Jealousy is also an emotion


"Are you still following me?" El's voice sliced through the silent tension like a sharp blade, her eyes narrowing in annoyance as she glanced sideways at Pip. He was trailing behind, his footsteps almost inaudible on the worn pavement. The mixture of irritation and confusion in her tone was unmistakable. "I agreed to do the project with you, what do you want now?" Her eyes darted around, searching desperately for any opportunity to escape his persistent presence and clear her cluttered mind.


Pip's brow furrowed slightly as he mulled over his response. He didn't want to make things worse. The last thing he wanted was to say something that would push her further away. El, sensing the oddness of his quiet following, stopped abruptly and spun around to face him. "Are you going to your class?" she asked, her voice sharp, almost accusing.


"Aren't you?" Pip shot back, genuinely puzzled about where else she could possibly be heading.


"No, I'm going to the library," she replied, her tone carrying a hint of hope that he would take the hint and head to his classroom instead.


"That's perfect, I'm going to the library too," Pip announced with a triumphant grin, striding ahead confidently, leaving her seething behind him.


"Ugh," El groaned under her breath, her frustration bubbling over. She couldn't seem to shake him off. Resigning herself to her fate, she consoled herself with the thought that once they reached the library, she'd be with her friends. Surely then, Pip would fade into the background. Maybe, just maybe, she could lose him there.


As they reached the library, Pip wandered off among the bookshelves, finally giving El the space she so desperately needed. She let out a long, relieved exhale and scanned the room, quickly spotting Nia making her way toward her.


"Hi, sweetie!" Nia's cheerful voice cut through the residual tension, her arms opening wide for a warm, enveloping hug. "Thanks for your help!" she whispered, glancing around to ensure Ash didn't overhear.


El tried to stifle a giggle as Ash fixed her with a mock stern look. "Do you have anything to say to me?" he asked, attempting to maintain his serious demeanour but failing to hide the twinkle in his eye.


"Nope," El replied plainly, though the mischievous grin spreading across her face betrayed her words. She looped her arm through Nia's and pulled her toward the sitting area, leaving Ash to follow closely behind.


Ash plopped down beside her, his curiosity clearly piqued. "Do you even remember what I asked you for this morning?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow in mock exasperation.


"Ah, right. Notes. Here you go," El said, pulling out a stack of papers and handing them to him. "This should cover last week's topics. If you need more, I have them on my laptop. I can email them to you, or if you prefer, I could tutor you personally," she offered with a playful grin. She knew Ash wouldn't stay mad for long, not with her playful charm at work.


Nia, sitting nearby, chuckled at their banter, the air of camaraderie lifting her spirits. Being surrounded by her friends gave her hope that things were slowly returning to normal. Yet, despite the joy of mending bridges with Ash, the unresolved tension with Joyce still cast a shadow over her happiness. Joyce's harsh words accusing Nia of always putting others first echoed in her mind, dampening her spirits and leaving a lingering sense of unease.


Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sudden arrival of the campus heartthrob. He slid into the seat next to her with the effortless grace of someone used to having all eyes on him. His intense gaze zeroed in on El, making the atmosphere around the table shift awkwardly. Conversations halted, replaced by an uncomfortable silence as everyone tried to process his sudden and unexpected presence. El felt a wave of discomfort wash over her, wishing she could disappear into the pages of the nearest book. She wanted nothing more than to avoid him, yet here he was, making his presence unavoidable and inescapable.


Ash, ever the perceptive friend, noticed El's unease and leaned in close, his voice low and reassuring. "Blink twice if you're in trouble," he whispered, trying to inject some humour into the tense moment. El couldn't help but smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. "If you can get rid of him, I'll blink ten times," she whispered back, stifling a chuckle that threatened to escape.


From his vantage point, Pip observed the interaction with a growing sense of jealousy. A sharp pang of resentment stabbed at him, surprising in its intensity. He couldn't understand why he felt this way, but seeing El so close to Ash ignited a fire within him that he couldn't easily quell. Determined to break their conversation and insert himself into the group without seeming awkward, he turned to Nia, deploying his most dazzling smile. "Is it okay if I join you all?" he asked, his charm turned up to full wattage.


Nia, momentarily taken aback by Pip's sudden shift from cold indifference to captivating warmth, couldn't help but be impressed. "Of course," she replied, her voice laced with genuine surprise. She glanced at El, catching a flicker of desperation in her friend's eyes, and immediately sensed an opportunity. Maybe Pip's interest in El wasn't entirely academic.


"It's just that El and I are working on a project together. I wanted to spend some time researching with her. If you're all busy, I can leave," Pip said, trying to sound casual.


Nia, sensing an opportunity, decided to play along. "It's alright. Your project is more important than our chat," she said, winking at El. Ash shot her a look that clearly said, 'Is this real?'


El, caught in the middle, silently pleaded with Ash to rescue her. Understanding her distress, Ash draped an arm casually around her shoulders a protective gesture that spoke volumes. "Sorry, bro" his tone light but firm. "We have some work to do. El promised to help me catch up on my missed classes. Why don't you start without her? She can catch up later," he suggested, his voice dripping with fake sympathy.


