
Dave was not far from his house as he walked, slowing down as he was feeling very weak. Still trying to remember what happened in the cave earlier, he saw a brief flash of Derek's reaction before he fell. He could see the fear in his eyes, looking at Dave in surprise and also thanking him for saving his life. Derek had yelled "No!" as he was kneeling down in front of him, thanking Dave for saving him, but that wasn't it.

He remembered he had actually heard a voice, and he was talking to someone. He remembered he was talking to an unknown entity. Like the memory of a dream, it was beginning to fade away almost like a dream, but still, he was certain about it.

"Yes! I remember now. I remember who the hell was Lord Kian. Is he really inside me?" Dave asked himself as he slumped to lean against a wall.

"So I do really have powers, but back there, I felt I wasn't in control of my body," Dave said.

"Lord Kan has the potential of using my body. If he can do that, he should at least have permission first," Dave said.

"Dave, listen to me," Lord Kan said from within him.

Dave once again lowered his gaze, looking around, thinking someone was close by and talking behind him. He was looking shocked and confused. He decided to calm down as he held his right hand, and he saw his glowing izigian markings. He felt something different.

"Dave, you are not safe if you get home. I am having an unusual feeling. From where your house is, trust me, it's a bad idea if you decide to continue till there," Lord Kan said.

"What do you know? You can't be telling me where to go and where not to go. I have my own life, I have my mom to look for right now, and why did you get incarnated in me of all people? What's so special about me, or is your getting incarnated into me means I am cursed or something?" Dave asked.

"You, of all people, should understand the significance of what has just occurred to you. You are not dumb, Dave. I knew that having me makes you unique and for that, you were chosen to use my powers. You should know that attaining something this great comes with a cost. A cost to use it, to protect, carry on responsibility, and bear the loss of interest. You have to be ready for what lies in front of you," Lord Kian said.

"Well, that makes sense. I never really don't know how to act like I bear the responsibility in having power," Dave said.

"You would understand over time, but now, we need to turn back," Lord Kan said.

"Why are we turning back? We are going home. No, I am going home," Dave said.

"For once, just listen to me," Lord Kan shouted with deep-annoyed tune.

Meanwhile, at Dave's home, Rita, Dave's mom, who was fully possessed by an unknown entity, walked around the house, scattering the entire house like she was looking for something. Her eyes were glowing orange, and her face skin was black and looked like a different alien as tentacles extended from her back. As she was still searching the house, she held a glass frame picture of her and Dave. She stared at it for a while and then she smashed it to the ground. Rita then moved swiftly up the stairs towards Dave's room.

She ran into the room having the feeling that what she was looking for was in the room. Soon she started tearing the room apart, looking all around till she finally saw what she was looking for.

She slowly picked the orb from the ground as it rolled towards her on the ground. She knelt down, looking at the orb that was given to Dave while he was young.

"This is it," Rita said, but her voice sounded like a male, definitely. Rita wasn't in control of her own body.

As she was looking at the orb, it suddenly began to glow green and suddenly it dropped with a massive force into the ground. She looked furious, like she had made a mistake. The orb emitted extreme heat, and suddenly it sank into the ground many feet into the ground.

"Just what is he planning this time?," Rita said with her monstrous voice.

Meanwhile, outside the house, Dave came approaching his own home, but when he arrived, he sensed a very unpleasant presence that came from his home.

"What is this feeling? It feels so dense and hot. I can't really describe this feeling," Dave said.

"You are sensing danger. You can see it's coming from your house. You have to stay away," Lord Kan said.

"This is the more reason I have to go in. My mom might be inside," Dave said as he walked closer to his house. He eventually entered and saw his house scattered into pieces. Everything was broken and destroyed. He saw claw marks on the walls. It was now clear that something inhuman had come in to destroy the house.

"He is here," Rita said while she was still in Dave's room.

Dave, who was still wondering what could have possibly done this. He bent down to observe the brown picture frame of him and his mom. He turned the back, seeing vivid claw markings that had cut the picture frame deep from behind.

Soon, he heard someone walking down the stairs approaching where he was. Dave swiftly stood up to see who it was. He waited still as he clutched his fist, waiting for what was coming.

The person emerged; it was his mother. Dave was shocked and surprised as he ran towards her. She felt extremely tired.

"Mom? Mom, are you okay? What happened to the house? Are you hurt?" Dave asked as they both knelt to the ground.

"Dave, you are alright. Where have you been ever since?" Rita asked, holding Dave's face.

"A lot happened, mother. I don't know how to explain this or even where to start, but I think I just awakened my powers, mom. I finally awakened them, my izigan powers."

"That's where your doom begins, but I will help you end it here and now," Rita said calmly.

It took a while for Dave to realize what his mom had just said as he still rested his head on his mother's hand.

"Wait, what?" Dave asked, looking confused after he had realized what she had just said.

"Dave, that's not your mother. Step away now," Lord Kan shouted from within him to his own hearing. But before he could do anything, Dave felt serious pain in his stomach, which he decided to look at. He saw that his mother's hands had changed into something else, which was sharp and long, looking black with some orange light.

That long, sharp thing was now in Dave. She had already stabbed him through his stomach, and it burst out through his back. Sunken in pain and shock, Dave couldn't move, still trying to hold himself up.

"Why?" Dave asked with tears in his eyes as he fell to the ground.

"The likes of you aren't meant to be in this world, Lord Kan," Rita said with a monstrous voice, looking at Dave lying dead on the floor in his own pool of blood.