Chapter 34

The meeting ended successfully and everyone was so busy with their assigned task so a week came to pass.

Although it was fun for Lara the same couldn't be said for Kyle who was exhausted from sitting behind the desk all day,

' I wish I were those people '

Her eyes were looking at a group of people who were carrying heavy boxes on their heads, shifting from one place to another. She loves physical work more and her body stiffens when she lazy around in one place so somehow she envies those people,

When they started working they thought they would be spending much time together and acting all lovey-dovey in secret. It was all in their imagination because the moment things got busy the two of them could barely see each other's.

Every second felt like torture to Kyle and somehow everything around here reminded her when they were young. How everyone would ignore her and pour all their attention to Lara, how Lara would smile to everyone and forget about her,

The only difference was at that time they were lovers and now they aren't, She had a reason to get mad at her but now she doesn't. Her expression darkened at every thought of it.

During lunchtime Lara would quickly sneak out and come back an hour later, she noticed how strange she was acting but she just grinned and bare it.

"Who Am I To Ask Her? I'm No One ! ". She asked herself and shut her mouth.

It was Monday and just like any other day during lunch time she sneak out. Kyle who was watching just shrouded and walked away however when she took a few steps she heard Assistant Park talking with someone on the phone,

She would have passed if it were a normal conversation because she knew ear-dropping is a bad habit however something she mentioned caught her attention,

" We were going to catch them but there was nothing in that house except for a card. Ten of hearts "

" Yes, I think they are after our boss. And that poison incident I think it was meant for her so I don't know why Miss Mornach ended up poisoned instead "

" I know and you know too, She won't rest until she gets what she calls justice . We need to protect her by all means, call the backup team ".

It was a long call and what she heard was more than enough, Kyle left with almost teary eyes, In her head something was screaming ' Lara is in danger ' repeatedly.

As her back was facing Assistant Park's direction she didn't notice a smirk on Park's face and left. Assistant Park looked at her phone which wasn't on call to begin with, " Boss sorry for getting back at you"

She glared her phone and make a call, " If you make a mistake I'll kill you ".

She warned and hung up the phone. Since her job was already done she headed to the office not knowing that some eyes were watching her.

Or maybe she knew that's why her smirk grew wider, or maybe she was thinking about someone special,

What was on her mind not even this author was aware of ... what it really was dear readers?.

While some of the people were walking on the path of thorns some of the people were walking on diamond and gold.

It was one event after another on Ayra's side. Not only she was able to gain more fame and escape her sister's shadow, but her love life wasn't as bad all in all her career was blooming,

Just a few minutes after she woke up she found her songs topping the world's music charts. She received the recognition she never had which somehow frightened her in some ways,

' Will I be able to pull it off? Can I stand alone and fight battles with the world's top musicians like Queen Bee or Edi-shon, can I do It ".

Ayra who was still lying on the bed lazily as she looked at her iPad shook those negative thoughts and logged into her In-gram account after abandoning it for three good years, back then she had 979k followers unlike her sister who had a big fat 1.5M,

She logged out because of hatred, netizens scolded her for leaching off her talented sister. How they will curse her to die or how they will attack her in every way possible.

Although she was a little bit hesitant she knew that one day she would have to accept how to live with it and the sooner the better.

She typed her username and her password which was her sister's name and their mother's birthday, her finger stopped at the 'login' sign and hesitated whether to press it or not,

" Whatever ".

She shouted as she pressed it hard. A second pass and an account with one picture with zero following appeared on her screen, It was just the way it was three years ago however something changed, It wasn't a mere 979k followers she left,

Her hands were trembling and she couldn't help but drop her phone. She had almost two million followers on Tik-Wok, so she expected to gain a couple of thousand followers on the In-gram account as well, " But this...!"

She cried with one hand holding her mouth. Her eyes were looking at 20.5M followers in her account, she looked at that one old picture that she took on the day her sister encountered that horrific accident which took away her life. She was just coming out from the gym and posted a picture and a second later she received a call. Her sister was no more.

She deleted it took another picture of her bedroom and posted it. In a matter of few a minutes, she gained over a hundred thousand likes followed by thousands of positive comments.

[ Sia: She just came back on IG. My queen ]

[Black galaxy:You need to be more active here , your fans wants to interact with you, you should go live more often]

[ Pipi: I heard you have new project with Empire group, I can't wait]

[ White galaxy: Ayra Marry Me ]

[Irene : Your songs are so addictive. Your EP hit a billion streamers already. I'm so proud of you ]

[ Bobo: Queen show us your face ]

[ Milly&Galaxy: I love you so much, your life story inspired me so much. I'm an unsuccessful writer and I always felt like everyone was better than me but after listening to your story I got the strength to hold a pen and write again. I'LL NEVER GIVE UP ]

[ Simba: You are so pretty, I followed you on tik-wok, Ayra marry meee, I'm your fan boy]

Ayra's eyes brightened seeing such a positive response, she never had so many people on her side, she even had her friends and now apart from her previous fandom with her sister, technically mostly were her sister's fans or were haters,

She looked at some accounts that seem to praise her a lot, most of them put " Galaxy " on their bio, It's the name of her new fandom.

Many of their accounts have her past photos which mostly had her sister with her, she knew she had to stand alone and start all over again. The current entertainment is so different from that of three years ago.

Nowadays days streaming is the trend and it happens that she was one of most hottest artists in that sector. Social media is like a stage for artists. When she got word of inspiration from her saviour that day she felt so powerful to start again and now she is here all thanks to her,

Ayra knew that it was only a matter of time before her dream came true. All those thoughts make grabbed her pillow and hug it dearly.

A few minutes later she heard a lot of notifications popping up, she grabbed her phone to see what a surprise the internet had for her this time,

She unlocked it and saw several comments on her page, she clicked and viewed them,

[ Lytham: bi**h is no goddess, I hate her so much, she is no my queen, In fact she is no one's queen ]

[Diana: You murder! After killing your sister you have some nerves to show your face here ]

[Han__sora: I heard there were two people in the car that day, she killed two people, she is so horrible]

[ Hater_lulu: White lotus, Lol]

[ Michi_12: Get out of entertainment industry. Your music sucks, you are a wh**e , I hate you so much #justiceforaysel #Ayrashaters]

" Ooh! Good lord ! What on Earth is going on, What are all of these?".