Chapter 9

SILENT. For a second everything was silent, except for my noisy heart of course. Lara was moving towards me and I hide my face, shamefully defeated, and Megan wouldn't let go of me,

" I'm just having a good time with my girl, Why are you here? "

She wrapped her hands around my slim waist and my face was against her chest while giving Lara my back, It was better this way, I can't let her see me like this. Like a coward, just like how I have always been, I hide,

" I don't care about what you want to do with her ". She said coldly then she paused for a moment, I don't know what she was doing but I heard footsteps getting closer,

" What I care is I'm taking her with me, now! "

She spoke so bravery that I almost hugged her if it wasn't for my situation, I slowly turned my head and met her dark brown eyes that turned golden when she plays a hero,

And here I thought that I'll never love her more, I watched as she keep getting closer and closer until Megan stopped her, " If you are here because she owes you money, then I will write you a check ", Lara glared at me, But I shook my head, I wasn't the one who told her about my debt although it seems like it,

Thankfully, Lara ignored her and pushed her away but Megan wasn't going to give her an easy win, she grabbed Lara's hand and tried to flip her, but as expected she failed,

She might not seem like it but Lara is a pretty good wrestler, It was about to get worse when secretary Park appeared, Megan step back, she knew what will happen when you messed with the master of this city's top dog,

Lara came closer to me and wrap her coat around my shoulders before carrying me princess style, We walked outside and all eyes were on us but she didn't care, Her gaze was focusing on what was in front of her,

That boldness is something that was ingrained in her blood, It wasn't about money or fame, but one of her many unique charms,

I wrapped my hands around her shoulders as my eyes were fixed on her, we walked to the packing lot where she pack her car and she slowly laid me down in the backseat of the car, she sat beside me and the secretary Park was in the front seat with the driver, " Where? " She asked.

" Home, where else? "

Lara replied, her voice sounding so tiring, she might have been busy but she leave everything and come to me, Looking back, no one else will care for me the way she does,

I might have done some horrible things in the past and It will be hard for her to open up to me again but she deeply cares for me, Lara is always there for me, now and even then,

Back in thirteen years ago,

When I was still a fool teenager, Lara was the complete opposite of me, but that one time she avoided eating lunch with me for like six months until my birthday, my 15th birthday to be exact,

" Kay...? "

She called softly, I was standing on the terrace fuming in anger because of how she has been avoiding me, I snapped my head and saw her sorry face. My weakness,

I run to her and placed a kiss on her cheek when I noticed a small box in her hands " What is that? " I asked.

" Your birthday gift," She said nervously as she hand over the black box to me.

It was a brand-new phone, and I wanted it. I jumped on her and placed a lot of kisses on her face, " I love you, I love you so much ".

I was happy about it until I figured that she work part-time and skip her lunch to save up for that phone, I used to treasure it but since that day I started treating it like my heart,

If I knew earlier what she went through to get it, I would have thanked her in a much better way. I looked at her, always smiling even when I'm blaming her for my mistakes,

My head was placed on a comfy pillow as the tears streamed heavily down my cheeks, If I were her I would never like someone like me. I don't remember what happened after but the next moment I opened my eyes it was morning, In Lara's mansion,

I heard the knock on the door and Nancy came in with a tray in her hand, She looked a little bit down unlike her cheerful self but I didn't dare to ask her a question, I made her look for me in the middle of the night, I would have been mad at me too,

" Mistress says you need to change your image since you will be working alongside her starting Monday " She calmly said and I nodded.

Still on the bed hugging my blanket, Nancy placed my breakfast on my lap and clapped her hands a few times when all four entrances opened, eight people in pairs of two, with a train of outfit collections each, entered,

I was stunned, I looked at them and then I looked at Nancy, " What is happening? " I murmured.

" Ahhhh! It is an order from above. These are the top four designers in the country, and here are their collections for this season, You can shop whatever you want ", she explained clearly but I wasn't getting it, I somehow felt like I'm being tricked.

It is hard to choose between so many good things. I wasn't going to do it knowing some of them will feel bad about it, " No! I don't think I can accept it ",

" Put everything in the closet, We are taking everything, make sure you arrange it properly " She explained and I jumped from the bed, almost spilling my tea,

I wore a short white night dress, I don't remember putting it on last night but that wasn't important, I headed to where Nancy was standing, she was deadly serious but I gathered my courage and asked " Why are you doing this to me, I said I don't want any of it ". I whispered.

She gave me a side eye and calmly replied, " If you choose to follow her path shouldn't you make the most of it? You will get hurt either way so why holding back "

I knew she was right, and thanks to her I'm reminded every time that I'm no more than a thing to Lara, but still hearing it from someone else hurts a lot, knowing that people know what will Lara do to me as a price for all of this makes me so afraid, and powerless,

" Okay... "

I replied I didn't have a say in anything. I lazily went to the bathroom and dive in the bathtub, I didn't want anything than peace of mind but I guess even that is too much to ask because a few minutes later Nancy knock on the bathroom door,

I wrap the short white towel around my chest and went to open the door. " What is it? " I asked as I wrapped another towel on my head,

" There are so many things to do about your hair and shoes and bags, so hurry up "

My eyes widened, " Why all of that? "

" Don't ask me stupid questions, you are not going to be standing next to her looking like a beggar, are you?"

Again, Once again she was right and it hit right on the spot, I turned my head and looked at the large mirror, After tomorrow I'll be standing right next to her but not like this, 

I will stun her. I really should make the most of it like she said.