Words of Power

Chapter 51. Words of Power

"Good afternoon, Professor. You called for me?" Harry enquired as he walked into Professor McGonagall's office. He sat down in the chair before the desk, patiently waiting for her answer when she didn't even glance at him, too busy grading the papers in front of her.

It was the second day of his training with his team. He had been just returning from Beauxbatons' Carriage—rebuffing Juliette's attempt to acquaint herself with him on the way—when a Prefect informed him that their head of the house had demanded his presence. And so he hadn't wasted a single moment before hurrying towards her classroom.

"Yes, Mister Potter. I wanted to relay to you a couple of important pieces of information." She finally answered, shuffling and arranging the stack and putting it on her left side. Leaning forwards on her elbows, she gave him a small smile. "As you've been selected for the tournament, you're exempt from attending classes or showing up for exams."

"I knew that already, Professor." He responded with scrunched-up eyebrows.

"I see. But did you know that each champion is allowed a mentor who'd continue teaching them at their own pace? After all, you can't just skip your entire third year for a mere tournament. Your education is far more important than that." She added, her eyes narrowing in displeasure at his interruption.

Harry shook his head. "I didn't know that. Though I was still going to attend the Runes and the Arithmancy classes despite the tournament since I didn't want to miss the basics. And I'm confident enough in my ability to self-study for the rest of the subjects."

She offered him a proud nod. "Good. I'm glad you're taking your education seriously. I'd have doubted you if you were anyone else, but your track record has always been extraordinary. So, I know you're capable enough. Yet, I must assign you a professor to whom you may go whenever you're in doubt about your studies as it has been ordered by the headmasters of the three schools. Do you have any suggestions? You can also ask for someone outside of Hogwarts staff. Your mother perhaps?"

He wouldn't lie. The offer of bringing his mum to Hogwarts was enticing. But it was too impractical to commit to. He didn't require anyone's help for his studies, and dragging his mum here just so he could bang her was quite redundant when he could teleport directly to her instead. And there was also that his mum didn't really like to be in public and was content in remaining at Potter Manor. It would be cruel to push her under the spotlight just so he could have one more eye candy around.

"I'm fine with whoever you choose." He replied, knowing he wouldn't bother with this mentor thing anyway.

"I'd have assigned Professor Longbottom to you since you're already having extra classes with her, but she is unfortunately overworked at the moment and I can't in good conscience allot her any more duties. I fear she'd just resign if I did so." Professor McGonagall said thoughtfully, a wry smile making its way to her face.

Harry let out a snort, having had the pleasure of listening to his aunt's angry complaints.

"Thankfully, Professor Blanc has offered herself for this role. She said she can manage one more student on top of Miss Delacour and specifically asked for you. And I don't think we should let this chance go to waste. So, do you mind sharing your mentor with Miss Delacour?"

He didn't let his inner thoughts show. "I don't mind."

"Good. Then be sure to ask for her help if you come across something difficult. And you can also come to us. The Hogwarts staff will aid you in their free time. If there's free time."

"Thank you." Harry said, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"It was a pleasure. You may go now. And I hope you won't disappoint us in the tournament either." She told him in a dismissive voice, her eyes gleaming through the round glasses.

"I'll win." He answered simply to a nod, getting up and walking towards the door confidently, feeling the weight of her gaze on his back.

Looking over his shoulder, he found her already immersed in her work again. He opened the door and strode out.

Once he was out of her office, he faded immediately and reappeared inside the Beauxbatons' Carriage.

"Harry!" Eos gasped, clutching her beating heart, surprised by his sudden appearance. She had been lounging on the armchair beside the window when he decided to spook her.

Standing by the door, Harry gave her a moment to calm herself. "Eos."

"What are you doing here? And don't you know how to use a door?" She admonished him, slumping back into the armchair with a sigh, the afternoon sunlight adding a beautiful lustre to her loose black hair, and almost softening the sharp edges of her aristocratic face. Even her dark eyes became warm honey in the light.

"What are you playing at? Why did you specifically ask to become my mentor?" He questioned suspiciously, moving towards the large window and conjuring a chair in front of her before occupying it. Unlike Eos, the sunlight falling on him just enhanced the intensity of his emerald eyes.

