Training, Training, and 'Training'

Chapter 50. Training, Training, and 'Training'

"Dragons. The first task is about dragons." Elitsa said in a grim tone, shocking Fleur who went stiff at the mention of giant fire-breathing reptiles.

Harry, on the other hand, merely nodded from where he was settled at the desk table, not looking too surprised, having read about the earlier Triwizard tournaments and knowing that the first task more often than not involved magical animals.

Team A presently was ensconced within Fleur's room in the Beauxbatons' Carriage since she had readily offered it as their rendezvous point. Seated on the bed, beside the older girl, she couldn't help but mumble disbelievingly. "Dragons?"

"Seems so. But we've three weeks to come up with something. We'll be fine." He shrugged, leaning back into the chair with a yawn, acting too casual for someone who might have to face a dragon in near future.

"You don't look too surprised. Did you already know zat?" The Veela questioned, her silver eyebrows scrunched up in a frown. Even Elitsa was regarding him with a suspicious gaze.

"Didn't you two do research before entering your names in the goblet? Because if you did you'd have known that most of the time the first task in the previous Triwizard championships involved magical creatures. We should be grateful that it's just a dragon and not some more dangerous beast."

"But isn't zis ze Inter School Team Competition? I thought it would be different zan ze Triwizard Tournament." Fleur complained, not wanting to be viewed as someone less prepared than her thirteen-year-old teammate.

"Obviously. It never had nine participants before. And the tournament was always about proving the might of one's own school. The principles have been changed. The goals have been improved. But that doesn't mean it can't take inspiration from its predecessor. I'll recommend you both a particular book to read in your spare time, so you won't get caught off guard again." Harry responded dryly, amused that they went blindly into the tournament.

"No need. I have already done my research. That is how I knew who to contact to confirm my doubt." Elitsa revealed, her lips spread in a proud smile, and she offered him an acknowledging nod for behaving like a responsible person who did his preliminary study before applying for the tournament.

"Sorry! I was too busy practising my duelling skills with Madam Blanc, I couldn't 'ave been bozzered to pick up a 'istory book." Fleur threw up her hands, feeling specifically targeted as her partners shared proud looks among them, as they bonded over their habit of preplanning. She was decidedly feeling left out.

"As a matter of fact, I vas just going to propose a mock duel between us to exhibit our fighting style. Because sooner or later, it vill be the most crucial skill which vill decide if ve vill vin or not." Elitsa told her placatingly.

Fleur didn't exactly jump to her feet, but it felt like she did. Standing straight with her head held high, she was the perfect picture of a graceful swan. While she tried not to show her excitement externally, her glittering eyes gave her away. "What are we waiting for? I know ze perfect place to conduct our exhibition."

Harry chuckled and got up. Elitsa hid her smirk and picked up her black woollen jacket, putting it on over her green blouse as she rose to her feet. "Lead the vay, Fleur."

As the Veela purposefully set a steady pace so as not to look like an excited teenager wanting to show off to her friends, Harry's eyes unconsciously wandered down to her alluring butt.

Since winter began creeping in from the past few days, some people abandoned flowy dress robes and adopted long-sleeved tops and comfy trousers. Fleur was one of them. And while the dark blue trousers did their job of covering her long sensual legs, keeping them concealed and warm, they also were tight enough to accentuate her rather wonderful derriere.

And it was damn eye-catching, making the subtle movement of her plump cheeks—as she moved her limbs—entertaining and hypnotising. The shape of her behind was just too perfect not to appreciate it. A perfect upside-down heart with just the right amount of mass and roundness.

The sudden light whack to the side of his head, courtesy of the older girl walking with him, broke the enchanting observation. He grinned abashedly under Elitsa's disapproving gaze, making her sigh in exasperation.

Someday, when all his quests would be done and his traits would be removed, he would be able to control his gaze. But until then, he was a slave to his lust. Still, he somehow reined in the urge to burn a hole through the Veela's bottoms and focussed on Fleur's swaying silver-white hair instead as the trio sauntered through the common room before exiting out of the Carriage.

