Chapter 116 sorry

Naruto moved towards the piece of paper to take a clear look at what was written on it. He gasped when he saw what was on it. The shinobi looked left, looked right before he tried his hardest to move out of sight. He didn't understand what was written on the paper but his poorly drawn image on the paper sure as hell rang warning bells in his head.

"Hey wait, that's him." The passerby pointed at Naruto's back.

"Blasted antagonistic passerby!" Naruto cursed mentally.

The lone ninja disappeared and one of the guards gave chase and others followed suit. Naruto sighed thinking he'd lost them before coming out of hiding. A white narrow beam zipped past him making him stop, he turned around and his pupils dilated when he saw a floating boat with a guard on deck. He looked back and saw the white beam drilled a hole right through the concrete wall and the edges were still red and smoking. He stared on with wide eyes as concrete melted like cheese and fell off the wall.

"Run," His partner advised.

Naruto did just that.

The floating boat gave chase, easily keeping up with Naruto who was on land. Naruto took a sharp left and another right before he hit the brakes skidding to a halt. Three more ships were floating in the air, their artillery aimed at him. Some of the soldiers on the silver colored boat were equipped with guns.

"Stop right there! Identify yourself!" A guard yelled into a microphone.

Naruto searched frantically for an escape route. Finding none, he created one himself, slamming a Rasengan into the nearest wall and disappearing into the tall building.

"After him!"




Naruto kept glancing behind him while ascending the building from floor to floor. He could hear the hurried footsteps of the soldiers after him. He ran into a room closing the door shut, tripping over a sofa and sending the contents on a table to the rug covered floor. The walls were painted cream and the furniture looked like that of humans on earth. The door knob twisted open with a click and a silver-haired woman walked in on Naruto.

"A suspicious person in my apartment, Who are you?" She asked.

"I-" A knock on the door stopped Naruto's intro.

The white-haired woman stared at Naruto's pleading look with caution, ignoring the knock on the door, contemplating whether to rat him out or not. Naruto moved to the side of the door so the soldiers after him wouldn't spot him.

The old woman grabbed the knob and opened the door hiding Naruto away from sight.

"Everything alright?" She asked, totally calm.

"Ma'am a suspicious person has entered the building. Have you seen this individual?" He fished out a rough portrait of Naruto.

"No, I haven't," She replied.

"Please stay in your room while we investigate." The soldier said.

"I will." She promptly shut the front door. She spared a sideways glance at Naruto before she spoke. "What did you do, boy?"

"I uh, I, I pee- Err, I peeped- I see tiny girl was… Ugh." Naruto tried to explain using his little knowledge of the native tongue but failed miserably.

The white-haired woman crossed her hands over her chest and eight magic circles levitated in the air above her.

"I'll ask again, what did you do, Boy?" She repeated this time with an icy edge to her tone.

"I peeped in person, I mean to not, swear."

The woman raised an eyebrow at Naruto's words, she barely understood him.

"Who did you peep on?" She asked.

"A daughter's herk, red hare, this long great chest," Naruto described.

"Annie? Why Annie of all people?"

"Who?" Naruto asked, earning himself a slap on the head.

"You didn't even know who you peeped on?! The hero Syfri would skin you alive."

"I'm sorry."

The white-haired woman took her time to study Naruto. He had strange markings on his face similar to whiskers, a black cloak on, boots and his clothes stank of ale. One would think he was a traveller at first glance. His blonde hair made him stand out because very few had blonde hair in the entire city.

"Well, I don't think you're a pervert so you pass," She said dispersing the magic circles. "You stink boy, don't you wash?"

Naruto had the decency to look squeamish. "I have place not to sleep and wash body- clothes."

"The bathroom is in there," The white-haired woman sighed, pointing at her room.

"Thanks, old lady," Naruto said, earning himself another slap. This one hurt more than the last one.

"I'm not old, boy," She corrected.

"Boy not I!" Naruto replied.

"How old are you?" She asked.

Naruto sealed his lips shut, denying her an answer. He hurried to the bathroom to wash off.




"You can have this. It was my Son's." She threw a brown pants and an ash colored shirt at Naruto unceremoniously.

"Thank you. Your son, where is he?" Naruto asked, earning himself another slap yet again. Naruto gritted his teeth trying to control his anger.

"Are you dumb or what? He's dead. He died serving our great lord," She said with a melancholic look on her face.

"So, was he a brawler?" Naruto asked as he grabbed the helm of the shirt and pulled down. The shirt didn't quite fit but luckily, the pants did.

"Are you dim-witted or what, boy?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Given the way you speak."

"A fighter… A stronger? A soldier?" Naruto asked again,trying different words to convey his meaning..

"Yes, come here, your words and accent sucks,'' She said.

Naruto moved to where she was and almost jumped back when she grabbed his head. A magic circle spun around his head and disappeared after it did its work.

"Do you understand me now?" She asked.

Naruto's face lit up. "Finally, I understand you! Thank you very kindly for helping me. I'm Uzumaki Naruto, Nice to meet ya. Um, if you don't mind I have to wash my clothes. Can I wash them in the bathroom." Naruto fired a barrage of questions in the old woman's language.


"One question at a time doofus." She slapped Naruto hard this time. "How can I understand everything you say if you rush things like that?"

"You could have told me instead of slapping me." Naruto fired back, getting annoyed.

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