She frowned. "Why did you instantly jump to the conclusion that I was doing something bad? I just thought it would give us a valid reason to meet together since we're not enemies anymore. Because no matter how many times you assure me, I can't stop seeing you as a threat until we form some sort of amicable relationship where I can at least trust you to keep your word. And it seems it's true for even you with the way you always try to find reasons to make me a villain."

Harry looked out of the window at the dark forest, pondering over her words. "I guess I can't argue with that. I see no harm in giving it a try."

"Thank you." She heaved a sigh.

Instead of answering, he just teleported away. The words '...you always try to find reasons to make me a villain' reverberating inside his head.


That night it was finally time for another private lesson with Aunt Alice. And he had been anticipating this session for a while now. The last lesson had involved him feasting on her tits and groping her curvaceous body. And they ended it with a steamy kiss which she had reciprocated for the first time. He was eager to know if this was it. If this was the night where he would sleep with her.

"Aunty." He smiled softly when he ambled into the DADA classroom. She was already waiting for him by the teacher's desk. Willing the door to shut close, he moved between the rows of benches and closed the distance between them.

Tonight, she was wearing a full ankle-length gown, unlike the usual skimpy nightwear. Which obviously didn't bode well. Pausing before her, he kept his smile even though he wanted to ask why the sudden change of pace. And while she was looking pretty enough in the blue gown, he favoured her in less conservative clothes.

"Harry." She smiled back, stepping towards him and mussing his hair, requiring her to raise her arm since he was taller than her.

Now don't get him wrong, he loved getting head pats from her, but he had expected something more intimate after that night. A small kiss wouldn't have been out of place. And he didn't hide his intentions as his gaze lingered on her pouty pink lips. When he leaned forward to plant a kiss on her mouth, she brought her hand and pressed her forefinger on his lips.

He scowled and her crystal blue eyes shined with amusement. "Not so quick, Harry. I need to put up some ground rules before we progress further."

"Fiine." whined Harry, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. Actually, the fabric of the gown was thin and pleasant to touch as he tested it by spreading his palms over her plump butt cheeks. He could almost feel her unsubstantial underwear beneath the dress. So, it might not be all that bad.

Alice, already used to his touches, didn't even complain and allowed him to rest his hands on her arse cheeks.

"Good. The first is a question. Is Daphne okay with you sticking your dick around? Because I won't hurt her just because we're horny." She asked in a dead serious voice, her breath hitching in her throat as he kissed her jaw.

"Yes, we have an arrangement." He whispered idly, dragging his lips down to the side of her neck, her skin just as soft and pleasant as always.

"Okay, I won't pry into your unusual relationship. Secondly, I want you to keep this secret from everyone. No one needs to know that we're having sex. I'll die of embarrassment if Nev ever hears of this." She grabbed his face and stared at him imploringly before he could go on another detour around her neck.

"Done." He nodded resolutely, knowing how awkward that would be. Though he knew his mum would throw another temper tantrum when she finds out that he was fucking her other best friend too. Eh, he would just fuck her into a mellow mood again then.

"Very good. Next, I want you to know that this sex is just physical. It won't change my feelings for you. You'll always be my son and nothing more." She added, her expression showing the absurdity of the statement.

"Okay. So, like a son with benefits?" He prompted, the corner of his lips twitching.

"No—Yes. Yes, exactly that." She sighed, smiling unwittingly.

"Anything else?"

"No, that was it."

He immediately captured her lips in a searing kiss, and her hands found their way around his neck. She didn't give in and kissed him back just as passionately. Taking her plump rear back in his hands, he pushed his crotch harder against her stomach.

As their kiss got more heated, his boner throbbed more urgently on her groin.

Alice wound her hand between their flushed bodies and slipped it inside his underwear, wrapping her fingers around his cock.

She gently squeezed his shaft in her grasp while he played with her full bubbly rump, her arse just as round and big as her tits. When they pulled back, he magically vanished his clothes, and his cock swung up and leered at her.

Before she could take her time to stare at it in awe, Harry was onto her. He unzipped her gown and pulled it down to her waist, her big bra-clad chest expanding a little once they weren't restrained by the confinement of the dress. She moaned appreciatively when he buried his face in her breasts, the thin satin cream bra not proving enough of a barrier between his nose and her bust.

