Poking Fun

Chapter 42. Poking Fun

The chamber walls were made from rough red sandstones, and the cool solid black floor was covered in a thin layer of sand. High up, the perforated wooden ceiling was perched over the four walls, riddling the ground with hundreds of small pools of sunlight.

The dust particles gleamed in the bright rays of light that fell from up above, and the Tyndall effect was in full bloom.

Harry and Daphne strolled into the dungeon confidently from the entrance.

"You shouldn't have gotten in the way, I'd have killed the boss on my own." She was muttering in annoyance, gripping her wand tightly in one hand and her sword in another. Since she had the [Weapon Master] Perk, she'd quickly learned the art of sword fighting. But that didn't mean she was ready to lose the advantage of her powerful magic. So, to take advantage of both her magic and her perk, she had practised relentlessly to wield the sword in her left hand and the wand in her right.

"Daphne, sometimes you have to concede defeat and escape. That boss was way above your level. If I hadn't killed him, he'd have insta-killed you." He sighed, rolling his wand in his grasp, revelling in its steady warmth. Unlike her, Harry only used one weapon at a time. And because he was trying to rely less on his system, he depended on his elemental magic and the few other powerful spells that he'd learned from his mother.

Daphne didn't argue, pressing her lips in a thin line and staring at the creature before them. Harry stepped beside her and peered into the vast chamber.

On the far side of the chamber, stood a woman of great stature, of an unnatural stature. And of extraordinary beauty.

The woman was thrice as tall as him, wearing a diaphanous white robe that hugged her voluptuous breasts and supple fleshy hips and fell down to her ankles.

Dissimilar to all the monsters they had slain before, this one had an appearance of a human, of a giant beautiful woman. Her hair was deep blonde, bound in a single braid that flowed down over her shoulder, and her eyes were dazzling red, like two perfect drops of blood.

"So, is she more powerful than me too?" Daphne enquired, raising her wand and pointing it at the large woman as the duo approached her warily.

That was Daphne, not even hesitating at the appearance of the humanoid monster as she aimed her wand at her. Others in her place would have been horrified and disgusted at the thought of fighting and trying to kill a being similar to a fellow human. But not her.

Harry used [Observe] on the monster.

Name: Rilka

Race: Demoness

Class: Anti-Mage

Lvl: 2500

HP: 5,000,000

MP: 2,500,000

He sucked in a sharp breath, and pulled out his Black Sword from the Inventory, holstering his wand quickly, knowing that magic wouldn't help him here. And he was not going to take any chances, the opponent before him was deadly. Even for him. He was only level 745 now. If not for his legendary sword, he would have already fled away. But with the sword in his hand, his levels were multiplied by 12. Meaning, he was as strong as if he was level 8940. It was plain cheating how overpowered his sword was. But he wasn't complaining. Not now when he would have been in a fatal situation otherwise.

"Daphne—" He began cautiously, but she had already cast her spell.


He groaned as red and blue scorching flames poured out of her wand, taking the shape of a colossus phoenix that swiftly flew towards the demoness to devour her in one bite.

Instead, it got devoured by her. She opened her lips and the potent flames got sucked into her mouth as if it was a vacuum. Her blood-red lips curved up in a smile, her chalk-white skin gleaming as more mana was added to her already large reserve.

"Daphne! She's an Anti-Mage. You can't fight her with spells." He yelled, looking around them as twenty sand golems rose from the floor around her. His eyes twitched in annoyance as he used [Observe] on them and realised that they were magic proof too.

"Leave the demoness to me. Focus on the sand golems. Use your sword to pierce the glowing gems on their foreheads. And don't use magic, it won't affect them." He instructed and blurred out of existence, reappearing high above the demoness Rilka, falling through the air with his sword raised to strike a finishing blow.

Not for a second he thought that Rilka would be able to dodge the attack, after all, he was level 8940(momentarily) while she was just level 2500.

Surprisingly, something unexpected happened.

The beautiful demoness' head snapped towards him and she offered a wide ugly grin before swatting him away as if he was a fly.

