Chapter 32

Park Soo-Hyun

She was a child abused by her father. A seven-year-old gets to know the world in the hardest way possible and thus she never knew how to love nor to be loved.

She was still wet behind the ears when she killed and buried that good-for-nothing father of hers with her own bare hands.

She remained a shell. With no love or hatred for anyone. The only thing she had was loyalty to one person she considered a friend and so she swore to live for her as long as she was breathing,

That was how it was supposed to be... and that is how it should be,

However something is about to change once she meets her, The woman who makes her heart flutter and her cold blood boil. She crushed her hope hoping that she would forget about her, that day a few months ago was still as clear as the sky in her mind.

" Just so you won't get clingy, I don't date, I fuck! "

It was just the word she barked out because she was excited and confused,

She slept with too many and even more those she kissed and ignored. She doesn't even care to remember how it felt let alone their names. Women or men were just a distraction and an escape from the world. That was supposed to be till the end of time,


As she carefully examined the sculpture Soo-Hyun's eyes were on her wondering whether the woman in front of her was a human or the sculpture that was supposed to be in a museum.

She was out of this world, her concentrated eyes, Her small pink lips even her frown face were addicting, the new feeling was foreign and weird for her, not knowing how to react she kept admiring her until she saw her leaving.

Soo-Hyun's mind was dominated by her feelings and found herself grabbing another woman and going to the terrace where her angel disappeared to. She grabbed the woman and started to kiss her but her eyes were on one another,

As her hands were caressing the woman Soo's mind was on the angel who seemed fluttered to see her, she needed her on her bed that very moment and not in just one night. She wanted her to be completely hers.

Seeing as she was going insane Soo-Hyun left angrily knowing that she wouldn't have her. The angel was too pure to be with someone as dark as her so she ran away.

" Hey! Did you just leave me in the hang? "

The woman who she was kissing earlier complained and Soo-Hyun took out twenty-five bills of hundred dollars and handed them to the woman before she left, The woman took them with a wide grin.

' They are all the same, they just want money, It's all about money, and she is no different '

Park Soo-Hyun went off her way but she was too scared of not being able to see the angel from earlier ever again so she ended up in a washroom, staring at her reflection in the mirror until she felt her presence again, and thus she knew that what she felt was mutual,

They both had thing or one another, no ending magnet pull and temptation weren't one-sided she knew it all from the beginning and yet she intentionally pushed her away.

It wasn't until she started seeing her everywhere she goes she realized that it was love all along.


Only the breathing and teeth clashing were heard in that silent room until Ayra broke off that intense kiss. Soo-Hyun was glad, excited and joyful. It was her consciousness that was keeping her from grabbing Ayra and hugging her tightly.

" Tell me that you don't feel what I feel, Tell me I'm the only one craving you like this, tell me that you do not want me " On your bed and on top of you,

The later was said in her heart.

Seo-Hyun's cheeks were so red enough to decorate a whole valentines Day, Not knowing what to do with her feelings or how to answer her, she stood up to walk away when a pair of warm hands grabbed her waist,

" If you want me, don't make a move, I'll kiss you then kiss me back, If you walk away I will not stop you but I won't chase after y-"

She couldn't get to finish what she had to say when Soo-Hyun slumped her on the wall and pinned her with her body before she tyrannical claimed her soft lips,

" Fuvk! You are so fucking sweet ", Soo-Hyun spoke between their kisses and reclaimed her lips once again.

The hearts of two poor souls were laughing and leaping for joy for they found what they had been looking for.

" But Ayra can you give me time to figure out my feelings first, This is new for me and we only just met once so we can't just rush in ".

" Well! I'm not asking you for a hand of marriage, It's fine all long as you will give it a shot, a chance for both of us "

' Marriage! Marriage! Can I marry her ? '

Although Ayra spoke so many things only those played on her mind, the thought of being Ayra's wife was making her want to propose right away however...

Soo-Hyun grabbed Ayra tightly and whispered in her eyes " Let's go on a date three times, shopping three times and fucking three times then we will date if we still want each other after that ".

" Ooh! I never knew you can be so bold Miss ass. hahaha! Miss ass, that sounds fun, hahaha"

Ayra was getting a way to comfortable with Soo-Hyun that she started to crack jokes, They weren't like people who just met for a second time and then had the most failed one-night stand in history,

As she was still laughing Soo-Hyun grabbed Ayra's cheeks and locked eyes with her.

" I'm sorry for being a total jerk last time. Can't say I can do better but I'll try ".

" Whatever I'll just spank you If you act out "

Ayra said proudly and the rare smile on earth appeared on Seo-Hyun's face, As the atmosphere became clear between the two the tension started to rise and their heartbeats started palpitating abnormally fast, one could hear it from miles away,

Not Ayra nor Soo-Hyun knew what was happening at the moment, they were lost in their world and all they wanted was to be in each other's embrace but they knew better than to fuck in the office, Soo-Hyun get back to her chair and ordered two cups of coffee,

" I didn't ask what you like "

"It's just the way you ordered, One might think that you have been stalking me "

Soo-Hyun laughed out loudly, only god knows how true that statement was, spending time with Ayra was what had been on her mind for the past few weeks and now that she was right in front of her, she wanted to keep her with all her mighty.

But things always seem to have ways in other people's schedules because at that time she received a call from the one and only Alpha female.

" What? Now? Okay! Okay! I'll be there in a sec ".

She hung up and almost threw her phone, she peeked at Ayra and grabbed her coat, " I'm going to take care of some issues would you wait for me? "

" Nope! I also have work to do let's meet some other time, it's not like we are lovers"

Ayra spoke teasingly just to meet Soo-Hyun's death glare. She felt somewhat guilty although what she said was purely truth. Seeing that someone was full of vinegar she laughed and added " Yet "

Soo-Hyun exhaled and that's when she knew she was holding her breath.

Ayra went her way and so did Soo-Hyun.


" Merlin? Why did you call me here ?, I don't think we have anything to do with each other anymore ". Soo-Hyun whose face was full of hatred was glaring dagger at Merlin.

She didn't expect Lara would call her to set her up with this prick.

In comparison with Soo-Hyun, Merlin was calmly smiling as if the presence in front of her didn't intimidate her one bit, she put down a cup of coffee on the table and spoke in a calm tone.

" How sad it is to speak that way to your old friend? I acted like I don't know you in front of your poor master so you owe me one, a big fat ONE".

" Speak! "