6. Crazy Coincidence!

Putting his old memories at the back of his mind, Mo was about to enter the downtown-city shop when he suddenly bumped into a crying child.

Mo's heart sank as he saw the crying child. He remembered the old sneakers, and the memories they held, and he knew he had to help.

"Hey, little one," Mo said gently. "What's wrong?"

The child looked up at Mo with tear-filled eyes. "I've lost my mommy," she sobbed.

Mo's heart went out to the child. He knew how it felt to be lost and alone.

"Don't worry," Mo said. "I'll help you find your mommy. What's your name?"


Mo took the child's hand and led her as they searched for her parent.

"Don't worry, Luna" Mo said. "We'll find her."

Mo and the child went outside and started to search the streets. They asked people if they had seen the child's mother, but no one had.

Mo was about to give up when he saw a woman running towards them.

"Is this your mommy?" Mo asked.

The child nodded and ran crying into her mother's arms.

The mother thanked Mo for helping her find her daughter.

"You're welcome, I'm just glad I could help." Mo charmingly smiled.

The woman's eyes sparkled with a strange light as she gazed at Mo. She had noticed his striking good looks, but the state of his clothes hinted at financial struggles. A sudden thought crossed her mind, and she asked, " Young man, have you ever considered modeling?"

She realized that Mo likely couldn't afford to buy expensive clothes, so she decided to offer him a helping hand. She hoped to return his favor with an opportunity to earn money and improve his appearance.

The woman's offer was a kind gesture, motivated by her admiration for Mo's natural beauty and his desire to help other. She believed that with his good looks and potential, he could find success in the modeling industry.

"Err, I actually never did, haha." Mo scratched his cheek awkwardly as he chuckled.

"Wow, I almost don't believe you! Because you rescued my little girl, let me give you my card. How about that?" The woman reached into her pocket.

"My Name is Rachel, if you are interested, call this number. This is a model agency and I really think you could have a chance at this kind of job." she said as she scanned him up and down. "Of course there's always room for improvement. But still, I recommend you try it out!" said Rachel enthusiastically.

"Oh, thank you Ms.Rachel! My name is Monni." Mo exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise and gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

Mo took the card from the woman and examined it for a moment. It was a sleek black card with the name of a prestigious modeling agency printed in gold lettering.

"I'll definitely give them a call," Mo said. "Thank you so much for the opportunity."

The woman smiled. "You're welcome. I really think you have potential. Good luck!"

Mo watched as the woman and her daughter walked away, then turned and headed back towards the store he was originally going to enter.

He slipped the card into his pocket and continued walking, his mind racing with possibilities. It seemed like it could be his ticket to a whole new world.

Mo couldn't believe the attention he was getting as he walked into the store. He had always considered himself good-looking, but this was on another level. The three ladies working in the store couldn't take their eyes off him, and even the male employee had to do a double-take. Mo had never experienced anything like it before.

He realized that attractive people really did have it easy! People were more likely to smile at him, help him out, and generally be nicer to him. It was like he had a superpower that made everyone around him happier.

Mo couldn't help but feel a little smug as he browsed the store. He had never realized just how much of an advantage it gave him in life. However he decided that if he could, he would use his newfound power for good, not just to bask in the attention.

As he walked out of the store, Mo couldn't help but smile. He knew that he was going to have a great day. After all, when you're drop-dead gorgeous, anything is possible!

A couple of days later...

Mo was still checking his mail for replies from any Universities, when suddenly something attracted his eye. "Ning Bing University!" Mo exclaimed.

Mo was overjoyed to receive an invitation to take the admission test for Ning Bing College, one of the top 50 universities in China. He had spent 200 points on the application, and it had certainly paid off. He had also received replies from several other universities, some of which had even offered him immediate admission. However, none of them could compare to Ning Bing College.

Ning Bing College offered an exceptional education, state-of-the-art facilities, comfortable living quarters, and an attractive student body. Mo was particularly impressed by the high caliber of the female students at the college. He knew that attending Ning Bing College would be a life-changing experience, and he was determined to do his best on the admission test.