El looked up at Ash, grateful for his quick thinking. Pip, however, was not so easily deterred. The smile on his face faltered slightly, replaced by a look of determination. "That's alright," he said smoothly. "I guess we should meet outside the university then. I'll text you the time and place." He gathered his books, his eyes lingering on El for a moment longer before he turned and walked away, his steps measured and deliberate.


Nia watched Pip leave, her eyes following him until he was out of sight. El banged her head on the table, groaning in frustration. The situation had spiralled out of control. She had hoped to avoid Pip, but now she had to meet him outside of school. This wasn't how she had envisioned things at all.


Nia, her eyes sparkling with mischief, leaned forward. "Girl, you've got the campus hunk wrapped around your little finger," Nia teased, trying to lighten the mood. "Did you see that rare, handsome smile? His body, oh my God! You should see him when he throws the ball!"


Ash rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Can we focus on studying now?" he interjected, trying to steer the conversation back to a more productive path. "We've got a lot to cover."


Nia, ever the gossip, ignored his attempt and continued. "Tell me what just happened. Is it a date? Are you two finally getting together?" She was practically bouncing with excitement. Both Ash and El glared at her, clearly not sharing her enthusiasm.


El, feeling the weight of both her friends' expectations and her own confusion, just shook her head. "It's not like that," she said, though she wasn't entirely sure what it was like. "Pip and I are just working on a project. That's it."


Ash, sensing her discomfort, decided to intervene again. "Alright, let's get to work. Nia, are you in or out?"


"Are you kidding me? How can you study now after hearing such juicy news? You must be made of stone. Consider me out. I can't concentrate on books now," Nia declared. Nia, seeing the serious look on his face, sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. I'm out. You two enjoy your studying. But mark my words, El, there's something there with Pip. I can feel it." She winked at El before gathering her things and leaving the library.

As the door closed behind Nia, the silence of the library enveloped them. El felt a mixture of relief and anxiety, the encounter with Pip still fresh in her mind. She glanced at Ash, who was already pulling out his books, ready to dive into their study session.


"Thanks for having my back," she said softly, appreciating his steadfast friendship. Ash smiled, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.


"Anytime, El. Now, let's hit the books."




That morning, when Nia had woken up with a sense of dread, her mind clouded by the thought of her recent academic performance. The sting of a less-than-stellar assignment grade lingered in her thoughts, a constant reminder of her struggle. Yet, as the day unfolded, it surprised her in the most unexpected ways.


The first highlight was resolving her misunderstanding with Ash. The tension between them had been like a heavy fog, weighing down her spirits. The relief she felt was almost palpable, lifting an invisible burden off her shoulders. Their reconciliation was like a fresh breeze, clearing the air and allowing her to breathe freely once more.


Adding to her joy was the unexpected thrill of sitting next to one of the most handsome boys on campus. The memory of his smile, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, and the effortless charm he exuded, was a delight she hadn't anticipated. It was like finding chocolate shavings atop the creamy frosting of an already delicious cake—unexpected and utterly delightful.


But perhaps the most intriguing part of her day was the tension she sensed between El and Pip. There was an undeniable spark, a subtle undercurrent of emotions that hinted at something more. This discovery was the cherry on top of her day's sundae, adding a layer of complexity and excitement to her thoughts.


Just as Nia was savouring the sweetness of these moments, she found herself face to face with a sight that threatened to topple the fragile tower of happiness she had built. Joyce, her once closest friend, was walking towards her, arm in arm with Dylan. The sight was jarring. Dylan's arm was wrapped possessively around Joyce's hips, and for a moment, Nia couldn't believe what she was seeing.


Joyce had always been straightforward, rarely indulging in physical displays of affection, especially in public. This new behaviour was a stark contrast to the Joyce she knew. The ease with which Joyce allowed Dylan to touch her was startling, suggesting a relationship that went beyond casual acquaintance. Nia felt a pang of betrayal. Why now? Why with Dylan? Was Joyce trying to fill a void left by their falling out? Or was this something she genuinely wanted?


Questions swirled in Nia's mind, each one more painful than the last. As she walked closer to Joyce, she forced a smile, the kind you give a stranger when politeness demands it. Her heart raced, and she hoped that her turmoil wasn't evident on her face.


Joyce, however, had other plans. She wasn't content with just a polite smile. With a deliberate gesture, she draped her arm over Dylan's shoulder, pulling him closer. Dylan, caught off guard, turned to look at her, his confusion evident. But Joyce's timing was impeccable. She pulled his neck down and kissed him, deeply and passionately.

Joyce's sudden, brazen move stunned Dylan, freezing him in place as her lips forcefully met his. For a few heated seconds, he couldn't process what was happening - Joyce was kissing him with an intensity that allowed no room for protest or hesitation.


Just as Dylan's mind began to catch up, Joyce broke off the liplock, her eyes alight with a fiery provocation. She didn't even spare him a glance afterward, her stare fixated solely on Nia with an expression that could only be described as a challenge.

Nia's world tilted. The kiss was not just a display of affection; it was a message, loud and clear. Joyce was moving on, and she wanted Nia to see it. The kiss was a dagger, twisted expertly to cause the most pain.


As Nia walked past them, she felt a mixture of anger, sadness, and confusion. The foundation of her happiness, so carefully constructed throughout the day, now seemed fragile and uncertain. The sight of Joyce and Dylan together was a gale force wind, threatening to blow her tower of joy to pieces.

