A start of a new journey

The silence was deafening, broken only by the distant drip of water and the occasional creak of the building settling. El's mind raced with possibilities. She could hear her own breath, shallow and rapid, and the thud of her heart echoing in her ears. She strained to hear anything else, any clue that might give her a hint about her captors or her surroundings.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching. The sound of boots against concrete sent a shiver down her spine. She tensed, every muscle in her body screaming with fear. The footsteps stopped just outside the door, and she heard the jingle of keys. The door creaked open, and she felt a rush of cold air as someone entered the room.

"She's awake," a gruff voice said. The voice was unfamiliar, rough and menacing. El felt her heart rate spike, her body trembling with fear. She heard the sound of more footsteps as several figures entered the room.

"What do we do with her?" another voice asked. This one was higher-pitched, almost nervous.

"Keep her quiet," the first voice replied. "Boss will be here soon."

"Stay still, and you won't get hurt," the first voice growled. El's breath caught in her throat, terror flooding her veins. She forced herself to remain still, hoping to avoid further antagonizing her captors.

Time seemed to stretch on indefinitely. El had no way of knowing how long she sat there, every second feeling like an eternity. Her thoughts spiralled into a whirlwind of fear and despair. She thought of her family, her friends, the life she had been building. Would she ever see them again? What would happen to her?

Her mind played out countless horrifying scenarios. She imagined being hurt, or worse, by these men. She wondered if anyone was looking for her, if anyone even knew she was missing yet. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she fought them back. She needed to stay strong, to keep her wits about her if she had any hope of escaping.

Finally, the sound of footsteps returned. This time, they were accompanied by a more confident stride. The door opened again, and El could sense a shift in the atmosphere. Whoever had just entered commanded respect and fear from the others.

"Is this her?" a new voice asked, smoother and more authoritative. The others mumbled in agreement. El felt a hand lift her chin, forcing her to face the direction of the voice. Though she couldn't see through the blindfold, she sensed the intensity of the gaze fixed upon her.

"So, you're the one causing all this trouble," the smooth voice said, more to himself than to her. El's mind raced. Trouble? She had no idea what he was talking about. She had been a normal student, living a normal life. What could she possibly have done to warrant this?

The hand released her chin, and she heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor as the newcomer sat down. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here," he continued, a hint of amusement in his voice. "All will be revealed in time."

El's heart pounded in her chest. She wanted to scream, to demand answers, but she knew better. For now, she had to stay calm, to listen and learn as much as she could. Panic would only make things worse.

"Secure her," the smooth voice ordered. El felt rough hands once again on her shoulders, tightening the bonds around her wrists and ankles. She winced as the restraints dug deeper into her skin.

"Now," the voice said, "we wait." The words sent a chill down El's spine. Wait for what? What did they have planned for her? She had no choice but to endure the darkness, the fear, and the uncertainty, hoping against hope that she would find a way out of this nightmare.


10 months ago...

Under the sway of a gentle autumn breeze, the road adorned with vibrant foliage, El opened the car window and extended her hand, beckoning the wind to caress her fingertips. Leaning against the wind, she lost in cascade of thoughts. Aware that she is about to embark on a journey of her own, she finds herself uncertain whether this phase of her life is because of uneasiness or anticipation. Of all the Autumns she had witnessed, this one held a distinct significance. Not just the delight of embracing adulthood that renders this autumn special rather, it is the fulfillment of her legacy, as she secures admission to her coveted university.

She had never experienced living independently or spending a night away from home due to the strict rule her mother upheld in the Young's family.

In the waning moments of her journey to the train station, El emerged from her reverie, her thoughts momentarily interrupted by the delicate descent of a crimson red maple leaf onto her outstretched palm. As if guided by fate, the leaf settled into her hand with a whisper of autumn's promise, its vibrant hues contrasting against the backdrop of the bustling city streets.

Clasping the leaf tenderly, El felt a surge of warmth spreading through her being, igniting a radiant smile upon her lips. In that fleeting moment, she found solace in the simple beauty of nature's gift, a symbol of hope and renewal amidst the uncertainties that awaited her.

As the car's engine hummed to a stop, El's father turned to her with a thoughtful expression, his words carrying the weight of wisdom and concern. "Did you know, El, there's an age-old folklore that claims catching an autumn maple leaf will shield you from winter's chill," he began, his voice warm with nostalgia.

