Hogsmeade Date

Chapter 43. Hogsmeade Date

The weather was cool as they strolled through Hogsmeade. The sun was hidden behind a curtain of thin clouds that dampened the already weak morning sunlight. And the occasional gusts of chilly breezes would have caused the students to shiver if they weren't already enshrouded within two-three layers of fabric. But not everyone needed multiple layers of clothes to enjoy the cool weather. Some older students were dressed in just shirts and trousers, using warming charms to provide the necessary heat to fight off the cold, using magic to remain comfortable.

Harry and Daphne were of the latter group.

She wasn't going to hide her beautiful turquoise dress beneath a long coat. That would have been redundant. What was the meaning of dressing nice if she couldn't show off for most of the date?

So, with her arms and shoulders bare, thanks to the sleeveless dress, and her ankle-length skirt gently fluttering with the wind, she walked beside Harry, appreciating the comfortable silence that had blossomed between them. She didn't hide her smile when he took her hand and interlocked his fingers with hers. She sneaked a glance at her side, at him, prompting her smile to grow bigger at the happy look on his face. His beautiful emerald eyes gleamed mischievously as he caught her in the act, and squeezed her hand.

It was expectedly a pleasant experience to hold his hand and meander aimlessly through the village, to feel the air wash through her untied blonde hair but not feel its sharp bite, to feel it caress her uncovered shoulders but not get numbed. It was all magical.

Although not everything was pleasant. Some of the girls were shooting her jealous looks while 'discreetly' leering at her best friend. And the same was true for some of the boys who were eyeing her up in interest. That did sour the otherwise nice atmosphere.

She scowled, annoyed at the unwanted attention, and tugged his hand, pulling him away from the crowded road and into the Three Broomsticks inn. Harry followed her without any question as she navigated through the noisy half-empty pub and to an unoccupied booth beside the window at the back. They sat down side-by-side, and she put up a privacy charm.

"What's with that look?" He asked mirthfully, slinging his arm around her neck, his hand coming to rest on her shoulder, his fingers brushing against her collarbone.

Sighing, she leaned into him, placing her head on his chest. "Why do I feel like everyone's staring at us?"

"Maybe because you're looking like some beautiful fairy straight out of storybooks." He said playfully, pressing his lips on her hair.

She laughed softly, taking his hand, wrapping her arms around it, and looking up at him with amused eyes. "Flattering will take you only so far, Harry."

"Just take the compliment, Daphne. You really do look ethereal with your hair down and in this flowy dress. I can almost believe you're descended from elves."

"I am descended from elves."

"Allegedly." He quipped, running his fingers through her hair mesmerizingly.

Before she could roll her eyes and argue her case, madam Rosmerta came to their table with a dazzling smile, leaning forward, showing an enormous amount of cleavage, her green eyes twinkling as he took a quick glance down her dress, at the valley of her large milky breasts.

"Hullo, lovebirds. First time here?" She smiled, smoothly sliding into the seat in front of them, projecting an inviting aura.

"Yes. We are third-years. You must be the famous Madam Rosmerta." Harry answered politely, deciding not to flirt with her. That would be an arsehole move when he was on a date with Daphne. Madam Rosmerta was an incredibly hot buxom woman with her curvy body and flirty personality, but he was rational enough to think about the long term instead of following his easily excitable dick.

"In the flesh. And you, lovelies?"

"Harry Potter. And this is my girlfriend, Daphne Greengrass." He replied, squeezing her shoulders proudly, hoping she hadn't noticed his wandering gaze.

"Potential girlfriend." She corrected his presumptuous statement, elbowing him in the ribs, apparently, she did notice. "And I'll have a glass of pumpkin juice, madam."

"Oh come on. I don't like pumpkin juice, and I don't want to taste it when I kiss you." Harry complained.

"If you kiss me." She corrected again, though she did change her order. "Butterbeer instead of pumpkin juice."

She didn't dignify his triumphant grin with a response, blushing when he kissed her cheek loudly right in front of the older woman.

Madam Rosmerta giggled at their byplay before standing up. "Alright. Butterbeer for Daphne coming right up."

"I'll have the same." He spoke up, and she gave him a nod before hurrying away. Unconsciously, his gaze latched onto her backside until she disappeared behind the counter.

Daphne elbowed him again and shot him a fiery glare, having seen him ogling the older woman's arse.