It was late morning, the day dim and grey with clouds sprawling in every direction, encompassing the entire sky as far as their eyes could see. Harry put up a warming charm on their group as a rushing wind washed over them, making their clothes and hair flutter. Not that they really needed it since they all were wearing a sweater or a jacket. But Elitsa and Fleur still gave him thankful nods as they moved towards the Forbidden Forest, dry leaves crunching under their shoes.

"How further, Fleur?" Elitsa asked once they were at the fringes of the dark forest, as she gathered her straight black hair and tied it up quickly in a ponytail, her grey eyes scanning the woods in apprehension.

"Just a little more. Zere is a glade some distance away." She answered, pulling up her own stunning hair in a bun before grabbing their arms and hurrying them towards it.

The trees were bare of any leaves and the forest floor was blanketed with the abundance of it. It didn't take much time before the barren trunks parted and offered a big enough clearing. With a flick of her wand, the leaves vanished from the glade, and the soft green grass shone in the weak sunlight once free.

A small brook formed a natural boundary to the meadow on the other side, after which dark thick foliage exuded an unwelcoming aura, barring further entry into the Forbidden Forest.

"Zis is it." She announced, releasing their wrists.

"Hmm, it's spacious enough, I guess. We just need to put up wards to stop stray spells from escaping the area." Harry commented.

"I vill do it. It might take some time though." offered Elitsa, knowing that only Fleur or herself were old enough to have learnt that. The boy in their group might seem as big as them, but in the end, he was just a kid.

"Don't worry about it. I can do it in seconds. Give me a moment." He surprised her as he took out his wand and gave it a wave. Goosebumps covered her pale skin as raw power flooded the clearing and wafted through them, forming an instant strong ward around the glade that would prevent spells from leaving the area.

It would be an understatement to say that she was shocked, after all, you didn't meet people like Harry everyday who could erect wards with one flick. "How old are you actually?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Thirteen years and three months." He shrugged, his lips twitching as she tried to hide her disbelief. "So, who's going first?"

"Elitsa and I." Fleur piped up, wanting to win her first match and knowing that she would definitely lose if she fought against Harry.

The black-haired girl nodded and marched to the other side.

Harry moved away and placed himself under a tree so they could begin.

Fleur started with a silent tickling charm which made the other girl scoff and step away to the side. The charm hit the invisible barrier and fizzled out.

Her playful smirk was wiped out when Elitsa threw a gouging spell that would have fatally injured her if connected. She easily dodged it, letting it slam behind her against the ward. A loud gong sound reverberated through the clearing. And she understood that her opponent wanted her to be serious.

Fleur nodded, snapping her wand forward. A powerful gale hammered against the Bulgarian's shield charm.

Once the wind died down, Elitsa spun around and lashed her wand like a lasso, and a fiery whip crackled into existence. The French champion kept her calm and leapt over the rushing whip before pointing her wand to the ground. The blasting curse tore through the floor like a giant worm as the impact hastened towards the other girl.

Elitsa abandoned her whip and a ginormous golden shield materialised in front of her, absorbing the force before disintegrating into small motes of light.

Both the girls were smiling as they collided again, as they exchanged spells to see how the other would counter it. Harry was impressed that all their spells were cast silently, no sounds leaving their mouths except for occasional grunts. As he observed their duel, he came to the conclusion that both used charms masterfully with a little transfiguration mixed in here and there. Whereas Fleur was like water, moving around gracefully and attacking her from every viable direction, Elitsa was like an immortal mountain, sturdy and unmoving. But even though their styles were different, their wand movements were the same. Short and crisp to save valuable microseconds.

If Harry had to criticise them, then he would say Elitsa was unadaptable while Fleur sometimes became showy with her acrobatic moves. Because surely that backflip wasn't necessary, nor was the dramatic side jump. Honestly, there wasn't much difference between their overall strength. Fleur was just a little more skillful. And Elitsa was simply a little more powerful.

The end came because of Fleur's unpredictable special spell.

