Chapter 27


A small smirk appeared on the monk's full lips which revealed a small dimple on her left cheek.

She blushed as her right hand moved slowly between her legs, one finger pressed on her clit while the other two were roughly thrusting in and out of her rose garden,

The monk licked her fingers and shoved them again which made the woman blush tomato red with her hand holding her mouth,

 " Fuck! You gonna be the death of me " the woman cussed, her eyes that were once dark and cold softened as she got wetter and wetter,

The monk's waist moved with the rhythm as her eyes were set on a good monster in front of her. The hot slime-like liquid rushed from the core and she knew she was wet, she spread her legs more letting the woman see how slutty she can be,

" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I can't stand it ".

The woman rushed to the monk and grabbed her, she sat down and put the monk on her lap, " Do you want me to do it for you? " She whispered calmly in her ear, the monk blushed and hid her face

" Lara would love that ".

" Now! Now ! Now !, you know nothing is free, right? Beg for it, Maiden ".

She commanded as she adore the shy Maiden who turn rogue when she is horny. The woman's tongue brushed through her ear and bit as she Impatiently waited for her answer.

Slowly the handmaiden held Mother's hand and placed in her wet acupoint, " Do it please, I will be a good girl". Her voice was the sexiest thing she had ever heard in a while,

When the woman thought she couldn't get more red the sound of her maiden turned her bloody red,

" This is on you little thing. If you promise to cum four times for me tonight I'll gladly do it for you ". The monk looked at her in awe, not in the wildest dreams she ever thought she would ever cum so many times in a day, " Can I do that, four times? ".

" We will have to try to find out ".

" Then, please! Mother! "

" Please what? "

" Freak me out, show me the way to heaven ".

Mother Superior laughed as she grabbed one leg and put it on her shoulder while her hands held her waist tight and pulled her closer, she learn a little and stamped the monk's lips with hers before their tongues began to fuck each other's fiercely, It was a passionate love, rough but gentle, smooth and hot,

Kyle slowly quickened her pace and started to move faster and rougher.

She bitted Lara's lips until she tasted the sweetness of Lara's blood.

Not in a million years she ever dream of tasting this kind of ecstacy, she was losing control and losing herself in their passionately love making,

Everything was going as they planned until the monk held her head and pushed the woman,

 " Stop it! I can't do it! Kay st...". The play ended horribly and Kyle was a little bit disappointed but she knew better than to force her way in, she held Lara but Lara refused her touch,

" I want to be alone ".

She wasn't in her best condition, It was like she remembered something unpleasant and it was haunting her, Slowly she left the garden running until she was in her room and maoe sure her door was locked.

Her eyes scanned the gloomy atmosphere and smiled, " Yeah! This is where I belong, In the dark and alone ".

Lara walked to her bed and lay as her eyes emotionlessness, she didn't even know what happened earlier that that Day to make her embrace Kyle like that, she hated the fact that she was helpless when she is with her,

How she was the only one to please her, the only one her body reacted to.

" I'm pathetic! stupidly pathetic!"

She closed her eyes and called it a day, she would think about it tomorrow, she would figure it out somehow, she was sure of it.

On the other hand Kyle was puzzled about what just happened, she was worried whether she didn't live up to Lara's expectations,

 " I should have practised more "

 She rubbed her head as she left the garden as well and slowly headed to her room.

So many things happened in such a short time. Megan was killed and Maggie is crippled, and somehow these people are related to her in one way or another. Whether it's coincidence or not that wasn't for her to figure out. As long as it doesn't threaten Lara's life then she won't pry on anything thing.

After grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around her It didn't take long until she was completely in in dreamland.

Next Morning.

The weekend was long but nothing lasts forever and so today is Monday, both Lara and Kyle drove to work together wearing the normal office attire, It was early in the morning and they wanted to make a good impression,

 " To think I'll be an intern in my own company? "

" I'll protect you "

Kyle said calmly and she meant it, protecting Lara was what she truly wanted even if she would have to use dark ways to achieve that, she held her hand and walked with her into the office at a lower floor,

It wasn't crowded but there were a decent number of workers who were focusing on their computers, Among all the people there was one behind the glass door of the alienated office,

The office was neat and well organized but what fascinated people the most was the man with golden brown hair and brown eyes, a boyfriend material type of every girl.

The two women walked unhurriedly a stood before him, " That's Aaron Hamilton, our team leader " Lala whispered.

She liked the feeling of being whatever she wanted, although she wasn't that old she never had a chance to enjoy her teen years and now she is still a young woman with the burden of hundreds of people on her shoulders.

Kyle looked at Lara a frowned because she didn't know what this beautiful goddess was thinking about and all she wanted was her attention on her,

 " He is not that pretty, I'm way much prettier "

" Wow! It's not like I'm into him. Besides he is gay "

Kyle "..."

She was speechless, there was so much gay-sm in the room that she was suffocating, she looked at the man in front of her who was somewhat familiar and shook her head

' Maybe I saw him at one of the nearby cafes' but why is he so familiar?

She tried to recall but sadly she couldn't remember where she had seen him. Even though his face wasn't that memorable she thought maybe they crossed paths in the past.

" I don't know why they throw me these weaklings "

Aaron cussed. Now that there was fierce competition going on he asked for additional members on his team but instead, they gave him newbies with no experience, he knew that there was a scheme behind it so he wasn't going to allow those dumb seniors to walk all over him but now he needs to get rid of ants first.

Or at least he thought it was easy.

" I'm Lara Harris "

" I'm Kyle Harris "

" Oh! Siblings? " Aaron chuckled and slumped the pen on his desk,

" So this company is all about connections now? ".

He sneered as he had a knowing smirk on his face, Lara looked back at him and frowned. It looks like his little lover didn't tell him anything.

But even though, she didn't like his temperament nor the way he talked down to people, so what if they have connections? So what if they are nepos? It's not their fault that they are rich, Is it?

 " Everything is about surviving, some men bend over other men to bring food on the table so why is it bad for me to stick a needle where there is a hole? " Lara said coldly.

" You!-"

" you_! What ? Can't you speak English? "

" If seniority is the standard of work efficiency does that mean you're the worst of the five? "

Kyle added oil to the fire Lara set. Aaron who was now burning in rage smiled knowing exactly what he should do with these two.

He walked on the shelf and threw a document in front of them " Okay let's see how competent you two are ", on the top cover there were large words " Ayra Morningstar " and the two of them started to guess what the guy was up to.

If they were truly newbies with no connections they will truly be screwed because right now Ayra Morningstar is not that failed celeb from a Morningstar's sisters, she was no longer her sister's shadow from three years ago.

" You can't---," Kyle began but Aaron cutted her off.

" Of course you can. The sooner the better " Aaron sneered. ' I'll teach you a lesson, let's see who is the boss here '