Blossoming Friendship

The Hermit thrush's melodious flute-like tune rang out, offering an alternative note of music that soothed the ears and lightened the heart. It stirred El from her slumber even before her morning alarm had a chance to sound.Reluctant to open her eyes, she lay in bed, fully immersed in the rhythmic sounds, feeling content. Despite her excitement, if she hadn't been fatigued from traveling, she doubted she would have slept so well. With her university induction still two hours away, she found herself awakened by the enchanting melody.The University of Business and Technology campus is conveniently located just a 5-minute bus ride or a 20-minute walk from her home, which was one of the reasons her dad insisted she stay there—it's easily accessible. Since it's her first day, she planned to arrive earlier than her appointment time to familiarize herself with the campus layout.The idea of studying in the same campus where her mom once did was alluring to her.On this sunny day, she opted for a burgundy pleated midi skirt paired with a white full-sleeve blouse tucked in, complemented by ankle boots. Sitting in front of the mirror, she delicately touched up her makeup and selected a thin necklace from her jewelry box. Seeing it reminded her of her mom, Tasha, who used to wear it all the time. It was an elegant yet distinct necklace with small round clear resin featuring dark red spots and a red pearl hanging down. Today, she chose to wear it in honor of her mother's memory. In a metaphorical sense, she felt her mother's presence when she wore that necklace, boosting her confidence.***Standing before the grand entrance of the university, her earlier confidence waned in the face of nervousness. The gate exuded majesty, and stepping through it felt like entering a realm of royalty. Were it not for familial ties, she doubted she would have found herself here. Mixed emotions swirled within her as she made her way toward the administration office. 'Will I make friends here? Will people be welcoming?' she pondered. Having never been around city kids before, she was uncertain of what to expect, but she resolved not to let her self-doubt gain control."Hello, Sir. I'm Elena Young, a new student in Business Administration. I'm here to collect my student ID," El addressed the office administrative clerk."Welcome, Elena. Let me fetch your file," the clerk replied, sifting through a stack until he found El's folder. As he verified her personal information, he noticed she was a legacy student. "I see you're a day scholar. Why didn't you choose to stay in the dorms like your mother did?" he inquired."Ah, I'm staying with a family friend. It's closer to campus, making commuting easier," El explained.The clerk handed her the student ID along with a new student information pack, gesturing towards two other students chatting nearby and indicating they were from the same class as El. El expressed her gratitude for the ID and headed toward the girls in the hallway.One of them wore a simple sky-blue dress that complemented her petite frame, her long auburn wavy hair cascading down. The other had a casual look, sporting high-waisted jeans paired with a cropped white hoodie that accentuated her yellow skin tone and short black hair.Observing them, El couldn't help but feel that her own clothing choices seemed outdated. While she admired the fashion sense of those in the cities, she never felt quite bold enough to try it herself."Why do you always end up at the bottom of the class attendance while I'm always at the top? Even when you sneak into class late, you never miss roll call," Joyce expressed with frustration."What can I say, I'm a Welston," Nia shrugged while fiddling her along auburn hair. "Maybe if you joined my family, you could sneak into class late too," she added playfully.Hearing their banter, El decided to join in. "I heard you two are from the Business Administration class," she said, offering a smile. "Hi, I'm El Young, your fellow classmate."Joyce and Nia smiled back, pleased to meet their new classmate, and introduced themselves. "Which dorm are you staying in?" Nia inquired."Oh, I'm a day scholar," El replied."That must be nice; you don't have to worry about the strict rules in the girls' dormitory," Nia chimed in playfully."They just ask you not to drink or smoke inside the dorm and have a curfew at 10, is that strict in your books?" Joyce remarked."Of course! You know how much I wanted to escape Welston's house and my annoying brothers so I could enjoy parties with friends," Nia responded, crossing her arms."It seems like you two know each other very well," El observed."Yes, we're besties from the same high school. We came to the university together," Nia confirmed."Wow! That's really nice to have a friend around in a new place," El commented.Nia and Joyce exchanged smiles. "We're heading to our orientation. Why don't you join us, El?" Nia invited. El agreed, and they all walked together.They entered a theater room and found seats in the middle. Although El had calmed down a little, she was still excited. Suddenly, a voice approached them."Hey, Nia," greeted a tall, slender brunette guy with a pale complexion, walking towards them."Hey, Ash," Nia greeted back, looking at him. He took a seat behind Nia's row."Did you hear the news? One of the freshmen is the son of a Mafia leader, it seems. There's a big fuss about it among students," Ash informed them."Really?" Nia asked. "I guess we really do have students from diverse backgrounds. Do you know who that is?""Does it really matter?" Joyce interjected with a sarcastic groan."I think we might have a few courses overlapping. Share me your schedule once you finalize it," Ash said. "Straight to the point as usual," Nia sighed."Anyway, Ash, let me introduce you to my