Questions and Answers


El's eyes fluttered open, the sterile white ceiling of the hospital room coming into focus. She felt disoriented, her body heavy and aching. As she turned her head, she saw Carl sitting beside her, his face drawn with worry and fatigue. The sight of him brought a rush of conflicting emotions. He looked up, relief flooding his features when he saw she was awake.


"El, you're awake," Carl said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."


El's hand instinctively reached out, gripping Carl's before he could pull away. "Don't go," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "Stay with me."


Carl nodded, swallowing hard. "I was going to ask Iris to stay with you, but if you want me to stay..."


"I do," El interrupted, her grip tightening on his hand. The room fell into an awkward silence, the weight of the past day's events hanging heavily between them. El's mind raced, trying to piece together the chaotic puzzle of her kidnapping, the strange connection between Carl's family and her past, and the car in the garage. She needed answers, and Carl was her only link.


Carl broke the silence, recounting how she had fainted in the garage when he came to pick her up. "You must have been exhausted," he said, his eyes full of concern.


"Maybe," El replied, feigning ignorance. She decided to probe gently, changing the subject to mask her true intentions. "I noticed the cars in the garage. There were some really posh ones. Do you drive them all?"


Carl seemed relieved by the shift in conversation. "Not all. Some are just for show. The Rolls-Royce, for example, is my father's favourite."


El nodded, pretending to be interested. "What about the old car? The dark green Honda Accord? It seemed out of place."


Carl's expression darkened slightly. "That one? It was used for business purposes. It's been out of commission for a while."


El's heart pounded in her chest. "Why is that? Did something happen to it?"


Carl hesitated. "It was involved in an accident. It's not in a usable state anymore."


El's pulse quickened. She had to tread carefully. "Why keep it then? Why not get rid of it?"


Carl seemed uncomfortable, shifting in his seat. "My father likes to hold onto things. Memories, maybe." He quickly changed the subject, pulling out her phone. "I messaged your college mates from your phone, told them you weren't well and needed a few days to rest before going back to classes. Pip has been calling too, but I haven't answered."


El's mind was reeling. The car in the garage, the accident, and Carl's evasive answers all pointed to something deeper, something she needed to uncover. She felt a surge of determination mixed with a pang of fear. Carl was her only way to the truth, but she had to be careful not to push too hard too soon.


"Thank you for handling that," she said softly, trying to hide her racing thoughts. "It's just... a lot to take in."


Carl nodded, his eyes full of sympathy. "I understand. Rest now. We'll figure this out together."


As Carl sat by her side, El felt a mix of relief and unease. She needed answers, but the more she learned, the more questions arose. The only way to find the truth was through Carl, and she would have to navigate this fragile connection carefully. The stakes were higher than ever, and El knew she couldn't afford any missteps.


"Why did you save me, Carl?" El asked, breaking the silence again. "Helping me means going against your dad. Staying in his favour would make it easier for you to rule the Carter empire. Why risk that for me?"


Carl sighed deeply, his eyes clouding with a mix of guilt and something else El couldn't quite place. "Everything you said was true. I've never gone against my father before," he admitted. "But when it comes to you, El, I... I lose my senses. From the first time we met, I've wanted to protect you, even if I can't always be with you."


His words hung in the air, filled with a raw, unspoken emotion. El's heart ached with the realization of what he was saying. Carl's feelings for her ran deeper than she had ever suspected.


"I'm sorry," Carl continued, his voice breaking. "I'm sorry for putting your life at risk. I knew how messed up my life was, how dangerous it could be for you. But I couldn't help myself."


El's breath caught in her throat. She had never imagined that Carl harboured such feelings for her. She squeezed his hand, trying to convey her understanding and forgiveness through that simple gesture.


"It's okay, Carl," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I had no idea. But I need to understand what's happening. I need to know the truth."


Carl looked away, his jaw tightening. "I don't know everything, El. But I'll help you find the answers. I promise."


They sat in silence for a while, the weight of their conversation settling over them like a heavy blanket. El's mind churned with questions and doubts, but she knew that Carl was her only hope of uncovering the truth. She would have to trust him, at least for now.


"Get some rest," Carl finally said, standing up. "I'll be here if you need me."


El nodded, her eyes following him as he left the room. She was exhausted, but her mind refused to quiet. The answers she sought were tantalizingly close, but still out of reach. She would have to be patient, to play her cards carefully. For now, she had Carl's support, and that would have to be enough.




El was getting ready to leave the hospital room. She was waiting for the duty doctor's final visit to clear her. The past few days had been a blur of fear, confusion, and exhaustion. She still couldn't wrap her head around everything that had happened.


Carl's phone rang for the second time, the harsh sound breaking the uneasy silence. He glanced at the screen and sighed before answering. "Fuck, Carl, where the hell are you? Did you run away with that girl or what?" His father's voice was sharp and unforgiving.


"What happened? I thought Pip is now back at home," Carl responded, trying to keep his tone even.


"Yes, he is, but you are not! Get back here before I lose my shit." It was a warning Carl knew not to disobey.