"Sorry. Fuck this 'Lustful' trait." He groaned, giving her an apologetic look and rubbing his face. Really, he tried to be a freaking gentleman and a good date, but his traitorous eyes betrayed him in the end.

Instead of holding a grudge for looking at someone else during their date, she questioned curiously. "How strong is this trait? Because sometimes I feel you just take advantage of this 'trait' to make excuses."

Harry chuckled nervously. "It's difficult determining how much of it is the trait and how much of it is my personality. Although it is quite strong. And I don't think I'd want to fuck every beautiful girl and woman if I didn't have this trait."

She gave him a disbelieving look. "Every beautiful girl and woman?"

"Yep. I think I'm doing a great job of not ploughing through girls as if sex is going out of fashion, all things considered. And believe me, I could if I wanted to. I've seen older girls giving me bedroom eyes. Heck, even Lavender and Parvati are annoying with how difficult they make my job of keeping in my pants with their shamelessly wandering eyes." He revealed, cursing the stupid trait. He was a horny teenager, his lust was already high enough, but with the trait exacerbating it, it became almost overwhelming.

Daphne wasn't sure if she should offer him a sympathetic look or a bewildered look, but a sudden thought made her freeze. "What about Tori? Does the trait force you to see her in that way too?"

Harry quickly shook his head. "Tori is very beautiful, but she's more cute than sexy. I don't look at her with sexual intent. You don't have to worry."

She released the breath she didn't know she had been holding. "That's good to hear."

"I have gotten used to the trait and know how to control it, but sometimes my eyes do betray me. Forgive me." He told her gently.

"You're forgiven. Though in what way do you look at me? Am I cute or sexy?" She queried, giving him an expectant look, allowing the conversation to go towards lighter stuff.

"Do I even need to say it?" He began with a coquettish smile, "If we weren't in public, I'd have pulled you in my lap already. I'd have pressed my mouth over yours, snogging you into bliss while my hands sneaked under your skirt, feverishly sliding up your creamy soft legs until they reached your pert arse—"

He shut his mouth fast when madam Rosmerta came back. Daphne jumped a little, slipping away from his arm and making some space between them, perching at the end of the seat, her face flushed red as she refused to meet her eyes.

"Did I interrupt something?" Rosmerta smirked coyly, putting down two glasses on the table.

When they hurriedly shook their heads, she chortled and walked away, mumbling about cute little children.

Half a minute later when Daphne was still silently at the edge of the seat, Harry let out a snort. "How long are you going to remain there? Come here."

She scowled at him for embarrassing her earlier but scooted closer until their sides were pressed again. She didn't mind when he threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her tight.

Although she did push her elbow in his stomach mercilessly when his hand dipped lower from her shoulder and lightly touched her chest.


She shot him a warning look and he complied immediately, keeping his arm strictly in the safe zone. While she didn't mind touching him and getting touched in return, she had a sense of decorum. There was a line regarding public display of affection that she would never cross.

As they drank their butterbeer in tranquil silence, having cast a silencing charm in advance to not get irritated by her noisy peers, she recalled that there were still questions she needed to ask to decide whether being his girlfriend was a viable option.

Setting the empty glass on the table beside his, she turned a little to face him, and her eyes shone with fondness at the butterbeer moustache on his lips. Knowing that she had one too, she wiped it clean with her handkerchief and took the opportunity to wipe Harry's too. He didn't protest when she rubbed the handkerchief over his mouth, opting to just stare at her affectionately.

"If I become your girlfriend, would you stop your relationship with your mother and sister?" She asked, already knowing the answer she would get.

He frowned and shook his head as she folded her handkerchief and pocketed it. "As you know, I need sex every day to keep my trait in check. It's impossible for me to be monogamous. In bed, you won't be able to keep up with me. Iris is already having problems, not being able to last long. And she's level 300, just like you, but with an even more powerful physique due to the 'Peak Body' perk."

Daphne nodded reluctantly, seeing the logic in it. "Okay, I understand. Then how many more girls are you planning to recruit in your harem?"

He chuckled. "I haven't planned anything, Daphne. I don't have any grand strategy to build a ginormous harem."


"Well, I do have a few girls who I'd like to convince to join this unprecedented relationship." He mumbled sheepishly.

"Oh, and who are these lucky girls?" Her tone was inquisitive as she stared at him.

"Tracey. And Tori when she's older. I don't know if it's the trait or what, but I don't like the thought of someone else snagging them. They are my best friends, they are mine." He declared unashamedly.

