Beginnings and Closure

El hurried along the sidewalk, her pace quickening with each step as she made her way to Café Brulee. The events of the previous night played over in her mind like a broken record, the memory of Pip's message lingering in her thoughts. There was no way she could refuse his invitation after what had transpired in the library. He had asked her to meet him at 4 pm sharp, but as she glanced at her watch, she realised she was already twenty minutes behind schedule.


The culprit? A lazy weekend nap that had turned into an unintended slumber, leaving her without the foresight to set an alarm. She had turned down two other meeting spots earlier, both too far from the university campus, making Café Brulee her only viable option.


Finally reaching the café, El pushed open the door, a small bell chiming to announce her arrival. The sound drew Pip's eager gaze from where he sat, patiently awaiting her arrival.


Inside, Café Brulee exuded an air of elegance and warmth. The soft glow of warm lights illuminated the cozy space, casting a welcoming ambiance over the wooden tables and chairs dressed in red tablecloths. Delicate pendant lights dangled gracefully above each table, adding a touch of intimacy to the setting.


The walls were adorned with rich olive-green hues, adorned with renaissance art pieces that basked in their own spotlights, adding a touch of sophistication to the space. Though not particularly spacious, the café boasted an aura of posh charm that was hard to resist. As El took in the scene before her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her. This meeting with Pip promised to be anything but ordinary.


El spotted Pip waving at her from across the café, his appearance striking in his white Nike jumper and matching joggers. It was a casual ensemble, yet the pristine white attire accentuated his features, particularly his piercing blue eyes, which drew El's attention like a magnet.


As she approached the table and took the seat opposite Pip, she couldn't help but notice the elaborate afternoon tea set already arranged before them. A three-tiered cake stand displayed an array of delectable pastries, scones, cakes, and sandwiches, leaving El momentarily stunned. It was as if Pip had anticipated her every craving, bringing to life the tantalizing treats she had often longed to try whenever she passed by the café.


A smile tugged at Pip's lips as he observed El's surprised expression, his satisfaction evident at her reaction. But El was determined to stay focused on the task at hand. With a silent resolve, she pushed aside the temptation of the sumptuous spread before her and steered the conversation towards their project, determined to keep their meeting strictly professional.


"Right, thanks for organizing this, Pip," El began, her tone businesslike as she took control of the conversation. "We should start planning on how we are going to tackle this project, and agree on our timeframe, roles, and responsibilities. I've already prepared a plan; please review it, and we can adjust it according to your availability as you see fit." With a confident gesture, she handed him a file containing a stack of papers.


Pip glanced through the document, impressed by El's thoroughness. "I see you're well prepared," he remarked, acknowledging her efforts.


"I try to be," El replied, her voice steady as she outlined her approach. "Since it's just the two of us, I've ensured that we each have our own individual tasks to complete before integrating them together. Additionally, we can utilize video calls to discuss further if and when needed." She made a mental note to herself to avoid private meetings with him as much as possible, determined to maintain a professional distance. Taking charge seemed to be the only way to navigate the situation smoothly.


Pip's eyes scanned the meticulously planned document before him, his expression thoughtful as he considered El's strategy to minimize their interactions. "Hmmm," he murmured, scratching his chin in contemplation. "You're aware this is a group project, right? We'll be expected to answer questions on all aspects of the project. What if you betray me and don't share your progress with me?" His smirk was evident, a knowing glint in his eyes as he aimed to provoke her.


El clenched her jaw, suppressing the urge to lash out at Pip's taunt. 'This jerk, he never ceases to surprise me,' she thought, her frustration simmering beneath the surface.


"How about we meet on a weekly basis and sync up on our progress?" Pip suggested, his tone casual as he took the opportunity to devise his own plan. "That way, we'll both know what the other person is actually working on and can learn from it." His proposal was met with a raised eyebrow from El, who couldn't help but feel a sense of begrudging admiration for his strategic manoeuvring.


El hesitated for a moment, weighing her options, but ultimately conceded that Pip had a valid point, even if it tilted the advantage in his favour. The truth was, team members were often grilled on various aspects of the project during presentations, and she couldn't argue against the need for transparency. Yet, she wasn't about to let Pip off the hook too easily.


"Okay," she agreed, a devilish smile playing at the corners of her lips. Pip couldn't shake the eerie feeling that somehow, he had fallen into the trap he had sown. It seemed too convenient for El to agree so readily, especially considering she was the one who had meticulously crafted the project plan.