friends. This is El, and you already know Joyce," Nia said, turning to El and pointing at Ash. "El, this is Ash, short for Ashton but not Kutcher," she laughed."Not again," Ash sighed. "It's nice to meet you. I'm a freshman in Arts and Commerce," Ash introduced himself to El. "Hi, I'm Elena, a freshman in Business Administration," El responded."Wow, I didn't know your name is Elena. It's such a pretty name," Nia remarked."Thanks, I guess. I go by El," El smiled. "I guess you have more friends in Uni even before starting your classes," she noted."Ash literally grew up with me; our families have been friends for a long time," Nia explained in a husky voice. "But I don't trust him, though. He snitched on me often.""Oi, I can hear you well, and that was a long time ago in middle school," Ash argued."My advice would be to stay out of their fights, El. They may look like they're fighting, but you never know when they may gang up on you," Joyce joked about Nia and Ash's friendship.As the seats began to fill up with students before the professors and advisors took the stage, the lights dimmed, and the speakers started to introduce themselves. Just then, two boys sneaked into the empty spots a few rows in front of them."I think you'll get along with those boys who just arrived. How can they come in late even for the orientation?" Joyce whispered to Nia, pointing at the latecomers.Naturally, El's attention turned towards them, although she couldn't notice much other than the back of their heads.Once the presentations concluded, the lights were switched on. The speakers announced a welcome drinks session for freshmen after lunch, inviting students to gather in the Social Club Lounge for some socializing."Have you all joined the freshman community group for Business, Commerce, and Arts?" asked Ash."Not yet," replied Nia.After exchanging numbers, Ash added them to the community group. "There's also a social group where people share events, gossip, and even confessions, so keep your eyes open, ladies," joked Ash.Although El was new to the group, they all got along well. She felt proud to have overcome the first hurdle of meeting and befriending people. Next on the agenda: experiencing lunch in the college canteen for the first time. They had to show their student IDs to get a lunch token and then queue up for food. As they looked around, they saw students from various classes."Do you think we'll have time to freshen up in our dorm before the welcoming party?" asked Nia."It's not exactly a party, Nia. There will be professors and lecturers to talk to and students to befriend," explained Joyce."Party pooper," grumbled Nia, eliciting laughter from the others.***The Social Club Lounge began to fill up with students. While it wasn't exactly decorated for a party, a few welcome banners and balloons adorned the room, albeit in a somewhat dull manner, as if organized by older individuals. Nevertheless, students mingled and interacted freely. Since alcohol was banned on campus, mocktails, pastries, and refreshments were served instead.Ash left to socialize with his classmates while the girls headed for the drinks."Do you think there'll be any good-looking guys in our class?" asked Nia.El and Joyce exchanged a disapproving look. "Okay, okay, I guess it's too early to talk about boys. Let's revisit this topic in a week," said Nia playfully.Sipping on a glass of non-alcoholic champagne, El's gaze wandered around the room, observing the social interactions. This environment felt foreign to her. She had grown up in a small town where everyone knew each other. People recognized her as the daughter of Herbal Pharmacist Jack. Making friends had always come naturally to her. But here, aside from Nia, Joyce, and Nia's friend Ash, everyone seemed somewhat distant from her world. "Will I be able to fit in?" El questioned herself.Before she could delve further into her thoughts, Nia interrupted. "Let's grab something to eat." Linking arms with El, Nia pulled her towards the refreshments. With a sigh, Joyce followed suit. Just as El reached for a plate, a hand swooped in, grabbing it over her shoulder. Startled, she turned to see a tall man, nearly 6 feet tall, with blue-grey eyes and brown hair, wearing an arrogant expression. Surprised, El stepped aside, giving him and his friend room to pass. However, there was no courtesy smile or thanks from him, nor did she expect any. His friend, on the other hand, acknowledged her with a smile and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Dylan, and this is Philip, we call him Pip. We're first-years in International Studies."Shaking off her initial judgmental impression, El introduced herself and her friends. Joyce and Nia waved and smiled.Addressing Joyce, Dylan remarked, "You look familiar. Have we met before? Perhaps at the gym?"Joyce gave him a stern look. "I don't think so," she replied, turning to grab a sausage roll.Seeing the boys engaged in conversation, Ash joined them. Feeling somewhat detached from the conversation and crowded, Pip excused himself and walked away after grabbing a plate of pastries. El still felt uneasy about the situation, torn between curiosity and annoyance. 