21 - Amu-What Now?

But just as Mel's face lowered in defeat, with the spirit laughing triumphantly above the roar of the flames, a sudden, loud whooshing noise reverberated from the spirit's palm.

In an instant, the fiery hand vanished into thin air. When she looked again, she saw Van standing unharmed, his palm raised upwards as if he had just completed a swinging motion. An intense burst of hot wind flew toward her, the force of Van's swing so powerful that it felt like a tangible wave of heat rushing over her.

"W-what...!?" Mel stammered, her confusion evident as she struggled to comprehend the sight before her, feeling the residual heat ripple through the air.

"Hmm... The weather report didn't mention this..." Van quipped as he effortlessly grabbed Bernard, severing his connection with the spirit, and tossed his limp body onto the grass beside the walkway.

"Now then..." Van sighed, clapping his hands together as if dusting off after touching Bernard, before turning back to face Amurah.

"WHO ARE YOU!!!? MY FLAMES SHOULD HAVE BURNT YOU TO MERE CINDERS!!!" Amurah bellowed, its voice filled with denial and rage, yet Van approached calmly, the intense heat not even singeing his armor or dampening his spirits.

"Burn me to cinders? Someone as weak as you? Please... Alicia's flames are about 10,000,000 times more painful and hotter than yours. And I endured them almost every day for two years. Some pathetic candle spirit like yourself couldn't even dream of grazing me. You'd be more useful as a heater," Van retorted nonchalantly.

'He just insulted one of the strongest fire spirits... and compared it to a heater... What... What IS that guy?' Mel thought, dumbfounded by Van's audacity.

"ME...!!!?! AMURAH, REDUCED TO A MERE HEATER...!!!!! UNFORGIVABLE!!!! YOU SHALL SUFFER AT MY HAND, HUMAN!!!!! I SHALL EMBRACE YOU WITH EMBERS HOTTER THAN THE PITS OF HELL!!!!!!" Amurah roared, its maw gathering flames for a devastating fireblast.

"RUN..!!! MISTER THAT IS STRONG ENOUGH TO DESTROY SEVERAL BLOCKS!!!!" Mel yelled in panic, foreseeing the catastrophic potential.

"You see... I'm usually numb to such threats... But that's the SECOND time you've compared yourself to Alicia... And for some reason... It really ticks me off. How about...!" Van murmured, drawing his greatsword.

"You just chill!" he muttered, swinging his greatsword like a giant fan. The movement whipped up a fierce gust of air that fanned Amurah's flames into nonexistence, its screams fading into a wisp of smoke. The force of the air nearly sent Mel tumbling backwards.

Mel's legs felt weak as she witnessed the impossible: the fearsome fire spirit Amurah, blown away as effortlessly as a child blows out a birthday candle. Before she could fully gather her senses, Van had already sheathed his greatsword and was walking towards her with a calm demeanor.

As she was still trying to process the events, Van extended his hand toward her again.

"Do you need help to stand?" he asked calmly.

Reluctant, she eyed his glove warily.

"What now?" Van asked, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

'This accursed passive again...' he thought internally, understanding her hesitation.

"Nothing, it's just... I'll burn my hand if I touch it," she replied, her voice cold, still wary of any residual magic.


'...Clever girl,' Van thought, acknowledging her caution.

"Well, it's cooled off when I fanned away that Amun-Ra or whatever his name was, if that's what you were worried about," he said casually, trying to reassure her.

'Well, she'll find some other excuse not to touch it—' Van started to think, resigned to her continued apprehension, when suddenly Mel placed her hand atop his own.

"Hm?" Van hummed as he saw her hand atop his own.

"Well..? Lift me up," Mel muttered quietly.

"Ah, right." Van replied, helping her up to a standing position.

They stood in silence for a minute as Mel dusted herself off, gathering her thoughts to express gratitude.


"...What about that guy?" Van unintentionally interrupted her, nodding towards the unconscious Bernard.

"...I shall stay with him until the Royal Knights arrive. The magical spike and the pillar of fire surely drew their attention. Even if he wakes up, he's drained all his magic, and this time I'll be ready for any tricks he tries," she explained with resolve.

"I see. Well, good luck then," Van said quickly, turning to leave.

"W-wait, that's it!?" Mel asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

Van stopped and turned back around, "Well, I was hoping you'd be a bit older so I could ask for some coin and directions after saving you... But I don't feel right doing that to a minor. Just take it easy," he reasoned as he turned to walk away again.

"W-wait!! As thanks, I could give you some coin...!! And... A... Minor...?" She called after him, puzzled.

"Just ignore that word... It's just a figure of speech where I came from. I'll find my coin elsewhere," Van casually dismissed her as he continued walking.

'Father... Used that term as well at some point...' Mel thought to herself.

"W-wait!" She exclaimed, rushing to his side and blocking his path.

"What is it?" Van asked, his tone hinting at impatience.

'If I'm not outta here before the knights show up, they'll arrest me for sure!!' Van thought anxiously.

"What's your name?" She asked, curiosity in her voice.

"Uh, it's Van. Nice to meet you. Well then, I'll be off," he replied briskly.

"V-van..!?" She murmured, her eyes widening in shock as Van seized the moment of her delay and dashed away, disappearing from sight.

'That white-haired girl... She reminded me of Lalyn when we first met... Maybe a bit younger... It couldn't be... Right?' Van mused as he vanished.

'Wasn't Van... Father's best friend that he always talked about...?!' Mel pondered, watching the space where Van had disappeared.

'Wait, it couldn't be him... Van Hellix is supposed to be in his 40s, the same age as my father... This guy sounded young...!! Like, MY AGE young! Probably just a coincidence that he has the same name...' She reasoned, recalling the familiar term.

'Though... It wouldn't have hurt to ask for his last name...'

From a distance, Lalyn observed quietly.

Her gaze flickering between Van and Mel.

[Master, your tasty worm is getting away... What shall you do next?] Arlyn queried teasingly.

Lalyn clicked her tongue, her stance shifting as she walked towards Mel.

'Another time... I'll have you work overtime later to track that meatshield, Arlyn...' She communicated telepathically to her dragon.

[Haha... Sure thing, Master.] Arlyn replied with a satisfied, and proud smirk as Lalyn approached Mel, who now sat beside the unconscious Bernard.

"M...Mom..?" Mel asked as Lalyn approached her.