Mo immediately checked his status in the system, he wanted to use some points to help improve him intellectually, and prepare him for the exam. Ning Bing Collge was in that groupd of Universities that notorious for having extremely difficult test.

Mo decided to increase his IQ by 5 points and buy 10 hours worth hours of studying, "I want to increase my IQ by 5 points and buy some hours of studying."

However, the system responded with a warning: "This transaction will cost 350 HWP, your funds are insufficient."

Mo was shocked. He quickly checked his HWP status and saw that he only had 100 HWP remaining. He realized with dismay that he had spent his entire fortune on improving his looks just two days ago.

"Damn! I spent it all on my looks," Mo lamented. He was devastated to realize that he had squandered his hard-earned HWP on a frivolous pursuit.

Mo's impulsive decision to enhance his appearance had left him with insufficient funds to invest in his intellectual development. He knew that increasing his IQ and purchasing study hours were crucial for his acceptance, but he had recklessly prioritized his physical appearance over his cognitive abilities.

As Mo stood there, contemplating his financial folly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret and frustration. He had allowed his vanity to get the better of him, and now he was paying the price.

"System, how can I increase my hardwork points. Do you have any examples of what I should start with?" Mo was now pressed for time, the letter stated that the exam would be held in exactly 12 days from now.

**How to Increase Hardwork Points:**

* **Set Clear Goals:** Define specific, achievable goals that you want to accomplish. Having clear targets will give you a sense of purpose and motivation to work hard.

* **Create a Structured Schedule:** Plan your day and allocate specific time slots for studying and completing tasks. Stick to your schedule as much as possible to develop discipline and consistency.

* **Break Down Tasks:** Divide large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. This will make them seem less daunting and easier to start working on.

**Examples of Hardwork Activities:**

* **Studying consistently:** Dedicate a specific amount of time each day to studying and reviewing material.

* **Participating in interactions:** Actively engage in discussions, ask questions, and contribute to group projects.

* **Practicing regularly:** If you are preparing for a skill-based exam, such as a musical instrument or a sport, practice consistently to improve your proficiency.

* **Volunteering or helping others:** Dedicate time to activities that benefit your community or those in need.

*The amount of points you reciev varies on the difficulty of the tast and how much you do it. I recommend doing something that may be uncomfortable, such as training in the gym or going for a long run. Another way is by helping other in their problems, as that is also considered hard work. the more you give the more you get" said the system.

"Alright I will start with body, since I am have neglected the hard work and focused too much on appearance. If I can help anyone, I'll do that too. I want to know how many points will I recieve for running 1 hour?

The system responded: *The amount of points you receive for running 1 hour will vary depending on your fitness level and the intensity of your run. Generally speaking, the harder you work and the more challenging the task, the more points you will receive.*

*For example, if you are a beginner runner and you run for 1 hour at a slow pace, you may receive a moderate number of points from 20-40. However, if you are an experienced runner and you run for 1 hour at a high intensity, you may receive a higher number of points, even up to 80 per run. Of course, the difficulty of that type of run would likely severely injur you due to the fact that your body has not accoatomed to that level of load.*

The system continued:

*n addition, the system also takes into account how often you perform a task. If you run for 1 hour every day, you will likely receive fewer points for each run than if you only run for 1 hour once a week.

Overall, the best way to maximize the number of points you receive for running is to challenge yourself and push your limits! If you are new to running, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your runs over time. If you are an experienced runner, try to incorporate interval training or hill workouts into your runs to make them more challenging.*

*As for helping others, the system will award you points based on the difficulty of the task and the amount of effort you put in. For example, if you help someone with a simple task, such as carrying their groceries, you may receive a small number of points (5-10). However, if you help someone with a more difficult task, such as tutoring them in a challenging subject, you may receive a higher number of points, (50-100).

The key is to be consistent and to always strive to do your best. And remember, the more you give, the more you will receive.

" Alright, let go enroll in a gym first. As for running, I think doing that outdoors is better. Mo started to get ready for the week and a half ahead of him would surely be a tough one!