She smelled of ink and parchments. And at that moment with his face trapped between the big mounds of soft flesh, he thought it to be the most enchanting scent in existence. To drown further into her softness and warmth, he unclipped the bra and let it slide down, allowing her white perky tits to pop out on his face, her pink areolas and stiff nipples staring back at him seductively. Without wasting a moment, he took her teat in his mouth and began sucking, her scent and sweat driving him mad with unadulterated lust.

"Harry. Harry." She cooed, her one hand gripping his head while the other busy giving him a handjob, marvelling at the length and the girth of his penis.

She chuckled when he heaved her up in his arms and dropped her onto the desk, scattering all the papers and books because of it. She couldn't even be mad as he gently pushed her down on her back with her legs dangling towards him. She spread them invitingly and opened her arms in a motherly gesture.

She smiled as he vanished her clothes at last, leaving her entirely naked, free from the tangle of her gown and bra. Moving between her suspended limbs, he grabbed them at the thighs and pulled her a little closer, until he could penetrate her comfortably from the position.

Alice flinched at the sudden influx of heat when he rubbed its head on her vulva, the bulbous underside of it rolling in and out of her lips. It seemed incredibly hot and sturdy against her womanhood. And she bit her lip as he slid into her.

She gasped at the intensity of it all. And he had yet to shove it all in.

She groaned his name, thankful that he slowly eased into her instead of just ramming it in. Her inner muscles taking their time to stretch properly and house him in. Once he was bottomed out, he leaned forward and kissed her sweetly before moving his hips. She threw her arms around him and held onto him tightly, trying to merge their body heat as they fucked tenderly.

His grip on her meaty thighs tightened—his fingers digging hard enough to leave imprints— when she suddenly clenched around his girth, surprised that she came so quickly. She slumped back and closed her eyes, her perky breasts rising and falling with her breath. He did not let it deter him and continued thrusting into her, the wetness of her core making it easier for him to move in a gentle rhythm.

For a few minutes, their soft moans and the creaking of the desk were the only noise surrounding them before Harry grunted loudly and filled her up, rutting into her erratically until he spent all his seeds inside her. Stepping back, he pulled out, allowing his semen to drip out of her nether lips.

Alice wore a loving smile, her skin glowing from contentment. "Give me a minute before you poke me again with that sword."

Harry laughed briefly, looking down at his still-hard cock.

He leaned down and planted a fond kiss on her mouth before placing his palms on her breasts. "Take your time. I'll have some energy drink in the meanwhile."

She giggled and ruffled his hair as he used the lactation spell and attached his mouth to her teat once again, his hands too focussing on her massive boobs, his fingers sinking and kneading her soft supple flesh.

As promised, she led his pulsating cock back into her rosy pussy after a moment while he was still occupied with her breasts. She crossed her legs around him and patted his head, signalling him to begin again.


It was a few days later that Harry achieved a milestone.

As the dungeon boss disintegrated into the sand, he was bombarded with loud pings of notifications. He plopped down on the grassy floor, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

The floor was delightfully soft and cool beneath him and he couldn't help but sprawl on his back lazily. Glancing at the rocky ceiling that glowed crimson red, his mood couldn't be brought down by the depressing atmosphere that tried to squeeze the joy out of him.

He waved away the level-up notifications and clicked on the perk that he earned by reaching the level cap.

[Words of Power]

— Allows the user to command the very world to obey them. The success or failure of the command depends upon the strength of the user.

His mouth went dry and his eyes opened wide as he stared at the screen. Slowly getting up on his shaky feet, he couldn't resist the manic giggle that escaped his lips. He threw his head back and laughed uproariously. When his laughter petered out and his sudden euphoria evened out, he skimmed over his stats with a Cheshire grin.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Death Knight

Lvl: 1,000(max)

HP: 50,000 (10 per second)

MP: 100,000 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)

[Death's Favoured] (Passive)

[Reviver] (Active)

[Dreamer] (Passive)

[Sleepless] (Passive)

[Mana Manipulation] (Active)

[Healing Pocket] (Active)

[Unbarred] (Passive)

[Mentor] (Passive)

[Harem King] (Passive)

[Instant Dungeon] (Active)

[Words of Power] (Active)



[Weapon Master]




[Skeleton Horde]

[Undead Archer]


[Create Undead]

[Ray of Darkness]

[Army of the Dead]


[Master of Dead]


[Soul Searcher]

[Black Fist]


He was brimming with pride as he stared at his stats. He had finally reached the peak of his power and now it was time to fulfil the promise that he had made to Proserpina.