"Harry!" He heard Daphne's distressed scream as he was flung away back to the entrance, slamming hard against the door and flopping down onto the floor on his stomach.

"Ow!" He moaned in pain, his broken bones and internal injuries mending swiftly as he slowly got onto his feet and dusted his clothes.

Rilka was still standing on the far opposite side with an infuriating smile, her red eyes gleaming with amusement.

Meanwhile, Daphne jumped and flipped, twirling like a graceful dancer amid the enemies, her sword an arc of destruction, shining in the sunlight as it pierced the glowing gems, easily taking care of the sand golems and rapidly closing the distance between her and the demon.

"Daphne, no! The demoness is even more powerful than me. Don't approach her. Come back!" He shouted, hoping she would adhere to his warning and return to his side. Or else she would definitely get herself killed.

Thankfully, she listened to him and began running back, retreating towards him after she had killed all the sand golems.

Harry released a sigh of relief and tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. He was again reminded that the levels could be deceptive sometimes. Because different species had different power levels. Level 10 human was not the same as a level 10 demon. He shouldn't have compared his level 8940 with the demoness' level 2500.

Knowing that he would need to get close and personal since magic wouldn't work on her, Harry activated his combat skills.

He turned on his own [Weapon Master] skill. This would help in increasing the proficiency of his sword skills proportionally to his level. Then it was [Predict] which would let him know her attack one second before she executes it. And the last was [Rager] which would double his current power.

A sudden gust of wind blew away all the sand. His eyes gleamed with the light of stars and shadows latched on the edges of his body.

Daphne gasped for breath and sank to her knees as his godly presence filled the entire chamber, suffocating the room with his strong divine power. She fought for breath as her body froze and her lungs refused to work.

She frantically enabled her [Reset] skill and heaved a sigh as a 10-metre-wide anti-magic circle formed around her, safeguarding her against the mana storm that raged rampant in the chamber like a black hole.

The demoness far ahead on the other side wasn't smiling anymore, opting to summon a black sword of her own.

Harry was in a realm of his own as powers not meant for mere mortals brimmed his being. His luminous body slowly hovered up before shooting towards Rilka like an arrow.

She brought her sword up to cleave him in two, but her strength was nothing compared to his. He overestimated her. But that was way better than underestimating her. His sword passed through her giant blade like a knife through butter. And then it sank into her neck, slicing the soft flesh and the hard bone until nothing was keeping her head on her shoulders.

Her beautiful head tumbled off her body. But where there should have been blood and gore, it was sand. Like every other monster, she too disintegrated into sand before even that disappeared, leaving the two friends alone in the chamber.

Harry disabled all his skills and stored his sword back in Inventory, gently gliding through the air and landing on the ground gracefully.

— 5 levels gained (Harry Potter)

— 5 levels gained (Daphne Greengrass)

And with that, Harry reached level 750 and Daphne level 300.

He teleported to Daphne's side and helped her to her feet.

"What the fuck was that?" She whispered, shivering slightly as she recalled the power roiling off him just half a minute ago.

"That was some of my power." He said softly, rubbing her back gently as she pressed into him, looking at the door that opened on the other side. The way to the next dungeon.

"That was not your full power?" She asked incredulously.

Harry shook his head and mumbled thoughtfully. "In terms of raw power, I'm just level 750. But I've artefacts and skills that enhance my power too much. I could have even flooded this chamber with the undead that I've collected, and they'd have eaten Rilka alive. Then there's also my skill 'Army of the Dead' which I've never used before. It would have summoned 30,000 undead instantly. Can you imagine 30,000 bodies in this chamber? In short, I've OP abilities and a stupidly OP sword, but I'm not OP myself. Not yet."

"Isn't that the same thing?" She queried.

"Not really. What if I don't have my sword? What if I don't have my skills? Then how powerful will I still be? That's how I measure my strength."

Daphne nodded, getting what he meant.

"Oh, also, you reached your limit. You just levelled to 300. You can't grow any stronger than that. You're officially one of the most powerful witches ever, at least power-wise. From now on, try to polish your fighting style." He revealed proudly.

She was stunned for a second before throwing her arms around him.

Harry chuckled and hugged her back.

