56 - Cautionary Tale, Part 6

"I've made certain," Varlog said, landing back where Nickelson, Cerille, Yilla, Van, and Liliac's corpse were located. "No villages or humans were hit by your attack..." he muttered as he gradually shifted to his human form.

"But you sure gave those nearby quite a fright, Van," he added, his tone more stern as he addressed Van.

Van nodded. "I've walked this path quite a few times. I knew where to strike," he said, clearing his throat.

"And you know I don't make the same mistake twice, Varlog," he added flatly.

"... Yes, I'm aware you're careful. Keep that trait close to your chest," Varlog said, looking squarely at Van.

Meanwhile, Cerille stood behind her father's tall stature, scrutinizing Van and Varlog, and more importantly, the rarity of a high-ranked demon and a human conversing so naturally.

'The boy... No, the man before me right now... is actually him,' Cerille thought, her eyes almost glistening as she watched the armored figure.

'Van... Hellix!'

--------------------- 10 YEARS AGO ---------------------

"ANNE!! YOU SAID I COULD BE VAN TODAY!!" Cerille screamed.




Cerille let out a slight chuckle at the memory.

"A demon worried about humans' safety. What a rare sight. To think you could even have feelings like worry." Nickelson remarked, almost cynically.

"F-father, he—" Cerille tried to interject, looking up at Nickelson, but she was too slow. Van had already turned to face him. "Rarer things have occurred," Van began.

"For example, someone as rotten as you exists and was even brought to the King's Hand position, Nickelson. Therefore," he continued, each word laced with venom, abruptly walking towards Nickelson until he was mere inches away,

"hold your FUCKING tongue, or I'll RIP it out for you," Van growled, his grip on Cerille's greatsword intensifying as he glared at Nickelson.

'What...? Why is... Why is he so angry at Father...?' Cerille thought, confusion evident as she looked at Van.

"Oh? Is that a threat..." Nickelson started, narrowing his eyes, "Meaty?" he mocked.

"Grrggh...!" Van's body tensed, his hyper-condensed fist tightening as memories of being 'trained' by the Capital's First Battalion and by Nickelson flashed through his mind, overwhelming him.

'This is bad... He's going to hit Father!!' Cerille thought, her face paling as she felt the shift in Van's demeanor. Nickelson closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable.

"WAI—" she called, but before she could finish, Varlog's palm cut through the air, landing on Van's shoulder. He leaned in close, whispering in English, "Hey," as he drew near Van's ear...

"Thanks for the free parking."

Van immediately froze. "... Varlog. I swear to God, this is not the time. If you continue that—"

"Another; ACTIVIST, Meh-gua-yer," Yilla said as she approached.

"Activist," Varlog replied, "MMmmyesss."

'What in the Goddess's name...?' Cerille thought to herself as she heard the two demons speak the foreign language. 'Is this the Demonic Tongue...?'

'A spell...?' Nickelson wondered, reluctantly opening his eyes as he listened in.

"Stop... Don't you dare finish it..." Van's voice quivered as Yilla's and Varlog's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Hum, hm, Activist, Mmmyesss him, humhoomhoom hem hoom blurghe..." Varlog and Yilla blurted in unison, a triumphant smirk on their faces.

"PFFFT," Van cracked, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... YOU DAMN BASTARDS... HAHAHAH..!!!!" Van cackled violently as he stepped away from Nickelson uncontrollably.

Both Nickelson and Cerille fell silent, tilting their heads in unison, trying to comprehend what had just transpired.

"I see you've improved your proficiency in Ace The Venturer's path..." Van giggled as he turned to them.

"But of course," Varlog said, triumphantly patting his beard. "It is by far the best technique to quell the hearts of demons, paralleled by none," he said calmly.

"Master Varlog, I..." Yilla started reluctantly. "While it definitely had its effects on Van, I disagree."

"Oh?" Varlog turned, raising an eyebrow. "Do you believe a fairer path exists?"

"Please..." She raised her gaze confidently. "The Way Of The Sandler is simply the peak of its ways of tranquility," she said, clearing her throat before saying in English:

"Goosssfrabaaaa," she let out, smirking in satisfaction.

'Goos-what now?' Cerille narrowed her eyes, attempting to understand the meaning behind the incantations.

"The effect it has on your heart and mind is simply beyond magical. I feel my wrath draining simply by tapping into this language," Yilla said confidently.

"Hmph," Varlog hummed, slightly impressed. "Perhaps it does have its charm, but the Path of The Venturer is simply superior in every way, dear Yilla," he replied, clearing his throat before declaring:

"I HAVE... EXOR-SIIIIIIIZED THA DEMONS... This hause is cleee-arhh naw," Varlog proclaimed with valor.

"You can almost feel your mind's capabilities increase as you speak," Varlog proudly commented.

"Hm, you have used quite a long spell to rival my own... How about I do the same, Master Varlog?" she said, before speaking in English:

"I am sorry I was so rood before baht it's difficahlt for me to express maiself when I am on the verge of... exploding in my pants."

