108 Once Again, His Slave

Emilia’s POV

"Kill him! Don't stop!"

"Come on, you coward!"

"Get up! Get up! Ugh, useless!"

The crowd roared as the warriors clashed, their bloodlust almost tangible. They waved their arms wildly, shouting and cheering on the vicious brawl unfolding before them. Their excitement was mirrored by countless skeletal hands waving through the air like pale grass blown by a fierce wind.

In this strange world, I seemed to be the only one who noticed the eerie atmosphere. Surrounded by these bone-like creatures, I felt isolated, like an outsider among them.

The battle was reaching its climax. Two warriors had clearly outclassed, leaving just the two of them facing off.

"Finish him off!"

"We want victory! Swift and brutal!"

The crowd's cheers surged, encouraging the combatants to end the fight quickly. The tension between the two fighters grew, but the pressure from the audience became too much for the left warrior, who launched the first attack.