The Darkness

As Carl slipped into the shadows, El and Pip were left standing in silence, the weight of recent revelations settling heavily between them. The quiet of the night seemed to amplify their thoughts, each lost in their own turmoil. El's mind swirled with questions, the memory of Carl's shadowy figure intertwining with the ominous letters, creating a tapestry of confusion and dread.


"I'm sorry," Pip said, breaking the silence. "I didn't realize he would follow me here." He felt a pang of regret, knowing well that introducing El to his family was a risk he never intended to take, yet it had happened, nonetheless.


"It's okay, Pip," El reassured him. "You need to be cautious. I'm not sure what dangers might be lurking around your family, but please stay safe."


Pip could only nod in response, fully aware that his family's connections always put him at risk.


"Thanks for checking in on me," El said, her voice tired. "I've been busy sorting things out around the house. I'm going to rest now, and you should too." Despite the comfort Pip's presence provided, El's thoughts were elsewhere.


Pip offered a faint smile. "Take care, El. I'll see you in class tomorrow."




Darkness surrounded El like a suffocating shroud. She could feel the cool, unfamiliar touch of metal against her wrists. Panic set in as she realized she was bound to a chair, her limbs rendered useless. The air was thick with uncertainty, and she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.


Just weeks ago, El had been a college student navigating the bustling streets of a new city—a city that held promises of a future, a city meant to be her haven for knowledge and growth. The newness of it all had been thrilling, from the vibrant cityscape to the diverse faces she passed each day. Her mind was filled with dreams and aspirations, and the future seemed bright and boundless.


But now, everything was eerily silent except for the distant echoes of her own breath. Her memory failed her. The last thing she recalled was the bustling cityscape and the hum of life around her. She had been returning from college, when darkness swallowed her whole.


The day had begun like any other. El had attended her classes, chatting with friends about their weekend plans and the upcoming midterms. She had lingered a bit longer in the library, losing herself in research for her next project. As she left the campus and walked towards her apartment, she felt the cool evening breeze against her face. The streets were alive with the usual buzz, people rushing home or heading out for the night.


El had just turned a corner onto a quieter street when she sensed something was wrong. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, a primal instinct warning her of impending danger. She quickened her pace, her heart beginning to race. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her, quick and purposeful. Before she could react, rough hands grabbed her from behind. A scream started to form in her throat, but it was swiftly cut off by a cloth being pressed over her mouth and nose. The smell of chemicals filled her nostrils, and darkness swiftly overtook her.


Now, she was trapped, her mind clouded with confusion. The room was pitch black, and she strained her senses to discern any clues about her captors or her location. The air was stale, carrying the weight of unknown secrets. Fear clawed at the edges of her consciousness as she tried to make sense of the situation. Why was she here? Who had taken her? Questions echoed in her mind, but the room offered no answers.


Her heart pounded in her chest as she fought against the restraints, her mind racing to comprehend the nightmare that had become her reality. This was not how her journey to the city of dreams was supposed to unfold. Every reason that had led her here, every hope and aspiration, now hung in precarious balance.


As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, vague shapes emerged—a flickering lightbulb swinging overhead, casting erratic shadows on the walls. It was then that she noticed the cold, unforgiving steel of her prison and the uncomfortable stiffness of her posture. The realization hit her like a wave—she was tied to a chair in an unknown place.


The silence was deafening, broken only by the distant drip of water and the occasional creak of the building settling. El's mind raced with possibilities. She could hear her own breath, shallow and rapid, and the thud of her heart echoing in her ears. She strained to hear anything else, any clue that might give her a hint about her captors or her surroundings.


Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching. The sound of boots against concrete sent a shiver down her spine. She tensed, every muscle in her body screaming with fear. The footsteps stopped just outside the door, and she heard the jingle of keys. The door creaked open, and she felt a rush of cold air as someone entered the room.


"She's awake," a gruff voice said. The voice was unfamiliar, rough and menacing. El felt her heart rate spike, her body trembling with fear. She heard the sound of more footsteps as several figures entered the room.


"What do we do with her?" another voice asked. This one was higher-pitched, almost nervous.


"Keep her quiet," the first voice replied. "Boss will be here soon."


El's mind raced. Who was the boss? What did they want with her? Were they sent by David? She remembered the letters from him; they included pictures of her family, her mother, the scene of her mother's accident, and the most recent one of herself with Grandma, as if David was watching every step of her life. She struggled against her bonds, but they held tight, the metal biting into her wrists. She felt a hand on her shoulder, rough and callous.


"Stay still, and you won't get hurt," the first voice growled. El's breath caught in her throat, terror flooding her veins. She forced herself to remain still, hoping to avoid further antagonizing her captors.


Time seemed to stretch on indefinitely. El had no way of knowing how long she sat there, every second feeling like an eternity. Her thoughts spiralled into a whirlwind of fear and despair. She thought of her family, her friends, the life she had been building. Would she ever see them again? What would happen to her?


Her mind played out countless horrifying scenarios. She imagined being hurt, or worse, by these men. She wondered if anyone was looking for her, if anyone even knew she was missing yet. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she fought them back. She needed to stay strong, to keep her wits about her if she had any hope of escaping.


Finally, the sound of footsteps returned. This time, they were accompanied by a more confident stride. The door opened again, and El could sense a shift in the atmosphere. Whoever had just entered commanded respect and fear from the others.


"Is this her?" a new voice asked, smoother and more authoritative. The others mumbled in agreement. El felt a hand lift her chin, forcing her to face the direction of the voice. Though she couldn't see, she sensed the intensity of the gaze fixed upon her.


"So, you're the one causing all this trouble," the smooth voice said, more to himself than to her. El's mind raced. Trouble? She had no idea what he was talking about. She had been a normal student, living a normal life. What could she possibly have done to warrant this?


The hand released her chin, and she heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor as the newcomer sat down. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here," he continued, a hint of amusement in his voice. "All will be revealed in time."


El's heart pounded in her chest. She wanted to scream, to demand answers, but she knew better. For now, she had to stay calm, to listen and learn as much as she could. Panic would only make things worse.


"Secure her," the smooth voice ordered. El felt rough hands once again on her shoulders, tightening the bonds around her wrists and ankles. She winced as the restraints dug deeper into her skin.


"Now," the voice said, "we wait." The words sent a chill down El's spine. Wait for what? What did they have planned for her? She had no choice but to endure the darkness, the fear, and the uncertainty, hoping against hope that she would find a way out of this nightmare.


Hours seemed to pass in silence. Elena's mind drifted in and out of a state of hyper-awareness and a hazy exhaustion. She listened to the rhythmic breathing of the men around her, trying to gauge their intentions, their plans. She clung to the hope that she would find a moment, a chance to escape.


As the hours dragged on, the tension in the room grew. The men were becoming restless, pacing and muttering amongst themselves. The authoritative figure had left at some point, leaving Elena alone with the gruff-voiced man and his nervous companion.


Suddenly, the door burst open again, and the room was filled with a new sense of urgency. "Underboss is here," the gruff voice announced. El's heart sank. Whoever this boss was, she doubted he was here to release her.


Another figure walked in, swiftly crossing the room until El felt the weight of his gaze upon her once again.


"El," he said, his voice low but reassuring. He gently placed his warm hands on her cheeks. "Sorry, I didn't know this would happen. I am so sorry."


El knew that voice. It was always the same deep voice that came to her rescue. She hoped it was him, she wished it was him. As he worked to release the clutches on her ankles and wrists, the tears she had tried so hard to withhold burst forth, and she began to sob uncontrollably.

