The Strongest Mage

Chapter 40. The Strongest Mage

In the Pyrenees mountains of southern France, stood a grand chateau, surrounded by big lush gardens and majestic fountains.

It was called Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons. One of the three largest schools of magic in Europe.

It was breathtakingly beautiful, and the picturesque hills encompassing it only increased its wondrous beauty.

In the eastern corner of this ginormous chateau, lay a small courtyard. And currently sitting on one of the benches was Fleur Delacour, a book sprawled open in her lap as she ignored the nearby students' chattering and kept her eyes firmly down.

Her silver blonde hair was twisted into an elegant braid as it snaked around her neck and hung over her shoulder. And her white shirt and leggings appeared almost yellow from the early sunlight. She wore a focused look and read silently.

In the glittering warm light, she looked divine. Like an apathetic angel without wings, uncaring of the lustful stares or the envious glares she was receiving. Boys in the courtyard kept sneaking glances at her while the girls shot her complicated looks. While they knew it wasn't Fleur's fault for being so pretty and eye-catching, they still disliked her for making them feel like bland cardboards before her.

These girls would mature in a few years. They would probably stop blaming her for the reactions she got from the males around her. They would even feel bad for isolating one of their own somewhere along the line. But at the moment, they were still teenagers who liked to blame everything on others.

"Excuse me, may I sit down?" A woman seemed to appear out of thin air before the wingless angel, but the truth was that she had been under the notice-me-not charm until now, admiring the otherworldly beauty from afar.

Her voice was soft and clear, as she looked at the Veela. With the way she spoke, no one would have suspected that she wasn't born and raised in France. They wouldn't have guessed that this woman hailed from Britain.

Fleur sighed irritably, folding the corner of the page before shutting the book, and looked up at the woman. She quickly swallowed back the biting comment, her eyes widening as she recognised the woman's unforgettable features.

The long unbound straight obsidian-coloured hair flowing down her waist and dark brown—almost black—eyes boring into her soul. Her cherry red lips were curved up in a teasing smile as if she was amused by her momentary blunder. And the all-black attire contrasted well with her extremely pale face.

Fleur feared that even a gentle touch would leave a pink bruise behind on her skin. That's how gorgeous and delicate she looked. But she was a tall woman and had a strange intimidating presence about her.

She was their new Defence professor.

Eos Blanc.

Fleur jumped to her feet and nodded, pointing towards the unoccupied place beside hers. "Of course, Madam Blanc."

"Thank you, Miss Delacour." Madam Blanc smiled and returned her nod before taking the seat, heaving a soft sigh as she sat down, as she pressed her back against the wooden backrest.

Fleur waited until her teacher was seated before sitting back. She didn't know what else to say so she began reading her book. Although it was quite a difficult task when suddenly her mind was filled with the thoughts of her new teacher.

Eos Blanc joined the staff this year, a few weeks ago, as their Defence teacher. And the way she taught them was extraordinary and eye-opening, making them realise how vast and interesting the subject was. Fleur easily considered Madam Blanc to be one of the best teachers to ever grace the Academy with her presence.

And unlike other students, she wasn't saying it just because their new teacher was one of the most beautiful women they have ever seen. Fleur would have seriously thought that the woman was a Veela if she didn't possess black hair and brown eyes. The way she moved, the way she talked, and the way she smiled. It was all just so effortlessly enchanting and sensual.

But there were already many rumours to darken the dazzling image of Eos Blanc. Fleur had heard many boys claiming to have slept with her. She even came across rumours that Madam Blanc enjoyed having sex with two or three boys at the same time. Of course, she didn't believe them. She had experienced false rumours firsthand. According to some of them, she herself was a life-sucking succubus who killed boys after mating with them.

Sometimes she was forced to doubt the intelligence of her peers. She was broken out of the reverie by the soothing sound of her teacher.

"You are extraordinarily pretty, Miss Delacour. I have to come out and say that. I've been watching you for a while now. And I've deduced that you really are a full deal. Beautiful, graceful, powerful, and hard-working. It is very rare to come across someone so perfect. Alas, it is such a tragedy that you are not a boy or else I'd have already invited you to my bed."

