4 - Goodbye, Harem Bastard

Eventually, Amoria joined them without me being told about it until a while later; despite her initial assertions to me.

I started to feel something was up when her behavior started to be all over the place, and that she sometimes couldn't meet my eye - around after 3 months into our relationship. My feelings worsen when even Mika and Rika, the two soulless master assassins looked at me with pity, and then my red light was just constantly activated.

But I kinda liked the girl, and her personality, so I didn't want to make her sad and make it even more awkward by saying I knew what was going on. And... Maybe I also wanted to keep pretending we were a loving couple, since I didn't really hate being close to her. She was maybe the only one who kept looking at me like I meant a lot to her.

I suppose somewhere, I hoped I was just being paranoid, and that Magus was right about the whole true love thing, so I just went along with her odd behavior and tried my best to ignore everyone's pitying glances.

After we subdued the demon lord, Amoria confessed her true feelings anew. I was taken aback, sure, because I liked her company, but... It was just bound to happen at some point, just as I felt, so I responded to her casually just now.

'So why are you crying over it?' I pondered as she wept through her confession while the others waited nearby.

"W-what...?" she stammered, looking up confused.

"I said, I'm happy for you. He's a strong and kind dude. Kinda wish you'd have told me sooner, but other than that, have fun," I replied nonchalantly.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, and soon after, she turned and ran away, crying into her hands.

I suppose my response might have seemed as though I never saw her as someone important to me. It's not that she wasn't important; her revelation did strike a chord, but... it is what it is. Nothing more to be done about it.

Amoria and I had been 'together' for almost a year, so it was hard for me too... But I can't control how she feels, so might as well just tell her to go ahead and do what she wants.

"Dude... Amoria came running to me, crying... Wanna talk about it?" he asked, sitting me down a bit later.

While always overly optimistic, he wasn't clueless. He approached me with sensitivity and empathy, his tone gentle as he spoke to me. He knew who really needed consolation.

"How about a big dose of 'I fucking told you so'," I shrugged, still processing everything yet feeling an odd sense of inevitability about how it all unfolded.

"S-sorry... Really, I am. I didn't plan for this, but after Milina died... I was sad... I went somewhere private," he said, his voice breaking as he bowed his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

"She just... found me. And the passive— I-I guess it, no, I'M SURE THE PASSIVE just took over from there. I'm really, really sorry..."

I could see the genuine regret in his posture, the way his shoulders slumped as if bearing the weight of the world. I knew he wasn't lying. It wasn't like he needed more women—he had enough adoration to last lifetimes.

And we were brothers in arms; he wouldn't hurt me if he had any control over it.

"Though you could have spared me the drama by telling me when you first got together with her, instead of keeping it a secret and forcing all your girlfriends to keep quiet too. Their pitying glances really stung after a while, and then it was painfully obvious that Amoria was also involved with you. I just played along until she was ready to come clean. The poor thing swallowed her puke whenever she forced herself to be near me, actually felt sorry for her." And here I am, playing it off like I wasn't in denial.

"And It's not like I wouldn't have understood if you'd just told me it happened, anyway."

Magus bit his lip in guilt as he heard Van's nonchalant tone.

"H-hey, don't say it like that... You were so happy with her, man... And she REALLY didn't hate you! But.. I just couldn't tell you..." he stammered, wiping his eyes.

"And I'm really serious about Amoria... She didn't... 'swallow her puke' whenever she was with you, she was... happy around you. I thought if she's also happy with you, maybe it's best not to spill the beans... at least not until after we beat the demon lord and you went your separate way with Amoria... I would have somehow convinced her to leave the party with you afterwards,"

I arched an eyebrow beneath my helmet. Did he not realize how much worse that sounded?

"I wonder how you'd talk if you were in my shoes, dumbass... You actually think sneaking around behind my back was a good idea?!"

"You're right, I'm sorry..." His voice was heavy with remorse. "To be honest, I really thought Amoria wasn't affected by my skills because of true love or something... Then she approached me afterward, and I panicked, thinking you'd flip out."

"Dude... I saw it coming a mile away. It only hurts because you're telling me about it just now."

A heavy silence hung between us for a moment.

"So... what are you going to do now?" he asked quietly.

"Travel away from you," I muttered calmly, exhaling a resigned sigh.

Normally, he'd try to talk me out of such dramatic decisions.

This time, he remained silent. There was nothing more to be said. We beat the demon lord after all, so we were free to do as we liked.

And what I would like to do, at this moment, is to just be alone for a bit.

"Where are you going...?" He murmured. Even though he just cried like a baby in a situation where that was my part to play, he was about to do it again.

He wouldn't be crying like that if it was just him and his harem along the journey, including Amoria. Probably would've finished everything more quickly if I wasn't around to slow them all down by dying.

And honestly, I hate watching that harem bastard suffer and get all agonized over someone like me who only held him back the whole time.

I have to lighten the mood.

"As if I'll tell you, gangster fuckboy," I retorted with a smirk.

"Heh, bitch ass virgin," he replied, the corner of his mouth lifting in a sad sort of smirk.

That was our thing. We'd always swear at each other back in the other world, and it always meant good things.

It was nice... to do it one last time before saying goodbye to that harem bastard.

We both laughed.

"Well, see you later, I guess. Don't be a stranger and visit if you can," he said as he stood, his expression tinged with melancholy.

It is the first time I ever saw him make a face like that. The face of someone who grieves over a living being. Odd.

"If you need help, or if a new boss revives or something..." I began. It's like I feel guilty for leaving, even though there's nothing I should feel guilty about.

"...I'll wait for you. I need a meatshield, after all," he replied, his smirk returning.

"Screw you, fuckboy," I shot back as he walked away.

The rest of our party watched me, their faces a mix of sadness and smiles... These fellas... They don't have to pretend they would actually miss me.... It's not like I don't know how attached they are to him... Well, it's touching in its own way, I suppose. I also stood up and walked away from the table.

"I know it doesn't help at all, but..." Magus said just before we parted ways.

"...She always talked about you. Amoria, I mean." He muttered, his words travelling lightly as a breeze brushed the two of us.

"...While riding your dick," I added casually.

He lowered his head again, sighing in resignation.

"You're right. It really didn't help," he admitted, his smile tinged with awkwardness.

"Again, I'm... really, really sorry... So, say hi whenever you can, alright? The lot of us will probably settle down here in the capital, buy a house, and live our lives... Maybe start a family, haha..." he added before returning to the party without me.

"Also... You can remove the helmet now, you know? Considering we won't meet for a while," he added.

I was surprised.

I hadn't realized he noticed I'd been keeping my helmet on to feel more comfortable around him and his girlfriends... I guess he paid more attention to me than I gave him credit for.

It confirmed what I always thought: he was a good person at heart.

I merely turned to him, "...Right... Guess I got used to it," I said as I turned back and left the royal capital, while he returned to his party.

His tone was really heavy just now... I can get that he was sad about not telling me he cucked my ass, but what was that all about? He has a harem filled with beautiful girls that would kill to be with him. He won't have a single lonely night for the rest of his life, or afterlife, probably. Thanks to our dear Goddess.

Literally, the entire world is his bedroom, and he stands as the strongest there is. What's he so upset about? Besides, it ain't like we're saying goodbye forever...

He's going to get over it and forget about today in no time as he munches on his harem.