Echoes of mystery

As El immersed herself in the pages of her bedtime book, a familiar melody echoed through her room, interrupted by the ringing of her phone. Curiosity piqued, she reached for the device."Hello, El. It's Simmy," came the voice on the other end."Hi, Simmy, everything okay?""Apologies for disturbing you, El, but Mrs. Shaw isn't well. She was distraught, refused food, and even fainted a short while ago. I've brought her to the hospital for a check-up. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were wondering where we might be."Concern gripped El. "Is she alright now? Which hospital?""She's stabilized for the night, receiving IV drips now. She kept asking for her daughter until she slept. We're at Care Hospital on the main road but please, don't trouble yourself.""I'm not busy. Do you need anything if you're staying?""No, thank you, El. I have my hospital bag for emergencies. It should suffice for a couple of days.""Alright, could you text me the room number? I'll be there soon."As the call concluded, El was plagued by a wave of guilt, contemplating whether her probing questions about the portrait had contributed to Mrs. Shaw's distress. Had she not delved further, perhaps this situation could have been avoided. It had only been a matter of hours since their conversation, yet the consequences weighed heavily on El's conscience.***Approaching the hospital room, El hesitated before gently rapping on the door. Inside, the room was dimly lit, with Mrs. Shaw resting on the bed closest to the entrance, while the other bed lay empty by the window. Mrs. Shaw slept peacefully, her troubled expression smoothed away by the solace of slumber. El silently offered some snacks and beverages for Simmy, a small gesture to ease the burden of her watchful vigil."How is Mrs. Shaw?" El inquired."She's better, but her health is delicate. Her emotions took a toll on her weak body," Simmy replied."I shouldn't have delved into her family history. I feel responsible now," El confessed with a heavy heart."Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault," Simmy reassured her, her voice gentle yet firm. "In fact, I'm grateful that she opened up to you. Mrs. Shaw is usually quite reserved, hardly sharing anything with me. Expressing her thoughts, even sporadically, can be beneficial. Bottling up emotions is detrimental for dementia patients; it can affect their well-being, even if they can't recall the specifics."Hours passed as El prepared to leave. "If you need anything, let me know. It's not far; I can drop off supplies when I visit Mrs. Shaw," she said before departing.As El stood by the elevator, her mind drifted to Mrs. Shaw's plight. "It's truly unfortunate," she mused silently, "I sincerely hope her daughter returns to visit her. It could make a world of difference."Interrupting her thoughts, a voice called out from nearby. "Why the rush? Wait up!"Turning towards the source, El's gaze fell upon a familiar face—Pip, his hand wrapped in a bandage. He was accompanied by an unwelcome presence, someone Pip clearly wished to avoid. Ignoring the man's attempts to engage him, Pip strode towards the elevator.Their eyes met briefly, a silent exchange laden with unspoken tension, before Pip averted his gaze as though repulsed by what he saw."He must have recognized me," El thought, surprised by Pip's reaction. "We only just met this afternoon. He saw me, yet he chose to ignore me." She was taken aback by his behavior, not expecting casual conversation after just one meeting. Perhaps he hadn't recognized her, but the disdainful expression on his face unsettled her nonetheless.As they entered the elevator, Pip positioned himself in front of her, his wounded hand drawing her attention. Despite her curiosity, El refrained from inquiring about his injury; their acquaintance didn't warrant such familiarity. Besides, the presence of another man, clearly agitating Pip, signaled that now wasn't the time for questions."It's not just me," El reflected silently, emitting a disapproving "tsk." Pip's behavior seemed to extend beyond their interaction, indicating a deeper issue at play.Sensing her disapproval, Pip cast a sidelong glance in her direction before quickly averted his eyes, leaving El to ponder the mysteries surrounding him.***As the elevator reached the ground floor, Pip hurriedly stepped out, trailed by the enigmatic man who addressed him as "Bro." Pip's expression darkened with anger, and he sharply turned to face the man. "Don't call me that," he retorted, his voice edged with irritation. Realizing they were not alone, he lowered his tone and added, "You can never be my brother. And stop following me." With a decisive stride, he hastened away.The muscular stranger heaved a heavy sigh before trailing after Pip, maintaining a cautious distance.El exited the elevator last, her mind swirling with unanswered questions. Was the man truly Pip's brother? They bore no resemblance. If not, who could he be? How did Pip injure his hand? Were they involved in something sinister? The mysteries surrounding them left El's mind overwhelmed, like a browser with too many tabs open. Despite her curiosity, the day's events had left her with more questions than answers, signaling that her foray into city life was proving to be more adventurous than anticipated.