Companion for Life

El could sense that Pip was still in the same state even after she apologized. His eyes, usually so bright, now held a shadow of something unspoken. El thought hard on what she could do to help him recover from this sour mood. Rock climbing? Bowling? Or project discussion? Nothing felt right in that situation. Each option she considered seemed to fall short of what Pip needed.


As she was contemplating what to do, Pip silently watched her. Her eyes danced with various thoughts, flitting back and forth like butterflies, but her lips were lightly placed on the tip of the straw in her bubble tea. She wasn't drinking from it, just keeping it there for comfort maybe, her mind clearly elsewhere. Pip found that incredibly cute and despite his mood, he involuntarily smiled at the sight.


"What are you thinking so deeply about?" Pip's voice broke the silence, his tone light but curious.


El muttered something under her breath, too quiet for him to catch.


"What?" He leaned in a bit closer, his brow furrowing in confusion. "I didn't catch that."


"Do you want to go out somewhere after this?" El finally faced the challenge, her voice barely above a whisper.


Pip chuckled, a warm, infectious sound that filled the space between them. "Is that what you were thinking about? How to ask me out?" he teased her, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.


Her face turned red instantly, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "No, I didn't…" she started to explain, her words tripping over themselves in her embarrassment.


Before she could continue, he clarified with a soft smile, "I am just kidding. There's actually somewhere I want to go, would you like to join me?" he asked, his tone gentle and inviting.


El's eyes widened, the surprise evident on her face. "Where?"


Pip's smile widened, and he reached over to gently nudge her shoulder. "It's a surprise. Come on, let's go. I promise you'll like it."


With that, Pip stood up, leaving El momentarily flustered but intrigued. As they walked out of the café and into the crisp air of the evening, El's mind buzzed with curiosity. Where could Pip be taking her? The anticipation made her heart race, and she couldn't help but steal glances at him, trying to gauge his mood, to understand the reason behind his sudden excitement.


The cab ride was a mystery, and El's curiosity grew with each passing minute. The cityscape whizzed by, a blur of colours and lights as they made their way through the bustling streets. Pip remained tight-lipped about their destination, a mischievous grin playing on his lips that only fuelled her anticipation.


"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" she finally asked, unable to contain her excitement.


"You'll see," Pip replied, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "It's a surprise."


El gazed out the window, her mind racing with possibilities. Finally, the cab turned down a quieter street, and El noticed the large, colourful sign ahead: "Hope Animal Rescue Centre." Her heart skipped a beat.


"We're here," Pip announced, his grin widening.


El's eyes widened in surprise. "An animal rescue centre?"


Pip nodded enthusiastically. "I've been wanting to adopt a dog for a while now. I've prepared everything at home, but I couldn't decide on which one to bring home. I thought you might help me choose."


As they stepped out of the cab, El felt a warmth spread through her chest. Pip's excitement was infectious, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness and tenderness towards him. The idea of him wanting her opinion on such an important decision made her heart flutter.


They walked into the rescue centre, greeted by the cheerful bark of dogs and the gentle meows of cats. The air was filled with the scent of hay and the soft padding of paws against the floor. Pip led El to the dog area, where rows of kennels housed a variety of furry friends, each with their own unique personalities and stories.


Pip's eyes lit up as he spoke to the staff, explaining his desire to find the perfect companion. El watched him with admiration, noticing the way his face softened as he interacted with the dogs. There was a gentleness in his demeanour that she hadn't seen before, a depth of compassion that made her heart swell.


The volunteer beamed and handed them a clipboard. "That's wonderful! Just fill out this form, and I'll take you to meet some of our adorable residents."


As they filled out the form, El couldn't help but glance around, her excitement barely contained. Once they handed it back, the volunteer led them through a door and into a spacious area where several dogs were playing and lounging in the sun.


El's eyes lit up as she took in the sight. There were dogs of all shapes and sizes, from tiny Chihuahuas to large Labradors, each one looking hopeful and eager for attention. Pip seemed equally enchanted, his gaze sweeping over the happy scene.


"Where do we start?" El asked, her voice filled with wonder.


Pip shrugged, a smile playing on his lips. "Let's just meet as many as we can. I think the right dog will find us."


"Look at this one," Pip said, pointing to a small, scruffy dog with big, soulful eyes. "What do you think?"


El crouched down to get a closer look, extending her hand towards the dog. The little canine sniffed her fingers before giving a tentative lick. El laughed, her heart melting at the sight.