"Hoho, you are still far too young and too inexperienced, dear," Varlog said with a soft chuckle. "Incant too long a spell, and it loses its efficiency," he scolded.

"Father... What is happening?" Cerille questioned, watching the exchange in confusion.

"... I believe... they are having... a... demonic... incantation... battle...?" Nickelson replied, his voice uncertain.

"Either way, dear Van," Varlog said, turning back to Van, "now that you have relaxed thanks to the clearly superior Path of The Venturer, we need to discuss—"

Varlog's words were cut short.

[BACKGROUND MUSIC: Lord of The Rings - Sound of The Shire]

Van hurled himself onto Varlog, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Sorry, I just..." he cleared his throat, Yilla gasping lightly as she watched Van's arm encircle Varlog.

"Really... Really..." Van's voice quivered as he spoke, "...missed your wife's roast," he whispered, as Varlog gently returned his hug.

"Indeed... The feeling is mutual, dear Van," Varlog said with a soft chuckle, lightly tapping Van's armored back.

"It has been far too long," Varlog added.

Cerille's mouth was wide agape as she stood behind her father, looking at her childhood hero... Embracing a once sworn enemy.

'Van Hellix... is... hugging the Demon Lord's Second-In-Command...?!' Cerille thought, her eyes widening as she watched the exchange.

"What... is this...?" Nickelson muttered, confused and slightly unnerved, as Van rose from Varlog's embrace and headed towards Yilla.

'Is this the result of the spell they cast on him...? Should we prepare for battle?' Nickelson wondered, anxiety creeping into his thoughts.

Yet Cerille, curious and somewhat relaxed, continued to observe.

"You seem well, Yilla," Van said gently as he raised her palm, her gaze lowering to the ground.

"Yes, you too," she replied, her voice barely audible as she allowed her palm to be guided upward by Van's gentle touch.

Van let out a soft chuckle as he lowered her palm, preparing to turn away. But he was stopped as Yilla suddenly stormed towards him, tightly hugging him without a word.

"Hehe," Van chuckled, returning her hug and patting her head as she clung to him.

'He's... friends with the demons,' Cerille thought, cautious yet increasingly intrigued, while her father tensed restlessly.

"Say," Van started, "do you mind...?" He looked at Yilla, nodding towards Liliac with his head.

"...Of course," she replied, "Her majesty prepared quite a few meals for cases just like this one." She walked towards Liliac's cleaved corpse, pulling out a glowing stone from her leather bag and breaking it before the dragon's remains.

They all watched in wonder as a brilliant light enveloped Liliac's corpse, raising all his bones to the sky, reassembling him right before their eyes.

"They're reviving that dragon...!" Nickelson murmured, his eyes widening in terror as he shielded his daughter, pulling out his sword.

"Relax," Van said, turning to Nickelson and Cerille as the dragon was nearly complete. "He won't hurt you," he stated firmly.

Nickelson relaxed a bit at Van's words but remained in a battle-ready stance, beads of sweat trickling down his face as the dragon finished forming.

"Boy..." Van started as the mighty dragon faced him squarely, "I see you caused some trouble for Uncle Varlog and Aunt Yilla." He approached Liliac.

'He's... provoking it!' Cerille thought, wary.

"But seeing as no one got hurt, I'll save the lecture for later." He spread his arms wide, "So get over here, big fella," he called warmly.

The mighty dragon bent its beak, gently pressing it against Van's chest, allowing him to rub its beak.

"You've been really bored, haven't you, boy?" Van said, his tone affectionate.

Nickelson then collapsed to his knees once more.

'He's... treating that dragon... as I would a pet...'

...But this time, not out of fear. But awe.

"...Father?" Cerille called as she sensed her father's demeanor shift.

Nickelson rose and walked towards Van, stopping several meters away from him.

"...What do you want, Nickelson?" Van asked, still focusing on Liliac.

"I dislike you, Hellix. I loathe you, and this little display is nothing but treacherous to the Capital, an utter show of disrespect to my fallen comrades who met their end fighting the very demons you show this unsightly affection toward. Even with your newfound strength, I shall never apologize for what I've done to you," Nickelson began, causing Varlog and Yilla to tense slightly.

"Father! They mean peace, there's no need for—"

"However," Nickelson continued, bending his knee before Van, "you saved my daughter when I could not." He said as he closed his eyes.

"You saved the one thing that I treasured in this world."

"Father..." Cerille mumbled, placing her palms over her mouth as her father lowered his head.

"For that, I thank you deeply," Nickelson continued.

Van sighed deeply as he let go of the bone dragon and turned to face Nickelson.

He was about to speak again, with Varlog and Yilla standing in his peripheral vision.

"...Sure. And don't worry, even if you had apologized, I'd never have forgiven you," Van said flatly.

"So, stand up, Nickelson," he added, prompting Nickelson to raise his head and look at Van as he removed his helmet.

"And let's think about what to do next."