7. Hard work pays off

Mo was determined to get in shape, so he decided to enroll in a gym and start running outdoors. He knew that the next week and a half would be tough, but he was ready for the challenge.

On Monday, Mo woke up early and went for a run in the park. The fresh air and sunshine invigorated him, and he felt great about his workout. After his run, he headed to the gym and signed up for a membership. He spent the next hour working out on the treadmill, elliptical machine, and weightlifting equipment. Halfway through the workout, Mo felt like he would throw up but he knew that he had to keep going. By the end of it, he had gained 50 more points!

**Current balance**:

*150 HWP*

"That much? I think I'll be able to get to my goal within this week!"

Mo was ecstatic after seeing that his HWP had increased by a big margin.

Suddenly a voice rang inside his head.

"that's probably not the case, if you go to the gym tomorrow and do the same exact workout.You will only receive 40 HWP at best."

"What? What do you mean? I felt a lot of pain today, and if I go tomorrow I will feel the same amount of pain, if not more? So why would I receive less points?"

Mo couldn't make sense of what the system said to him.

The system explained to Mo that the Human Workout Points (HWP) he earns are not solely based on the amount of pain he experiences during a workout. Instead, the system takes into account several factors, including:

* **Progressive Overload**: To continue earning significant HWP, Mo needs to gradually increase the intensity or duration of his workouts over time. If he repeats the same exact workout tomorrow, his body will have already adapted to the stimulus, and he will receive less HWP.

* **Muscle Damage**: While pain can be an indicator of muscle damage, it is not the only factor that determines HWP. The system also considers the type of muscle damage and the body's ability to repair and recover from it.

* **Recovery**: Adequate rest and recovery are essential for muscle growth and HWP accumulation. If Mo does not allow his body sufficient time to recover before his next workout, he may experience diminished HWP gains.

* **Individual Factors**: The system also takes into account individual factors such as genetics, fitness level, and nutrition. These factors can influence how the body responds to workouts and how many HWP are earned.

Therefore, even if Mo experiences the same amount of pain during his workout tomorrow, he is likely to receive less HWP because his body will have already adapted to the stimulus. To continue making progress and earning significant HWP, Mo needs to incorporate progressive overload, allow for adequate recovery, and consider his individual factors.

Mo was about to leave the gym and go for a run when he heard someone call out to him.

"Hey excuse me, are you using this bench?" a big muscular guy asked him.

This guy must have been at least 190 cm tall, but what was more impressive was the sheer size of his muscles. It wouldn't be a shock if this guy said that he was a professional bodybuilder.

"No, go ahead," Mo gestured.

However, the man kept eyeing him down. Mo assumed this guy wanted to pick a fight until he said, "Let me guess, Calisthenics right?"

Mo was surprised. But decided to go along with what he said "Yeah, how did you know?"

"I can tell by the way you move," the man said. "I'm a big fan of Calisthenics myself."

Mo smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mo."

"I'm Mike," the man said. "So, what's your favorite exercise?"

"I love the planche," Mo said. "It's so challenging, but it feels amazing when you finally get it."

"Yeah, the planche is a great exercise," Mike agreed. "I'm still working on getting it myself."

Mo and Mike talked for a while longer, sharing tips and tricks for Calisthenics exercises. Mo was impressed by Mike's knowledge and experience, and he was glad that he had decided to stay and chat.

As they were talking, Mo noticed that Mike was looking at his legs.

"Do you do any leg exercises?" Mike asked.

"Not really," Mo admitted. "I mostly focus on upper body exercises.". Mo remembered that he hasn't spent any points on his legs which made him looked a bit dumb now that he realized.

"I can tell," Mike said. "Your legs are pretty skinny."

Mo laughed. Feeling a bit embarrassed at his mistake. "Yeah, I know. I'm not really a fan of leg exercises."

"Well, you should start doing them," Mike said. "Leg exercises are important for overall strength and balance. If you want we can do them together!"

"I'll keep that in mind," Mo said.

Mo and Mike continued to talk for a while longer, and then they exchanged numbers. Mo was glad that he had met Mike, and he looked forward to training with him again soon.


Day by day, Mo continued to work hard and next thing he knew, he was sitting the day before the exam in his room counting his loot.

+50 went running

+40 did boxing

+20 went gym again

+100 gave 100 dollars to charity.

"helping others is indeed the best way to improve my HWP, now let's quickly buy the intelligence points as I don't have much time left" Mo chuckled to himself happily.

"System, check status"

**Current hard work points**

*320 HWP*

"WHAT!" Mo's eyes widened as he realized that his current hard work points (HWP) of 320 were not enough. He had been working tirelessly, but it seemed that it was still not sufficient to achieve his goal.

He never had a chance to study for the exam, as it required at least 1 month of preparation, not to mention the fact that this school's exams were unbelievablely hard.

As this was a one time opportunity, the system were his only option, and now he wasn't even able to rely on it!

A sense of panic began to creep into his mind. He had come so far, but now it felt like all his efforts were about to be in vain. He couldn't let that happen. He had to find a way to earn more HWP, and fast.

Mo frantically searched his mind for ideas. He had already done everything he could think of: running, boxing, going to the gym, helping whoever cam across him and even donating money to charity. It was now too late to do any of these activities. What else could he do?

Suddenly, an idea struck him. He remembered his new friend, Mike and decided to call him. "I hope he picks up" Mo looked at his clock that said 11:00 am.

He dialed Mike's number and waited anxiously. After a few rings, Mike picked up.

"Uh, Hello?" Mike's voice sounded groggy.

"Mike, it's Mo. I'm so sorry to call so late, but I had an idea," Mo said.

"What's up?" Mike asked.

Mo quickly explained his plan to Mike, who listened intently. When Mo was finished, Mike said, "That's a great idea, Mo! I'm in. Let's do it."

Mo was thrilled. With Mike's help, he was confident that he could earn enough HWP to pass the exam.

"Thanks, Mike," Mo said. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem, Mo. I'm always happy to help a friend," Mike replied.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Mo got dresssed and went outside, hoping that he would reach his goal in time....