Fleur blushed from the direct praise, from her genuine admiration until Madam Blanc finished the sentence. Her jaw dropped from the frank confession. Did she hear her right? Did her favourite teacher just confess to wanting to fuck her? That couldn't be right, could it?

"Uh, what? I think I misheard you, Madam."

Madam Blanc chuckled at her incredulous look and placed her hand on Fleur's thigh, giving it a teasing squeeze. "You heard it correctly, Miss Delacour. I did say that I'd have fucked you if you had a dick. But since you don't, there's no need to worry. I'm strictly straight."

Fleur gasped, her thin leggings doing nothing in preventing Madam Blanc from groping her hip. She jerked away from her.

Standing up, she stepped back timorously, shooting her a mixed look of disbelief and apprehension. "I think I need to go, Madam Blanc. I have homework to finish."

"Before you do that, I'd like you to hear my offer." She smirked in return, apparently enjoying bothering her.

Fleur nodded reluctantly, not wanting to seem as if she was running away.

"I heard that you are planning to take part in the Inter School Team Competition."


"I'd like you to choose me as your mentor."


"It seems you are unaware that every champion will be allowed to choose a mentor who'd help them in academic matters. After all, you still have to pass the year-end exams. And with the competition taking up your time, you'd need a personal mentor who'll teach you in your spare time. I'm willing to offer myself for that position."


"Because you, Miss Delacour, are a diamond in the rough. And I'd like to see how bright you'll shine once I'm done with you."

Fleur grimaced at the thought of balancing exams with the time-consuming tournament. But she would have to manage that. And the option of a personal mentor was a great idea to help them. Though she was honestly freaked out by her favourite teacher's inappropriate behaviour.

While Eos Blanc was no doubt a brilliant witch, she seemed like a pervert through and through. And Fleur didn't know if she would be able to ignore that.

"I'll think about it, Madam." Fleur said in a way that could be construed as polite yet distant, not sure if she would really give it much thought. At the moment, all she wanted was to run away.

As if sensing her thoughts, Madam Blanc stood up and gave her a soft smile. "Thank you, Miss Delacour. I'll be waiting for your answer. Oh, before we part, I'd like to give a demonstration. So, you'd know what you'll learn under me."

Fleur gave her a dubious look. But Madam Blanc ignored her questioning gaze and raised her hand to the sky and snapped her fingers.

It seemed to echo throughout the valley.

And then the sunny weather disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the black clouds gathered like preying hyenas. Thunder rumbled aggressively in the valley and a storm ensued like a curse from the heavens.

A sudden downpour blanketed the entire France, and the French were left to wonder what the hell happened to their good sunny weather.

In just seconds, Fleur witnessed magic on an impossibly grand scale that she had thought was unachievable. She was shivering in the rain as the students around her ran away from the open sky, seemingly unaware that it was Eos Blanc who brought this storm.

"Think carefully, dear. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. Do you want to be a goddess in this mortal world? Do you want to be the most powerful witch of your generation? Ask yourself these questions when you have some time to properly think. See you later in the class, Miss Delacour." Madam Blanc smiled mirthfully and sashayed away, not a single drop of rain touching her.

Fleur was left dumbstruck to drench in the rain as the strongest mage walked away with no care in the world. As if she didn't just change the world with a snap of her fingers.

The Veela was in awe, staring at the retreating back of the storm bringer.


It was 9:45 at night. The Gryffindor common room was abuzz with noise. And Harry's friends were gathered around in their spot, talking among themselves and just lazing around.

"Iris, I'm going." Harry whispered to his sister as he stood up from the armchair. She gave him an imperceptible nod, recalling that it was Friday. The time he and aunt Alice agreed for their extra lessons.

Their little byplay didn't go unnoticed though. The blonde looked at him dubiously, halting her conversation with Ginny to stare at him.

"Harry! You already going to bed?" Astoria spoke up, seeing him moving away from them. It got everyone's attention and he sighed exasperatedly.

'Of course, Tori would notice my movements.'

"No, I'm going to aunt Alice for extra classes. We had a talk about it during the holidays, at my birthday party. And she had then promised to train me once we came to Hogwarts." He replied truthfully, not seeing any reason to hide it from them anymore. Creating more lies would be annoying and time consuming.