Dodging a stunner, she pointed her wand up in the sky and a white jet of light connected her and the clouds for a very brief moment before the spell vanished abruptly. It might have felt like a failed spell if not for the luminous patch of cloud right above them. She smirked triumphantly and brought down her wand with a flourish, aiming it at Elitsa.

And suddenly the meadow was blinded by lightning. One after the other, lightning fell from the heavens and right atop the black-haired girl. Her face was pale as she raised the giant golden shield and huddled under it. Obviously, Fleur had limited her power, so the thundering lightning just shoved and intimidated Elitsa instead of frying her.





The glade was overwhelmed by the flashing lightning and booming thunder. And so was Elitsa who was struggling to maintain the power-consuming golden shield that was slowly drinking up her mana reserve while the sparkling barrage made her physical body tremble from exertion. If it was just the strange cloud spell, then there was yet a chance for her to recover. But, apparently, the cloud spell was independent since Fleur sent her slamming into the wards with a blasting curse while she was busy hiding under her shield.

Elitsa grunted as she slumped down and looked up warily, expecting to get riddled with lightning bolts. But the shining patch of the cloud above them was no more.

The silver-haired girl walked up to her and offered her arm. "I win. But it was a challenging match."

The Bulgarian took her arm and staggered to her feet. "Vat vas that spell? I have never seen something like that before."

"One of ze spells zat my mentor, Madam Blanc, taught me." Fleur answered as Harry meandered towards them.

"That was a brilliant match. But I fear this loud rumbling display was seen by everyone. I suggest we scram before professors hurry up here to see what the hell's going on." He chuckled at their look of realisation.

He took their hands as sounds of hurrying steps closed in on them and teleported away after removing the wards.

They reappeared in Fleur's room where the three immediately plopped down on the bed. The Veela let out a relieved sigh, grateful that she didn't have to face an interrogation. Before she could thank him, Elitsa spoke up from Harry's other side. "That vasn't apparition. Vat vas that?"

Harry laid down on his back and stretched his arms, his legs dangling from the edge of the bed. "That's a secret."

She looked down at him with narrowed eyes and was going to pry further.

"Let 'im be, Elitsa, Little 'Arry likes 'oarding 'is secrets." Fleur came to his rescue, patting his chest almost fondly.

"Little Harry? Now that's just asking for war." He grumbled good-naturedly.

"Well, you are only thirteen." She giggled. "I can call you little man if you want."

"Don't you dare. Or I might just have to show you how little I am." He threatened suggestively.

Fleur let out a humorous snort, her blue eyes twinkling. "Oh, zen I 'ave to call you little man."

"Fuck around and find out." He warned, his eyes gleaming as she smirked at him.

"Enough!" Elitsa intervened before they could continue goading each other.

The two chuckled together, having almost forgotten that she was there too.

"Since you refuse to share more about this strange apparition technique, I vill let it go. But I vant to fight you and see vat else you can do in a duel. Got it?"

"Aye aye, captain." He saluted from where he was lying down on his back.

"Good, tomorrow then." Elitsa nodded, standing up.

Harry too sat up and slid off the bed. "Okay, see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Elitsa, 'Arry."

"Yeah. Read the book about the Triwizard Tournament today." He suggested.

"Oui, I will." Fleur nodded, walking with them to the door and closing it once they were gone.


In some abandoned classroom.

"Use more power, Chloe." Daphne said calmly as a large wall of water swayed before them, dangerously tipping towards her.

She and Chloe were standing side by side with their wands out and aimed at the water construct, trying to snatch control of the water from one another.

Chloe's short brown hair was matted to her skull from the sheer amount of sweat that she had released. She was almost regretting informing their team leader that she was a Water Elementalist. If she had known that the proud announcement would lead to this then she would have never revealed that.

Here was the shocker. Apparently, Daphne Greengrass was an adept Elementalist too at the mere age of thirteen. That of two opposite elements, Fire and Water. And according to her, Chloe was great at controlling the water element, but 'shite' at empowering it. So, she had taken it upon herself to improve her skill. And learning from the daughter of a legend had seemed like a blessing then. After all, who wouldn't want to become like Proserpina Greengrass, the master of all four elements?

