Dark clouds of doom

**Galaxia | Sector Unit Six**

"Sir, you may want to see this," said Kate a Sector Unit member to Terry. Terry, standing close to her, asked, "What is it?"

She pointed to the holographic screen showing various points on Earth. "These are cosmic energy anomalies we've detected. They are all over the globe," she explained.

Terry looked at the screen, puzzled. "That can't be normal," he said.

"These are cosmic energy anomalies all around the globe, though ggye are little in number but the maganuwit measurements are beyond normal." Kate explained.

Terry stared at the Holographic screen not believing what he was seeing.

"It can't be rage points, a certain phenomenon when an izigan releases massive cosmic energy during near death experience but this can't be rage points and why are they happening at the same time." Terry asked in confusion.

"We have two in Washington DC, three in New York, one in Japan, and two in Africa," she said.


"The one in Japan has the highest reading, measuring up to fifty thousand meganunits," Kate said. "That's pretty abnormal if it's one person, what's happening there?."

"It's odd they're all happening at the same time. We should send this data to the council," Terry said.

"I just did. They should see it now," Kate replied.

Not too long Terry's smartwatch began to ring. He reached out to check who it was. It was an incoming call from Lord Orion.


"It's Lord Orion" Terry said surprised where after he touched the screen to answer.

"Terry I want you to contact the craft unit. We are initializing the callout now" Lord Orion said.

"Alright, sir," Terry responded as Lord Orion called off the call.

"Send the callout information to Izigan broadcast on Earth now," Terry said to Kate.

"I need to contact Deborah now. Why is she still at Nepal?"


Nepal -- Mount Everest region

Still in the cold and snowy region, Belle, Dorothy and John had walked far into the cold wilderness all in search of their kidnapped sister. They were all following John who made a small device that was tracking an odd cosmic energy which they believe would be for the-void.


Soon they stopped at a place where John saw that the device detected that where they were standing was the place of their destination as they were all looking at a huge snow wall in front of them, they both looked at John in confusion wondering if they have been going the wrong way all this while.

"John, what is this? There is no way around this thing, have we been going the wrong way all this time?" Belle asked with anger in her tone.

"Hey, chill, we were just following a rear cosmic energy and this was the only place that emitted that cosmic energy, are you going to blame me now for having us lost? I didn't say where we are going would look like where that guy would be, we were just following a leaked cosmic energy which happens to be around here," John explained in an angry tone.

"I am so sick of you John," Belle said.

Meanwhile as both Belle and John were arguing, Dorothy decided to climb the small snow hill wall that was in front of them till she reached the top.

"Hey you two, stop arguing and come up here," Dorothy said to the two of them. Both Belle and John reached to the snow hill wall and began to climb till they reached the top.

They were surprised to see what they were looking at. It was an old military base as they saw the buildings and military vehicles that were now abandoned at that part of the snow, the ground was levelled and smooth. John's device continued to beep again showing they were close.


The three of them came down into the area they had just found then they began to walk on the levelled snow ground.

"How old is the base? And what is it doing all the way here in the snow?" Belle asked.

"A base like this will definitely be for the manufacture of dangerous weapons and bombs but still something may have happened here, the atmosphere around here feels so dense," John said as he walked up to a metal he spotted on the ground which was half melted halfway, he looked at the buildings around and saw they looked like they were melted slightly.

"We have to be careful, I cannot tell if all the weapons that used to be here are still here or not," John said.

Soon they continued their walk till they got to a large door with stairs on the other side that leads underground.

"Whatever we are looking for it has to be under here, that's where the device says," John says.

They opened the door and they all walked into the place. John reached to where he would turn on the lights and he switched it on. They saw dusty military vehicles, some old boxes filled with bullets, guns, belts, cans of drinks.

"They went deep into the place when they began to sense something off.

The walls around the place were covered with black and red vines which were leading to the root of where they were coming from. Soon they reached an open room where they saw Sofia lying on a vine-like bed with chains on her hands and legs, she was held by the vines. Belle suddenly ran towards her hands and worried, she quickly started using her ice power to try in cutting through till she then froze the vine around her hands and broke through.

