Whispers in the Dark

El's world was a swirling vortex of fear and confusion. The darkness pressed in around her, a suffocating shroud that amplified the cool, unfamiliar touch of metal against her wrists and ankles. Panic surged through her veins, her heart pounding wildly as she struggled against her bonds, but they held fast, biting into her skin with a relentless grip.


She heard footsteps approaching, each one echoing ominously in the silence. Her breath hitched, fear constricting her throat. Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the oppressive darkness, a beacon of hope in her nightmare.


"Carl, is that you?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above her own racing heartbeat.


"Yeah, it's me," came the staggered reply.


Relief washed over her like a tidal wave, but it was quickly replaced by a desperate need for safety. The moment the metal restraints fell away, she threw herself into Carl's arms, clinging to him as if her life depended on it. Tears she had fought so hard to hold back now flowed freely, her sobs wracking her body. "Help me," she pleaded, her voice breaking.


Carl gently removed her blindfold, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "I'm here, don't worry. Are you hurt?"


El shook her head, unable to form words through her tears.


Ignoring the disapproving looks from those around them, Carl lifted her to her feet. He disregarded their silent warnings and led her out of the basement. The air was thick with tension, every creak of the floorboards making her flinch. The narrow stairs felt like they were closing in, each step echoing her fear. She clung tightly to Carl's arm, her legs weak and unsteady beneath her. The walls seemed to press closer, the shadows dancing menacingly around them.


They emerged into the cool night air, the sudden change in environment disorienting her. El blinked against the dim light, her vision hazy. She didn't recognize their surroundings, but the oppressive fear began to ease slightly as they moved further from the basement. Carl guided her through a side entrance of a familiar mansion. This was where she had once brought Pip to meet his father, a place that now felt foreign and unsafe.


Carl led her into one of the rooms, easing her onto a soft bed. "El, please rest here. I'll be back soon," he said, his voice gentle but urgent.


"Wait, explain all of this," she demanded, her voice trembling but gaining strength.


"I will, but you need to rest now," Carl insisted, his eyes filled with worry.


"Don't tell me what I need!" she snapped, anger flaring through her fear. "Did you do this to me?"


"God, no! I would never hurt you. I wouldn't even dream of it," he replied, his voice heavy with guilt. He looked away, unable to meet her gaze. "I think it's my father. He wanted to use you to get to Pip. I swear I didn't know any of his plans. I'm really sorry for what happened to you. If only I hadn't visited you, they wouldn't have tracked you through me. It was my short-sightedness. I'm so sorry, El. No one will come here; just stay until I come back." With that, he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.


El sat in stunned silence, her mind racing. The room felt like it was closing in on her again, the weight of what had happened pressing down on her. She felt a mix of fury and betrayal, her emotions a chaotic storm. She didn't know who to trust, and the thought that Carl's father had orchestrated this filled her with dread.


Carl hurriedly climbed the stairs to his father's study, pulling out his phone and quickly texting Pip: "For god's sake, Pip, get home now. Dad got El."


He felt a surge of determination. He had to protect El and set things right, no matter the cost.


As Carl reached the door to his father's study, he hesitated for a moment before knocking. The heavy, ornate door felt like a barrier between him and the impending confrontation. Taking a deep breath, he pushed it open and stepped inside. His father didn't bother to lift his head as Carl approached and stood in front of him.


"Father, you gave me a day," Carl began, his voice steady but tinged with urgency.


"Enough!" His father slammed his hand down on the table, the sound reverberating through the room. "You should have dragged him here when you had the chance. Instead, you showed your weakness. How dare you go against my order? Get your act together, or you will end up on the streets just like your mother."


Carl swallowed hard, the weight of his father's threat pressing down on him. He had never defied his father before, aware that those who did rarely lived to tell the tale. The realization that El was not only Pip's weakness but also his own struck him deeply.


The easiest solution to this mess was for Pip to come home, but his text had gone unread. Desperation gnawed at him.


"I will go bring him now," Carl assured his father, turning on his heel and leaving the office immediately.


As he descended the stairs, he pulled out his phone and made a quick call. "Iris, take care of El. She's in my room. Protect her by all means," he ordered, not waiting for an acknowledgment. His voice was sharp and clear, leaving no room for misunderstanding. He had an hour to complete his task, and he rushed toward his car, his mind racing with plans and contingencies.


In the silence of the room, El tried to steady her breathing, focusing on the rhythm of her inhales and exhales. She couldn't afford to let fear paralyze her. She had to stay alert, to be ready for whatever came next. The fight for survival was just beginning, and she needed every ounce of strength and resolve to face it.


El's mind wandered endlessly. The uncertainty gnawed at her, making her question everything, especially Carl. Less than ten hours had passed since she was captured, but the ordeal felt like an eternity. Her bruised wrists throbbed as she paced back and forth in the room, the memory of being held against the metal chair still vivid in her mind. The fear, anger, and confusion had consumed her, but now, as she moved about, those intense emotions began to slow down, giving way to exhaustion.


A gentle knock on the door startled her, though it didn't carry the same menacing weight as before. It felt almost reassuring, a stark contrast to the earlier, harsher treatment. She hesitated for a moment before opening it, and there stood a familiar face. It was the same woman she had seen the other day when she brought Pip over.


