Chapter 48

" Please do tell "

Lara spoke emotionless as she brushes her hair with her hand , maggie has been doing a great job recently and they were able to catch the glimpse of the kidnapping incident in one of the CCTV.

That day was like a maze, there was such walls that make every one blind of what was happening but Lara wasn't going to let it happen, She has to find her kyle and she has to make her realize how much she yearned for her , not just her body, but her soul and everything about her,

And that every second without her make her desperate, she would stop at nothing to get to her and when she saw Maggie hesitant to talk she started to grew impentient,

" You know I can't afford to waste any more of my time, speak now or you won't like what I will do next. Maggie!" She said furious.

Maggie was still hesitant but seeing how furious Lara was she couldn't afford to anger her more.

" I don't think we should dig into this " Mag spoke sincerely, although their start was not great but they have been working together for so long and during all this time Mag come to learn more about Lara , she was hard on the outside and soft on the inside, In any case she didn't want to see her hurt in any way.

However Lara frowned, she didn't want to listen any advice from anyone, " That is for me to decide!"

[ Note: Mag is Maggie remember Dr Megan Han? . So don't get confused]

Mag sigh heavily.

" Okay!"

She then took her iPad and show it to Lara before she started to explain to her , " Her name is unknown but she is number Six in the most wanted list in underworld wanted list. Her head is worthy millions of dollars, Although I don't know why someone as GREAT as her would kidnap Kyle but one thing for sure this isn't kind of fight we can win "

" Interesting!"

Lara grumbled, the anger in her eyes were evident , It was like she was ready to murder someone right that very instant, 

" Any other information about her? " She added.

" Negative!" Mag replied. 

Although she didn't know much about that girl but she was very sure about one thing, They weren't her league, Kyle fate was resting on her own shoulders Although Lara didn't seem to think so , they both have neither power nor time to counterattack.

Lara was pacing from left to right before she snapped and looked at Maggie," Lock down the whole city, I want satellites to observe the entire country, even if I will have to flip the universe upside down i will find her "

" But Boss , do you even know who you are making the enemy out from, Although it is just a rumor but it was said there is a Unity that consists of ten notorious criminals, they work for the government but they are wild and ruthless, Megan use to work as a military doctor so she heard about it and this girl here might be one of those monsters " Maggie explained cautiously as if there will be someone ear-dropping them.

Lara seemed uninterested though, Because the only sentence that came out of her mouth was

" So?"

" So? , did you just say 'So? ' I'm saying this for your own good , that Kyle girl is no good in any way so why risking your life for her? " Maggie said angrily. She didn't know why but she just felt so much anger knowing that Lara was ready to throw everything just for Kyle, such kind of love shouldn't exist.

The moment she get to know Lara she knew apart from her kindness she understand how much potential the girl had, she had unlimited future, if only she was given some more time she would have made her invisible but this one girl named Kyle seem to get in the way,

She is making her weak , Lara has to be the key for her great future, she won't let her go.

Maggie swallowed hard and spoke , " I understand where you are coming from , I have been there too, love is such beautiful thing so I won't stop you if you want to go to her but I just can't let you go just like this, We need to call Secretary Park and see if she has anything to say "

Lara thought that it would have been wise to wait for Soo-Hyun, besides she was just a one call away, " Okay call her , I will wait "

" Okay , have some tea when I go to make a call "

" Un!"

Maggie left to make a call but she didn't call soo-hyun instead she just ordered the guards not to let anyone in , she stood behind the door as she peeked at Lara who was sipping the tea with no trace of emotion, she seem troubled but Maggie smiled knowing that it's going to end soon,

If it was a normal day she wouldn't have been able to drug Lara but today was different, she understood how much Kyle affected Lara and she use that to her advantage.

" Sorry! I can't let you get yourself killed " She mumbled as a tear fall down her cheeks however what made her tear fell more is seeing Lara fine and kicking.

Lara stood up and opened the door but Maggie come to block her way, " You can't go, I won't let you" She screamed.

" Get out ! " Lara said coldly.

" Please, don't, we are friends aren't we? Please just this once listen to me " Maggie begged but Lara didn't listen to her ,

Lara grabbed Maggie's shoulder and pressed her hard before she bend down and put her lips near her ear, " I consider you one of mine and that is the reason you are still standing or else you would have been lifeless by now "

Maggie felt so much pressure, she was suffocated. In her entire life she never felt such aura, It was no inferior to the girl who kidnapped Kyle, or maybe even stronger,

The thought of it made her shiver as she watched Lara disappeared , she didn't even notice that she even peed in her pants, " Who the hell is she? She even stronger than those lunatics. What did I get myself into? "

She had so many questions but no one was there to answer them.


" Shit! I have been resting for a while and she was about to get raped twice, isn't she such weakling? " Kyle cussed, ignoring all the thug's shocked looks.

Do you know how strong those aphrodisiac are?

This girl has to be a monster, Kyle smirked as she looked at them like she is looking at her toys,

She wasn't in hurry, nor was she afraid. 

" So boys! You wanted to fuck with me , what are you waiting for? Let get started ". Kyle said playfully , the thugs looked at each other's, is this girl insane?

" Hey boss maybe this drug works differently" Thug No.2 stated.

But Jerome didn't think so he shook his head " No! The drug didn't work on her "

" That impossible " Thug No.3 denied.

Kyle chuckled, her eyes locked with Jerome who was looking at her in a terrified expression, he could somehow guessed that this girl might have some poison resistance , but if so then that means her background is by no mean normal.

" She might not necessarily be physically strong, if she has some background, how about we end her once and for all ? " Thug No.1 commented.

All of them seem to agree with the decision, If they were to grape her and somehow she managed to run away then they will be done for, they couldn't afford to waste any more time ,

" Hey , biggie end her " Jerome ordered. The guy with the scar smirked, he wanted to do it for a very long time , He took out his short gun and pointed it to Kyle who was looking at him uninterested. 

Seeing that, the scar guy put it back and took out a kitchen knife and the rest of the group laughed, " Biggie , I told you to buy a proper knife, You look like a chef with that dumb knife" Thug No.1 teased .

" Let's see if I will look like a chef if I paint it with red blood" He then smirked and grabbed it tight, he run and stab it to Kyle ,

The guys cheered because the job ended before it even started, " Let's grab a drink after this " Jerome commented .

They couldn't see Kyle, but through Biggie's back they saw blood flowing so they assumed the job was done,

Until they saw biggie fall down with the face paler that snow, and seeing the evil smirk on Kyle's face , all of them trembled.

" I'm getting bored, you guys are so so boring, wow me before I commit genocide right now, I won't even spare your families , in case you don't value you lives think about you poor families"

It was at that moment the thugs knew , They are fucked.