It's been a week since Pip's confession, and El was still reeling from the shock of it. Deep down, she had always felt that something like this might happen, a small inkling that had lingered at the back of her mind. But when Pip had finally admitted his feelings, it had taken her by surprise. He hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend or even suggested a date; it was simply an honest admission of how he felt. She forced herself not to dwell on it too much, fearing that it would complicate things even more.


Every time the image of his warm blue eyes, brimming with sincerity and hope, flashed in her mind, El felt a pang of confusion and longing. Those eyes had become like stars on a clear summer night, countless and impossible to ignore. She tried to lock these thoughts away in a mental Pandora's box, burying them deep within her head. It was a coping mechanism that allowed her to pretend everything was okay, so long as she avoided him at all costs.


The truth was, El didn't want to confront what she really felt about him. All this time, she had convinced herself that Pip was a cold person, emotionally distant and detached. Yet, every interaction, every kind gesture, every moment they had shared spoke of a warmth that belied his supposed coldness. This contradiction left her feeling more confused than ever.


El had been dodging Pip's calls and texts, using studies as an excuse to keep her distance. She thought that if she ignored the situation, it might eventually fade away, and things could return to normal. But every time she saw something that reminded her of him—a dog in the park, a café they used to visit, or even a bubble tea stand—her heart would ache with a mixture of confusion and longing.


One evening, as she sat on her bed, trying to focus on a book, her mind wandered back to that moment in the cab. She remembered the way Pip had looked at her, the vulnerability in his voice as he confessed. It was so unlike him—or at least the version of him she had constructed in her mind. She let out a frustrated sigh, closing the book and tossing it aside. Avoiding him hadn't made things easier; it had only intensified her turmoil.


El wanted a distraction, a solid one to help her escape from her own thoughts and to keep her occupied so she wouldn't feel the strength to open the unspeakable box she had buried deep within. It had been a long time since she had a day out with her friends. With her birthday coming up, she saw an opportunity to let loose and have fun, while also creating an ideal situation to regroup her friends and help them make up.


"Are you all free this Friday? Thinking of an 'Escape Room' activity in the evening," El posted in the group chat that had been inactive for some time since Ash's dramatic exit and reentry, and Nia and Joyce's fallout.


"I am in," Nia was the first to reply, her message appearing within two seconds as if she had been glued to her phone when the notification came through.


"Really? Escape room? Do I have to be locked up in the same room when I am trying to find some room to escape from you girls whenever possible?" Ash's sarcastic reply was followed by a winking emoticon.


"Oh, come on! It will be my birthday and I don't want to stay cooped up in my room," El pleaded, hoping to soften Ash's resolve.


The next message was targeted at Joyce. "Please, Joyce, it's been a long time since we had a proper chat."


Despite her fallout with Nia, Joyce was still close to El. That was one good thing about Joyce; she treated people based on how they treated her.


"Fine by me. Can I bring someone along?" Joyce's message was light but sharp enough to give a twisted feeling when Nia read it. Maybe it was intended to rub it in.


"Sure, the more, the merrier. The room can take eight people max," El replied to Joyce. She then added, "It will be fun, Ash. I'm not taking no for an answer," to which Ash responded with a thumbs-up emoticon.


El felt a flicker of excitement amidst her turmoil. She hoped this would be the distraction she needed, a chance to rebuild bridges and create new memories. As the plans solidified, she allowed herself a moment of optimism, hoping that this would help her regain some sense of normalcy and clarity.




As the week edged closer to Friday, El found herself increasingly consumed by the upcoming plans. She meticulously organized every detail, not just to ensure the event would go off without a hitch, but also to keep her thoughts from drifting back to Pip's confession. The memory of his earnest words lingered in her mind, a bittersweet reminder of feelings she wasn't ready to confront. When the day finally arrived, she felt a tangled mix of excitement and anxiety.


The escape room exuded a cozy, dimly lit ambiance, brimming with mystery and anticipation. The walls were adorned with cryptic symbols and vintage decor, casting shadows that danced under the dim lights. As her friends began to arrive, each bringing their distinct energy, El felt a reassuring sense of normalcy settle over her. Nia was her usual bubbly and enthusiastic self, her laughter infectious. Ash maintained his sarcastic but good-natured demeanour, always ready with a witty comment. Joyce, although typically cool and distant, seemed genuinely pleased to be there, her eyes sparkling with unspoken excitement. Joyce had mentioned she wasn't coming alone, and indeed, she brought not just one guest, but two: Dylan and, to everyone's surprise, Pip.