'How could someone act so cold even in the middle of a conversation? He doesn't seem like an introvert; it's like he's avoiding us. In contrast, Ash was much more polite, even though I'm a stranger,' she thought, trying to brush it off. Soon after, Dylan bid them farewell and followed his friend. Following her last breakup, El was more cautious around boys. She found herself intrigued by Pip but not particularly interested.As students mingled and the atmosphere grew livelier, the mood became more upbeat.As the festivities came to a close, fatigue weighed heavily on El. The day had been an exhaustive ordeal, with socializing proving more draining than studying for her high school finals. Nia and Joyce bid their farewells to El and Ash, making plans to reconvene for their Economics 101 class the following morning. El and Ash walked side by side as they exited."Do you know those guys you were chatting with earlier, El?" Ashton inquired."Not really, we just met. They're in the International Business major. Why do you ask?" El responded.After a brief pause, Ash hesitated before speaking, "I'd be cautious if I were you. Remember the son of the Mafia leader I mentioned at the event? I hear it was him."El didn't need clarification. She could sense it in her gut—the cold demeanor, the lack of manners—that unmistakable presence belonged to Pip. 'It must be him,' she thought, deciding against probing further. It wasn't his family's reputation that unsettled her; it was his demeanor itself. He wasn't imposing or ostentatious; rather, he seemed aloof, as if deliberately distancing himself. She didn't want to dwell on him, yet here she was, unable to shake off her thoughts.As El walked home in the chilly evening breeze, she reflected on the events of the day. A whirlwind of emotions—happiness, pride, disorientation, and a sense of being adrift—swept through her. So much had changed in her life; from a sheltered village girl always surrounded by loving and caring individuals, she now found herself traversing unfamiliar paths, dwelling in a stranger's abode, and adapting to the hustle and bustle of city life. These conflicting emotions tugged at her heartstrings as she journeyed home.***"Hello, Simmy. How's Mrs. Shaw today?" El greeted as she entered the house."She's doing well, quite responsive and chatty today," Simmy replied with enthusiasm. "How was your day? Are you enjoying university?" she asked."It was great, and everyone seems really nice," El replied with a smile."That's wonderful to hear. Would you like to visit Mrs. Shaw? She was asking about you today. It seems you made quite an impression on her, even in her condition," Simmy said, gesturing toward Mrs. Shaw's room.Entering the room, El noticed Mrs. Shaw holding a picture of what appeared to be a portrait of a lady and her young daughter. At first glance, it resembled Mrs. Shaw in her younger years, accompanied by a little girl. The child, about five years old, with light brown eyes and brunette hair, seemed unremarkable at first, like any other young child. However, something about the scene unsettled El. Though her instincts stirred, she pushed aside the feeling, choosing to ignore it. The atmosphere in the room felt serene yet bright, seemingly mirroring the mood of its occupant."Ah, my dear, I didn't realize you were back. You must have had a long day at college. Let me get you something to eat!" Mrs. Shaw exclaimed, rising from her chair and placing the frame back on her bedside table."Mrs. Shaw, please, you need to rest. You're not well enough to do that," Simmy intervened, gently guiding her back into her seat."But she must be hungry, that young lady..." Mrs. Shaw paused, trying to recall El's name."Elena, ma'am. It's alright, I'm not hungry, thank you," El reassured her."I'll prepare some tea for both of you. Why don't you chat for a while?" Simmy suggested.As Simmy left the room, El looked at the portrait. "Mrs. Shaw, is that you and your daughter?" she inquired.Looking at the picture, Mrs. Shaw's expression turned sorrowful. "Yes, that's her. Isn't she beautiful? She was my daughter. So loving and kind. Always by my side. But I was selfish and foolish, I didn't pay enough attention to her, and I lost her. I don't know where she is now. With my health declining, all I want is to see her once more, to apologize and hold her close before my mind fades and body rots away," Mrs. Shaw lamented, tears welling in her eyes. "She would be your age, maybe a couple of years older. I didn't understand what she was going through at the time. I wasn't the mother she needed, I didn't trust her when she confided in me. I failed her. All because of that monster I married," she sobbed.El couldn't discern the entire story from Mrs. Shaw's words, but she grasped the essence of it. Unsure of the veracity of Mrs. Shaw's words or the reliability of her memory, all El could do was believe her and offer her a comforting hug.Simmy returned with a pot of tea and, seeing Mrs. Shaw's distress, set it aside to assist her to bed. "You must be tired from all the talking today. Please, rest for a bit," she said, tucking Mrs. Shaw in.Realizing she was intruding, El excused herself, promising to return later. As she left, she couldn't shake the weight of Mrs. Shaw's confession. It left her with more questions than answers, and a deep concern for the woman's well-being. Though she knew she couldn't solve Mrs. Shaw's problems, her innate desire to help gnawed at her. Perhaps a conversation with her dad would lighten the heaviness in her heart after such a weighty discussion.***The staircase lay cloaked in darkness, its dim lights casting faint shadows. Though Pip's apartment resided on the first floor, navigating these uneven steps at night proved daunting for those unaccustomed to them. Since his mother's passing, he had been living this solitary abode for reasons that compelled him. It had been two years, yet he hadn't invited anyone over—not even his handful of acquaintances. His world remained insular: just him, memories of his late mother, and distant grandparents residing in Brookstonewell, a town four hours from North City. This dwelling served as his sanctuary, a refuge from the turmoil he sought to escape. Here, amidst the vastness of the city, he found solace—a place to truly call home. With a weary stretch after his return from the gym, Pip climbed the stairs, oblivious to the unwelcome visitor lurking at the other end.*****