"Really?" El's curiosity sparked, her eyes bright with interest. "I've heard a different tale suggesting it brings happiness."

"In that case, I hope both come true for you," her father chuckled, his affection for his daughter evident in his gentle tone.

But then, his demeanor shifted, taking on a more serious note. "By the way, listen, El," he continued, his words carrying a sense of earnestness. "You are aware of how big this change is for you, don't you? If your mother were still here, she wouldn't have allowed you to go to the university on your own."

El nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of her father's words. The absence of her mother cast a shadow over their lives, her protective nature leaving an indelible mark on their family.

"While I respect your decision to follow in her footsteps, it comes with a responsibility," her father went on, his gaze steady. "Promise me that you'll remain cautious and not place blind trust in everyone you encounter in the city, as you did in our small hometown. Trust your instincts."

El's heart tightened at the reminder of her mother's absence and the daunting prospect of navigating the unfamiliar city without her guidance. But she knew her father was right; she needed to tread carefully in this new chapter of her life.

And then, he broached the topic of her living arrangements once more, his concern for her well-being palpable. "Remember what I mentioned about staying with my friend's elderly relative, who suffers from dementia and lacks immediate family? I believe that by residing with her, you won't feel lonely or homesick. It will be as if you have someone to engage in conversation when needed. Plus, she has a live-in nurse to care for her, so you don't have to worry. Think of it as a boarding arrangement, where you can find companionship and a sense of belonging."

El listened intently to her father's words, feeling a mix of apprehension and gratitude. She knew that his intentions were rooted in love and concern for her well-being, and she vowed to heed his advice and approach this new chapter of her life with caution and mindfulness.

"Dad, you know I love you, right?" El spoke softly, her eyes reflecting the depth of her emotions.

"I know, I love you too," her father replied, a fond smile gracing his lips.

"Finally, that's the sure way to stop you from nagging me," El teased, her playful tone filling the car.

Her dad let out a mock scoff, but there was warmth in his eyes. "But seriously, Dad, everything will be fine. I'll visit you during my breaks, so please look after yourself. And hey, take a hint from Ms. Langdon at the supermarket and consider going on some dates, will you?" El winked mischievously, knowing her father's reluctance to venture into the world of romance.

"You little rascal," her dad retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Look at the time! We will miss the train if we don't get moving," he swiftly changed the subject, masking any sentimentality with practicality.

With a shared laugh, they gathered their belongings and headed towards the train station, ready to embark on their respective journeys. As they navigated the bustling streets, El couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance knowing that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had her father's unwavering love and support guiding her every step of the way.


As the train's announcement reverberated through the carriage, El gathered her belongings and stepped off at North City station. Surrounded by a sea of bustling commuters, she felt a pang of disorientation amidst the urban cacophony, her initial excitement tempered by the reality of navigating the unfamiliar city streets.

Clutching her suitcase and backpack tightly, El forged ahead, determined to find her way despite the throngs of people jostling around her. But as she reached for her mobile phone to check her directions, a sudden collision with a hurried passer-by sent her device tumbling to the ground.

"Damn!" she exclaimed, her heart racing as she retrieved her phone and assessed the minor damage. Relief washed over her as she realized it was only a scratch, but her frustration lingered, compounded by the rudeness of the encounter.

Her attention was drawn to a tall, muscular figure in the crowd, adorned with a striking red flower tattoo on his left arm. Their eyes briefly met, and though his muttered words were indistinct, El couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance at his apparent disregard.

"Damn!" El exclaimed, her heart racing as she retrieved her phone from the ground. A sinking feeling settled in her stomach as she realized that the small yellow bunny accessory that she had attached to her phone was missing. Frantically, she scanned the bustling crowd around her, but there was no sign of the cherished trinket.

As she assessed her phone for any damage, relief flooded over her when she found that it had only suffered minor scratches. Yet, her frustration lingered, compounded by the rudeness of the encounter that had caused her to lose the precious accessory.

With a heavy sigh, El resigned herself to the loss and tucked her phone securely into her pocket. Though the bunny accessory held sentimental value, she knew that it was just a material possession, and there were more pressing matters at hand. Gathering her resolve, El squared her shoulders and reminded herself to stay strong amidst the chaos. "Stay strong, El," she whispered to herself, determined not to let the rude encounter dampen her spirits. With a bright smile and renewed determination, she resumed her journey, ready to embrace the challenges that awaited her in the vibrant cityscape.


