52 - Cautionary Tale, Part 2

In this world, beings can sense Aura.

Aura strongly indicates a person's nature and has been a key indicator since ancient times. It was used to decide whether to start or end wars, determine trade and alliances, and condemn criminals to execution or set them free. Consequently, Van was treated unfairly due to his passive skill, Untrusted, which made most beings instinctively distrust him, even those insensitive to Aura.

If Van was ever viewed favorably, it was because he was seen alongside people with overwhelmingly pure auras that overshadowed his own, such as Amoria.

This reliance on Aura taught all races, except demons who couldn't sense it, to depend heavily on their intuition, outer appearances, and glamour rather than facts and deductive capabilities. Even Amoria, one of the most sensitive to Aura, relied on it heavily... Until 17 years ago, a bit after she met Van.

"...When I first saw Van, I seriously preferred to fall into the death pit he got me out of," she reminisced. "I thought the Archdevil themselves, or something much darker, had descended to this realm from deep within Arataxia, the Realm of our Dear Goddess," She paused, looking up at the person.

"Which is one of the reasons I fell for him," she added with a smile. "Despite having that kind of aura, he never stopped being such a darling. He was more human than anyone I've ever met, and yet, much more than that. It was as if I discovered a diamond buried in tar. And I figured we would work out. I would balance that Aura of his, and he would balance whatever nastiness I possess," she said, taking a sip of tea. "He shone much more brightly than my late husband."

"I see... But then he... left? Despite you loving him so deeply?" Hicks asked, playing with his mustache and narrowing his eyes at Amoria.

"..." Her expression darkened momentarily. "...Sir Hicks, how much do you know about Magus?"

"Hmm... Not much," he began, looking up at the ceiling of the tavern as he recalled details about the famed Hero. "He was the hero who traveled with you all. He had immaculate charm and was the strongest of this era."

"What about his skills?" she pressed.

"As the Royal Knight Captain of the Second Battalion, I haven't had access to that kind of information, you know that, Miss Veil. Why do you ask?" he pondered, lowering his gaze back to Amoria.

"...Nothing. Just curious," she said, taking another quick sip and closing her eyes dismissively.

"Either way, why did he leave if you lov—"

Amoria immediately cut him off with a bright smile. "Forget about that for now!" she called cheerfully. "Are you going to do what I asked?"

Hicks could tell Amoria was avoiding his question. Yet, out of respect for her, he chose not to press the matter.

"I will do what I can, since it is your request, Miss Veil. But why? If he wishes to buy a house, let him buy a house..." Hicks argued softly.

"Sir Hicks, we just talked about this," Amoria started, a tinge of irritation and impatience in her voice, yet forcing a somewhat dignified manner of speech. "If you take his Aura into consideration, he might get bad prices, or people might try to con him, or there might even be an attempt on his life. Wouldn't that be bad? And his name would be recorded in the house owner's list. He will have many enemies and—"

Hicks carefully raised his palm and interrupted Amoria. "But dear Miss Veil, he slayed Arutol, The Dragon King's own son!" Hicks argued. "I'm certain no one in the capital can even make an attempt on the life of someone of his caliber, with all due respect to our Royal Knights and the King! And I will ensure that he is not conned in any way! He is the man I owe my, and my knights' lives to; vile Aura or not."

Amoria then smiled a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, which were now almost glaring at Hicks, causing him to shiver slightly.

"Hicks, please, do as I asked," she said, her tone firm and icy. "We don't know for certain what kinds of threats exist in the capital, so you cannot be sure he will be completely safe. Prevent him from buying a house. He will be safest staying with me. Am I clear?" She spoke calmly, yet Hicks felt as if he was being roared at for some particular reason.

After a small scratch of his mustache and a soft sigh, he relented. "As you wish... Considering it is your request, Miss Veil, I shall execute it to the last detail."

"Thank you," she greeted. "And... you do have that other matter covered, as I've requested as well, right?" She prodded.

"Oh... Yes, I've already spoken to Grandmaster Apollo. He said you would be a most welcome addition, considering your prowess and knowle—"

"Excellent. Have a great day. Send my regards to your wife from me," she firmly interjected, getting up from her seat and walking away. Hicks began sighing in relief just as she stopped halfway to the tavern door.

"One more thing," she muttered.


"Call me Amoria from now on. Miss Veil is... too general for my taste. Instruct your knights to do the same. This is no longer a request... or an age matter, in case you wondered." she instructed.

"O-of course..." he replied, trying his hardest not to let his confusion and anxiousness show.

With a nod, Amoria swiftly left the tavern.

'It isn't as if I can't guess why she asked me those things... But I wonder what happened between her and the Hero to make her show such a scary attitude regarding dear Van...'

'Hah... Either way, I should hurry home... or my wife will pull my ear out.' Hicks deeply sighed.

Meanwhile, Amoria walked outside, smiling at every passerby and at the warm sun that greeted her.

'Hopefully Lizzy will also see it before she has to go to the Academy... Van's nature. It would be nice.'

"Ah, I almost forgot about him," she innocently recalled as she took a turn.

