Chapter 182 idiot

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Issei did all that just to take her out on a date?

"Fool." she chuckled with tears rolling down her face.

"I had to grovel to get his help but seeing you now, it's totally worth it."

"You idiot!"

"Ah, I couldn't think of better clothes to wear befitting someone of your status."


"Do you like it?"

"Yes! Yes I do!"



"Aww… They are so cute together." Rossweisee commented looking at the two young love birds.

Love in Tokyo! Shit!

"I wish I could unsee that." Naruto said with a sour look plastered on his face.

"No for real, they are cute, perfect for each other." she said.

"Yeah they are," Naruto rolled his eyes at Rossweisse.

"I wish a man could do that for me," Rossweisse lamented.

"R-Really?" Naruto glanced at the emotional woman beside him.

"I've been looking for my man all my life and I'm convinced he doesn't exist."

Naruto perked up the moment she lamented about her relationship life. "Are you single?" he asked, not knowing what to say before he remembered asking personal questions like that might seem rude.

"Five years on rinder and nobody, not one man! Looked my way." Rossweisse was getting emotional and fast.

"What's rinder?"

"You don't know rinder?" Rossweisse asked, with a pout, staring at the blonde's obliviousness to the current culture. 'How old are you?"

Naruto swallowed a lump on his throat. "I-s that important?"

"I'm 25."

Naruro's eyebrows shot up to his hairline at Rossweisse's age.

"So, rinder, I think I remember now." he said trying to cover up his age.

"You do?"


Rosseweisse joined Naruto sitting on the floor. "So, let's pretend this is rinder and I'm the girl on the other side," she said, drawing an invisible rectangle with her fingers.

"Would you swipe right or left?"

Naruto looked from right to left sweating bullets. He knew nothing about the rinder thing. "Let's say you were in my shoes, would you swipe left?" Naruto asked, sparing himself the pain of guessing.

"That's easy. If it was you, I would swipe up." she swiped her index finger up putting on a smile beautiful enough to daze Naruto.

"Thank God I asked her! I would have failed!"

The smile on her face though, it was as if she was expecting something. Her long silky hair swayed gently in the wind as she tucked a stray strand behind her ear. Long eyelashes fluttering at him. Her warm smile was still ever present as she tilted her head, looking into his own blue.

Naruto's heart skipped a beat for the first time and he slowly came to realize that she was really beautiful.

He came back to reality when she kept fluttering her eyes at him. It was like she was expecting something.

No, She was definitely expecting something.

"So uh, what does swiping right means? a yes?"

Naruto almost cursed when the smile on her face faultered, immediately replaced by confusion.

"Hmm." She replied brushing her hair back, looking at him expectantly

"So... What's up then?"

An Intense silence later.


"What does the up swipe mean?" Naruto asked curiously.

The sound of glass shattering in the background accompanied the depression cloud that rained thunder on Rossweisse sent Naruto's alarms blaring.

His pupils dilated a fraction, his lips pulling apart in shock, staring at the silverish white-haired woman.

"My confession… I'm so stupid!" Rossweisse covered her face in humiliation.

Naruto sweatdropped when her mood did a one eighty.

He knew he messed up immediately.

He was dazed for the first time in his life because he used emotion sensing on her trying to figure out how she felt and her emotions were… He couldn't describe it.

It was almost like love, the same love Gaia and Martha had for him, the same love parents had for their children, the same love he had for ramen yet it was so much more intense, pure, soothing and…. different.

Filled with want and desire.

Her emotions were full of that strange love and all of that love was directed at someone... him.

But that's impossible, right?

"A-Are you okay?"

"No! I'm not! You don't know what rinder is, do you?!" Rossweisse asked, on the verge of tears.

"Um, no not really."

Rossweisse bit her lips and leveled a heated glare at Naruto. "Dastard."

The amount of loathing in that one word was powerful enough to cease the very air Naruto breathes.

"D-D-D… Dastard?!" Naruto gawked in surprise.

Let it be known that Rossweisse never once dissed him.


"I hope we don't see each other again!" she yelled in his face and left.

"You idiot. What did you do this time?"

"Kurama! Tasukete!"

Rosswiesse stopped in her tracks for a moment before she turned around. "And please don't try to find out what up swipes mean or else I'll die of embarrassment!"

With her last statement, she stomped her foot on the ground and stormed off.

"It's… Oh my God! I know! I understand what it is now! How could I forget?!"

Naruto held his hair, eyes as wide as saucers as if he was going through a midlife crisis when It all dawned on him.

"I-It's definitely her time of the month..."

Naruto stood up and chased after her in worry.

"Wait for me! Do you want pain relief?! I can get you one!"

"Don't you dare come near me, Uzumaki Naruto!"

"I'm Uzumkai Naruto now? Wait… I am Uzumkai Naruto but you get it!"

"Go away!"


"Do you even know my name?!"


"Then do you have a nick for me like everybody else?

"... Not yet."


The Ninja spent the rest of the evening chasing after the Valkyrie trying to placate her to no avail.

This event would inadvertently birth the legend of up swipe. A blonde haired blue eyed man asking around if anybody knew what it meant. When they heard his side of the story, they withheld their knowledge from him. They let him figure it out on his own.

He became instantly famous on social media

#you're_hopeless trending.

He was banned from rinder.

Gobu told him to shove his question far up his arse.

The legend of the up swipe.

Naruto's greatest uncovered mystery yet.

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