"You're mental, mate. Extra classes with my mum now? Are you preparing to take over the world or something?" Neville questioned as if Harry had lost his marbles.

Who was stupid enough to study at this hour, just before bed?

"She is available only at this time on Tuesdays and Fridays, Nev. Beggars can't be choosers and all that. I can easily spare a couple of hours on these two days of the week to learn something new." Harry shrugged nonchalantly, purposefully not telling him why he was training.

Maybe one day he would be able to come clean about his Gamer powers and his destiny to become one of the two most powerful Gods. But that time wasn't tonight. For now, he still had to keep his secrets.

"That's unfair. Where do I sign to get extra classes of my own?" Hermione huffed, carefully hiding her jealousy beneath the pout, hoping he might take her with him.

"Just get born lucky. I'm getting this privilege because she is my mum's best friend." chuckled Harry, knowing how gluttonous she was about acquiring more knowledge.

"That's plain nepotism." She frowned, mildly disappointed.

"It sure is. That's the way of the world, Hermione. Good night." He smirked and was well on his way, giving them one last parting wave.

Harry retraced the path that led to the DADA classroom.

Opening the door, enchanted light bulbs turned on, bathing the entire room with brightness. He unhurriedly strolled through the empty classroom, idly glancing at the unoccupied benches lying on his either side.

Going around the professor's desk at the front, he moved towards the wooden door embedded into the left corner of the grey wall.

Walking up to it, he knocked. "Aunt Alice, it's me, Harry."

The door opened with a creaking noise and he was granted entry. Stepping inside, he found that it was quite a comfy living room.

A desk was set against one wall, just below a big window that opened to the castle grounds. At the moment, it was letting in some moonlight, that mixed with the artificial lights, lit up the entire room. Two luxurious sofas faced one another in the farthest corner of the room with a low table separating them. Three unassuming doors led to what he believed was a bathroom, a kitchen, and a bedroom.

All in all, it didn't look like some dreary chamber in some old castle but had an actual homey feel to it.

He shouldn't have expected anything less.

"Harry, you're ten minutes early." Alice commented from where she was sitting at the desk, shuffling through some papers. In the privacy of her room, she was just wearing loose cotton shorts and a camisole that accentuated her big chest.

"Better early than late?" He quipped smartly, approaching her and looking at the stack of papers over her shoulder.

"I doubt there's a saying like that." She said with humour, picking up the stack, arranging it in order, and throwing it back into the drawer. "But, yes, better early than late. I like the sound of that."

She pushed off the chair and stood up, giving him a motherly smile and pat on his back. "Come, let's talk first. I need to understand how ahead you are to plan your course." Saying that she took his arm and led him further into the room, towards the sofas.

They both plopped down side by side.

"First, how much did Proserpina actually teach you? She seemed quite proud and secretive when talking about your sessions, and she refused to offer us any details." Alice revealed dryly, thinking about her prickly friend. It might not look like it, with how they fought every time, but she and Proseprina were just as close as she and Lily.

"She taught me everything. I now have the ability to call all the four elements."

Alice gave him an unimpressed stare. "You don't have to lie to impress me, dear. No one can practically learn all the elements in one month. That's beyond impossible."

Harry rolled his eyes, having expected it. "You do know that I'm different, right? If you remember, I recently cured uncle Remus of his lycanthropy. If I can do one impossible thing, what stops me from doing another?"

Alice thought about his words and nodded reluctantly, deciding to take him more seriously.

It would be hard, of course. To not see Harry as just Harry but as someone more mysterious and powerful. She still remembered the old days when the Potters and the Longbottoms lived together during the war. When the three toddlers, Neville, Harry, and Iris played together before them. They were a family in all but blood. She and Lily had even breastfed one another's kids sometimes when they themselves felt too tired for the task.

The children were born in tandem, with only one day difference after all. The two women had gone through their pregnancy and its aftermath together. Which had immensely strengthened their bonds. This was the reason why their two families were so close, why she and Lily considered the three children as their own.