"Thank you." She murmured gratefully, burying her face in his muscular chest, immensely satisfied to reach this point. It took him only two months to fulfil his promise of making her powerful. He had done his part earnestly, now it was on her to hone her skills and make something out of herself.

"Don't mention it. We have been friends from the beginning. We are family in all but name. It was my greatest pleasure to help you." He smiled fondly, placing his chin atop her head and holding her close.

As they stepped back, she returned his smile. "Let's go back. I think we've done enough training for the night."

He dipped his head in assent, and took her arm before teleporting them back to her room in the castle.

"Goodnight, Daphne."

But instead of saying it back, she squirmed in her spot, playing with the edge of her untucked shirt and keeping her gaze down. She mumbled something scandalous that made him doubt his hearing ability.


She huffed at his daftness and met his gaze unflinchingly. "Would you like to stay the night?"

Although her tone was even and nonchalant, her face showed her true feelings.

Her cheeks were flushed red and she was biting her lower lip.

Harry stared at her dubiously before breaking out into a peal of abrupt laughter, shocking her.

Seeing that she might find it humiliating, he coiled his arms loosely around her shoulders and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Sorry. It was just so sudden that I couldn't help but laugh. Would you like to stay the night?"

She tried to shove him away at his humorous tone, the blush reaching down her neck and to the tip of her ears. But he held her firmly and smiled at her sweetly.

"So, what do you prefer? Phrases like, would you like to bang? Would you plough my pussy? Would you like to knock on my womb? Would you like to fill me up with your cock and then with your seed?" She spat, almost yelling, fisting his shirt on his chest, truly annoyed as he made fun of her now. When she offered him her virginity.

"Oi, calm down! Don't need to be so crass, you pervert." He responded with a mirthful grin. And just as her anger grew, he kissed it away.

Daphne froze at the sensation of soft warm lips capturing hers, and then immediately melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his back and fitting her body against his. She moaned over his mouth when he grabbed hold of her butt and fondled it through the trousers.

When she pulled back, her eyes were shining with love as she looked up at him. Her feelings were reciprocated in his eyes and he gave her a tender kiss on her forehead.

"So, what's the answer?" She repeated, sliding her hands down and coping a feel of his arse herself.

He chuckled, not minding her curiosity and resting his own palms on her round butt, his fingers sinking a little in her plump cheeks. "The answer is no."

She stilled, her hands falling to her sides and her eyes starting to water.

Did she misjudge his feelings?

"Hey, it's nothing like what you're thinking. Believe me, I'll never say no to 'knock on your womb'. But you're high on exhilaration right now. You might regret it in the morning. And I don't want that. It's not like we don't have time. So, sleep on it and ask me again, and I'll agree to 'knocking on your womb'."

She wanted to die and hide six feet in the ground. The embarrassment was overwhelming and she felt as if steam was coming out of her ears as he shot her a cheeky grin.

He would never let her forget this. Harry was an evil bastard in that regard.

"Fine. Goodnight." She mumbled and stood on her toes, mashing her lips against his for one more kiss. He held her by her bottom, and lifted her off her feet, evening the difference in their height as the kiss heated and deepened.

Disengaging from her, their mouths wet and red, he gave her a loving look and set her down. "See you in the morning, Daphne. And if you repeat your offer, I'll definitely 'plough your pussy'."

She groaned and pushed him away. "Fuck off, Potter!"

He laughed and stole one more kiss, and she didn't have it in herself to deny his lips, kissing him back.

"Goodnight." He smiled, caressing her pink lips with the pad of his thumb.

She blushed, quivering at his touch, warmth pooling in her gut.

"Goodnight." She whispered back as he popped away.

In the morning, she didn't reoffer, and Harry didn't hold it against her.

Though she did pull him into an empty classroom when she got a chance and kissed him senseless.

Panting over his face, with her hands clinging to the front of his robe, she announced, "I don't want to rush. I have many questions about our potential romantic relationship, and I'd like to get answers before jumping into your bed. Is it okay with you?"