"But, I have one condition," El interjected smoothly, her words gliding effortlessly like ice on a granite worktop.


Pip's mind raced with various scenarios as he awaited her condition. What if she drew the line, or worse, rejected him altogether? Or what if she decided to add other people to their group? His curiosity was tinged with a hint of anxiety as he leaned in closer, eager to hear her terms.


El's voice remained casual as she laid out her plan, a mischievous glint in her eyes betraying her intentions. "You have to come with me to a place," she stated cryptically, "but don't ask me where. It's a surprise."


Pip breathed a sigh of relief, his guard lowering as he realized it was merely a request for a casual meetup. "Phew, I thought it was something else," he remarked with a chuckle. "Sure, I'm happy to hang out with you anytime." Little did he know what El had in store for him, blissfully unaware of the impending twist that awaited their rendezvous.


El felt a sense of satisfaction as Pip agreed to her condition. They spent the next half hour reviewing the project plan in detail. Pip, despite his playful demeanour, offered some insightful suggestions that El hadn't considered. They refined the timeline, agreed on their individual tasks, and set up a weekly meeting schedule.


As they wrapped up their discussion, El couldn't help but glance at the tempting array of pastries. She finally allowed herself to indulge, taking a delicate bite of a strawberry tart. The sweetness melted in her mouth, and she closed her eyes for a moment, savouring the flavour.


"Good, isn't it?" Pip asked, smiling as he took a sip of his coffee.


"Yes, very," El admitted. "I've been wanting to try these for ages."


"I'm glad we could have this meeting here, then," Pip said, his eyes twinkling. "It's not just about work; we should enjoy ourselves too."


All the sugar rush to blame, El couldn't help but smile, feeling a bit more relaxed in Pip's company. Despite her initial reservations, he was turning out to be a decent project partner. They chatted a bit more, indulging in the delightful pastries and sandwiches that adorned the three-tiered cake stand.


As they finished their snacks and prepared to leave, Pip leaned in slightly, a hint of curiosity sparking in his eyes.


"So, when and where is this surprise of yours?" he asked, curiosity evident in his eyes.


El smiled mysteriously. "You'll find out soon enough. Be ready this Saturday at 10 AM. I'll text you the location."


Pip couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and curiosity as he agreed to El's condition. The prospect of a surprise outing with El seemed harmless, but given her devilish smile, he couldn't shake off a nagging feeling that she was up to something. However, Pip decided to go along with it, hoping it would be a chance to get to know her better outside the confines of their project work.




The week passed quickly, filled with classes, assignments, and their first project meeting. El had been meticulously preparing, and Pip couldn't help but be impressed with her dedication. As Saturday approached, Pip received a text from El with the details of their meetup.


"Meet me at the intersection of 5th Avenue and Elm Street at 10am."


Pip looked at the message, raising an eyebrow. That intersection was a bit out of the way and not somewhere he frequented often. Nevertheless, he trusted El and was curious about what she had planned.


Saturday arrived, and Pip found himself standing at the intersection of 5th Avenue and Maple Street at 10 a.m. sharp. He looked around, trying to spot El among the few pedestrians milling about. His curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't shake off the slight anxiety gnawing at him.


Just as he was about to pull out his phone to text El, he spotted her walking towards him. She was dressed in casual attire but with an air of determination that caught Pip off guard.


"Hey!" El called out, waving as she approached.


"Morning, El. What's this all about?" Pip asked, genuinely curious.


"Follow me," El said, her tone leaving no room for questions.


They walked for a few minutes until they reached the end of a long, winding driveway, nestled behind a dense thicket of ancient oak trees. Despite its considerable size, it had an uncanny ability to blend into its surroundings, as if it were purposely avoiding attention. The structure was a sprawling, two-story affair with an understated elegance that spoke of old money and quiet refinement. Its weathered stone facade, covered in a thick blanket of ivy, gave it an almost camouflaged appearance against the backdrop of the surrounding woods.


Tall, narrow windows, some partially obscured by heavy drapes, punctuated the walls at irregular intervals, hinting at the many rooms within. The roof, a dark slate that seemed to absorb the light, sloped gently, adding to the house's subdued profile. An intricately carved wooden door, slightly ajar, was the only indication that the house was inhabited, though it gave away nothing of the life inside.


