Chapter 115 fun

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"Huh?" I wondered, shaking my head. His hand was still a millimetre away from the table top and I had to push again just to confirm. His hand stayed stationery, unyielding, firm. The new source of strength perplexed me. I experienced it before I felt it.

"He is flickering in and out of my senses." I thought, alarmed.

I was the only one who noticed. I narrowed my eyes at the blonde and continued pushing back. He pushed my hand back little by little, gaining ground. His face still hung down till we were at a stalemate back at where we began.

"His presence has disappeared. He is right there, in front of me but I can barely sense him."

"Yeah, you do well to remember it cause I'm gonna win!" He declared with fire in his voice and then explosive strength followed. It came out of nowhere.

"What the?" My eyes widened to epic proportions.

I had to drop the cup in my hand to match the crazy burst of power and I was barely able to match it. A grunt of effort escaped my lips making the people present gasp. I can't believe it, but Naruto's hand wouldn't budge no matter how hard I try.

I took a deep breath and exhaled gently. My face morphed to a serious one and I took the arm wrestling seriously.


"The table wil-"


A shockwave travelled around the bar due to the force exerted on the table. The table was in pieces under our joined hands.

"Aww No!" The ones who placed bets on me exclaimed dejectedly.

"Hehe, It's a draw." Naruto finally brought his head back up and I could see his sapphire-blue orbs twinkle with satisfaction.

I could sense his presence clearly once again. He leaned forward breathing hard from all the exhaustion caused by arm wrestling with almost everyone in the bar.

"What the? It's already late?" He said when he looked out the window.

"You did not notice?" I asked.

"Guess I was having too much fun," He said.

I watched as he shifted in his seat, his expression turned from tipsy to dazed to aghast in three seconds.

"I'm sorry but I have to go! Thank you for everything stranger-san!" He yelled, thanking me as he ran towards the door.

"Wait, I have not introduced myself yet." He was already gone before I finished my sentence. I sighed dejectedly.

"My lord, I hope you had fun?" Gardney asked me.

"Um. I did," I said.

"Gardney, have you ever seen that kid around before?" I asked.

"No. This is my first time meeting him with the weird language he speaks and his bad accent," Gardney replied.

I laughed at the bad accent part. "He speaks a language from the human world."

"The human world? So he's been there. Very few of us venture there."

"Thanks for today, Gardney."

"My lord."

I walked home the rest of the night thinking about my brothers' reactions if they learned about Naruto.

(The next day, Early Morning)

Normal POV

"Ugh. My head," Naruto groaned holding his head in pain. "Where am I?" He asked no one in particular as he sat straight scratching his chest, yawning as he did.

"God, what is that smell?" Naruto grimaced, sniffing the air, trying to locate the source of the foul smell.

He coughed when he took a whiff of the precious black cloak Yasaka gave him. He stank of alcohol.

"Did I drink?" He pondered before the voice of his partner interrupted him.

"Nice going, brat."

"Kurama? What happened yesterday?"

"What happened?! What happened?! Don't you remember anything?!" Kurama roared.

"Shush, please stop yelling."

Kurama's booming voice only helped to increase his headache.

"Wait…" Naruto's face morphed from pain to horror.

A cross handseal later.


"ReportingfordutyBoss!-ack" The Clone couldn't finish his sentence courtesy of a fist to the face from the original dispelling it instantly.

"Argh! I'll just- Hmm, calm down Naruto, you can handle this, you're Minato's son, believe in yourself."

"Now you remember." Kurama said.

"OK, the good news is I can speak a new language, crude but it'll do for now. The bad news; I'm wanted! For peeping on a Hero's daughter!" Naruto stopped his rant for a moment, a thoughtful look graced his face. "Wait… My stupid clone did it! I didn't do anything! my clone did it all but I don't think they'd believe me If I told them. Maybe they'd believe me if I gave them a demonstration? Ack, my brain hurts!"

"I think he's finally lost it." Kurama wondered out loud.

"I can hear you and I'm perfectly sane. I need to- Ow!"

Another memory from one of his clones hit him hard.

"Hey, I know where to find the ancient spell!" Naruto's face lit up. "The city's library." Naruto told his tenant.

"Have fun investigating. I'm gonna take a quick nap."

"Lazy furball."

(Scene change)

Naruto sat in one of the many seats inside the library staring at literal jargons. He couldn't read the weird language. Curse the language barrier!

"How am I supposed to read this!" Naruto pulled his hair in frustration before banging his hands on the table.

"Isn't that…"

"Yeah, black cloak."

"He stinks."

Naruto's ears picked up whispers from around the library. This place wasn't safe anymore. The shinobi left the library hoping he'd be able to come another day when he fully grasped how to read their language.

Naruto decided to visit Gardney's bar, optimistic about an encounter with the nice friend he made yesterday.

"I don't even know his name," Naruto thought.

(Outside Gardney's Bar)

"Shop's closed." Kurama said, looking at the bar through the link he shared with Naruto.

The dobe of the Ninja Academy turned around on the balls of his feet spotting six guards armed with mean looking spears. Three guards plastered a piece of paper on a wall. Naruto looked around and spotted the same piece of paper around.

"Have you seen this suspicious person?" A guard, who had a weird looking helmet asked a passerby.

"Yes, yesterday. He was inside that bar." He pointed at Gardneys bar.

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