"Sofia wake up."

"Wake up please, we are getting out of here now," Belle said holding Sofia's face and waking her to wake up.

Dorothy, who was keeping watch of the entire hall, felt a presence around as she turned to Belle

"Belle we have to go now, we can revive her later," she said just as she turned to look back again, she saw someone at her front who already reached his fist close to her face and was about to hit.

Suddenly, the massive punch from the void sent Dorothy up the roof digging up to the surface above.

Meanwhile, Belle swiftly ran towards the void screaming as her Izigan markings began to glow blue and same with her eyes. She released a small frost towards The-void but the frost defroze as she stretched her hands towards him. The-void caught her fist and held it firmly as her glowing Izigan markings went off as she froze in fear due to the kind of cosmic energy he emitted.

"I can manipulate cosmic energy and yours is too weak compared to mine you have no chance of winning not even close, let me eliminate you from this world." He said as he created a glowing red light ball that emitted piercing heat which was very close to Belle's face, just as The-void held the ball of light towards Belle ready to beam her out. John ran in just time over The-void to push him.


John succeeded as he pushed The-void then suddenly the beam blasted off with a long powerful laser beam which sunk into the ground tearing it.

While the beam went into the ground, the laser beam met a room filled with high explosives and very powerful bombs. The beam tore through the bombs and it began to spark for a little while.

John came off The-void leaving a device on him and another to the ground below him which suddenly began to pull him with a strong electromagnetic force.

"What is this?" The-void asked, being annoyed because of the tech device that was pulling him to the ground as he forcefully struggles with it.

Belle then saw the chance as she stood up as she created a long sharp frost spear from her hand ready to strike him, as he knelt on the ground.


"You weak creatures, how dare you make me kneel! You..." The-void said as he was trapped there as suddenly the entire place erupted like a volcano the explosion started in an Instant.

The explosion went up high into the sky, the effect of the explosives touched by the laser beam.

The explosion covered thousands of miles, utterly destroyed and melted the snow and evaporated them too. The once snow land turned into a fiery lava ground.

Deborah, who was very far from the explosion saw the explosion towering up to the sky and her huge massive snow wave coming towards Deborah due to the explosion.

Deborah then created a massive frost wall with her powers to shield her from the coming snow storm.


Soon the snow storm wave met her but was protected by the frost shield she made. The storm blew with great force for minutes till it finally the snow storm stopped.

Deborah then stood up to look at the dark sky from a distance as she saw the red burning land from a distance.

"What happened there?" Deborah asked herself as she then prepare to approach the place faster. She began to move with extreme speed as she used her frost powers to slide through the snow.

Meanwhile, at the exploded military base, thick black smoke filled the air which The-Void was seen as he flew from the smoke high above the ground. He came out from the smoke with his back facing the clouds and him facing the dark smoke. That was when suddenly Dorothy emerged from the smoke with tremendous speed just beneath The-Void. The-Void was full of surprise seeing Dorothy, she positioned herself ready to give The-Void a hard punch, she sucked reality force into her right hand, the force converged into her right hand which began to glow bright green.

Just before she could launch a blow, The-Void was able to create a barrier just in time. With enormous force, Dorothy punched the barrier that defended The-Void, which gave out a loud wave explosion. Once more, Dorothy was angry as she expected a direct hit at him, but she turned, seeing The-Void who had just appeared to the side of her.

"That's enough," he shouted giving Dorothy a mighty kick that sent her travelling with so much speed till she landed back at the ground.

The-Void was beginning to drop wondering how she was still alive after the explosion.

"The explosion was toxic, even I can feel it with this human body, then how? How is she still intact?" The-Void said as he descended slowly.

As he was got close to the ground, exploding frost spikes extended from the ground, closing in on The-Void. There were so many frost spikes still growing that The-Void had to dodge while he was still in the air.

"This body is reaching its limit. I can't use the barrier anymore. These people still survive the explosion. I should have known it was the little girl. The one reason I wanted to use her body as a vessel," The-Void said using his hands to break the upcoming frost rush that descended on him.