"He's adorable," she said, glancing up at Pip. "I think he likes you."


Pip smiled, his eyes never leaving the dog. "Yeah, I think so too."


They spent the next hour meeting various dogs, each one tugging at their heartstrings in different ways. El was struck by how attentive and caring Pip was with each dog, taking the time to get to know them and making sure they felt comfortable. It was a side of him she hadn't fully seen before, and it made her see him in a new light.


There was Bella, a lively golden retriever who loved to play fetch; Max, a shy beagle who slowly warmed up to them; and Luna, a playful Labrador mix with a penchant for belly rubs.


El watched Pip interact with each dog, noting how his face softened and his laughter came easily. She could see how much he cared, how he seemed to connect with each dog in a unique way. It made her heart ache with a sweet, tender feeling.


At one point, a small, scruffy terrier mix named Charlie caught Pip's attention. Charlie had a lively personality, full of energy and mischief, but there was also a gentleness in his eyes that seemed to speak directly to Pip.


"I think he likes you," El said, watching as Charlie licked Pip's hand.


Pip looked up at her, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I think I like him too."


They spent some more time with Charlie, playing with him and getting to know him. El couldn't help but notice how natural Pip looked with the little dog, how his whole demeanour seemed to light up. It was clear to her that this was the one.


"I think you've found your dog," she said softly, touching Pip's arm.


Pip looked at Charlie, then back at El. "You think so?"


She nodded, her smile warm and encouraging. "I do. He's perfect."


Pip's face broke into a wide grin, and he turned to the volunteer to begin the adoption process. El watched him, feeling a deep sense of happiness. This day had turned out better than she could have imagined.


As they left the rescue centre, Charlie trotting happily beside them on a leash, Pip turned to El with a look of pure joy. "Thank you, El. This means a lot to me."


El smiled back, her heart full. "I'm glad I could be a part of this. And I'm really happy for you—and for our new friend."


Despite the way their day started, as they rode through the city, the bond between them grew stronger. The warmth of Pip's presence and the joy of their new furry companion made El feel closer to him than ever before.


When she turned around, she saw a serene sight: Pip was asleep, his head resting against the seat, and the newly adopted dog was curled up comfortably on his lap, also in a deep slumber. The Uber Pet drive had gone smoothly, with the dog behaving exceptionally well despite its status as a rescue.


El couldn't help but feel a wave of tenderness wash over her. She bent down slowly, careful not to wake either of them, and gently placed a kiss on the dog's head. The dog stirred slightly but remained asleep, its steady breathing a soothing rhythm in the quiet car.


"I wish I were a dog," Pip muttered, his eyes still closed but his lips curved into a faint smile.


El chuckled softly at his sleepy remark. It might have been the day's rollercoaster of emotions or the comfort of their shared experiences, but she felt a rare openness with him.


"You are a dog, a shameless one at that," she replied, her tone teasing but affectionate as she turned to look out the window, the city lights blurring into streaks of gold and white.


Pip's smile widened, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. There was an unspoken understanding between them in that moment, a shared warmth that wrapped around them like a cozy blanket.


As they continued their ride home, Pip's mind started to wander. He felt a surge of courage, bolstered by the intimate day they had shared. He wanted to tell El how he truly felt but wanted to do it in a way that reflected their unique bond.


After a few minutes of quiet, he opened his eyes and glanced at El, who was still gazing out the window, lost in thought. An idea sparked in his mind, and he smiled to himself.


"El," he began, his voice soft but steady. She turned to look at him, her eyes curious.




"You know how this little guy," he gestured gently to the sleeping dog on his lap, "has had a tough life but found a home with us today?"


El nodded, her expression tender as she looked at the dog.


"Well," Pip continued, "I've been thinking about how sometimes, the best things come from unexpected places and how important it is to find a place where you truly belong. Somewhere you feel safe and happy."


El's brow furrowed slightly in confusion, but she nodded for him to continue.


"I guess what I'm trying to say is… being with you today, seeing how you care about the little things, how you were there for me without hesitation and how your eyes light up when you're happy—it's made me realize something important."


El's eyes widened with curiosity as she waited for him to continue.


Pip took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto hers. "I... I have feelings for you, El. More than just friendship."


El was momentarily speechless, her emotions swirling in a mixture of surprise and joy. She looked at Pip, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, the vulnerability that he was showing her.


The car seemed to grow even quieter, the hum of the engine a distant background noise to the racing of her heart. El felt a warmth spread through her chest, a mixture of surprise and happiness.