Stepping out of the cab, suitcase in hand, El double-checked the address on her phone. Upon looking up, her gaze fell upon a charming red-brick house with a timeless appeal, complete with flower beds and rose gardens nestled behind a brown picket fence.

As she pressed the doorbell, a young woman attended the gate. "Ah, you must be El. Please come in. I'm Simmy, Mrs. Shaw's attendant. She's eagerly awaiting your arrival" she warmly greeted.

"Thank you" El responded with gratitude. "Does she know who I am?"

"I've been reminding her that you'll be staying with her in this house, so she won't be taken aback. However, given her health, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't immediately recall your visit", Simmy explained.

El found herself lost in contemplation, pondering the reasoning behind her father's request for her to stay with a someone's family member instead of opting for a dormitory experience with her fellow students. Though she still didn't fully grasp his motives, she placed her trust on him and hoped that this familial setting would bring him a sense of comfort during her stay.


The interior decoration of the house exuded a nostalgic ambiance, as if time had stood still in the 80s. The beige-lined wallpaper, intricately carved wooden side tables and furniture, flowery curtains, and worn-out brown carpets painted a vivid picture. It seemed that the occupant of the house either had a deep fondness for this thematic style or had simply ceased to embrace the passage of time.

Stepping into the dark and dim-lit living room, El's attention was drawn to an old woman with messy, grey hair seated on a green settee-style sofa, her hands tightly clenched. "Look who's here, Grandma," Simmy called out, beckoning El closer.

Placing her bags aside, El knelt to meet Grandma face to face. The frail woman, appearing older than her years, seemed lost in her own thoughts, oblivious to her surroundings. When Grandma caught sight of El, her eyes filled with tears as she exclaimed, "You are finally here!" She gently cupped El's face with her hands. "I am so s-sorry."

Smiling softly, El held Grandma's hand in her own and introduced herself, "I am Elena. It's nice to meet you."

The mood swiftly shifted, and Grandma's confusion became evident as she tried to make sense of the situation, asking who El was. El turned to Simmy, seeking clarification. Observing Simmy's sigh, El understood the gravity of Grandma's dementia. Before El could respond to Grandma's question, Grandma abruptly withdrew her hand from El's grasp and firmly declared, "I told you already, I don't want any medicine. Go away." She attempted to rise from the sofa. Sensing Grandma's restlessness, Simmy hurried to her side and suggested it might be time for her to rest.

Looking at El, Simmy continued, "Why don't you go upstairs and settle your things? We can discuss matters later. There's a room prepared for you."


El was assigned a detached studio on the first floor, accessible via the external staircase. It took multiple trips to transfer her belongings from the main house to this studio. As she stepped inside and surveyed her new surroundings, a sigh of relief escaped her lips. The room had been painted in soft, neutral tones and furnished modestly, a departure from the more ornate style of grandma's place downstairs. Though not sprawling, the space was more than sufficient for a single occupant. As she entered, a bathroom greeted her to the right, accompanied by a compact, self-contained kitchen. Along the hallway's left side, a small double bed and a wardrobe were nestled with a sturdy wooden divider stood between the hallway and the bed, ensuring privacy, and this arrangement led to a living area furnished with a two-seater grey sofa.

The room aligned perfectly with her preferences. El took a moment to unpack her belongings. She carefully opened her suitcase, gently placing her clothes in the dresser and arranging her personal items on the desk and shelves. As each item found its place, a sense of familiarity and comfort settled within the room. The act of unpacking served as a small ritual, marking the beginning of her stay and creating a space that felt more like her own. After settling her bags, El realized she needed to stock up on groceries and essentials. She decided to take a trip to the nearby supermarket located at the crossroads.

A couple of hours later, El returned to the house and headed downstairs, hoping to have a conversation with Simmy about the boarding rules and other important information. As she entered the living room, she noticed the quietness, in contrast to the ambiance of her own room, the windows in the living room were shut. While El typically enjoyed a peaceful atmosphere, this particular silence felt unsettling, as if someone had drained the energy from the room.

