Chapter 33

Merlin laughed upon hearing that, Not because it was funny but rather it was because she understood clearly that the woman in front of her knew exactly what she wanted and yet she asked something so obvious,

" What do I want? You sure have nerves and thick skin".

" I wouldn't have asked If I knew . I don't remember being psychic in my past life so speak or forever hold your peace ".

Soo-Hyun said annoyingly, that what she fears the most, her worries and her past mistakes lie with her. The annoying redhead in front of her,

They were few centimetres away, and their hearts were so far apart but the bond of hatred they shared was way too strong to ignore another

" You know about seven, right? "

" Of course I do! Everyone does but there is no way seven is that petite woman who only knows how to whine her waist "

" Ooh! My!My! How did you know she only knows how to whine? Omooh! Don't tell me..."

Merlin covered her face with her hands like she was shying away but she wasn't.

" I told you already, Clara has been observing her for the past few months, She is not the one you are looking for ".

" I worked with her for ten fucking years "

" Have you seen seven face? No! You haven't! So what makes you so confident?". Soo asked impatiently.

" She-sh-"

" Don't tell me you think she was the one who tried to poison your sister and she is the Lady in veil all along? If you think so you must be the dumbest detective I have ever known ".

Merlin was a little embarrassed. In her heart, she knew exactly what she felt, that intimidation and inferiority she always felt around Seven can't be mistaken but how is she going to tell her that. It is better to be dumb than a weakling,

" My bad I shouldn't have assumed things ".

She said calmly as her expression turned deadly serious. Then she raised her again she thought. 

' This is the world of law she can't kill me if I provoked her, besides it looks like she wants to hide her identity as one of the Tens '.

She wanted to test how deep the water was but that thought only brought the chill that ran down her shameless spine and made her rethink her decision.

Seeing how many people were protecting her she knew better how risky it was to make a move, especially now that she was out here,

' I shouldn't act recklessly '.

" Hey! Why are you pacing out? "

Soo-Hyun who was in front of her brought her back to reality, the thought of provoking that person made her excited and afraid as well but if she just let her off in peace, she wouldn't be Merlin ' If I can't do it myself doesn't mean I can't use borrowed hand '.

" I have the information about the stalker but I'm not giving you his information ".

" Why, do you have a condition? "

" As expected from you, you surely catch up quickly. This person is not your average stalker or your normal criminal, you can't deal with him "

" So ? "

Soo-Hyun sneered as she folded her hands on her chest. Her eyes were carefully examining Merlin to catch even the slightest glimpse of a lie but there wasn't any,

Merlin who knew she was being observed by her third eye smirked and continued,

" This is your chance to find out if she is seven or not. I promise that she won't die because I will be in her tail with my whole team ".

She assured her after all she was the one and only 'Parasite ' Who's better at entangled on people's skin.

" I don't think this will work "

To her surprise, Soo-Hyun rejected boldly her but she wasn't going to let her off that easy either so she added her last card

" I'm putting all my shares at Mornach group at stake and that thing " She insisted when she mentioned ' That thing '

" What do you want me to put on stake "

" I need a job at Empire, the same department as Kyle and three dates with you."

Soo-Hyun chuckled and exclaimed. " Are you insane? Well! I'll think about it after I see your plan "

With that Soo-Hyun didn't waste a single second with Merlin and left the restaurant with so many things to think about,

As her back was facing Merlin she wasn't aware of an evil smirk on Merlin's face. The girl knew that even if she were to fail the bet she would achieve what she wanted, the battle between Members of the Ten, sure it will be worth it.

Seeing that she no longer has a company Merlin grabbed her phone and called someone with an unrestricted number. " Yes, No, Nope! Okay. Make sure everything is ready. Don't tell that guy...Yet! Or wait I'll do it myself ".

She hung up and smiled. Everything is going just the way she wanted, All that is left now is for someone to take the bait,

" Cousin, If you died It could have been much better".

The thoughts of how many benefits she got when she was just unconscious were so good, she just couldn't imagine how much she would have gained if she died completely. ' Ooh! Clara , you are finally useful '


Two days later

The project presented by team leader E with his team was excellent and marketable, with his charms and sweet words during the presentation Aaron was able to steal the director's hearts so they chose his project although Helen had some questions,

" I thought you were going with 'Business Romance" as your theme, What changes your direction? "

" Well! We wanted to be unique but relatable, simple but remarkable. Business Romance is so basic, we wanted changes ".

" That's peculiar, I don't think there is any one against the Idea, Right? "

" No! "

Several voices were heard and Team E started to work on their preparation to launch their new project after being the team losers for God knows how long. Although nobody knows that the whole thing started with Aaron bullying the interns. Things turn out pretty great,

In one of the conference rooms, there were six people and one of them was presenting the big projector,

" As we stated before, Business Romance was so basic so we came up with Cruel Romance as our theme. It all started when we met this season Ace Card, Miss Morningstar and found the story behind her trending EP especially her theme two songs " The Unholy Mary ",

Which talks about forbidden love between two souls that brings about chaos in the world, when a girl loves a girl and a boy loves a boy.

Her second song " Damsel In Distress ' spoke about the hypocritical concerns of society when it comes to the LGBTQ community,

When society claims that gays destroy our children and disregard the fact that paedophilia in our society has become a trademark of straight men for decades now,

Saying no men left to marry us while even those straight men haven't married you yet.

The way it is easy to accuse someone who is a little bit differently while walking in a dump of shit yourself. "

Lara paused for a while and took a deep breath, somehow this topic is sensitive and she wanted to bring awareness to people so no matter how bad she felt, she knew better and continued,

Her eyes were on Kyle most of the time when she was presenting however Kyle's face was expressionless, there was no trace of emotion as if the topic wasn't touching her,

" There is cruelty that Loving what others considered a sin. When you can love a person in the dark, the kind of love that only exists in our hearts, that is the pure definition of Cruel Romance, thank you ".

She concluded and they all clapped their hands. Many agreed that she did better than the team leader himself and thus the fact that she was the one who came up with the Idea spread In just one night and her whole life in the company changed,

Meanwhile, when everyone's attention was on Lara, nobody paid attention to Kyle, she was overshadowed and left in the dark so when her expression became murderous and her body was screaming bloodthirsty nobody noticed. Except for Lara whose eyes were on her.