Raising her eyebrows at his passionate tone, she thought about it carefully and realised the pattern, her lips twitching. "I see. You want to 'acquire' all of us who are close to you, who are practically family to you. Iris, Mrs. Potter, Me, Tracey, and Tori. Hmm, it's definitely your incest kink. I finally understand you, Harry."

"What?" He uttered dubiously.

She waved her hand. "Don't worry about it. Now, answer this question honestly. Are you by any chance planning to 'acquire' Mrs. Longbottom and my mother too in your 'not harem'?"

His shocked look was all the confirmation she needed. And an amused laughter followed the revelation. She covered her mouth and snickered at him, getting a chance to glimpse at the core of his personality. While she wouldn't say that she liked this arrangement, she was strangely fine with it. She was aware that it might be his [Harem King] perk conditioning her to accept it, but she decided not to go down that line of thinking. It would only lead to ruin.

"You're okay with me going after your mother?" He uttered incredulously.

She shrugged nonchalantly. "What she does behind closed doors doesn't concern me. And it's not like she'll be easy. I'm almost eager to see how she'll make a fool of you."

Harry laughed anxiously, choosing not to mention that he was already fucking Proserpina Greengrass. While he would like to be truthful, he had promised his aunt that he wouldn't tell anyone about their secret relationship. And that's what he was doing, keeping her secret.

"So, you'll be my girlfriend then?"

"Yes, Harry. I'll be your girlfriend."

And then they kissed. Before he could deepen it and pry open her mouth to sneak in his tongue, she pulled back and rested her head against his shoulder.

Folding his arms around her, he gave her a squeeze.

"Harry, would you mind if we take it slow?" She requested, not wanting to rush it. While she was hundred percent sure that being his girlfriend wasn't a wrong decision, she still wanted to be careful. And honestly, she didn't feel like she was ready for sex yet.

"Okay, sure." He smiled, cupping her face and placing his lips over hers again.

She smiled in the kiss, putting her hands on his chest.


"We should follow them." That was what Tracey had said once the friends had gotten out of the carriage and into the village after Harry and Daphne had ditched them for their date.

"That's a very bad idea." Hermione had spoken against it, pulling her jacket tighter, shuddering as a flurry of air slammed into them. "Spying on our friends' date is unacceptable."

"True. Let them be. It's our first time in the village. We should focus on enjoying this rather than spying on them." Neville had supported Hermione's opinion, just like always, and cast warming charms on them, getting grateful nods in return.

"What do you think, Iris?" Tracey had looked at her for support, grinning excitedly at the prospect of tailing the 'lovebirds' and seeing them embarrass each other.

Truthfully, Iris just wanted to go back to the castle and sleep. She was in no mood to have any type of fun.

This was their first time in the village and her brother wasn't there with her. She had tried not to feel resentful but hadn't been able to let go of her negative feelings. Would it have killed them to go on a date some other time? She had been looking forward to exploring the village with Harry, to visiting uncle Remus' Shrieking Shack together, but here she was, trying to conceal her displeased frown from her friends, and missing her brother terribly.

"Iris?" Tracey had repeated, her voice laced with concern.

"Let's follow them." Iris had said, eliciting exasperated groans from Hermione and Neville. But instead of parting ways, those two had joined in, curious themselves to see how this would unfold.

Presently, they moved furtively behind Harry and Daphne, merging with the crowd and keeping a close eye on them.

The way those two were holding hands caused something ugly and unpleasant to settle into her gut, making her feel queasy and sick as if someone had forced acid down her throat. It was quite hard keeping a stoic face when all she wanted to do was jump between them and push them apart, and take Harry's hand in Daphne's place.

Also, Tracey's obnoxious giggling wasn't helping her turbulent emotions in the least. Iris was just one giggle away from smacking the shite out of her.

As the two 'lovebirds' quickly stole into the Three Broomsticks, they all halted, not knowing what to do next. But they didn't need to worry. Harry and Daphne were now sitting at the window booth, allowing them to see what they were doing inside.

Iris' skin crawled and she almost flinched when she saw Daphne press into Harry's side and rest her head against his chest. Her blood boiled, frothing at her core, filling her with dark poisonous anger.

She wanted to scream her throat hoarse.