The feeling had changed quite quickly once she had realised that Daphne Greengrass was one of the worst slave drivers in existence.

This was the third hour since they began today. And her t-shirt was thoroughly drenched, and so was her bra. If she wasn't so focussed on thwarting the blonde's attempt to take over the water, she would have tried to scratch the itch on her left nipple. Alas, if she wavered even a little, she would lose the challenge. But this itch was consuming her calm mind like tiny pebbles sinking in a still pond and creating ripples. It had to be done. The itch had to be taken care of. So, keeping her wand firm in one hand, she used the other to scratch her boob. Ah, she almost moaned as the itch finally disappeared.

Suddenly, she groaned when the wall of the water crumbled on her and drowned her in the cold stream. Seemed like Daphne was able to overtake the control.

She ended up falling down on her knees in the pool of water as it dripped from—and to—everywhere. At least Viktor was busy suffering in his own hell to notice her wet translucent clothes. She would have died of embarrassment if a boy saw her in this pathetic state. She looked up at the younger girl who while not too short than her was still three years her junior. The blonde looked clean and immaculate, unlike her. And not even a little bit tired, definitely unlike her. Her crystal blue eyes were narrowed in thought while her beautiful wheatish hair was braided down her shoulder. Chloe knew how gorgeous and cute the girl was. But at the moment, as she shivered and her teeth clattered, Daphne Greengrass looked just as cute and beautiful as a red-skinned Satan.

"I think you might need a little break, Chloe. You look worn." Daphne mumbled.

You think? What gave it away? She wanted to laugh hysterically, but all that came out was a weak chuckle.

"Yes, you really need a break. Go on. Take half an hour." The demon said mercifully, giving her a strange look before moving towards her next victim. At least she vanished the water and dried her before stepping away.

Chloe moaned in relief and laid down right there on the floor, the cold ground not bothering her that much as her back and arse were at last given support. 'I'll just close my eyes for a second."

The half-British and half-French Chloe Dupont didn't wake up for the next two hours once she dozed off. And Daphne wasn't cruel enough to disturb her well-earned sleep just so she could work her to the bone again, instead, she made her as comfortable as possible with the help of magic.

"Viktor, how's the practice going on?" Daphne asked as she stopped in the other corner where he was bombarding the wall with stunners, as he moved his legs and added some fluidity to his rigid stance.

The first day they had met to strategize, Daphne realised that they couldn't do much about the first task without any information. So, they ended up deciding to better themselves in the meanwhile. Of course, Krum and Dupont had been more than a little angry when she had unkindly criticised their weaknesses, but once she had beaten— defeated them in a fight, they became ready to listen.

Viktor Krum ceased his spellfire and turned towards her, huffing and puffing, the condition of his tired body not too different from Chloe's. "I am doing vat you said."

"Show me." She ordered.

Viktor frowned apprehensively and began shooting spells silently, red jets of light colliding against the wall where a neat target was drawn. Most of his spells struck the target with only a few missing. And his footwork was becoming better just like his aim. The first time she had duelled him, he had stood in one place like a nincompoop and tried to overpower her. That definitely hadn't worked out well for him.

"Good. Very good. I think it's enough for today." She smiled proudly, making him stand straighter. It was funny how she was a head and half shorter than him and yet he was behaving like a soldier getting praised by his commander. While it was indeed funny, it was flattering too. And Daphne loved this feeling of power over others. There was just something so intoxicating and addictive about looking at everyone and knowing that she could kill them in an instant if she desired.

"Thank you." Viktor nodded in relief and walked away.

She moved back to Chloe and couldn't help but smile softly. Pointing her wand at her, she used the levitating charm and hovered her up before turning themselves invisible and hurrying towards the Beauxbatons' Carriage.

'Let's hope Iris is up for another duel. I need to practise too.' She pondered while carrying her teammate to her abode.


