39 - Frend

"Who's that?" Van inquired casually as Liz seemed to struggle with the visitor at the door.

"That's Michael Evenbrown. He grew up with Liz, Anne, and Mel—good friends, always together... Almost became childhood sweethearts, even. But recently, he's become quite persistent," Amoria explained, watching her daughter with a mix of concern and frustration.

"Persistent like this?" Van gestured towards the door, eyebrows raised.

"Exactly like this," Amoria confirmed, her tone flat.

On the other side of the door, Liz attempted to handle the situation diplomatically. "Michael, I appreciate you coming by... I really do, but I'm just... A little tired right now, haha. Aunt Marcy had us running all over the place today," she explained with a weary chuckle.

"Oh, yeah! Aunt Marcy can be super tough! Remember when we interned at the guild together? I thought I was going to collapse!" Michael responded with a nervous laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

Liz forced a smile, "Yeah, that was... something."

Van nodded, "He just doesn't seem to know when to stop, huh?"

"Exactly. And I often have to step in. Liz values her friendships deeply; she wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so she will never admit that kid grew up to be a bother for her, draining her energy reservoir. The Michael she grew up loving isn't the Michael who's standing at our door right now, and unfortunately, she won't realize it until she grows up a bit..." Amoria added, her gaze returning to Liz who was visibly struggling.

Van sighed, reflecting on his own past. "I get it. I was a handful myself before I ended up in this world," he commented as he stood and walked towards the door, ready to intervene.

"Van?" Amoria asked, her tone laced with surprise as she saw him rise from his seat.

"Just relax, Imma give my cute niece a break," Van said with a reassuring smile, then turned to address the doorway where Liz was talking.

Amoria's expression softened into a knowing smile as she watched Van take charge, easing back into her chair, feeling more relaxed now that he was stepping in.

Outside, Michael's voice carried on with hopeful persistence. "Well, if you're still working at the guild, maybe I could join you? Like when we were kids?"

Liz hesitated, her voice tinged with polite dismissal. "What's the point, really... The Academy starts in just a week. You should probably rest and spend time with your friends."

"But Liz, you're one of my closest friends! I... uh... I wouldn't mind hanging out more. Maybe if you're not sure now, I could come back later, and we could go out then? Would that be alright?" he continued, his voice a mix of eagerness and uncertainty.

Liz forced a laugh, a hint of impatience beneath her politeness, yet she was unable to refuse as she saw the earnestness in his eyes, "Ahaha... Coming back later might be a bit too late, don't you think?" she replied, hoping he would catch the hint.

'Dude... Masking your obviously lewd intentions as pure like that... Don't you know girls have a built-in bullshit detector? Besides...' Van thought as he took a deep breath.

'... My niece just told you she was nearly worked to death earlier, and you're still pressing her to go out with you? Looks like I have no choice but to step in...'

Just as Liz was struggling to politely refuse, Van stepped in smoothly, placing his arm around her neck and leaning on her.

'Well, might as well make good use of my chiseled young face...' Van mused internally, as Liz turned her head and her cheeks flushed deeply upon seeing Van so close.

Michael froze in his spot, his face draining of color as he looked at Van, especially noticing Van's arm casually draped around Lizzy's neck.

"Who's this, Lizzy? One of your friends?" Van asked, adopting a slightly rough tone as he eyed the stunned Michael.

"O-oh... V-van... He... He's Michael... J-j-just my friend... He... uh... just came to..." Liz stuttered, her voice faltering as she struggled to maintain composure under Van's imposing presence.

'Nice acting, my niece!' Van thought, internally applauding Liz's performance... Not getting that it might be genuine.

'Oh my...!' Amoria thought as her eyes widened a little, still intrigued as she watched Van in action.

"L-liz...?" Michael's voice was quiet and timid, as if he'd shrunk back, unable to meet either Van's or Lizzy's gaze.

"Come on, Lizzy... The bed isn't going to warm itself. Tell your friend here to leave; I'm getting cold out here!" Van declared, not holding back.

"W-what? G-get in... bed... I... uh..." Liz faltered, her body trembling slightly as confusion and embarrassment took over. Her face now redder than a tomato.

"Bed...? Liz... You have a boyfriend?" Michael's voice cracked slightly, his eyes glossy as he fought back tears.

"Huuuuh?! Isn't it obvious what's going on here?" Van boomed, feigning surprise, leaving Liz utterly shocked by the unfolding situation.

'Van, you're overdoing it...' Amoria thought, her expression tinged with concern.

"With a guy like that...!" Michael muttered under his breath, his teeth clenched tightly.

"What? You wanna fight over her? Think you can handle me?" Van taunted with a smirk, his gaze piercing as he looked at Michael. Liz, caught between bashfulness and embarrassment, now looked distinctly uncomfortable.

Michael paused, his eyes meeting Van's confident smile briefly before tears welled up. He turned abruptly and ran away from the doorstep.

"Oh my..." Amoria murmured, covering her mouth with her hands.

'That was perhaps too harsh, Van...' She reflected silently as Liz's face remained an unreadable mask. Van watched until Michael was out of sight, then he closed the door, his arm still casually draped around Lizzy's neck.

"Well, that was tha—" Van began, but Liz abruptly shoved him aside with both hands.

"That was cruel!" she exclaimed, tears beginning to pool in her eyes as she faced Van.

Van held her gaze, silent, letting the intensity of her emotions hang in the air.

"He looked so sad! Yes, he can be too forward, but he's really a good person at heart!" Liz insisted, her voice quivering as the image of Michael's tearful departure replayed in her mind.

'I told you, Van... Haaah... That girl will never realize he just did her a huge favor, not until she matures...' Amoria thought with a resigned sigh, preparing to intervene and comfort her daughter.

"You shouldn't have done this, Van! You were so cruel!" Liz snapped, frustration lacing her words.

Van met her glare with a serene composure.

"I'll take cruel if it means you finally get some sleep," he retorted coolly.

Liz lowered her gaze, her frustration simmering just below the surface.

He was then waving dismissively as he strolled back to the living room, leaving Liz alone with her turbulent thoughts.

He passed Amoria, who wore a look of slight concern yet seemed relieved at Van's decisiveness.

'...Oh well. She'll mature eventually... Thanks, Van. Perhaps this kind-hearted lady will eventually show you how to handle these situations with a bit more finesse,' she mused mischievously as Van passed her.

As Van approached the table, the sight of dirty plates and utensils irked him. He blushed and swiftly returned to the kitchen to deposit the dishes. Amoria couldn't help but giggle as she watched him handle the cleanup.

'That guy... Why does Mom like him so much?' Liz wondered in her frustration, observing Amoria's playful reaction to Van's clumsiness as he came back to the table to help her clean.