She finally realised that it was one thing to accept an unsatisfactory situation, and another to see it happening right before her eyes. She had known Harry was going to have multiple relationships, but that didn't mean she was ready to see it. That didn't mean she was prepared to smile while it transpired. Spinning around, she walked away, ignoring her friends' calls until they caught up to her.

"I have seen enough. Let's explore instead. We don't have the entire day." Iris announced stiltedly, and they reluctantly nodded, not questioning the sudden shift in her mood.

"Fine. Let's go to Tomes and Scrolls then. I have been wanting to visit the bookstore since I first heard about it from the older Ravenclaws." Hermione offered, pointing to the said shop across them.

It was a small cosy shop with books displayed against the glass front.

"What? No! Let's go to Zonko's." Tracey countered, making a face at the thought of visiting a bookstore. Haven't they had enough books in Hogwarts?

"Why? It's not like you do pranks anymore and need materials." Neville pondered out loud, stating the redundancy of the proposal. "How about we first go to Honeydukes instead? We need to buy enough sweets to pacify Astoria anyway. Better do it now than later. Then we can decide what to do further."

Tracey agreed, and Hermione acquiesced.

As they moved towards the sweets shop, Iris couldn't help but let the gloomy thoughts cloud her mind. For the first time in her life, she really wished she wasn't Harry's twin sister, that she wasn't related to him. Maybe then she too would have been able to go on a date with him. Maybe then she would have been able to kiss him in public. Maybe then she wouldn't have to hide their relationship.

She was pulled out of her grim musings when she bumped into Tracey.

As she opened her mouth to enquire what happened, her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Neville punch some seventh-year Slytherin while Hermione had fallen on her knees. Four boys stood before the two, including the one who just got his teeth knocked out.

Before Neville could punch him again and break another tooth, one of the older boy's friends pulled out his wand.


"Finish the curse and I'll blow your fucking head off." Iris hissed, suddenly in the midst of the violence with her wand touching the boy's voice box. Maybe he saw the hidden anger welling up inside her, or maybe he was bamboozled by how swift she was, because he abruptly put his wand away.

A crowd had started forming around them on the road, as she stood fearlessly between her friends and the older students. She was a head shorter than them all, and yet there was not a hint of fear in her cool green eyes.

"Take your friend and piss off. We don't want trouble. At least not in the middle of a road." She whispered with a sneer, stepping back and signalling her friends to do the same as the crowd's whispers submerged them.

The one who got punched by Neville growled menacingly as he wiped his bloody mouth with the back of his sleeve. His grey eyes narrowed in rage and he predictably tried to take a swipe at her.

Unheeding her friends' sudden shrieks, she nimbly ducked under his punch and whirled around, executing a perfect back kick aimed at the side of his jaw.

She winced as he was thrown back, landing on his face, blood and teeth trickling out of his red mouth. She had held back, she really did, but apparently, it was still overkill.


If this didn't land her in detention then she didn't know what will. Maybe it wouldn't. Hopefully, the boys wouldn't want to accept that they got their arse beaten by a third-year student and would keep quiet.

She could only wish.

"Just take him and fuck off." She sighed, massaging her head. This was definitely not her day. She stifled a groan as they carried the unconscious boy away while giving her dirty looks. There would be retaliation for this. Which was going to be so troublesome.

"Neville, please tell me there was a valid reason for punching him." Iris glared at her friend.

"We bumped into them and he spat the M word at Hermione." He explained, looking stubborn and glaring back at her.

"Valid enough." She mumbled with a nod, disappointed that she couldn't chew him out.

They hastily moved towards Honeydukes and away from the gaze of the crowd.

"Ow!" Iris grumbled, slamming face-first into the extra clear glass door, almost indistinguishable from the threshold. Her cheeks coloured as she heard the muffled laughter around her. Even her friends were hiding their chuckles.

Tracey patted her back consolingly. "It's alright."

No, it was not.

She shoved the door open and marched inside.

Today definitely wasn't her day.


It was afternoon.

Harry and Daphne arrived when it was time to go back.

Carriages drawn by Thestrals lined up the street, and the students were already making groups and going back to the castle.

He noticed Iris and the others standing against a carriage and made his way arm-in-arm with Daphne. Approaching them with wide smiles, he didn't miss his sister's frosty look and their friends' worried ones.

His smile dimmed, and he let go of Daphne's hand and picked up the pace, jogging towards them, stopping just before his twin.