In another abandoned Classroom.

Just like the other two teams, Team C also came together to decide how to move further.

"First, ve need to decide who vill be the leader." Stefan began, looking at the other two who were sitting with him at the teacher's desk.

"How about we vote?" Cedric offered, causing Stefan to frown.

Juliette shook her head, her beautiful long blonde hair swinging gently with the elegant movement. "I think Cedric Diggory should be the leader. This is Hogwarts and he will have home advantage."

Cedric shrugged. "If that's what is required of me."

"It is indeed required, Cedric." Juliette cajoled sultrily, her green eyes oozing warmth.

"Okay then. I'll be the leader." He agreed, blushing at her tone.

Stefan abruptly stood up and made his way towards the exit. "I vill not follow this boy. Do whatever you vant."

"Well, I'm not that attached to the leadership position anyway. If you want you can have it." Cedric quickly said, understanding that they needed to work together, but Stefan just grunted and left the room.

Juliette slowly got out of her seat and patted his back. "Don't worry. I will go and see if he can be convinced."

He nodded shyly as her sweet fragrance enveloped him. And he shivered as she caressed his spine before stepping away and prancing out of the classroom, her black dress incredibly snug around her arse, his eyes drinking in the sight of her sashaying plump hips. He shook his head and berated himself for looking at her that way.

Juliette ran after the Bulgarian boy once she got out of the classroom, when she didn't have to flex her seductive body before the stupid British boy.

"Stefan, wait!" She called and jogged towards him. Thankfully, he hadn't gone too far. She acted tired and hunched forward when she reached him, breathing loudly with her hands on her hips and her pale breasts straining against her low-cut dress.

Juliette smiled brilliantly at him once she 'caught her breath', ignoring how he leered at her tits. Then again, if she didn't want anyone to gawk at them then she wouldn't wear such revealing dresses.

"What?" He spoke up bitterly.

"I know that you wanted to be the leader. But there is a reason why I voted for him. We do not know anything about the first task. And there is a big chance that we may lose. Believe me, it is the best move to make him the leader and blame him if we fail. There is no need for us to risk ourselves. And it is not like we cannot control him. He is younger than us. He will cave in under our collective pressure." She hastily explained, looking like the epitome of sincerity. "After all, why would I choose him over someone like you?"

Stefan stared at her for a moment before believing her. "That is a good plan."

"I know." She grinned, wrapping her hands around his arm—to his surprise—and leading him back towards the meeting. Just to enchant him some more, she made sure to bump her chest against his hand one time. When they reached the door, she disentangled from him and entered the room by his side.

"Glad to see you back." Cedric smiled happily.

Stefan just grunted while taking his seat.

"So, what is the plan?" asked Juliette.

"For the moment, nothing. The first task is designed to test our bravery. We can only improve our skills and brace ourselves for what is to come." He answered confidently. "But I'm sure we'll get some information before the first task begins. I hardly think they can arrange an entire task without attracting any attention. We just've to keep our eyes and ears open."

Juliette nodded in agreement. "That is quite a genius take on the situation. We are in good hands."

"Thank you." Cedric smiled bashfully under her adoring gaze.

"Do you mind if I give you a suggestion?" She added after a second.

"Sure, I'm all ears."

"There are two ways of winning. One, by simply besting the enemy. And two, by defeating the enemy." She explained grandly.

Stefan suddenly laughed boomingly, giving her an appreciative look, catching her meaning. She returned his feral grin.

"Aren't the two same?" Cedric questioned seriously.

She shook her head. "No, when one tries to best their opponent, they only focus on themselves and on winning. But when one tries to defeat their opponent, they turn their entire focus on bringing down their enemy in any way possible. I suggest we do both."

Cedric made a face at hearing that. "You mean like sabotaging them? Spying on them?"

"In a way, yes."

"I don't like that. We'll win through our hard work and dedication. We don't need underhanded tricks." He spoke against it, ignoring Stefan's scoff.

