now, put away your books and stand away from your benches. We'll be having a fun practical to start you on duelling. I'm told that you know the basics from last year. But since it was taught by the ponce Lockhart, I find it hard to believe."

Everyone laughed at her comment about their former professor and did as asked. They eagerly stuffed their books back in the bag and stepped away from their benches.

Alice waved her wand and all the benches suddenly flew towards one side of the wall and were arranged neatly on top of one another to make more space for them.

"Now, does anyone here think themselves good enough in duelling to give us a show? We need two brave students. Come on, children, raise your hands to volunteer."

The students squirmed and mumbled among themselves, not wanting to get her attention. Who in their right mind would want to get under the spotlight?

Rolling her eyes at the expected result, she locked her gaze on Harry and loudly cleared her throat. "Mr. Potter, do you perhaps wish to give it a try? I'm told you're the top student in your year, even called a prodigy by some. Wouldn't you like to affirm your place?"

"Uhm, no thanks, aunty. A dragon amidst sheep doesn't need to affirm his place." He quipped lightly, wincing when Iris elbowed him in the side.

A charged silence followed and other students looked at him as if he had gone mental.

"Mr. Potter, when you're in my class, you'll address me as Professor, got it?" She said with narrowed eyes, trying not to show her mirth at his refusal to follow the proper conduct. It wouldn't do any good to be seen as an easy teacher to pick on. She needed respect and fear, or else her time here would become literal hell.

"Sorry, Professor." Harry said sheepishly, not truly apologetic, but understanding her position and not wanting to trouble her.

"Good. You can apologise by participating in the duel."


Harry shrugged and walked up to her in the centre.

Students stood on two opposite sides, exchanging nervous glances, leaving more than enough space between them for a duel.

Alice patted Harry's back and stood beside him with her arm slung around his shoulders. She gave him a discrete squeeze to assure him that she wasn't angry.

"One down. One more to go. Who wants to take a shot at him? I'm pretty sure some of you must be annoyed with his superior attitude. Does no one want to show him his true place?" Alice said with a small grin, egging them on. And it seemed to work.

"I'm not that bad." Harry's protest went unheard as many raised their hands to get an opportunity to 'show him his place'. Even Hermione, Daphne, and Iris were among them.


"Mr. Malfoy! Good, very good. Go to the other side and take your position." She said kindly enough. Though if someone focussed on her gaze, they would find that she held no kindness but only repulsion for the boy.

"I'll show him who his betters are." Draco grumbled confidently and hurried towards his place as the Slytherins cheered for him and encouraged him.

"Start at the countdown of 3. And I don't think I really need to say it, but no harmful spells." She warned them both and went to Gryffindor's side. Harry didn't miss her look and the imperceptible nod.

'Show the bitch his place.' It seemed to say. Heh. It looked like they had their own Snape now. It would be fun.

After the countdown, Draco threw the first spell. "Expelliarmus!"

It honestly was a fight between an ant and an elephant. Draco was just level 21 and was in no way powerful enough to threaten him. With Harry's monstrous levels, the spell approaching him seemed like it would take years to reach him, that's how fast he was due to his immense strength.

Harry simply let the spell come near him before nonchalantly batting it away with his non-wand hand. Everyone gasped and gaped at him.

After all, it wasn't every day you see a third-year student act like no magic could hurt him. But Harry was different, he had become so powerful through his levels that he was almost immune from the attacks of someone with such a low level. His resistance was just that high.

Not wanting to drag the match, he shot his own silent disarming charm. His movements were so swift that the others only saw a blur when his arm moved. He felt like a final dungeon boss playing with newbies.

Draco had no chance in hell to defend himself and his wand was yanked out of his grasp and flew towards Harry. Which he caught before throwing it back at Malfoy in a condescending manner. The blonde seemed as if he was going to start a fight, but one glare from Alice and he shuffled back to his friends with whispered curses aimed at the two.

"Winner: Harry Potter. Anyone else?"

When no one came forward, she displayed a small proud smile and offered him 50 house points for brilliant duelling.

"Now, since you all seem so scared of duelling, I might have to do something about it. Everyone, pair up and find a partner. We'll be learning the basic shield charm today. Although it is usually taught when you're older, I don't think starting early will do any harm." She announced with a loud clap and then there was a sudden rush to grab their friends.

Harry slowly sauntered up to his twin. "Partner?"

"Do you even have to ask?" She smirked.

