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Will he one day uncover the truth behind this? Will his ignorance kick in or will he remain without the answer no matter how hard he searched?
Food for thoughts…
(Scene Change: Uzumaki Mansion)
"So… Have you decided yet?"
"On what?"
"The K-K-K.C.P.D?"
"... Go die in a ditch, John."
"What's up swipe?"
"Hehe, dumb ass."
"Argh. Why you little—!"
"Hopeless… Definitely hopeless."
"Shut up Gaia!"
Martha Shook her head in pity.
"You too?!"
(Scene Change: In the Hyoudou's Residence)
Multiple gasps escaped everyone's lips with Ms. Hyoudou being the loudest.
"No way!"
"Sensei did that?!"
"Ha, that idiot!"
Rossweisse bit on a sausage roll in an aggressive manner wishing the sausage roll was Naruto right now.
She couldn't eat him like that!
[An: God! I have to stop doing this and its totally unintentional]
"Where were you two?" Akeno asked, sensing something fishy between Issei and Rias. They seemed much closer than before.
"Oh, those two went on a date."
"Rossweisse-sensei!" Rias and Issei yelled in shock.
"What? I'm not going to be the only person miserable tonight."
The rest that transpired that night was history.
Naruto Uzumaki woke up on the right side of the bed this morning… No, really, like he had somehow rolled from the left side to the right side.
The sun, the rays of the sun, the precious light and heat he's missed so much peeped through the open curtains of his room. The bed creaked gently as he rolled onto his stomach, the side of his face squashed in the bed, a stupid smile on his face. Waking up elated for the first time in years with something to look forward to, the feeling, the energy, he had missed it all.
What was our blonde protagonist looking forward to, you ask?
Well, that's because, today, the school's going on an excursion to… Kyoto!
And The devils are tagging along too.
But he'd get to see his little cute fox again.
But Governor Crow is tagging along too.
But he'd get to see Yasaka again
But he'd have to explain why he didn't visit for two years.
But Rossweisse will be there too—Eh?
Naruto snapped blue orbs open at the thought but smiled anyway. Today he's going to Kyoto and nothing will ruin that! Nothing.
"Ah, why do I feel like nothing could go wrong?" Naruto mused as he grabbed an orange bathrobe and entered the bathroom.
Steam filled his vision as he washed his body. His skin was particularly smooth and bright. Looked downright creamy today.
Huh, that's weird, or was it because of his excitement? His hair was straight and much silkier than he remembered too.
Wait a minute… What's going on here?
Utilizing Futon Chakra, he slapped his hands together and cleared the steam in the air. He got off the bathtub, wiped his face, and stared into the mirror. Blue eyes widened to epic proportions at the image reflected in his mirror. He grabbed his face, gasping each time—almost hyperventilating— slapping his whisker face as if trying to ascertain if his mirror was playing tricks on him.
The entirety of Kuoh shooked mightily as a Chakra-enhanced shrill tore through the air.
As always, when did Naruto Fucking Uzumaki ever have a great morning?
"Looking good Naruto-nii."
"Love what you did with your hair."
Naruto sat at the dining table, ignoring the comments on his hair from the resident females, a disturbed expression gracing his features, looking as if he had caught his parents in the act of coitus.
"What's wrong with him?" John asked with a mouthful of his breakfast.
Naruto turned his gaze to John.
Was that John? Nah, he didn't look like the John remembered. He looked much more beautiful and colorful and his eyes were sparkling.
The same thing could be said for the girls he lived with. Martha looked like a princess and her hairstyle had changed overnight too now spotting two ahoges with purple streaks and a much more oval jawline.
If Gaia was beautiful before the sudden transformation, she was now drop-dead gorgeous.
Naruto pulled a mirror from thin air and stared at it for a while before bursting into tears when couldn't take it anymore. "My face! I look so darn pretty!"
Sapphire-blue orbs twinkled with a certain glow to them on the mirror. His face looked so smooth and oval. Even his fingers were polished and shiny. It added to the pretty sexy boy aura he had gained. His hairstyle was to blame. It was straight. His wild hair had been tamed overnight. He had two blocks with bangs sort of hairstyle.[AN: excuse me if I didn't get the name right]
"Ile Iie Iie!" He snapped and crossed his fingers. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."
A bad decision. Naruto laid his eyes on his perfect replica.
"Fix. my. hair." Naruto growled at the clone.
It's Monday; Another weird day in the Uzumaki Mansion.
(Scene Change: Kuoh Train Station)
"It wasn't the bats…?" Naruto thought with wonder as he saw every student undergo the same transformation.
They all looked different!
"Looking good, Sensei."
"I love you, Naruto-sensei!'
Many students gave him compliments as they went by. His clone failed to return his hair to its former state unfortunately so in the meantime, he was stuck with the wavy style.
"Naruto! It's good to see you made it on time." Azazel waved at the blonde.
"Crow-taicho." Naruto nodded absentmindedly at Azazel.
How is this possible? How could everyone's character design go through such amazing modifications overnight and nobody's talking about it?
"Maybe sage mode can help me understand what's happening!" Naruto slapped his open palm with his fist before a tap on his shoulder jerked him out of his thoughts.
"Senpai." Rossweisse had the most beautiful smile on her face as she laid her eyes on the blonde. Though it was gradually wiped off in favor of surprise. "Your hair…" She trailed off.
Naruto himself wasn't faring any better. She was damn beautiful today. The modifications made her bust more pronounced and her ahoge looked kinda cute on her, almost like a pale-skinned beautiful alien. The biggest change was her hair and eyes which roused a strong urge to feel her hair.
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