"I have been asked to look after you. Do you need anything at all?" Iris asked.


El remembered Iris as Carl's assistant. She didn't look as intimidating now; in fact, concern was evident in her voice. "Where is Carl?" El asked, the question tumbling out before she could stop herself.


Iris sighed deeply before answering. "He had to go somewhere. He asked me to be on guard for you."


"Can I ask you something?" El inquired.


Iris nodded, and El closed the door, showing Iris to the sofa in the corner of the room. Iris hesitated to enter, seemingly uncomfortable with being in her boss's private space, but eventually, she took a seat, glancing around as if trying to glean insights about Carl from the room itself.


"Tell me, was this Carl's idea to kidnap me to lure Pip?" El confronted Iris.


"No," Iris replied instantly. "Trust me, he would never do that."


"How can I trust you when I don't even know who you are?" El retorted.


"If you didn't trust me, you wouldn't have asked me first," Iris smirked.


El felt a surge of annoyance. "Look, I can understand why you are angry, but Carl is not like his father. His brand came from the family he was born into, which he didn't have any control over. I wish he had chosen a different path." Iris's concern for Carl was palpable. "If it wasn't him, I wouldn't be alive right now."


"What do you mean?" El asked, her curiosity piqued.


"Carl rescued me from a brothel. I was sold to one when I was fifteen. It was a living nightmare, covered by drugs, substance abuse, and bastards that I wouldn't even wish on my enemy. If it wasn't for Carl, my life would have been over," tears clouded Iris's eyes. "I would be a loyal dog for him if he wanted, but he only treats me with respect," she added, smiling at the thought of Carl.


El sensed the deep affection Iris had for him. "Do you like him?" she asked.


"I am not worthy of him," Iris answered. "Anyway, what I meant was, this is his way of protecting you." Iris looked at El, who seemed to understand. "I will leave you to rest. Call me if you need anything. I will just be outside."


Iris left the room and stood guard outside, her own thoughts occupied with Carl's predicament. She knew the risks he was taking, the dangerous line he was walking by defying his father. She admired his courage and his sense of justice, but she also feared for his safety. Carl had always been different from his father, more compassionate and empathetic, but that also made him vulnerable in a world ruled by power and cruelty.


Back in the room, El lay down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her thoughts drifted to Pip, hoping he was safe. She wondered how he would react to all of this, and whether he would come to her rescue. The uncertainty of her situation weighed heavily on her, but she knew she had to stay strong. She couldn't afford to let fear paralyze her.


Time passed slowly, each minute dragging into the next. El's mind remained a whirlwind of emotions, but amidst the fear and uncertainty, a small flicker of hope remained. She would find a way out of this. She had to. For herself, for Pip, and maybe, just maybe, for Carl too.

Iris's mobile phone rang, slicing through the tension in the room. Seeing Carl's name flash on the screen, she answered immediately, her voice steady but concerned. "Yes, Carl?"


"Hey, listen," Carl's voice came through, tense and hurried. "I got Pip here. He didn't take the news well. I don't think it will do any good if he meets El in that state. I'm worried he might do something rash that could provoke father even more. Can you bring El to our garage safely? I'll send Pip to father's room before I head down there."


"Got it," Iris replied curtly, ending the call. She took a moment to compose herself before knocking on El's door and walking in with a forced smile to mask her own unease.


"El, we have to go," Iris informed her gently.


El stood up, her nerves evident in the way her fingers fidgeted. "Where?"


"You're going home," Iris said softly, and she saw the instant relief wash over El's face, momentarily easing the lines of tension that had formed.


El's relief was short-lived. "What about Pip?" she asked, concern knitting her brows.


"He's on his way here. Carl thinks it's better if he doesn't see you right now; he's already agitated," Iris explained, her tone soothing.


El nodded, the sense of having no control over her situation settling heavily on her shoulders as she quietly followed Iris to the garage.


When Iris flicked on the light, El's eyes widened in astonishment. The garage was enormous, nearly half the size of the mansion, with six cars parked in pristine rows. Each vehicle, ranging from the poshest supercar to an old trunk car, gleamed under the fluorescent lights.


El wandered in awe, her fingertips grazing the shiny frame of a Rolls-Royce. Her attention then shifted to a dark green Honda Accord. She froze, her breath catching in her throat as a wave of dread washed over her.


Her hands trembled as she reached out to touch the car, tears welling in her eyes. Her voice quivered, barely above a whisper. "Whose car is this?"


"That one? It's one of the old cars that the big boss used for work. It's been out of use for a couple of years now. Why do you ask?" Iris replied, noticing the change in El's demeanour.


El's eyes locked onto the damaged left headlight, a faint bloodstain still visible. Her legs gave way, and she collapsed to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. This was the car from the photo David had sent her—the car involved in the accident that had killed her mother. The broken headlight was a cruel reminder, a piece of the tragic puzzle she never wanted to connect.


The realisation hit her like a tidal wave. The Carter family's connection to David, and now this car, was too much to bear. Fear and rage warred within her, her body shaking with the intensity of her emotions. Exhaustion from the ordeal finally caught up with her, and she fainted, crumpling to the floor in a heap of despair.