"Oh Cedric, it is just a game. We are required to use everything to our advantage. It is not just the magical skills that will be on the display. Our intelligence and information gathering is tested too." She let out a soft gentle laugh, like a parent tenderly breaking their child's naive belief.

The scowl on his face lessened but didn't disappear. "I won't stop you from doing that. But I'm not participating in it. That's just not how I work."

"Of course. It is absolutely fine. I did not mean to say you have to do that. Just leave that task to me." She said assuringly.

"If that's what you wish." Cedric agreed reluctantly.

"If that vas all, I am going. I cannot hear his whining anymore." Stefan glowered and stomped out, making him sigh in disappointment. When he had entered his name in the goblet of fire, he hadn't anticipated this. This was going to be a headache.

"Don't worry about him. He is just a narcissistic fool who wanted to be the leader." Juliette chuckled, getting up and waiting for him.

"How did you even convince him to come back?" Cedric questioned curiously, sliding back his chair and standing up.

She giggled sweetly. "I lied to him that we can just blame you if we lose."

"I mean as a leader I will be responsible if that happens."

"And that's why you deserve the leadership." She smiled widely, taking his hand and wrapping her arms around it. "But even if we lose, don't blame yourself. This is the Inter School Team Competition. We all three will be responsible for the outcome whether that be positive or negative."

"Thank you." Cedric offered a pleased smile, butterflies fluttering in his stomach as her scent filled him up with warmth, his neck burning as her soft breasts rubbed along his upper arm.

Maybe not everything was as bad as he had thought.


The next day, Harry and Elitsa faced off for the arranged duel in the glade that they had claimed as their training ground. The weather was way better than yesterday. And the sunlight was cool and bright in the meadow.

"Don't hold back. Show me vat you got." She yelled from the opposite side. Fleur was already hiding behind a tree, sending Elitsa sympathetic looks, knowing that if Madam Blanc considered Harry to be stronger than her, then he must be a beast.

"As you say, Elitsa." Harry mumbled to himself.

Elitsa began the match by shooting a gouging spell at him, just like she did to Fleur yesterday, reminding him of the seriousness of the duel.

Harry scoffed and batted the spell with his bare hand as if it was some insect buzzing around him.

An eerie silence took over the clearing. It was as if the very air had stopped moving to enhance the disbelief.

Fleur stared at him dumbly.

Elitsa froze and forgot to send another spell to keep him busy.

Harry chuckled to himself and raised his wand.

"Agni!" He screamed for dramatic effect.

And like a broken dam, blue flames broke out of nothing and transformed into a giant dragon that could be seen even from the castle. And even though it was hovering in the sky, its heat still reached them and chased away the biting chill of the winter.

Its roar shook the very ground and as it prepared to dive and consume the entire forest, Harry vanished it, guessing that was enough showing off. He skipped towards them with a nonchalant smile as if he hadn't just conjured a destructive force that could have wiped off hundreds of wizards in one swoop.

"I must have forgotten to mention that I'm an Elementalist." He grinned at her incredulous look.

"Which element?" She asked in a whisper, wiping off the sweat from her forehead, waiting for her heart to realise that she wasn't dying yet and it should stop beating so hard now.

"All four, duh." He smiled innocently.

"Of course, I shouldn't have asked." She mumbled in a dazed tone.

"We should disappear, again. I heard surprised shouts and approaching footsteps." Fleur ran up to them, offering her hand. Smiling amusedly, he took it before grabbing Elitsa's hand, who still seemed dumbstruck. And then he teleported.


Bonus Scene

It was after he left Fleur's room along with Elitsa that he slammed into a sexy blonde-haired girl in the corridor of Beauxbatons' Carriage. He grabbed her by the waist before she could fall down.

"Oh, sorry, did not see you coming." Juliette Aubert said bashfully, smiling charmingly as he briefly glanced at her perky boobs.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend." Saying that, he promptly let her fall and walked away without another glance at her, a dubious/amused Elitsa following right behind him.

Lying down, Juliette couldn't help but yell, "What the actual fuck!"