El and her friends exchanged surprised glances. When Joyce said she was bringing someone, they hadn't expected Dylan and certainly not Pip. Nia had speculated about Dylan after the display Joyce had put on with her kiss, but Pip's presence was entirely unexpected. Pip, for his part, knew of Dylan and Joyce's ambiguous relationship, though he wasn't entirely sure what they were to each other. Dylan had simply invited him to hang out with friends, and seeing El among them was a shock that left him momentarily stunned.


"Happy Birthday, El!" Joyce exclaimed, giving El a big hug and handing her what looked like a gift card. El, smiling at Joyce, couldn't help but steal glances at Pip, her mind racing. Her heart fluttered as she recalled the softness in his voice when he had confessed his feelings.


"And as you all know, this is Dylan," Joyce finally introduced him to her friends, locking eyes with Nia. She didn't specify their relationship, leaving it unlabelled. Although Ash and El were curious about Dylan, it was Pip who truly captured their attention. Ash couldn't bring himself to ask why Pip was there, and El was consumed with memories of their recent trip. Since that day, she had been avoiding Pip's messages, and now, with him here, she felt as if she had been caught off guard.


She swallowed hard, looking at the newcomers, and managed to say, "Thanks for joining us."


For Pip, who had missed El all week, seeing her there was a delightful surprise, and learning it was her birthday was the cherry on top. If he had known earlier, he would have brought a gift to impress her, but now he stood there empty-handed, with nothing to offer the birthday girl—his not-so-secret crush.


Yet, without realizing it, he gave her the best gift of all. "Happy Birthday, El!" Pip wished her with a broad smile, his twinkling blue eyes melting El's heart, making it flutter and bringing a blush to her cheeks.


"Thanks," she replied, keeping it short as her heart raced.


"Sorry, I didn't know it was your birthday," he apologized for the lack of a gift.


"It's alright! You being here is enough," she muttered, realizing too late how that sounded. Her nervousness overwhelmed her, rendering her voice almost unrecognizable.


"I meant all of you," she quickly corrected, waving her hands toward her friends and looking around at everyone.


A smile tugged at Pip's mouth, which he tried to hide behind his hand, but it was clear for everyone to see.


To rescue his friend from further embarrassment, Ash interjected, "Shall we go in?" Once again, he proved to be a good friend, saving El from her awkwardness.


As they entered the escape room, the atmosphere became even more immersive. Dim lighting and intricate decorations transformed the space into a labyrinth of secrets waiting to be uncovered. The group gathered around the first puzzle, their initial awkwardness melting away as they focused on solving the clues. El felt a sense of relief as the activity allowed her to shift her attention away from her anxieties.


As they worked together, there were moments of genuine connection. Nia, with her infectious enthusiasm, managed to solve one of the tougher puzzles, earning cheers from everyone. Though Joyce clearly ignored her, Nia didn't let it show on her face. She didn't want to put El on the spot, so she managed to put on a happy smile for everyone to see. Ash's witty remarks kept the mood light, making everyone laugh even when they were stumped by a particularly challenging clue. Joyce and Dylan's dynamic, though understated, added an intriguing layer to the group's interactions.


In the midst of activity, El found herself partnered with Pip for a particularly challenging puzzle. Their hands brushed as they reached for the same puzzle piece, sending a jolt through her. She looked up to find him gazing at her with those familiar, twinkling blue eyes. For a moment, the world around them faded, leaving just the two of them in a bubble of unspoken feelings. El's heart swelled with a mixture of joy and nervous anticipation, the weight of their past conversations lingering in the air between them.


"You're really good at this," Pip said softly, his voice full of admiration.


El felt her cheeks warm again. "Thanks. I guess I've always liked puzzles."


As they worked together, she couldn't help but notice the little things about him—the way his brow furrowed in concentration, the gentle tone of his voice when he offered suggestions, and the warmth in his eyes when they finally cracked the code.