As Simmy entered the living room, El politely asked if she had a moment to chat. They both settled down on the sofa, and El initiated the conversation, saying, "I wanted to discuss the accommodation details with you, such as rent, curfew time, and any rules I should be aware of during my stay."

Simmy chuckled and clarified, "I work here as a live-in nurse specifically to take care of Grandma's well-being. I am not directly involved in any of the boarding agreements. I was actually hired by a distant relative of Grandma, who oversees her property and financial matters. However, I was informed that you would be residing in this house, so I was tasked with preparing the room for your arrival."

El nodded in understanding and replied, "Oh, I see. That makes sense. I will definitely talk to my dad about the rent details and clarify the situation. It seems like his friend may indeed be the distant relative of Grandma."

Simmy concurred, saying, "Yes, it's a good idea to discuss it with your dad. From what I know, there wasn't a formal rental agreement in place. It seems my employer arranged for you to stay here out of goodwill, as he rarely visits Grandma and wanted someone to be around her, especially considering her declining health."

She continued, "As for rules, I don't think there are any specific curfews or regulations in this house. However, since you're a young adult in a new city, it's important to prioritize your safety and be mindful of your own limits. Young adults tend to test their boundaries, but as long as you act responsibly, you should be fine."

After expressing her understanding of the accommodation details and assuring Simmy that she would act responsibly, El and Simmy exchanged their mobile numbers for future contact. As El prepared to leave, Simmy addressed the closed window, which El had noticed earlier. Simmy explained that it was to accommodate Grandma's fluctuating moods and sensitivity to external noises. El quickly understood the situation and agreed with Simmy's decision to keep the window closed.

With their conversation concluded, El thanked Simmy for her assistance and made her way back to the room, with a feeling of ease and reassurance settling within her.


After her refreshing shower, El reached for her phone and dialed her dad's number, eager to share her updates with him.

"Hello, El. How was your journey? Have you settled into your room?" her dad greeted warmly, his concern evident in his voice.

"The journey went smoothly. The room is a small but cozy studio on the first floor. It's nice and comfortable. Thank you for arranging it, Dad," El replied gratefully, her voice laced with appreciation.

"Did you happen to meet the owner, Mrs. Shaw? How is her health?" her dad inquired, his concern shifting to the well-being of their host.

"Yes, I did meet her. We didn't have a long chat, though. It seems like she mistook me for someone she knows. Poor Grandma," El empathized, her heart going out to the elderly woman.

"I suspected as much," her dad acknowledged, his tone indicating that he was aware of Mrs. Shaw's condition.

Surprised by his response, El asked, "What? Do you know anything about her situation?"

"I've heard that her only daughter ran away from home, but it's nothing for you to worry about. It happened a long time ago. By the way, please pass the herbal medicine I gave you to her attendant. It's good for the brain. I know it may not have much effect given her condition, but it's the least I can do as a gesture of gratitude for hosting you," her dad explained, showing his concern for both El and Mrs. Shaw.

"Dad," El inquired further, her curiosity piqued, "what was the arrangement you made with your friend regarding the rent that we need to pay?"

Dad, with a reassuring tone, responded, "El, you don't have to worry about it. I have already taken care of the rent situation with my friend."

El felt a sense of relief wash over her, reassured by her dad's proactive approach to the situation. Trusting in his ability to handle matters, she decided to put her concerns aside and focus on making the most of her stay in the house. With a grateful smile, El thanked her dad for his efforts and turned her attention to settling into her new living environment.


Lying beneath the vast expanse of the ceiling, El yearned for the embrace of sleep, yet her mind buzzed with a relentless swarm of thoughts. The events of the day played out like a vivid movie reel, each scene etched into her consciousness with striking clarity. Excitement pulsed through her veins, anticipation for the unknown dancing on the edges of her consciousness.

As she pondered her father's words, a pang of guilt tugged at her heart. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was defying her mother's wishes by embarking on this journey alone. If her mother were still alive, she would have undoubtedly opposed the idea, insisting on accompanying her every step of the way. The thought weighed heavily on El, mingling with the thrill of newfound independence.

"I'm sorry, Mom," she whispered into the silence of the night, her voice barely a murmur. "I know you would have wanted to protect me, but I promise to make you proud. I'll embrace every opportunity, every challenge, and every moment that comes my way."

Little did she know that the seemingly ordinary life she had embarked upon in this city would give way to something that would flip her life upside down.