He dragged her closer, his hands resting on the curve of her waist. "Of course, we're not in any hurry. Hmm, you know, we'll have our first Hogsmeade weekend on October 2. We can discuss your questions that day."

Her lips twitched into a smirk. "Are you asking me on a date, Harry?"

"Yep. Wasn't that obvious?"

"Fine. It's a date." She mumbled with a shy smile, trying to conceal her happiness.


"That's it, Harry. I've taught you everything that I can. There's no more need for extra classes." Alice said proudly as they stood in the classroom at night.

"Really? That's it? Kind of feels underwhelming." He muttered.

She slung her arm around his shoulders and gave a squeeze, intentionally or unintentionally, pressing her huge breasts against his arm. "You shouldn't compare Proserpina's elemental classes with mine, Harry. Not everyone has some super duper secret magic to teach you."

"Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. I guess knowing the spells to vanish people into oblivion, to turn them into anything, or to create anything from magic is great enough." He pondered out loud, his cock twitching in his pants as her soft tits rubbed along his arm.

Actually, using a vanishing spell on humans was considered nigh impossible, but that was due to the enormous amount of magic needed to bypass the natural resistance of humans, and doubly so for witches and wizards. For Harry, it was doable since he had more than enough mana to expend. But not exactly advisable. He could use other less taxing spells to do the same job.

"Exactly! What you've learned in one month takes others a full lifetime. I can honestly say that you've surpassed even me." She claimed, mussing his hair affectionately.

Turning a little, he hugged her, letting her big breasts lightly squish against his chest. "Thank you for helping me, aunty."

"Anything for you, dear." She said with a kind motherly smile, patting his cheek before looping her arms around his neck.

Harry brought her closer, her breasts squashing hard against his chest as he closed his arms around her waist, and kissed her cheek. "While I'm happy that I've finished this training, I don't want to stop these extra sessions."

Truthfully, he wanted to extend this deadline so he could get more opportunities to seduce her. It was an increasingly difficult task, trying to fuck her that is. She was not as easy or ready as his aunt Proserpina. Neither was she as open-minded as her. His every attempt to start something between them had been adamantly ignored. Even his occasional touches hadn't bothered her.

He wasn't stupid enough to think that she wasn't aware of his advances. But she was doing a very good job of being oblivious.

"I don't think it's necessary, Harry." She said with a strained smile as his hands slid down her waist and cupped her bubble butt over the thin silky fabric, his fingers splaying and unsuccessfully trying to cover the plump expanse of her firm round buttocks.

She gulped down a moan as he roughly kneaded her arse.

A normal person would have acknowledged this as groping and would have kicked him away. But aunt Alice simply stilled and let him do as he pleased, not commenting on how inappropriate it was. Not telling him to stop, or to continue.

He would have thought that he was bothering her and taking advantage of her passiveness, if not for how her pyjamas got progressively sexier with each night session.

Tonight she was wearing a translucent black satin slip that barely went down past her bum, baring her toned legs. And underneath that she had a beautiful black bra and knickers on, that were clearly visible through the slip. Even her beautiful black hair was down, framing her pretty face. She hadn't ever asked for his opinion on her provocative nightwear. And he had never brought up the topic, acting as if it was normal and nothing to discuss about.

"Please, aunty. We can duel in our extra classes and improve our fighting styles." He pleaded, tightening his hold with one arm, his other hand coming up to grab her hair as his face settled on her neck.

She flinched and instinctively tilted her head to the side as he tugged at her hair. He bit back a smile and kissed her neck, feeling her silent whimpers as he trailed his tongue and lips down her smooth collarbone, breathing in her scent and warmth. His eyes gleamed with unbridled lust when he saw her abundant cleavage. His cock grew to full-mast and throbbed against her groin.

Before he could bury his nose in her cleavage and shake her tits, she spoke up and gently pushed him away. "Okay, if that's what you want. But instead of every Tuesday and Friday, it'll be only on Fridays."

He offered her a big shark-like smile that made her knees weak. "Thank you, aunty."

Her smile was hungry, confused, and exasperated as she meekly nodded. "Goodnight, it's time for you to go."

She was surprised but didn't complain when he planted a loud kiss on her lips.