The moment for the Wizarding World to fear the Red Grim had come. The day of judgement for the Death Eaters was at hand. He navigated through the screen and focussed on the particular quest. The easiest quest among the remaining four.


— Judge and Executioner

Punish/Pardon everyone with the Death Eater mark at your discretion.


– Perk [?]

"Let's do it." He said to himself and disappeared out of the Dungeon, reappearing back in the Room of Requirement. Although once he saw Iris snuggled beneath the blanket and snoring cutely, his motivation to go out on a murdering spree at this hour vanished.

'I'll do the quest tomorrow with Iris. Don't want to disturb her sleep, and she'll be annoyed if I attempt the quest without her. Tomorrow it is.' He made an excuse and climbed into bed. Then he slipped underneath the blanket beside his sister, smiling when he felt her soft warm naked body immediately latching onto him.

He gave a quick peck on her lips before gathering her in his arms and dozing off.


In the darkness of the night, two figures teleported to the gates of the Malfoy Manor. Both were of the same height, but the feminine curves of one set her apart from the other. As did her clothes.

She was wearing an all-black costume: a black hoodie and black trousers with a plain ebony mask covering her face while her partner was garbed in pure white with an unadorned blood-red mask attached to his face.

They calmly walked towards the entrance, unaffected by the protective magic set up to keep dangerous elements away. His [Unbarred] Perk allowed them to bypass any wards or doors. As it was displayed when the giant double doors opened on their own invitingly.

"Shadowbind." He whispered when a house elf popped before them at the threshold. The small creature froze and the two intruders sauntered into the manor carelessly, not giving Dobby a second glance.

The Black Grim would have melted into the shadows as they moved silently if not for the glowing White Sword at her waist or her bright emerald eyes. The Red Grim beside her was the opposite. His white clothes contained a strange dim luminance that made his entire body easily discernible from afar.

He would have looked like some divine being if not for the blood-red mask that marred this image.

The duo ascended the grand marble staircase, their footsteps dead quiet.

They stopped on the second floor as the path before them branched into two.

They drifted towards the right corridor, somehow knowing where they needed to go. At the end of the corridor was a beautiful wooden door with designs carved on its edges.

They halted before it.


Narcissa sat awake when she heard the door opening, the blanket tumbling down her waist, exposing her large round breasts. She had always been a light sleeper and mere hints of noise more often than not were able to ruin her peaceful slumber. But tonight it wasn't just the noise that disturbed her sleep, there was also a deep sense of unease frothing in the air.

She turned on the bedside lamp and shook her husband, trying to rouse him. The weak yellow light of the lamp caused her pale skin and blonde hair to appear tanner than they actually were. Even her grey eyes seemed almost black.

"Lucius, wake up. Something's wrong." She said urgently when she saw some sort of light spilling in from the corridor.

"What?" He replied drowsily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he sat up, propping his back against the headboard.

"Something's wrong." She repeated, pointing her shaky finger at the open door.

Lucius drew in a sharp breath and grabbed the wand from the bedside table. He swung down his legs from the bed and got onto his feet with his wand trained ahead.

"Who's there?" He asked coldly, standing before the bed in a protective manner.

"Hello." Someone answered from behind him. He jumped in shock and Narcissa's frightened scream echoed around them.


Suddenly, Lucius found himself seated on a spartan chair with thick iron manacles binding all his limbs to it. Before he could protest, the chair was turned around so he was facing his wife who was standing on her knees on the bed. He wished she had been wearing her clothes. He wasn't naive enough to think that rape wasn't on the table in this situation. And her nakedness would just draw more attention to her beauty.

"Stay where you are, Narcissa Malfoy, or you might find yourself in a similar predicament as your husband." The man-in-white behind him commanded, his voice coming out croaky and mechanical and inhuman. Lucius flinched as the man placed his hands on the chair and leaned forward.

The blonde woman had her wand pointed at him from where she was trembling on the bed, defiance clear in her steely grey eyes. Before she could jump off the bed and rush him, Lucius spoke up swiftly. "Cissa, don't fight. Do what they are saying."