She was used to seeing them as just children, her children. Changing the view would be tough. It would take quite some time to accept that they were already growing up and didn't need their fussing over anymore. Even though Harry looked and sounded like some teenager, even though he was as tall as her, she only saw a small boy whom she had held and fed.

"Then show me your elements." Alice said.

"Sure. But I'd need some open space. I don't want to accidentally set your room on fire." Harry returned. Although he had mastered the controls over the elements, it would still not be advisable to conjure them in such a small space. And with the way he levelled up every day and gained more mana, it became necessary to train again and again to master his elements.

She nodded. "True. We'll use the classroom then."

She got on her feet and began moving towards the door with Harry right behind her.

Predictably, his gaze wandered down to her arse as she walked ahead of him. And it was difficult not to, with the way her entire toned legs were bare. He could even make out the shape of her big voluminous arse cheeks through the loose shorts. Although he wished she had worn something tighter.

As much as Harry wanted to train under his aunt Alice, he also needed this opportunity to seduce her. There wouldn't be a better chance than this. And just like how Proseprina had seen him as a mere child, aunt Alice too viewed him as her son. So, she wouldn't get sexually interested in him by herself.

She would need some cajoling.

He would need to plant a seed and let it grow by itself. He would need to use his [Harem King] Perk just a little.

"Give me a second." She said once they went into the classroom, unaware of his lecherous gaze on her plump derriere.

Harry so wanted to step forward and grab it, but that would be detrimental to his overall plan, and would probably also earn him a slap.

Shaking his head, he controlled his urges. There would be a right time for it.

Also, Iris would be waiting for him after this. And then he would be able to let loose and fuck his sister senseless.

He stood behind her as she waved her wand and dragged the benches against the two walls to make space.

"Show me, Harry." She said when there was enough space before them.

Yes, his mind directly went to the naughty thought that his aunt was asking to look at his dick. And yes, he disliked how narrow-minded his [Lustful] trait made him. Really, it would be nice not to feel like fucking everything with legs and boobs. While the annoying trait wasn't as bothersome as it could have been, it was still bothersome.

Drawing his wand, he stepped forward, beside his aunt, and pointed it in front of him.

Fire rushed out of his wand and took the shape of a roaring dragon. Harry controlled it precisely so it wouldn't touch the walls or the wooden benches.

Alice looked on with awe, her blue eyes reflecting the flame, as the room flooded with heat and fire. She had only seen this level of mastery from Proserpina. But Harry's fire was decidedly more potent than that of her friend.

It was a miracle that he was able to learn this in just a month.

Before she could ask him to dispel it, he did it himself.

And then a giant swirling globe of water took its place.

It turned into a behemoth rock after a second.

And then, Harry swiped his wand, the rock vanishing as the strong gust of wind slammed into them, almost shoving them off their feet. She had to grab onto his shoulder to keep herself from falling.

Her long untied black hair gently swayed with the wind as it slowly calmed down to a mere whisper.

"Brilliant, Harry. I still can't believe it." She smiled proudly, squeezing his shoulder. To be able to see something so unreal was thrilling.

"Thank you, aunty. What now?"

"Now, we fight, Harry. I order you to not hold back. I haven't had a good fight in a while. I expect you to give me that." Alice said eagerly, salivating at the chance to finally duel. "Go on, stand on the opposite side. Let me see if you can make me break a sweat."

Harry shrugged. "Fine. Don't cry when you lose in a second."

"Confident, aren't we? Just because you know elemental magic doesn't mean I don't have my own techniques to counter them." She chuckled at his overconfidence and shooed him away.

Harry smiled knowingly and took his position opposite her.

'Don't hold back. Heh.' He snorted in amusement.

"Start!" She yelled and fired a simple disarming charm at him, taking it slow since they were just starting.

Harry didn't hold back.

And blurred out of existence.

One second he was in front of her, and the next second he was behind her.

That was his speed at this level.

To her, it might look like he had just apparated but he had not.

"Yield?" He smirked, tapping his wand on the back of her head.

Alice flinched, bamboozled, as she gaped over her shoulder at his smug face. She couldn't comprehend what the fuck just happened. Did he teleport? He could do that, couldn't he? That's what he must have done.

As if reading her thoughts, he shook his head mockingly. "I didn't teleport. I just ran."