'And, it's in the way of the grocery market... Perfect. I'll make something both Lizzy and Van will love!'

'What a beautiful day today is.'

Indeed, even among the races, some people are much more sensitive to Aura.

Cerille, Greatknight Nickelson's daughter, was one of them: she was extremely intuitive, even among the elites when it came to sensing others. This sensitivity was part of the reason she advanced to E Rank and became a Knight-In-Training despite still being a teen.

... And why she pulled her sword against Van.

"VAN!? What are you doing!!? We were going to fight her!" Anne called out as she saw Van resign.

"That dumb kid finally realized he's no match for her!"


"Starting trouble like that with no shame...! What a bastard!" the crowd whispered as Van stopped resisting his arrest.

'Just like that...? He gave up?' Cerille thought.

"It's not worth it, Anne." Van started, "It's not as if our lives are in danger."

"What...!?" Anne said, narrowing her eyes at Van. "So, you were okay with me fighting you like I was gonna kill you in the pool, but you stop here after taunting Cerille like that!?"

"It was my mistake to respond to her provocations and get angry. And this isn't just about me or this girl anymore. What if this ends up hurting you or your mom?" Van said as he approached Cerille, his arms lifted for handcuffs. "Think about your future," Van added as he got close to Cerrile.

'... At least he's somewhat reasonable,' Cerille thought as she detached a pair of cuffs from her belt, her glare still firm on Van.

"FUCK OFF!! IF YOU'RE GONNA START A FIGHT, FINISH IT!" Anne cried out as Cerille hurriedly pulled out a magic seal bind.

"Dear Goddess, shut up, you stupid whore!" a teen boy called to Anne from the side, prompting more to do the same.

"ENOUGH! You lot will be silent!" Cerille commanded, glancing to the side. Van followed suit soon after.

'...As my Perception increased, I've found it much easier to remember details...'

'... That includes faces.'

Van thought as he momentarily glared at the children. 'I thought about taking it easy and hiding my strength once joining the Academy. Protecting my nieces and my friends from the shadows without drawing attention to myself.'

'...But that is merely the act of a coward, right, Varlog?' He thought as he mentally marked the children who cussed at Anne.

"H-hey... What're you looking at, freak!?" the same teen yelled, startled by Van's intensity.

"Turn that ugly face away from us, bastard! You're lucky Lady Cerille has you!"


"ENOUGH!!! YOU LOT BE SILENT, OR ALSO BE ARRESTED!" Cerille's voice boomed.

Van then glanced at Cerille, slightly pursing his lips as she hushed the teen group.

'...At least she's somewhat fair,' he thought.

"This is a C-Rank Magical seal... Don't even think about trying to resist, fiend," Cerille said as she turned to Van and handcuffed him.

'Cute,' he thought as he glanced at the seal.

"Sure, Greatknight Nickelson's Daughter," Van called with slight mockery.

"This is Lady Cerille to you, criminal," she retorted, causing the mob around them to cheer even more.

"DON'T IGNORE ME!!" Anne screamed, causing Cerille and Van to turn to her.

"You can't..." Anne started, looking down in defeat. "You can't let them have their way with you like that... Or they're gonna keep stomping you," she said, her voice trailing off.

"You're mistaken, Anne Veil," Cerille said as she grabbed Van by the handcuff, ready to lead him out. "This isn't bullying or stomping. This is arresting a threat to society. You would do well to acknowledge that," she said loudly, causing everyone around them to cheer for her.

"And I decided not to arrest you, as a token of our past friendship. Please, do not get yourself into trouble from now on," Cerille stated to Anne as she turned and started walking away.

"Bullshit," Anne said, causing her to stop.

"You're no different from them," Anne blurted as she glanced at the other teens. "The only reason you don't arrest me is that your oh-so-important public image will elevate. That's the only thing you ever cared about. You were NEVER my friend!"

Van could feel a small twitch from Cerille's grasp as she held him.

'Oh...?' Van thought, raising an eyebrow.

"How ignorant..." Cerille murmured, almost to herself.

"What!!?" Anne called out.

"Never mind," her voice boomed again as her attention briefly turned to Van. "Follow me, wretch. And prepare to face justice."

It was then Cerille bumped into someone.

"Who is—!" Cerille called, but was soon cut off.

"A wretch, you say...?" a voice boldly inquired as the person standing grabbed and twisted Cerille's ear, pulling her aside.

"A—Ahh!" she squirmed in agony as her ear was pulled and twisted, she inevitably leaned toward where she was pulled from to keep her ear in place.

"I had no idea our dear CeCe grew up to be such a pretentious brat that needs public scolding," she called.

'Phew...' Van sighed internally as he saw her.

"L-look... That's Marcilla Veil..."

"Oh... Shit... She's... Look at how she's handling Lady Cerille..."

"Cece..? Is she referring to Lady Cerille..?" the onlookers spoke.

"A-AUNT M-Marcy.. P-please... S-stop.. My ear will fall out..!" Cerille cried out as she held onto Marcy's arm as she pulled her ear.

"You stay silent. You've lost your right to talk the moment you pulled your sword out in public without minding your peers."