His wife stared at him mutinously before acquiescing and dropping her wand on the bed. She then scooted to the foot of the bed, effectively closing the distance between them.

Feeling the man-in-white's lecherous gaze on her bare tits, she sniffed in disgust and covered up her chest with the blanket. At least she was wearing her knickers and wasn't butt naked, she thought, not that it would save her if he forced himself on her.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" She glowered at him, hiding the pool of fear in her gut that was quickly growing into a lake.

"We are Grims. You might have heard about us." A new voice rang out. Narcissa snapped her head towards the door where a tall girl in black overalls was leaning against the doorframe. Unlike the man, her voice was normal and surprisingly young. She instantly recognised the white glow from the sword hanging at her waist. It was the same light that had alerted her earlier.

"I don't think I had the pleasure." She muttered, keeping her voice steady, refraining from thinking what the girl would do with that sword of hers.

"Apparently, your husband does." The man-in-white chuckled, his voice becoming normal. It seemed like he had dropped that strange tone. Thank Merlin for that. That had been grating to listen to.

She looked at Lucius, and even in the little light, she recognised his utterly frightened look. His blue eyes were filled with horror and resignation. As if he was preparing for his death. Her own heart began pounding relentlessly. It became so loud and consuming that it was the only thing that she could hear.

"Who are they, Lucius?" She enquired fearfully.

"They are serial killers from the muggle world. Allegedly they kill only evil people. Thousands have been killed by them in the last couple of years." He answered, his voice quaking from anxiety.

She gasped, terrified that these two had murdered thousands of people in just a few years by themselves. She doubted even the Dark Lord had caused so much loss of life.

"A little correction. We have killed tens of thousands of people. Not that we have been counting." The man-in-white said. She could almost hear the grin in his voice.

"You are proud of being a monster?" She yelled angrily, hysteria slowly creeping in and loosening her tongue.

"I'll hardly call us monsters. After all, we haven't killed a single innocent person yet. We are very specific on who should die." The Red Grim laughed mirthlessly, suddenly gripping Lucius' head from behind, his palms pressing on the sides of his face. "And unfortunately for you, Death Eaters are on the list."

"STOP! He has changed. He isn't the same man he was a decade ago. He's not a Death Eater anymore." She begged, clutching the blanket to her chest, trying to dampen the thumping of her heart.

"You'll be surprised how many times we had to hear that same line throughout the night. All the wives of the men we killed said the same thing. But once I looked into the 'retired' Death Eaters' minds, I came to know that they all were lying. Not a single Death Eater had stopped being a Death Eater. Many of them were still going after muggles, killing or raping them to feel superior about their weak magic. And the few who didn't, still harboured intense hatred and were just scared of getting caught. Are you lying too, Narcissa?" The man-in-white said. "Don't answer. I'm going to see how much your husband has changed in a moment anyway."

Lucius groaned and hung his head as he felt a foreign presence force itself into his mind. He didn't fight it and let him go through his memories.

Narcissa waited anxiously with bated breath, praying that the man would see for himself that Lucius had changed. She knew her husband better than anyone. He had made mistakes but he had tried to better himself. And while he still disliked the muggles and wanted to preserve his culture from getting more polluted, he wouldn't commit any immoral acts.

The Red Grim let go of her husband's head, walking around the chair and standing between Lucius and Narcissa who was at the edge of the bed.

"Colour me surprised. You really have changed and don't plan or desire to revert to your old ways." He said in disbelief, shooting him an appraising look.

"I was young and foolish then." Lucius said hoarsely, shaking his murky head, regret tainting his voice.

Narcissa released a laugh, her entire body relaxing as she hugged the blanket in relief. "See, I told you he had changed. And I was right. Now, you'll let us go. Right?"

When the man-in-white remained silent, the worry returned, vaporising the ease that had settled into her being. "Right?"

The man's green eyes—his only visible features—were filled with sympathy. "I'm afraid not. After all, will the men, women, and children killed by him care that he has become good?"

"What?" She uttered helplessly.

"Does him becoming a good man help those who're already dead? Does this redeem him of the misery that he had caused in the war? Is it fair for him to live while his innocent victims are buried six feet underground?" He questioned thoughtfully.

