Chapter 8

There is a saying that nothing can beat Friday night in York City and as expected it was not just an exaggeration, When the clock hits four zeros the night changes and the bat's clan took over,

After getting discharged I went back to Lara's penthouse and thank god she wasn't there, I sneaked in quickly and grabbed my bag which she brought here with me when she rescued me that night,

The walk was long but finally, after an hour of workout I was standing at the large entrance of the club, It was so grand which makes me scan myself again up and down because I didn't look like I belong there,

I wore a short safari jacket, full black accompanied with golden buttons, A pair of my favourite snicker and nothing else, The guards looked at me, up and down a few times before they exchanged a glare,

There were two of them a man and a woman, I could see the sarcasm written all over their faces but I just bit my lower lip and meekly asked " I heard they are recruiting waitresses, I'm here to try my luck " I explained but they ignored me,

As I tried to figure out what I did wrong I remembered I hadn't greeted them yet, " I'm so sorry, How are you? My name is Kyle Angela and I'm here for the interview "

I said awkwardly, probably the worse thing I have done this year but there was no way to take it back, Without saying a word they let me in, I drag my bag with me until I'm halfway in when I heard a feminine voice,

" Why are you doing a job like that? "

The female guard asked. she was tall with dark hair, and her navy blue uniform matches perfectly with her noble ivory skin especially when the moon is shining exceptionally glamorous like tonight,

I snapped my head and looked at her, the one whose judgmental mind doesn't match her noble looks, what's wrong with being a waitress, Isn't she a guard herself?

" I need money to pay for my debts "

I answered and started to head inside hurriedly, It was like she wanted to tell me something but I didn't wait for her nagging, she is not my mother, I don't know her, I run to the back doors and started to climb the stairs,

There's an elevator but I felt too out of place to use it. When I reached the tenth floor my legs were shaking, and My soul was trembling for this body has no mercy on itself,

I inhale and exhale three times before I looked around, there were other twenty girls in the waiting room. Less than I thought but they were all so pretty and some of them are new-tubers and influencers,

It was obvious that I'm an outcast,

Five minutes passed and two girls already came out of the interviewer's room with tears laughing on their faces, Their ruined makeup that make them look like clowns somehow terrified me,

I was thinking of going next because of how everyone was hesitating but suddenly one girl called my name and asked me to follow her, she was short but very fast with her legs,

She went to the opposite room and I followed right behind.

In front of me there were eleven people and four of them were males, All unfamiliar faces except for the one. My eyes were fixed on her winning smirk which somehow pissed me off,

It was Megan, she was looking at me as everyone was waiting for her to say something because I heard she recommended me but I kinda feel betrayed, I thought I -, I mean...

" Strip! "

A cold voice strikes me back to reality and I cut off connection with my Imaginary-land. It was Megan's voice and everyone was glaring at me after the single syllable from her mouth,

" Pardon? "

I wasn't good at catching up with things so I asked, It is not the kind of stripping I know, is it? again, I was swallowed into my thoughts when a cold hand landed on my skin,

In an instant, my clothes were on the floor, and I was shaking. Everyone was amazed by how my body looked in their eyes but I hated all of it, I could see the lust in their eyes but one glare from Megan and they step back.

" She is mine " She declared.

But, that is not true, I don't belong to anybody but her. If I'm not well-fucked by Lara then no one should, Even if she is the worst person on Earth, at least with her I won't hate it when she touches me,

So I pushed Megan but she was so strong, she didn't move an inch, Seeing that I'm rebelling she forcefully grabbed me and slumped me on the bed at the centre of the room, I tried to fight back but she was so strong,

" Did you think people just threw 40k dollars for a mere waitress in a club? How naive "

She mumbled with her hand on top of my abdomen, I felt that cold sensation penetrated down to my waist when she suddenly stopped and ripped off my underwear,

I could feel the stares of ten pairs of eyes staring in judgment he grabbed my hands together and tied them at the loose end of the bed leaving me with only useless trembling legs,

Megan started licking my toes to the sole of my foot, It was tickling but I didn't like it, The thought that her Salva will be all over me was so disgusting that I didn't want to picture it,

" Let me go please " I begged.

But her ears weren't listening, It was like she was possessed because the more I begged her to stop the harder she goes on me, It wasn't just licking anymore, she is a monster,

There were bite marks on my legs up to my thighs and she was keeping coming up speedily.

" Can we skip to the good part, please "

One of the females in the room shouted and I saw a slight smirk on her face, " I'll pay your debt fully if you promise to be good " she whispered in my ear.

I need money, I wanted money so badly but wouldn't it be like transferring a debt to another manic? , and if the price is this, I don't want it. I tried to push her again but failed. At that moment Lara's words flashed in my mind, what's so different if we did it a few more times?

I'm so stupid!, I should have accepted her offer.

Megan was still on top of me, trying to kiss me everywhere but I was doing nothing until she reached my back and grabbed my ass, " What are you doing? " I shouted.

She smirked while her hand keep going down until she reached the velvety place where Yin meets Yang. I jump and she caught me as her fingers still a few meters away from my chrysanthemum flower [1]

" Don't please, I'm begging, I'll be good. Please, anything but that ", I cried, screamed, begged but she was unfazed,

She held a big toy in her hand, smirking, thinking it going to fit in, I know it wouldn't,

I closed my eyes thinking I was done for, but then...

" What the fuck y'think you are doin'? "said a cold and familiar voice, I drag my lazy eyes to look at her. My knight in a white horse, I was supposed to be running away from her but at this moment, I'm so glad that she is here,

But, her face was cold, the frosty version I never knew could be unlocked. By Lara's presence , my heart jumped in excitement as my eyes failed to hold my tears and let them slowly stream down my features.