The dust and smoke cleared out, and He could see Belle, John, and Sofia. The-Void turned, stretching his hands towards Belle. Belle was filled with energy and began approaching him creating sharp frost attack towards him. The void stretched his hand again to release the same laser beam, Red light was already appearing on his hand pointing towards her.

Belle saw the energy knoeing fully well she lacked defence, The-void released the the light which was supposed to be a laser beam his body couldn't maintain the power, it create a power wave cut that destroyed through the frost spikes. Till it finally hit them but was blocked by John's energy shield, but they were still blown away.

The-Void finally landed on the ground. The body he used as a vessel was shaking and trying to stabilize. The-Void turned his head to look forward but saw someone's hand closing in to his neck. He was too slow to react, the person appeared in a flash.

Sofia picked The-Void with his neck carrying him through the air.

"You killed my family," Sofia screamed, her izigan markings shined bright purple and her eyes too. She then slammed The-Void to the ground with an enormous force that cracked the ground a thousand miles and then she threw him making him dig through the ground as he traveled much distance till he slammed the feet of a mountain.

The-Void's body was now breaking off, it was already at its limit, he sat there looking at the mild storm that approached him which was Sofia who was flying with an insane speed towards him.

"You will never see this chance again once I have regained my full power, right now I need a new vessel," The-Void said.


"Johnson, are you reading this?" Kate asked as Johnson sat close to her.

"It's The-Void, he is in Nepal at the Mount Everest region and he is not alone. Another Izigan seems to be battling him at the moment," Johnson sounded with some element of surprise.

What he said drew the attention of all the sector unit members, they left their seats to go look at Johnson's holo display to see for themselves.

"The satellite virtual camera can't get the action because of the enormous cosmic energy being released in that area," Johnson said.

"Send the information to Sir Terry now," Johnson signaled.

"Don't worry, I am here. What the hell is going on here? Why the commotion?" Terry asked.

"It's The-Void, sir. Someone seems to be battling The-Void in Nepal, Everest region. It's a powerful Izigan fighting it alone alongside others too," one of the sector unit members said to him.

"No, that's where Deborah is right now. I need to contact her now," Terry said with concern written on his face, reaching for his watch and began calling her.

Deborah's smartwatch rang, and she answered to speak to Terry.

"Terry, are you guys seeing this? What's happening over there, what caused the explosion?" Deborah asked.

"We can't get a visual from over here. The cosmic energy around there is too dense, but someone is battling against The-Void as we speak," Terry said.

"I don't understand. How is that possible? I am the only one on a mission here. Who might be out there?" Deborah asked curiously.

"Then who might that be?" Terry asked.

"That's what I am going to find out. I am nearly there," Deborah said, she was surfing through the snow with her powers and approaching the place of the explosion.

"Be careful, it's The-Void. We would send backup just in case, the Furious Three were already given orders to deal with it. Just keep it busy if you encounter it," Terry said with concern.

"I understand," Deborah replied ending the call

Meanwhile, The-Void still sat down watching Sofia who was still closing in. His body had already lost its strength to move any further cracks were already appearing on The-Void's vessel.

"I hope to meet you again, Wonder Girl," The-Void said exploding In a beam of red light that went up to the sky in a red ray of light. The beam was bright and still lit up to the sky till it finally vanished.

That was when Sofia finally reached the mountain where The-Void sat and gave it a hard punch with the power she had gathered up. Suddenly, the huge mountain began to tear apart until it finally divided into two parts going from the top deep to the ground.

Huge rocks began to roll and fall towards Sofia who was already weak. A green circle appeared beneath her in which she fell appearing in front of Dorothy and the others.

"We lost him, that bastard. We almost had him, he won't get away next time," Dorothy said with anger raging from her tone.

Belle indeed saw how strong Dorothy was and knew the power gap looking at her still full of strength. Belle showed the same expression clenching her fist in anger.

"We will find him wherever he is, he will pay for what he did," Belle said with anger and pain.