"But… but… he has changed!" She yelled, standing up, uncaring that the blanket rolled off her and exposed her torso.

"True. And it's great. But that's not the question, is it? Fine, let's use an example to make it easier. What if I kill your wife now without any reason, Lucius, and run away? Will you be able to forgive me ten years later because I became a 'good boy'? Answer me honestly. This will decide your fate." He proposed the question to him like a merciless psychopath throwing a punctured buoyancy bag to a drowning man.

Narcissa saw her husband's reluctant expression and knew what his answer would be. And she also knew what that would entail. Before he could answer him, she threw herself down on her knees in front of the executioner.

"Please take me but spare him. I will do anything. Just let him go. I'll sleep with you now and every day. I'll be your personal slave if you just leave him be." She begged and the way his eyes latched onto her tits boosted her confidence.

"Cissa, no, please no. Don't do it." Lucius pleaded but she refused to look at her husband.

She cupped his pitched tent and gave it a squeeze before rubbing her face against his boner subserviently. Standing up, she took his arms and placed them on her bust and he instantly squeezed them, making her gasp. "Just grant me his life and my body will be yours. I know you want it. I know you desire it. You couldn't keep your eyes off my breasts and now they are yours. Just allow him to live and you can do anything to me. Anything. Just please set him free."

Tears were already spilling down her cheeks and her voice was just panic-given words. She didn't even know what she was saying. Words were bubbling out of her in a fit of hysteria.


Harry was in a trance as he fondled Narcissa's boobs. They were big and round. Just as alluring as his mother's. A part of his mind was screaming at him to let go of her body. It was beseeching him to think straight. But the other part of his mind was anticipating what would happen next. The image of throwing this gorgeous milf down on the bed and fucking her roughly in front of her husband was becoming more alluring with each passing second. The thought of pulling aside her knickers as she lay down on her front and shoving his cock into her tight cunt was intoxicating.

Even without the [Lustful] trait, he would have a hard time declining her offer, but with it, his mind was solely focussed on having sex with the beautiful blonde before him.

His lust was clouding his mind. He dropped his hands from her breasts and groped her plump arse as she pressed into him and whispered sweet nothings on his neck. He was unaware of Lucius' weeping as he spun her around and pushed her down on the bed. He didn't see Iris running towards him, having been sucked into a tunnel view.

For the moment, all his world was this woman.

Narcissa was crying too as she sashayed her voluptuous butt at him.

He frowned. Why was she crying? It wasn't as if he was forcing himself on her. And even if he decided to force her, she should be grateful that a God was taking interest in her. He could change the very world with his words. He could defeat anyone without effort. And she, a mere human, was sad that she had to lay with him? How ungrateful! He was God. Everything and everyone was his. She should be ecstatic about getting an opportunity to be with him.

"Brother, stop." Iris said calmly, placing her hand on his shoulder, stopping him from revelling in the feast that was lying before him on the bed. "Or you'll regret it later."

For a very brief moment, he humoured the thought of decapitating his sister for daring to order him around. And that repulsive thought broke him out of this strange trance. He would never hurt his twin. Never. And just the thought of it made him sick.

Instead of losing his cool and revealing that he had not been in control, he spoke up as if all these had been planned. "Ha! As if your body would sway my judgement. I'm not some pathetic Death Eater who'd take advantage of a cornered woman. I was just testing how far you'd go to save your husband. And your devotion is inspiring."

Narcissa shifted onto her back and shot him a dubious look, covering her chest with her hands. "You won't kill him?"

"No. Congratulations, Lucius. You'll live. But there must be some sort of punishment. Fall." Harry announced, using the [Words of Power] Perk. After all, the people could be also construed as part of the 'World'. And this Perk gave him the ability to command the very world.

Lucius screamed in agony and jumped around in his constraints as his left hand that had the Dark Mark got severed from down the elbow and fell on the floor with a sickly plop.

"What are you doing?" Narcissa shrieked, hurrying towards her husband.

"Heal." Harry said, abruptly healing him. Although the bleeding stopped and the stump aged, his hand would never be the same. "Be happy that it was just your hand and not your life. All your buddies didn't get the same mercy."

Not waiting for their response, he grabbed Iris' arm and teleported away.