32 - Home

"Alright, here we are!" Amoria announced cheerfully as she opened the door to her home, ushering Van inside.

"Nice place," Van commented, stepping in after her. He inhaled the scent of an enclosed space, his gaze wandering curiously around the spacious living room.

'I somehow expected a mansion, with all of Magus' harem living side by side... But Amoria having a spacious apartment on a quiet street fits her personality more than anything else,' he mused, managing a weak smile.

"Sorry about the smell... My airheaded daughter forgot to open the windows when she left," Amoria explained with a sigh.

"I specifically told her to air out the house before she went out..."

"A daughter?" Van inquired, his interest piqued as Amoria headed towards the kitchen.

"Yes, I'll introduce you when she gets back. She's helping out at the guild with Marcy, so she'll be home later. Meanwhile, you must be starving. Just sit at the dining table there, and I'll whip something up for you."

'Of course she has a kid. It'd be stranger if she didn't, honestly. Doesn't matter much if the kid's Magus's or someone else's,' Van concluded internally as he walked to the wooden dining table, pulled out a chair, and settled in.

"Marcy lives here too?" Van raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, she and her daughter," Amoria responded cheerily as she bustled around the kitchen.

"I'm sure she'd be thrilled to introduce you."

Van's mind drifted to the girl he had seen the previous night, bearing a striking resemblance to a young Lalyn—a resemblance Lalyn had later confirmed.

"What about Lalyn's daughter?"

"Oh, yes! Her name is Melanie. She's a sweetheart, just like her mom. Lalyn is working as an instructor at the Royal Academy now. We had a bit of a disagreement recently, and we haven't seen each other since, unfortunately," Amoria replied, her voice bright but tinged with regret.

"Speaking of which, she thanked you for helping her daughter. What happened yesterday?"

"Last night, after the dragon attack, I saw a girl who looked a lot like a younger Lalyn just wandering around the city," Van explained.

"Wandering at night? That's unusual. I always thought Lalyn was very strict with her," Amoria said, her expression turning to one of slight concern.

"It seemed like she might have been on a date... with a boy named... Braile... Bon... Brendan?" Van struggled with the memory, attempting to recall the correct name.

"...Bernard...?" Amoria asked.

"Yeah, I think that was the name,"

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"...That's Duke Brayle's son—quite popular among the kids in the academy, and generally has a lot of influence and friends in high places," Amoria remarked, her eyes lighting up with recognition. "Lalyn's daughter dating him... wow, she has really grown up," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and surprise.

Van nodded slowly, his expression casual.

"Yeah, but Lalyn might need to have a word with her about watching the company she keeps," he suggested with a sigh.

"Oh? Was she in trouble when you saw her?" Amoria asked, a tinge of concern in her voice.

"Well, that Bernard boy was pretty out of line last night when I came across the two. Aggressive and violent toward the girl. It nearly escalated into an assault. I had to step in," Van explained flatly.

"Oh, dear..!! Thank the Goddess you were there as well, then... It seemed like you fancied being a hero last night, huh?" She added with a warm, wide smile.

"Hero is... Was... Magus's thing. I just happened to come across." He replied solemnly.

Amoria chuckled lightly, "Hahaha, well... Lucky for her... And us, that you came across then."

She muttered. A slight blush coloring her features, unnoticed by Van as her back was turned to him.

"...What?" He asked, curious.

'She knows I killed the dragon...?'

"Ahh! It's ready. Let's talk some more later, okay?" she said as she brought over a plate of food—a hearty serving of steak with vegetables and a glass of warm water.

"Here! I tried to recreate it just like in our party days. I hope it tastes as good!" She beamed, standing next to Van, watching his reaction eagerly.

Van stared at the plate, a mix of surprise and nostalgia washing over his face.

'Well... It's... Cleaner than back in our party days, for sure...' He mused.

He then glanced up at Amoria, his expression a blend of confusion and admiration.

'...Huh.' He wondered to himself as he recalled his reasons for almost enslaving Rika and Mika.

Catching his gaze, Amoria smiled gently. "Something on your mind?" she inquired softly.

"Uh... How do I put this..." Van started, his eyes briefly lifting to the ceiling as if searching for the right words, then lowered back to meet hers.

"Yes?" Amoria prompted patiently.

"...Thanks," he said quietly, his voice low as he lowered his gaze again,

Amoria's smile widened warmly.

"Of course! We party members should always be there for each other, right? Just make sure to thank me after you've tried the food!" she replied, her voice filled with cheer.

Van took a bite from the steak, slowly chewing it before swallowing it.

"Well?" She asked, slightly nervous as she clutched her palms together in anticipation.

"It's... Really good." He muttered quietly, before taking another bite.

Amoria sighed softly, her smile lingering as she took a seat across from Van, watching him eat.

"Aren't you eating?" Van asked, looking up from his meal.

"No, I'm not hungry right now," she responded with a gentle smile, resting her chin on her hand as she watched him.

'So familiar, yet so different... Hah...' Van thought, chuckling softly to himself as memories of Mika and Rika briefly crossed his mind before he continued eating.

Soon, Van had polished off the entire plate of steak and vegetables, and drained both the glass and the can of water provided.

"Thank you," he said, leaving the plate spotlessly clean.

"You're welcome... But are you sure you've had enough?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I be? It was a hearty meal," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of embarrassment.

Amoria sighed with a knowing smile. "Well, lucky for you, I made four more servings. Just sit tight, I'll get them for you," she said as she stood from the chair.

"W-what? I said I'm full, Amoria..." Van protested, his voice trailing off.

"Do you think I've forgotten how you used to hunt down another monster after dinner, leaving only bones, after devouring servings meant for three?" She asked with a playful smirk as she re-entered the kitchen.

"Y-you noticed that...? I even cleaned up after myself..." Van asked, both confused and surprised.

'I thought they were all too busy with each other to notice... Wow.'

"Van, everyone in the party cared about you, despite how..." She paused, her expression hidden as she was turned away from Van, using the kitchen as her cover.

Van noticed her hesitation, choosing to remain silent.

"...Anyway, eat up! I made plenty!" she called out, her voice brightening as she returned with more plates piled with food, setting them on the table.