Chapter 49

Mother!. what is Mother anyway?

Well, well! don't ask me , I have no idea what such thing is. My life is dark, so dark that I become darkness itself, she made me this way.

My mother went on a picnic one sunday morning, that fool is still enjoying her refreshments for almost two decades now , what a lavish woman.

Kyle keep fading deep , to the deepest part of her mind as this lunatic Kyle keep making troubles,

" I'm start a count down now, 1..2.., "

" Uh! Not moving? "

The thugs were looking at her like they have seen a monster, Kyle was a whole new person.

Everyone was trembling, who wouldn't be when facing someone like her, Kyle was already out of patient, 

" Hey ugly face , come here ", she showed a hand gesture,  The scarred face point and himself asking if it was him and Kyle nodded, " Yes you!"

The man went forward but before making any move a heavy slap fell on his face , " I have a bad feeling about this , I think I have to get out of here quickly, don't you think?"

" Yes , yes , big sister must be very tired how about we escort you out " The scarred face suggested and the rest agreed but suddenly Kyle's complexion darkened, 

" Big sister? Do I look that old ? " she frowned as she looked herself in the mirror, when she was satisfied with her look she turned her attention to scarred face,

And suddenly, Kyle snapped the guy's neck , that instant the scarred face was no more , it was quiet and quick , her gaze once again fell on the rest of the guys, and stated " Impress me , maybe I can also give you quick death "

The guys trembled in fear, this woman is a nutjob,

Seeing their expression Kyle thought it was a waste of time, she finished them with one move and flee,when she was outside she climbe to the rooftop and scanned her surroundings, In a distant she could see about four car coming in her direction, she smirked and left .

" See you other time , girlfriend ". She smirked and flee.

In about fifteen minutes Lara and her people arrive but it was too dark and quiet, she moved cautiously but the vila was suspicious silence and so she moved quickly and opened the door,

Apart from thick smell of blood she was sure the house was empty, she lightened the house and started the search,

She went to the rooms and what she met make her frowned, there was a brutal scene of men's pieces, the were killed like animals , quickly but torturous, 

Soo-Hyun followed, " Kyle isn't here now but I'm sure she was here before, my sources can't be wrong "

" She killed them " Lara spoke coldly.

Soo-Hyun shook her head " I don't understand "

Lara didn't say more she just turned back her head and left, In her heat she wanted to deny it but she knew that Kyle was never innocent, she had a monster, She had seen it once before. She knew all along.

" What if she is in danger, Let's look for her " Soo-Hyun insisted.

Lara looked at her emotionlessly. " She will come back, if she don't I'll go to her but for now let's see what she if trying to achieve by doing all of this "

" I don't understand "

" I'm tired , I need some rest "

Lara didn't need any more questions, she wanted some time to think. Kyle was a soldier, she is more than capable to defend herself, She might be outnumbered but escaping shouldn't be a problem, If not then buying her some time , shouldn't be, so why?

Kyle hates unnecessary killing so why did she kill all those people, maybe they were bad like that one time...

She remembered, they were young at the time and child traffickers abducted them and Lara caught cold ,

Since they couldn't afford the risk of sending her to the hospital they wanted to kill her so that she wouldn't infect the other,

That day she saw the monster that is hiding in Kyle, An eleven years girl, killed more than five men on her own, she saved her

She saw the evilness that Kyle never had before, she was brutal and merciless and on top all she was inhumane, Kyle lost her consciousness and when she wake up she didn't remember anything, That case was closed, She also promised not to tell anyone about that day, not even Kyle herself.

She carried the burden, but she loved her, she was willing to do anything for her but now that monster is coming back again, what is she going to do?

As Lara was dwelling on her world she didn't notice that there was a car blocking theirs , Lara was already not in a good mood and she wasn't going to let anyone make it worse so she ordered Soo-Hyun to take a look.

There was a girl on the road stand beside her Bentley, Soo-Hyun felt that something was suspicious but because she only saw a girl she didn't raised her guards up.

" Need help ?" Soo-Hyun asked.

" Yeah, my car broke down "

" have I seen you from somewhere before?" Soo-Hyun found the girl's face familiar so she was starting to get suspicious.

The girl chuckled , she looked carefree and fearless and Soo-Hyun doubted if she was being paranoid, " Isn't that pick up line so old fashioned? " The girl sneered.

" I can't waste my time on you, move we need to pass "

" Didn't you hear me saying that My car broke down ?" The girl retorted, she was arrogant and unreasonable, Soo-Hyun went back frowning, 

Seeing her like that Lara asked , " You rarely get annoyed, what is the girl saying "

" Don't get me started, she is so annoying I'm telling you "

" Is there anything suspicious ?" Lara asked.

" One girl in a place like this, at time like this and fearless on top of that, It does seem suspicious, so how about we end her for good " Soo-Hyun make a killing gesture.

Lara looked at the girl and frowned " She seems familiar "

" You thought so too? "

The both looked at each other's and Lara make an order, " Let force our way through, we are being played "

The wanted to make a move but suddenly the car door opened and a girl with a long red champagne gown walk out the Bentley. Both Lara and Soo-Hyun's eyes widen, the face was not unfamiliar at all.

" Clara? " The both gasp!

" What is the meaning of this? " Lara asked and Clara smiled.

In her heart she could feel that tingling sensation, For year now she was in love with the girl infront of her, she tried to lie to herself and claim that she love her identity as seven but still even now she was sure she wasn't her heart is beating for her,

Unfortunately the girl wouldn't accept her advances and now that it come to this it better to end everything, right here , right now.

" It's good to see you again " Clara smiled.

" It wasn't you, was it? " Lara couldn't bother with her greetings and went straight to the point.

Clara chuckled and act puzzled, " What are you saying, what have I done "

Lara expression darkened. " Don't act clueless, I know for a fact that you kidnapped Kyle, so tell me , where is she ? "

" Nonsense! Who dare to slander me , I Clara Monarch never in my entire life kidnapped anymore "

Lara was watching her performance in fury, this Clara was acting clueless. She didn't understand why she hasn't gotten herself an Oscar yet, Her acting was on per with Angelina Jolie.

Lara smirked " You are good Clara, you are good "

Clara returned her smirk and replied " Is Miss Lara praising me, I'm so happy, Six pinch , do it now "

The moment the name ' Six' fell, Lara froze, Soo-Hyun froze, no wonder the face was familiar.

" Hey, secretary? " Lara called , she normally call her by her name but today she didn't, her face darkening with each second passing.

" Boss!" Soo-Hyun replied.

" We are screwed "

" I known ".Soo-Hyun nodded.