Chapter 26

[ Warning: This chapter contains heavily mature content]

" There you are!"

" And here I thought you run away, Angela Sir!!!!"

The smirk spread across her face. I could tell just by the aura she exuded that she wanted nothing than to fight me right there and then, she had this wide grin that somehow pisses me off,

I wanted to get away from her when another voice hit my ears and I almost coughed my lungs out.

" Cuz, Who are talking to? We going to be late ".

The voice became annoying every time I heard it, how could I forget about It? If it wasn't that bitch Clara who else could it be?

I don't know if it's rage or something more but one thing was clear to me and that is I hated both of the bitches in front of me.

" Wait. Clara . I'm coming ". Then she ran away, she left, just like that, and other than a smug on her stiff face she didn't say another word,

Somehow I didn't know I was holding my breath until she was outside, I looked at her shadow and frowned, wondering how she be roaming outside like a civilian like this, Not like I could go and report her to my superiors or anything but something about this situation was bothering me.

" Merlin, What are you scheming this time? ".

I shook my head and kept working out, swearing that I would have to risk it all and turned back to when I said " couldn't protect this dying love anymore" and changed every bit of it.

I'll curse fate and everyone and wear a thick skin and say " Fuck " to the world.


On the rooftop of her building, Lara had an emergency landing, her head was burning from anger and hatred, not knowing what she hated more, herself or that one unknown person that has been playing with her,

Once everyone started acknowledging her she thought she was no longer pathetic and helpless but there was someone who had been stamping on her pride over and over again, And the worst was, there was no trail leading back to them,

Whatever it was. was out there for her sanity.

Lara rolled her eyes with one hand brushing her hair as she jumped off her helicopter, still wondering for how long would she be able to hold on, how long would it last before she completely went mad. Still, she was wondering.

She walked to her office and wanted to take a quick nap before she remembered that she wasn't alone anymore and with that realization, she called for her new assistant, Soo-Hyun. She informed her that she was heading home and she didn't want anyone near the main building when she got there.

What was supposed to be an hour-long drive felt like ages but finally, she was standing in front of her door, at her own house but for the first time she was nervous. It was easier for her to call for a woman to warm her bed or she could just go in there and demand her to lay down but she didn't want that tonight,

Her hands pushed the door and walked silently until she heard some noise in the kitchen, but as soon as she saw a beauty trying so hard to cook what she didn't even know what to call, she found herself warming,

She walked behind the busy Kyle and held her waist, she then buried her head on her neck, and the sweet smell of her shower gel made Lara's smile widen " You are not startled " She commented as she rubbed Kyle's breast with both her hands,

" Is there anyone in this household who would dare to touch me like this? " Kyle answered with one hand caressing Lara's head.

" I'll kill them "

Lara groaned as the air turned colder that very instant, It sounded like an empty threat but Kyle was experienced enough to know that she meant every word she said.

There were things that Lara would never do even if they would save one's life and acting cowardly was one of those things,

" I'm sorry ". She said calmly and Kyle couldn't help but gasp then she continued, " I'm sorry that my life is a mess and as much as I want you I can't bring myself to take any chances. It's both our faults. You were young and stupid, I was foolish and arrogant".

" I know, right? ".

Kyle chuckled and brushed it off to ease the intense atmosphere between them, she pushed away the dishes and with the help of Lara she sat on the kitchen table and now they were face to face, eye to eye both faces spoke one language,

" Maybe this won't last and we might never get a chance to be with each other forever but can we make the most of it? ".

" Lara-!"

Kyle pleaded with teary eyes but Lara cut her off, " Let's make sure that you suck every drop of my liquid so that I can't cum for anyone else ever again and I'll do the same "

Lara mumbled as her lips explored her neck up to her face before she stamped them onto hers and smirked " I'm going to cross all boundaries of fuck, Little maiden! I can't promise love but I can give you a lot of sex "

She wanted to continue but Kyle pushed herself against her and claimed her lips, It wasn't soft or gentle, but they both seemed to like it rough. Lara return the favor and shoved her tongue deep in her mouth as her hands cupped Kyle's ass,

A small moan escaped her mouth as they both fought for dominance, It was always Lara however Kyle wasn't going to let her off easily tonight " You know..." Lara started.

" What? "

" Megan was killed so I can't even take revenge for you, I'm sorry ". She said in disappointment. Kyle was startled at the moment but she quickly masked it by placing a gentle kiss on her neck, " It's okay, isn't like she had a good ending for me to be sad ".

" Should I take the lead tonight? You seem off, I promise I'll make sure to please you ".

" Fine, how about a role-play? "

Kyle didn't expect Lara to agree so early, It would be the first time that she ever get to take the lead, she smirked as she thought of how to tease her,

" I thought about something "

Kyle snapped as a wicked smirk covered her face and Lara knew she had made a mistake allowing Kyle to dominate her. But It was too late,


NOTE: Not to be confused, this is just role-playing just like any other and I mean no offence to anyone. Thank you. ( Kyle as Mother Superior, Lara as sister)


The Friday night was like any other night for monks, they pray every day as they have given up all the luxury of this world to follow their lord, At the centre between the tulip and rose gardens stood an expressionless woman, her face was impatient as if she was waiting for someone,

From afar appeared a monk with a Bible in her hands. Flipping and closing in as she tried to recite her favourite lines from songs of Solomon, She walked innocently blushing as her mind was only for her lord, until...

Until she banged her head with another.

" Mother Superior...?", The monk gasped.

She was startled and held back her tears, of all the people, why did she have to meet this beautiful monster with the heart of a demon, everyone knew how Mother Superior's beauty was unparalleled, they even went as far as saying that if angels truly exist then they will look just like her, however, her coldness didn't match her perfect looks,

The trembling monk raised her head and a shiver ran down her poor spine when she saw the frosty unfazed gaze her,

" Lara is apologizing to Mother, she wasn't thinking straight ". The silence was piercing the monk-like a blunt blade was shoved into her heart.

" I heard they are calling you a Plaything nowadays ", Ignoring the paled monk's face the woman stated. Her hands moved and caressed her trembling head before she bent down a little to her height and smirked.

" Don't pretend in front of me, I want to see it too, what have you been doing with other monks behind your lord's back ".

She spoke coldly and before she could get to refute the little monk was placed on her mother's shoulder to the large fountain at the centre of the rose garden,

Their eyes met and the monk hid her reddened face from embarrassment, which was opposite to the predator in front of her who was ready to do anything to claim the innocent maiden all for herself, 

" Mommy this- " the monk wanted to say something but the woman blocked her lips with her finger, " I'm not your mother, It's Mistress for tonight, be a good girl and maybe I'll be gentle with you, now strip".

She ordered but the monk hesitated which made the woman angry and grabbed her chin, " Sorry " the monk mumbled but the woman frowned even more,

" I know how slutty you are behind that pure facade now strip before I make you truly sorry "

The monk's robe fell off, followed by her underwear, and she was now standing in front of the woman completely naked,

 " Sit and legs up "

she ordered and the monk followed however she wasn't ready for the next order,

" Touch yourself "

The woman ordered and the monk shook her head, it was a de ja vu.

I have heard it somewhere!