"Ran?" She said blankly.

"Ran. Very fast."

Giving him a disbelieving look, she suddenly turned around and swept her leg, trying to make him fall and get out of this losing situation. Just because he had his wand trained on her didn't mean she was out of options.

But again, Harry disappeared right before her own eyes and reappeared behind her.

For him, her fast surprise attacks were just as quick as a hurrying snail.

He stepped forward and threw his arms around her. Grabbing onto her middle, he pulled her tight against his chest, locking his hands beneath her breasts, pinning her arms at her sides, and restraining her completely.

He gave her a bear hug and lifted her off her feet, his strength easily allowing him to do so.

Could he have used magic to neutralise her? Yes, but he really loved getting close and personal when fighting a beautiful woman.

"Yield?" He pushed his chin over her shoulder and whispered into her ear as she struggled fruitlessly to free herself from the hold.

His chest was flushed against her back, the flimsy camisole not thick enough to prevent his warm muscular chest from merging with her soft warm back. His crotch was squashed on her butt, her thin cotton shorts doing nothing in stopping his half-mast from poking her.

Alice felt his heart thundering against her back as she was imprisoned in his arms and flailed in the air like a fish out of water. She slowly noticed his half mast turning into a full pulsating mast, as it found its way to snuggle into her arse and throb between her butt cheeks.

She froze as if dunked in ice water, her eyes widening at the realisation. She ceased her squirming which was just turning the situation worse.

Harry took this moment to use his [Harem King] Perk.

"Yield?" He asked again, a fake urgency in his voice as he tried scooting his crotch back, away from her alluring arse.

"Yield." She repeated quickly and breathlessly, sighing in relief when he let her go and her feet touched the ground.

She kept her back facing him, apparently giving him time to adjust his problem. And that's what Harry did.

"I win." He said triumphantly as she turned around and gave him a pouty look, ignoring the incident where she had felt his cock buried between her arse cheeks. She reasoned to herself that he was just a teenager, and decided not to make a big deal out of it. That would be quite embarrassing for him. But most probably for her.

"You did. Why are you even here then? If you can easily defeat me, what is the purpose of learning from me?" She grumbled, not exactly thrilled about losing to a thirteen-year-old boy. While she was extremely proud of him, it still left a sour taste in her mouth.

"To broaden my horizons, of course. Just as aunt Proserpina taught me how to use elemental magic, I want to learn something cool from you too. Mum said that you're one of the best practitioners in the Transfiguration field. I'd like you to teach me that."

"I think Lily overstated my skills, Harry. There's Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall who are way ahead of me in this field." She chuckled, although pleased by the compliment.

"Maybe. But I can't exactly ask them for help since I don't want them to know of my extraordinary powers."

"True." She agreed with a dip of her head, pondering how and what to teach him. "Okay. We'll quickly go through the basics first before doing the complicated stuff."



A strange lifeless silence reigned over Potter Manor.

The usually noise-filled house was too quiet. And even though it was midnight, when it was supposed to be silent, Lily was used to hearing another type of noise at this hour. She was used to hearing her own moans in this room, courtesy of her easily excitable son. But he wasn't here anymore to provide that noise.

Lily lay alone in the bed, sighing wistfully and remembering the good days when he laid with her. She should be relieved that she wasn't needed to quench his lust anymore. But contrarily, she was deeply disappointed. She missed having another warm body beside hers.

She missed his touch and horny antics.

At least her sacrifice had made him skilled enough in the bedroom, so Iris wouldn't have to go through the awkward painful sex most girls do.

His smiling face suddenly took over her mind and her nostrils ached for his unique scent. Her skin dreamed of his loving touch and her womanhood begged for his visit.

She blushed at the raunchy thoughts.

Her one hand found its way to her large breast, and her fingers spread over the globe of flesh to encompass it. Twisting her nipple, she squirmed in pleasure and roughly squeezed her tit, digging her digits into her soft breast. Her other hand slid down her bare stomach, between her legs, and slipped into her sexy black knickers.

She drew in her knees and teased her clit with her thumb, her body vibrating with tension.

She felt like a river destined to overflow.