"I'll be there in 30," Carl answered before ending the call. He had expected this, but the risk had been worth it. Turning towards El, he felt a pang of guilt. "Sorry, El, I must go now. I've cleared the bills. I'll call for Iris to help you get home."


"No, it's alright. Thanks for sorting it out. I can get home myself. I'm okay now," El reassured him, trying to mask her anxiety with a weak smile.


Carl nodded, lingering for a moment longer than necessary. There was so much he wanted to say, but now wasn't the time. "Take care, El. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call."


El watched him leave, feeling a strange mix of relief and dread. Carl had been her unexpected ally, but his presence also brought a whirlwind of complications. As the door closed behind him, she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.


The duty doctor arrived shortly after, giving her the all-clear to leave. She gathered her belongings and made her way out of the hospital, each step feeling like she was moving through quicksand. The memory of the car in the garage haunted her thoughts, the damaged headlight and the bloodstain seared into her mind.


Once outside, she hailed a cab and directed it to her apartment. The drive was a blur, her mind racing with questions and half-formed plans.


Back at her apartment, she locked the door behind her and leaned against it, the weight of everything pressing down on her. She couldn't do this alone. Carl's feelings for her were genuine—she had seen the guilt and concern in his eyes. He might be her best chance at uncovering the truth.


Carl sat in his father's study, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. His father's piercing gaze bore into him, making him shift uncomfortably in his seat.


"You're late," his father said, his tone icy.


"I just want to help her, that's all. Nothing to worry about," Carl answered casually, trying to downplay his true feelings.


His father scoffed. "Your infatuation with that girl is going to ruin you, Carl. She's a distraction you can't afford."


Carl clenched his fists under the table.


His father's expression darkened. "You're treading dangerous ground, son. Remember where your loyalties lie."




The next day, El returned to college with a sense of determination. She knew she had to catch up on the classes she had missed over the past three days. Despite the turmoil she had endured, she was resolute in masking her struggles. As she walked through the campus, she took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and put on a brave face.


Her friends greeted her with enthusiastic smiles and warm hugs, clearly thrilled to see her back. They immediately began filling her in on everything she had missed. El listened intently, nodding and laughing at their stories, though her mind was elsewhere.


Throughout the day, El couldn't shake the hope that she would run into Pip. Since the incident, they hadn't been in touch—no messages, no calls. This silence made her feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Usually, in stressful situations, people naturally seek comfort from loved ones, but El didn't feel that way toward Pip. This confused her even more, given the already tangled situation she was in. She hoped that seeing him in person would help clear the air. However, to her dismay, Pip didn't attend any of his classes that day.


After her classes, El decided to text Pip, trying to keep things casual. "Hey Pip, just checking how you're doing. I noticed you weren't here in class, so I hope everything is okay."


As soon as Pip saw the message, a surge of determination overwhelmed him. He had been consumed by guilt, convinced that El despised him for everything that had happened. His shame had kept him from reaching out, fearing her rejection. But now, with her reaching out first, all those doubts were obliterated. He needed to see her, to explain himself, to be there for her.


Without a second thought, Pip sprang into action, his heart pounding with urgency. The walls of his father's mansion felt like a prison closing in on him. He had to escape, to flee from the oppressive grasp that sought to control his every move. He had to reach El.


Back in the Carter mansion, a guard knocked on Mr. Carter's study door. After receiving permission, he entered, bowing his head low, visibly trembling.


"Sir?" he began, his voice shaky.


"Spill it," Mr. Carter commanded, not even turning from his view out the window.


"Sorry to bring you bad news, sir. Philip has escaped. Our men are tracking him, and we'll have him back within the hour," the guard reported, his words tumbling out in a rush. He stood there, dreading the consequences of delivering such news.


Mr. Carter, still gazing out the window, let out a chuckle. "Ah, what a turn of events. Let him go," he said with a sinister smile creeping across his face. "I know exactly what to do to make him crawl back here."


The day dragged on at the Carter mansion, and Pip's father, Arthur Carter, poured himself a glass of whiskey, swirling the amber liquid thoughtfully before taking a sip. He sank into his leather chair, his mind racing with schemes and calculations.


Arthur Carter was a man who prided himself on control. His empire was built on meticulous planning and ruthless execution. However, the current situation with his sons had thrown an unexpected wrench into his well-oiled machine. Both Pip and Carl were becoming increasingly unpredictable, all because of one girl—El.


Arthur's lips curled into a sinister smile as he leaned back, contemplating his next move.


"One girl," he muttered to himself, "one insignificant girl, and my sons are acting like fools. Pip's defiance and Carl's sudden sense of rebellion... all because of her."


He took another sip of his whiskey, savouring the burn as it went down. He needed to regain control, to steer his sons back onto the path he had laid out for them. Allowing them to be swayed by emotions was dangerous. It was time to put an end to this distraction.


"El," he said her name slowly, as if tasting its implications. "She has become a thorn in my side. It's time to pluck it out."