"Goodnight, aunty."

Harry needed to take it to the next level. While she seemed to enjoy his attention and liked to flaunt her alluring body in front of him, it didn't look like she was expecting anything further. He might have to do something drastic to make her realise it wasn't just a game. That he wasn't just a hormonal teenager who would be satisfied with only the view and fleeting touches.

He wanted her.

He wanted her in every way.


In a few days, October 2 came and it was finally the time for the highly anticipated Hogsmeade weekend.

Harry, Iris, and Astoria sat on one side of the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, garbed in their casual clothes since there were no classes that day. He was patting her head and trying to lift her mood.

"Don't be so gloomy, Tori. I'll bring you lots of sweets." He said encouragingly, throwing his arm around the younger girl.

"I want to come too." Astoria grumbled and pouted, leaning on his side, not pacified by the bribe of sweets.

"You have to wait until next year, Astoria. No amount of whining will change that." Hermione stated from across the table, rolling her eyes at her childishness, receiving a mild glare from Harry which just made her roll her eyes again. Seriously, he coddled the younger girl too much.

"You could have been polite about your opinion." Harry harrumphed, wrapping his arms around the blonde in consolation who shot her a triumphant look before cuddling into his side.

This time, even Iris and Neville joined her in rolling their eyes.

Before they could argue with Harry about his tendency to pamper Astoria, Daphne and Tracey walked up to them and plopped beside Hermione.

The group's gaze settled on the older blonde, even the other students around them eyed her curiously.

"What?" Daphne asked evenly, trying to hide her blush.

"Daph, is today something special?" The younger Greengrass asked.

"Yes, Daphne, why's your hair extra shiny today? And why are you wearing such a beautiful turquoise dress?" Iris questioned knowingly, already aware that she was going on a date with her brother. Which elicited a bundle of complicated feelings inside her that she was ignoring for the moment.

"Well, I'm going on a date with Harry. So, I thought to look at least presentable." Daphne revealed confidently, smoothing the sleeveless dress which while not formal wasn't too casual either. And she had decided to keep her hair down, allowing the straight blonde tresses to frame her head, knowing that it looked better this way. Other than that, she hadn't opted to worry too much about her appearance and didn't use make-up as Tracey had suggested. That would have been overkill.

"You look lovely, Daphne." Harry smiled softly, giving her a slow once-over that caused heat to flood her core.

"Thank you, Harry." She nodded, barely suppressing the wide pleased smile.

Their friends, who were stunned into silence, finally spoke up.

"You and Harry are dating?" Hermione whispered as if not knowing whether what she heard was real or not.

"Not yet. But by the time we return to the castle, hopefully, yes." She replied, looking down as the breakfast appeared, expertly ignoring her little sister's whining and Harry's assurances.

"I want to go on a date with Harry too!"

"Next year, Tori. I'll take you on a date next year."



He might not even be lying, she thought. He was already fucking his mother and sister. And it wasn't just a physical thing between him and Iris. They loved one another deeply. So, she didn't think he would stop his relationship with Iris even when he went out with her. Questions like this had kept her from having sex with him that night. She still didn't know the entirety of what this relationship would entail. And she wanted to, no, she needed to know the pros and the cons of dating Harry before inviting him to bed.

"What? These kids are going on a date?" Lee Jordan erupted a few seats away from them as the Weasley twins filled him in on the small ruckus that took place minutes ago.

"Yep. Even 3rd years are getting more action than you, Lee. I feel sorry for you." joked Angelina Johnson, causing laughter to surround the table.

"Argh! This stupid good-looking kid is getting lucky so soon. Fuck you, Harry!" Lee groaned playfully.

"Don't swing that way, mate. Why don't you ask the twins? I'm sure they'd like helping you out." Harry responded with a smirk, causing the Weasley twins to spit take, intensifying the laughter around them.

"Nope, even if I did swing that way, which I really do not, I still wouldn't get near these uglies." Lee chuckled, getting swatted by the said uglies.

"Don't worry, Lee. These boys are ours." Angelina commented with a lewd grin, getting a nod from Alicia Spinnet.