That was the first DADA class of that year. And it was the best DADA class they had until then, according to most of them. When the bell rang, Alice bid them all goodbye and asked them to practise the spell in their spare time. She didn't even assign any written homework, which massively skyrocketed her chances to become everyone's favourite professor.

"Mr. Potter, please stay behind." Alice yelled over the ruckus of leaving students.

Harry nodded and shooed away his sister and friends before approaching her.

As they were the only ones remaining in the class, he didn't see any need to keep up the act. "Yes, aunty?"

"If you remember, I had promised to train you once we came to Hogwarts. It's time to fulfil that promise now. I want you to come to my quarters every Tuesday and Friday at 10 pm. You okay with late-night training? Because that's the only free time I have. I'll be quite busy the entire year."

"Don't worry. I'm fine with late nights." He agreed readily, not seeing any problem with that.

She chuckled and patted his head. "Good boy. 20 points to Harry for being a good boy."

Harry laughed at the way she was throwing points at Gryffindor house. "Is this fine? Won't you get in trouble?"

She shrugged. "If Snape can get away with it, so can I. 20 points to Harry for being considerate."

He shook his head. "Now you're just overdoing it. By the way, here are the photos you requested."

She smirked triumphantly as he handed her the pictures of surprised Neville. She couldn't help but snort when she saw one with him planting his face in the pudding.

"Thank you, dear." She smiled, pocketing them before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"It's alright. I'm always up for embarrassing him. He looks too cute not to."

She shared a mirthful grin with him, totally getting what he meant. "I hope he is not upset about the surprise though, is he?"

"No, he is just worried about you." Harry answered, scratching his cheek, not knowing how to tell her why Neville was actually worried.

"Worried? Why?" She asked curiously, raising her eyebrows.

Harry chuckled awkwardly and decided to be frank. "Okay, I'll be direct then. You are just too hot, and this school is unfortunately full of horny teenagers. Some students even commented about your—uhm— wonderful arse last night, and that too in front of Nev. That's the reason he doesn't like you being here. He's just scared that the boys will become too bothersome."

Alice blinked owlishly and stared at him in bemusement. Her lips began quivering and she ended up laughing. She laughed so hard that her stomach hurt. Harry stood beside her, his hand on her back as she was hunched over, laughing uproariously.

"Oh my. That was quite funny." She chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Tell him not to worry too much for his dear old hot mum. I have my own two boys to fend off the horny morons."

"Yep. You've got us. We'll save you from the big baddy monsters. For now, I've to go if I don't want to be late for Potions. See you later, aunty." He saluted with a smirk and walked away.

Alice's mouth curved up into a grin as she unsuccessfully tried to suppress her laughter. But it came again and she sat down in her chair.

'Really. Neville is just too adorable sometimes.'


OMAKE: (Narcissistic Iris)

After Iris and Harry climbed into the canopied bed, she took off her clothes and laid down on her back.

"Fuck me, brother. Take me. No more foreplay. No more distractions. No more restrictions on what we can do. Just shove it inside your sister's awaiting pussy. You always wanted it, didn't you? Now's your lucky chance. Come and get it." She egged him on, spreading her pussy with a devilish grin.

As Harry sat between her knees and prepared to push it inside, Iris suddenly sat up, propping her back against the pillows and giving him a critical look.

"Brother, you have [Shapeshifter] perk, don't you?" She asked thoughtfully.

"Uh, yes." Harry replied dubiously.

"Can you do me a favour and change into my ideal partner." She questioned sheepishly, knowing that it might hurt him.

And it did.


"Please. Just for one night." She begged, joining her hands together in front of her face.

Harry heaved a sigh and kissed her head. "Fine. Tell me what you want me to change."

"First, get rid of the black hair and change it into the superior red colour."

"Okay, done."

"No, no, make it longer. As long as my own hair."


"Your face isn't sharp and feminine enough. Change it to something similar to mine."


"You are a bit broader, Harry. Be a little slimmer. You know what, just copy my body size."


"Hmm. Still, something is missing. Why don't you grow boobs of perfect size? Do it. You know what, just grow tits my size."


"Whoa! You're the sexiest being I've ever seen. Come here, fuck me, brother. Impregnate me, so we can have the most beautiful children."


"Iris dear, you made me become you, but just with a dick instead of a pussy."


"Damn, I never knew I was so attractive. You know what, you should worship me more." Iris said in an awed voice, tracing her finger over his face.