***Three hours earlier..."Welcome back, my dear brother!" echoed a voice from the top of the stairs.Pip's steps faltered involuntarily upon hearing the familiar voice. His eyes instinctively lifted, and his face paled. Despite his anger, fear gripped him, evident in the pallor of his complexion. If there was one person Pip dreaded encountering again, it was Carl—his step-brother, a spitting image of his detested father, and his right-hand man in their family business. Pip abhorred his father; the very mention of the man's name was enough to send shivers down his spine. But Carl elicited an even deeper loathing. How had he found Pip's sanctuary? What was he to do now? Pip yearned for a life far removed from his father and his illegitimate offspring. Hatred didn't begin to describe the depths of his feelings toward that family and their dubious enterprises.Suppressing his fear and anger, Pip asserted, "Leave before I report you for trespassing on private property."Carl countered, "Technically, I'm in a communal area, not your personal property.""What do you want?" Pip demanded."Come home," Carl urged."This is my home," Pip retorted."Not this house, I meant our home. Father wants to see you," Carl clarified."Father? I have no father," Pip snapped."Your resentment may be justified, but it doesn't erase our blood ties. Father's health is failing. He wants to reconcile for the years he missed with you," Carl explained.Top of Form"How can he miss something that he abandoned? You must be working really hard to gain his favor and the wealth, but I am not. You, him, and your family business—I am not a part of any of that, and I never will be. If you haven't already figured it out, let me make it clear: I don't ever want to see you or him again," Pip sneered.Carl released a heavy sigh and chuckled. "You think I'm soft enough to ask you nicely like this? Father may have let you have your way because he feels guilty, but I'm not him. I won't be so accommodating next time. If you still won't comply, I'll make sure you come to me."Pip's complexion darkened with anger. "Who the hell are you to threaten me?""Do you want me to show you?" laughed Carl, leaning back against the wall, which only further provoked Pip.Bottom of FormThe laughter triggered something deep within Pip, clouding his vision with anger.Despite his efforts to distance himself from his father's nature, the bloodline still ran deep within him. Before he could control his temper, his fist lashed out, striking the wall beside Carl's face with force. The impact didn't intimidate Carl, but it did silence his laughter. Blood trickled from Pip's knuckles, evidence of the injury he had inflicted upon himself. While Carl might have been accustomed to such pain, for Pip, who had never sought violence, it was unbearable.Silence enveloped the staircase as Carl fixed Pip with a silent stare, giving him a moment to comprehend his actions. The air was heavy with the weight of their confrontation. As the throbbing pain in his hand intensified, Pip finally grasped the gravity of his actions."We need to get you to the hospital," Carl suggested calmly."No," Pip protested vehemently."I won't leave you here," Carl asserted firmly. "Don't mistake my concern for affection. I'm doing this for Father's sake. And if necessary, I'll carry you out myself." His warning carried a steely resolve.***"Class Dispersed," announced the Professor, signaling the end of the first class of the term. Ash, whose schedule aligned with Nia, El, and Joyce, sat beside El, with Nia and Joyce flanking her on the other side."All this time I thought science was boring," remarked Nia, rolling her eyes.El chuckled at her friend's comment. "It will get better, don't worry.""I have to get going now; our class is having lunch with the Seniors," Ash said, rising from his seat."Ok, spill it now," Nia pressed El as soon as Ash leaves their sight. El raised her brows in confusion."You and Ash, what's happening?" Nia continued, teasingly."What?" laughed El. "Me and Ash... it's nothing. He just sat next to me because I was the last person in the row close to the exit.""Not that, I saw you two walking home together on the day of orientation," teased Nia."Come on, Nia. He's your friend; you should know him better than that," El replied."I know, that's why I am asking. I've never seen Ash being comfortable around other girls than me," Nia clarified."I don't know, maybe because you and I are friends. I think you are thinking too much into it," said El."Yeah, I'm with El on this. Why so jealous, Nia?" Joyce inquired, her tone light with amusement."Jealous? You've got to be kidding me! Though right now, it's not entirely clear, but I think Ash and El would make quite the pair," Nia retorted with a playful smirk.El chuckled at Nia's remark. "That's amusing! Thanks for the laugh," she said, her laughter ringing out in the room.***As the day wound down and the last rays of sunlight faded, El walked back to her room with a contented sigh. The events of the day had left her feeling fulfilled. She had enjoyed the company of her new friends and felt a glimmer of excitement for the days ahead. Yet, beneath the surface, a sense of anticipation lingered, as if something more was on the horizon.As she entered her room and settled in for the night, El couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that tingled in her veins.Little did she know, just beyond the threshold of her house, the city hummed with secrets waiting to be uncovered. And amidst it all, a familiar face, with mysteries of his own, was about to reappear in El's life, setting into motion a chain of events that would change everything.With that tantalising thought, El drifted off to sleep, her dreams swirling with the promise of the unknown. And as the night deepened, the city outside whispered its secrets, beckoning her to explore its hidden depths in the chapters yet to come.*****