"Got it!" Pip exclaimed suddenly, breaking the spell as he solved the puzzle, earning cheers from everyone. El couldn't help but smile, her heart swelling with a mixture of pride and affection.


As they moved through the rooms, El noticed how Pip was always there, silently supporting her. He would offer a hand when she needed help, share a smile when she felt uncertain, and his presence became a comforting anchor in the chaotic excitement of the escape room.


After the final puzzle was solved and they escaped with minutes to spare, the group celebrated their victory. Nia jumped with joy, Ash made a sarcastic comment about their teamwork, and Joyce clapped her hands, looking genuinely happy. Dylan and Pip exchanged a satisfied nod, and El felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her.


Gathered outside, the group exchanged stories and relived their favourite moments from the game. El found herself standing next to Pip again, their shoulders brushing occasionally. The subtle contact sent shivers down her spine, a constant reminder of the unresolved tension between them.


In that moment, surrounded by her friends and the lingering thrill of their adventure, El realized that this day, with all its unexpected turns, was more than she could have hoped for. As Pip walked away, she felt a new sense of clarity. Maybe, just maybe, Pip's confession wasn't something to be afraid of. Maybe it was the beginning of something wonderful.


As the evening began to wind down, Joyce suggested they all head to a nearby rooftop bar to continue the celebration. The group eagerly agreed, and they made their way to a cozy spot with warm lighting and a welcoming atmosphere. They settled into a large booth, ordering drinks and snacks to share.


El felt a mix of contentment and nervousness as she sat between Nia and Pip. The conversation flowed easily, and she found herself laughing and engaging more than she had anticipated. Pip's presence, though still a source of butterflies, was also a comforting anchor in the lively group.


At one point, while the others were engrossed in a spirited debate about the best escape room strategies, Pip leaned in closer to El. "I really am sorry about not knowing it was your birthday," he said softly, his voice earnest. "I wish I could have done something special for you."


El looked into his eyes, feeling the sincerity in his words. "Pip, really, it's okay."


The intensity of their gaze deepened, and for a moment, it felt as if the rest of the world had faded away. Pip reached out and gently took her hand, his touch sending a warm rush through her. "I'm glad I came," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.


El's heart pounded in her chest, and she squeezed his hand in response. "Me too," she whispered back, her voice filled with emotion.


Their quiet moment was interrupted by Nia's cheerful exclamation. "Alright, let's raise a toast to El!" she said, holding up her glass. The others quickly followed suit, raising their glasses high.


"To El!" they chorused, their voices ringing with genuine affection.


El smiled, her eyes glistening with tears of happiness. "Thank you, everyone. This has been the best birthday."


As the night drew to a close and the group began to disperse, El found herself lingering outside with Pip. The air was cool and crisp, and the streetlights cast a soft glow over their surroundings.


"I will walk with you for a bit" Pip offered, his voice warm and inviting.


El nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude for the kindness in his gesture. They walked side by side, their steps slow and unhurried. As they reached the bus stop, El turned to face Pip, her heart pounding with unspoken feelings.


"Pip, I... I've been meaning to talk to you about what you said before," she began, her voice trembling slightly.


Pip's expression softened, and he took a step closer, his gaze steady and reassuring. "El, you don't have to say anything if you're not ready. I just wanted you to know how I feel."


El took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she gathered her courage. "I know, but I need you to understand that your words meant a lot to me. I've been scared and unsure, but tonight... tonight made me see you in a different light. I'm not sure how I feel yet, but I don't dislike you, and I'm curious to know more about you."


Pip's eyes widened with hope, and he reached out to gently cradle her face in his hands. "Really? I'll make sure you're not disappointed." His eyes gleamed with intensity as they flickered between her golden eyes and her lips. He gently brushed her bottom lip with his thumb, sending a thrilling jolt through her body.


With a surge of passion and excitement, Pip closed the distance between them, his heart racing as their lips met in a searing, electrifying kiss. The world seemed to vanish around them, leaving just the two of them in a bubble of unspoken desire and raw emotion. Their kiss deepened, filled with the urgency of weeks of pent-up feelings finally finding release.


When they finally broke apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other as they shared a moment of intimate closeness. "Happy birthday, El," Pip whispered, his voice husky with emotion and promise.