He stared at her blank face and tilted his head in confusion. While they had seen one another many times throughout this excursion, they hadn't exchanged words since they were busy exploring the village separately, he with Daphne and she with their other friends.

"I fought seventh-years today. Then I slammed my face on a glass door. An annoying bird pooped on my hair. And I even slipped on a pebble and fell on my butt." She told him with trembling lips, her eyes pooling with tears.

"Oh, Iris." He mumbled sympathetically and gathered her in his arms. And the dam broke, she sniffled loudly, burying her face in his neck and letting her frustrated tears spill as she hugged him crushingly.

"You seem to be having a really bad day. Come on, let's go back. It will be alright." He smiled softly in her hair, some of his amusement leaking through his voice. But she didn't complain, and just clung to him like a koala when he picked her up and stepped into the carriage.

Their friends shared amused glances and followed them inside.

Iris plopped into his lap and refused to break the hug, perching her chin over his shoulder and staring into nothing.

Harry didn't actually mind, and ran his fingers through her red hair soothingly while Tracey filled in the gaps and told him what exactly happened to worsen his sister's mood.

Daphne didn't make any fuss at Iris for hogging Harry in the carriage, and gave her friend a pitying look, knowing that it wasn't just the small misfortunes that had affected her so badly, but also the separation, and the image of him with someone else. She really couldn't understand how the Potter siblings thought it was okay to be so dependent on each other. In her view, it was one of their biggest weaknesses. Just take one away from the other and they would lose their mind and get all depressed.

Maybe their love was different than hers. Because she didn't think she would have been so affected if their places had been switched.

When they reached the castle, Harry made an excuse and led Iris away. After they were far enough, he took her hand and teleported to the seventh floor, in front of the Room of Requirement.

Inside the Room, he pulled her into the bed, sitting with his legs wide open and his back against the headrest. Iris was cuddled with her back pressed into his chest and his arms coiled around her stomach.

She relaxed and laid the back of her head over his shoulder. He kissed her cheek and then her neck, pulling her closer until his head was atop her shoulder and his cheek pressed against hers. "Tell me what happened?" He asked gently.

She heaved a massive sigh. "Nothing. I just got jealous of Daphne."

"Why? While I shouldn't pick favourites, you already know that you are the one I love the most."

A big smile appeared on her face at his admission. "I know. I know. But I wanted to go on a date with you too. I wanted to hold your hand and stroll carelessly too. I wanted to kiss you in front of everyone and not feel judged. But I can't do any of those because I'm your sister."

"Don't be stupid. I love you the most because you're my sister. If you weren't, you would be way below in the ranks." He chuckled.

"Hey! I'm beautiful. Everyone says so. Even if I weren't your sister, I'd like to think you still would have loved me." She protested, squirming and turning over so she was facing him.

"You are." He smiled, cupping her face and placing a loud kiss on her lips. "But it still wouldn't have been the same. I love you because you're always by my side. Because I have spent most of my time with you. Because you are my twin, my sister. So, please never wish that it was different. What we have is perfection. Nothing can make this any better."

All her worries disappeared and she slumped ungainly, rubbing her face on his chest. "I know. I love you."

"I love you too." He mumbled, kissing her head. "You want a date. Right? Let's go on a date then."

Iris squealed as he picked her up and teleported to the muggle London.

"What are you doing!" She exclaimed as he put her down.

"Taking you on a date. Come on, hold my hand to your heart's content." He smirked, proffering his arm.

She blushed, intertwining her fingers with his as they stepped out into the busy street.

"A warning would have been appreciated." Iris muttered.

"Where's the fun in that? Now, shush, let me make this date extraordinary so you'll invite me home and kiss me. Maybe I'll have the chance to get lucky and get some action." He snickered, swinging their joined arms between them, uncaring of the amused stares they were receiving.

"Now you're just making fun of me." She groaned, flustered but immensely pleased.


Bonus Scene

In an empty classroom, a silver-haired girl danced around the most powerful mage. Her wand movements were sharp and crisp as if she was wielding a knife.

Different jets of light whooshed towards Eos, who simply dodged the powerful attacks with effortless ease, moving gracefully like a snake, turning and spinning so quickly that should have been impossible for a human body.

As a Blasting curse left Fleur's wand, she flicked it away in contempt, ignoring the blast that should have caved the wall if it hadn't been enforced by her.

"Pathetic, try again. And this time, mean it." Eos scowled, and the dance began once again.