Sucking in a sharp breath, she kept her thumb over the swollen nub and eased two fingers into her silky damp pussy.

"Harry." She mumbled with a scrunched-up face, rubbing her thumb over the clit and digging her fingers into her honey pot as deep as she could.

Rolling over her stomach, she pulled in her knees, so her arse was sticking in the air, and then she buried her face in the pillow.

Her blood red hair blanketed her entire head as she shoved in and out her progressively dripping pussy.

With her one hand still on her breast, she mauled it and used the other to finger fuck herself.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Harry! Harry! HARRY! I'M COMING." She screamed hoarsely as she came, and clamped her muscles around her fingers, trying to squeeze out every last drop. Alas, it wasn't her son's cock that liked to fill her up. No, it was just her tiny fingers.

Plopping down on her stomach as her knees became too weak to hold her weight, she groaned in embarrassment.

It had been just two days since he went away and she was already missing him. How the hell was she going to survive the coming months without him?

Damn him, he had spoiled her with sex every day and now wasn't here to take responsibility for it.

She pouted and wished he was here to kiss her pout away.


In the Room of Requirement, the twins were intertwined around each other in a frantic dance, their hips slapping against one another along a fast tune only they could hear.

Iris was on her knees and elbows as he took her from behind, each strike causing a ripple on her round arse cheeks. His hands were on her waist as he fucked her hard and fast. She screamed and gasped, curling her fingers in the sheet, her boobs swaying back and forth.

She groaned when he gripped her red hair and pulled her towards him.

Feeling a bit mischievous, she pushed back roughly, causing him to fall on his back. She giggled and lay atop him with her back over his front.

Harry was buried underneath her, but that didn't stop their dance. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kept thrusting into her from beneath.

"Oh you fucking animal! Fuck! Faster!" Iris laughed hysterically, arching her back as his pace just increased. She moaned as his hands found a better handhold than her waist.

Her tits.

She screamed his name as he roughly fondled her breasts and rutted into her.

Minutes later, their dance came to a sudden stop when they climaxed.

Iris snuggled into his side and threw her arm and leg over his body. He smiled and kissed her head, drawing her as close as he could.

"Hmm, why do I think someone is thinking about me angrily?" He mumbled, hugging his sister.

"Maybe Daphne? You were supposed to go collect her ten minutes earlier for the Dungeon training." She giggled, drawing a circle over his chest with her thumb.

"Probably. But that's your fault for flaunting your lovely arse in front of me after the first round." He grinned, reaching over and groping her butt.

"As if I'd need to do anything to get you horny." She harrumphed. "Now be off, or else face an angry Daphne."

"You coming?"

"Nope. Don't think I'm walking anytime soon." She complained, rubbing her hand over her hairless pussy that was still oozing out his seeds.

"That's what you get for challenging me to go as fast as I can." He smirked, giving her a big wet kiss before clambering off the bed and putting on his clothes. Pressing one more kiss on her fond exasperated face, he teleported away.


"You are late." Daphne grumbled from her bed, already ready in her shirt and trousers to slay some monsters.

"Uhm, I was busy."

"No doubt." She narrowed her eyes, guessing what he had been doing.

"Shall we?" He presented his hand.

Daphne looked at it as if it was infested with the world's worst germs. "Did you shower after your business?"

"No, but I used the scourgify spell. Don't worry, I'm clean. You won't get any STDs. Probably." He quipped.

"Take off your clothes and shower. We can wait ten more minutes." She commanded with a scowl, edging away from him.

"Come on! I don't smell that bad."

"You reek of sex."

"... Fine." Saying that he took off his clothes. Right in front of her and walked towards the bathroom.

Daphne made a frustrated sound. "Harry! I could have gone on 100 more years without seeing your bare buttocks. What are you, an exhibitionist?"

"Once you go Harry, nudity won't be scary." He smirked, turning around and putting his hands on his waist proudly.

Her face lit up with blush and she spun around, though she had unfortunately seen his semi-hard penis.

"Just get into the bathroom and scrub yourself clean, you shameless pervert." She said blankly, using all her mental fortitude to not turn back and sneak a glance down.

Why was he like that? She ruminated with an aggrieved sigh.