A wrought-iron gate, flanked by moss-covered stone pillars, marked the entrance, creaking ominously as it swung open. The air around the house was thick with the scent of pine and earth, and a peculiar stillness pervaded, broken only by the distant hoot of an owl or the soft crunch of gravel underfoot.


The house had an aura of mystery, a silent witness to years gone by. It was as though the very walls had absorbed the secrets of those who had lived there, holding them tightly within the shadows. El led Pip through the entrance and into a small waiting area.


"El, where are we?" Pip asked, his anxiety increasing.


Before she could answer, a familiar figure stepped into the room. Pip's eyes widened in shock as he saw his stepbrother, Carl, standing there.


"Carl? What the hell is going on?" Pip demanded, his voice rising.


Carl held up his hands. "Relax, Pip. You are here to see someone."


"What are you talking about?" Pip's eyes darted between El and Carl.


El stepped forward, placing a hand on Pip's arm. "Pip, your father is here. He's recovering from surgery, and he wants to see you."


Pip felt his blood run cold. He had always had a complicated relationship with his father and his mafia family. Seeing his father was the last thing he had expected or wanted.


"You can't be serious," Pip said, his voice barely a whisper.


"I am," El replied softly. "I know you hate your family, but this is important. He's not doing well and… he wants to make amends."


"Amends?" Pip scoffed. "That's rich coming from him."


"What's gotten into you? Why are you doing this to me? Did that bastard put you up to this?" Pip's voice was filled with annoyance and frustration. The sight of Carl made his skin crawl, intensifying his anger at the situation he found himself in.


"No, it was my idea," El said, her voice steady but apologetic. "I'm sorry if you think I'm interfering where I shouldn't, but I believe this is something you all need. Just go in and see him. You don't have to forgive or accept him, but at least hear him out."


Pip placed his hands on his hips, visibly impatient, and let out an angry scoff. "You must be kidding me! How long have you been planning this behind my back?" he snapped.


"I'm sorry to have to tell you this. From what I've heard, your father is still in critical condition following the surgery. It's a precarious situation, and anything could happen. If your mother were still alive, she would likely have made the same decision. Consider this as a necessary step towards closure in the relationship between your mother and your father," El explained gently, hoping to provide him with some understanding of why it was necessary.


Pip looked at El, searching for any sign that this was a joke or a trap. But all he saw was sincerity in her eyes.


Pip's initial reaction was one of anger, his fists clenching at his sides as El's words sank in. How dare anyone suggest that he should consider his father's feelings after everything he had put them through? The bitterness that had festered for years threatened to consume him, fueling his resentment towards the man who had caused his family so much pain.


But then, amidst the storm of his emotions, a single thought pierced through the darkness: his mother. As El spoke of her hypothetical perspective, Pip's anger began to ebb, replaced by a gnawing ache of longing. He still hated his father with every fiber of his being, but the memory of his mother's unwavering love and forgiveness softened the edges of his rage.


Closing his eyes, Pip took a deep breath, trying to steady his tumultuous thoughts. Despite his hatred for his father, he couldn't deny the truth in El's words. If his mother were here, she would have wanted him to find closure, to let go of the anger and pain that had consumed him for so long.


With a heavy heart, Pip made a decision. It wasn't for his father's sake, but for his mother's memory. He would do whatever it took to bring closure to their tumultuous relationship, even if it meant setting aside his own feelings of hatred and resentment.


Pip took a deep breath, the weight of his conflicting emotions pressing down on him like a heavy burden. With hesitant steps, he approached the bed where his father lay, his heart pounding in his chest.


"Pip," his father croaked, his voice barely above a whisper.


Pip paused, unsure of how to respond. This was the man who had caused him so much pain, whose absence had left a void in his life that could never be filled. And yet, despite everything, he couldn't deny the flicker of compassion that stirred within him at the sight of his father's frail form.


"I'm here," Pip finally managed to say, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "But I'm not sure why."


"To make things right," his father replied, his voice barely audible in the quiet room.


As Pip stood by his father's side, a sense of unease washed over him. Was it possible to make amends for years of hurt and betrayal? Could he ever forgive the man who had shattered his family and left them broken in his wake?


But then, as he looked into his father's tired eyes, Pip realized that sometimes, the hardest step is simply showing up. Despite the pain and the anger that still lingered between them, perhaps this was the beginning of something better. A chance to heal old wounds and forge a new path forward, one step at a time.