"Did you see that, Harry? I can't even get boys now, in whom I'm not even interested." Lee lamented, dramatically dropping his face in his hands.

Harry snickered. "You have my condolences."

But suddenly, the older boy sported a hopeful look. "Iris! You're not dating anyone, right? Would you like to date an older and more experienced guy?"

"Shut it, Lee. She's two years younger than you." George elbowed him, knowing how his friend sometimes went overboard when seeking a girlfriend.

"Who cares, she looks just as old as us. It's all about looks anyway. And you can't tell me she isn't the best-looking girl in the school. Although, I think Professor Longbottom will still beat her easily. Damn, that big perfect arse, I've been chasing it in my dreams but I always wake up when things start to get interesting." He laughed, thinking out loud, not noticing how Neville bristled at the mention of his mother, or how the twins and the girls gave him a stinky eye. Fantasising about a fellow student's mother and speaking it out loud in front of him was crossing a line, even for them.

"No, thanks. I'm not interested." Iris said coldly, seeing the annoyed faces of her brother and Neville who were squeezing their spoons as if they were swords. If looks could kill, then Lee would have died already.

"And you wonder why you can't get a girlfriend." Angelina grumbled, bonking on his head. "Sorry, guys, Lee doesn't have a filter between his dirty mind and mouth."

Neville just shrugged, ignoring them while Harry simply glared at the boy. "It's fine. Although I'm almost tempted to seduce Lee's mother and fuck her 'big perfect arse'."

"Really?" Lee prompted with a chilling smile. "Relax kid, no need to get your knickers in a twist."

Harry returned the smile. "Don't worry, mate, I don't wear knickers, and I'd have taken off your mum's before fucking her. Can you picture it? Her lying on her knees and elbows in my bed, her beautiful ebony arse sticking in the air, her cheeks rippling mesmerizingly as my hips collide insistently against her, as I grab a fistful of her hair and rut into her roughly while she screams my name and begs me to make her come. Can you hear the sounds of my hips smacking her 'big perfect arse' while she cries 'Harry' with her every breath? Can you imagine her panting breaths as I fuck her hard and she tries not to fall face first, or how the bed creaks when I pick up the pace, or my pleasured grunts as I fill her up and grant you a sibling?"

The entire table was dead silent as they heard his description. Actually, the entire Great Hall was silent as his soft feathery voice echoed in the vast room.

He realised about the absolute silence that enshrouded the Great Hall just a second after he finished, and his face coloured as he looked at the Head table where the professors were sitting and giving him disbelieving looks. Even aunt Alice was staring at him amusedly. And let's just not talk about the grinning Dumbledore.

"Too brutal, mate. Now, you've given me a new nightmare. Fuck you for that!" Lee yelled, half-amused and half-horrified.

"Not interested. Just fucked your mum and I'm spent." Harry couldn't help but comment snarkily.

And the dam broke. The Gryffindors burst into hysterical laughter, banging their hands on the table and clutching their sides, at least those who had witnessed the entire debacle. The younger students blushed and tittered, joining in the mirth but not exactly knowing why it was considered funny. The others who only heard the latter parts, shot them judgemental looks, not knowing why most of the Gryffs were laughing at the dirty talk.

"Uh-oh! Professor McGonagall is coming here with a thunderous expression." One of the Weasley twins whispered 'helpfully', not able to contain his humorous smile.

Harry groaned and awaited the lecture that was coming, hopefully, she wouldn't give him detention.

"Harry, don't go after the wrinkly old ones. I'm ready to fuck, just wait one more year." Astoria piped up excitedly.

He just decided to bang his head on the table at that point.



As Harry finished an explicit description of how he would fuck Lee's mum, a pin-drop silence ensued and everybody stared at him incredulously.

"Why the fuck that sounded so hot? Damn it, now I can't help but picture fucking my own hot mom. You've corrupted me!" Lee groaned, pitching a tent as he imagined his mum's 'big perfect arse' and him ploughing her pussy. Everyone's head snapped towards the older boy and he shrank from their judgemental looks.

'Welcome to the Motherfucker club, mate.' Harry mused with twitching lips.